Biden Orders Republican AZ Governor Doug Ducey To Open Border And Remove 60 Shipping Containers Filling 4000' Gap In Border Wall

Only to a few, but all Democrats are for illegals being let in.

False. I personally know if a few Dems that don't want illegals here. Do you have a link?

Yes, Dementia is following the laws that he created by reversing all of Trump's policies that he created under a Democrat led House after a year or so of fighting with them.

Presidents don't create laws, Congress does. Congress created the amnesty law, Congress needs to change it.

What they didn't stop, their commie judges did...... at least temporarily.

Commie judges? That is your argument?

I want to see your reasining. Show me one single court case that you think was by a "commie judges" that you think the legal reason for the decision was so wrong...or are you just blindly parrotting the right wing tropes?

But when all the fighting and name calling were over, most of them stopped coming because they knew they'd never be able to sneak into the country like the others.

Yet, sneak in they did. That is why Trump was fly them all over the country and put them up in hotels.

Thanks for your cherry picked articles but even after all that illegals were still coming here, getting hired, paying into SS, having kids.

Trump won't bite the hand of the elites that feed him, that is for sure.
False. I personally know if a few Dems that don't want illegals here. Do you have a link?

Presidents don't create laws, Congress does. Congress created the amnesty law, Congress needs to change it.

Commie judges? That is your argument?

I want to see your reasining. Show me one single court case that you think was by a "commie judges" that you think the legal reason for the decision was so wrong...or are you just blindly parrotting the right wing tropes?

Yet, sneak in they did. That is why Trump was fly them all over the country and put them up in hotels.

Thanks for your cherry picked articles but even after all that illegals were still coming here, getting hired, paying into SS, having kids.

Trump won't bite the hand of the elites that feed him, that is for sure.

I provided three sources of Trump's success including one of your own. I don't know how much more evidence you need. Trump did send illegals to other places because the Communists were fighting him every step of the way, so he sent them to their states which of course they bitched about just like they did at Martha's Vineyard. But again, once Trump got everything in order, drastic improvements were made.

I provided three sources of Trump's success including one of your own. I don't know how much more evidence you need. Trump did send illegals to other places because the Communists were fighting him every step of the way, so he sent them to their states which of course they bitched about just like they did at Martha's Vineyard. But again, once Trump got everything in order, drastic improvements were made.

All presidents have border successes. Do I need to post a couple headlines on the president of your choice to prove it?

The fact is despite any presidents successes, illegals still cross our border and get hired by American employers.
All presidents have border successes. Do I need to post a couple headlines on the president of your choice to prove it?

The fact is despite any presidents successes, illegals still cross our border and get hired by American employers.

So who ever said any policy will stop ALL illegals crossing? The point is Trump is the only one that had major success in slowing down crossings. Also to the point the reason we have a huge problem today is because Dementia reversed those policies to get more illegals into the country. And the point I just made is that the commie judges are working hand and hand with the Democrat party to keep it that way.
I hope Dark Biden told Ducey to f##k off. Yah! Derp.
By doing shit like this Biden continues to prove he is 'all in' on violating the Constitution, violatibg the rule of law, creating a national security disaster, tanking the economy, aiding and abetting cartels, mules,traffickers, murderers, pedophes, terrorists, etc... and does not give a damn about this country & Americans.

By defending him, snowflakes continue to prove THEY are the threats to this country, not Conservatives.
So who ever said any policy will stop ALL illegals crossing? The point is Trump is the only one that had major success in slowing down crossings. Also to the point the reason we have a huge problem today is because Dementia reversed those policies to get more illegals into the country. And the point I just made is that the commie judges are working hand and hand with the Democrat party to keep it that way.
The original point was, lost in all this back and forth, is that Biden didn't commit treason simply because another president had better immigration numbers then him.

If that is the case then if the next president cracks down on employers and fixes our visa system and crossing are way down even more then was under Trump, then Trump too will have committed treason at that point.

The logic is just right wing noise.
I think Ducey is a total RINO but he's getting this right, at least for optical purposes.

The Feds abdicated their rights to border enforcement once they decided to break the law & enable an illegal invasion of criminals.
If they fail to do their sworn duty & protect our country from border jumpers, the individual states have the right & obligation to step in, protect their own citizens & stop the invasion
the usual dim hypocrisy

ok for the fed gov to break the law but if anyone else does or even appears to.. wham!

To hell with this fake admin. The illegals are still illegal. No one changed immigration law.. just violated it

By doing shit like this Biden continues to prove he is 'all in' on violating the Constitution, violatibg the rule of law, creating a national security disaster, tanking the economy, aiding and abetting cartels, mules,traffickers, murderers, pedophes, terrorists, etc... and does not give a damn about this country & Americans.

By defending him, snowflakes continue to prove THEY are the threats to this country, not Conservatives.
How is he violating the constitution?

Please correct me if I am wrong (it's been a while since I looked into it) but the only reference to immigration in the constitution is that only the federal government has powers of states are unable to give citizenship.
I don't how but it does. That's why I said it was weird.... I just looked it up and found some picks. Admittedly I didn't know about the little berry looking things but like I said I was speaking from a "drive by" view.

I don't typicality give out personal information about where I live or have lived but only about 4 states grow an appreciable amount of asparagus so take your pick.

I will add that fresh picked asparagus is damn good. Brush it with olive oil and sprinkle generous amounts of salt and pepper then broil it until it starts to turn black in spots ... delicious.

Actually it's 3 States. And only spears that aren't cut can "fern out" as your link indicates. From your link:
As the spears mature, they become woody at the base while the tips begin to open and develop into fern-like foliage.


Read more at Gardening Know How: What Is Ferning Out – What To Do For Asparagus Ferning Out Early Does Asparagus Bolt: Learn About Ferning Out In Asparagus
How is he violating the constitution?

Please correct me if I am wrong (it's been a while since I looked into it) but the only reference to immigration in the constitution is that only the federal government has powers of states are unable to give citizenship.

"He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed", he's not, simple as that.

Actually it's 3 States. And only spears that aren't cut can "fern out" as your link indicates. From your link:
As the spears mature, they become woody at the base while the tips begin to open and develop into fern-like foliage.

Sure. I just assumed they cut them all. Had not noticed they left some.


Read more at Gardening Know How: What Is Ferning Out – What To Do For Asparagus Ferning Out Early Does Asparagus Bolt: Learn About Ferning Out In Asparagus
Really? A partison can use the same excuse for any president in history in at least one form or another.

How many have willfully acted as the last mile delivery service of 5 million illegals for the cartels? All the while allowing the cartels to make 14 billion a year human trafficking and forcing the US taxpayers to support those criminal aliens from virtually every nation on earth.

A boxcar a day keeps the criminals away
Liberals want deadbeat government assistance criminals because over 50% of liberals are same

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