Biden Orders Republican AZ Governor Doug Ducey To Open Border And Remove 60 Shipping Containers Filling 4000' Gap In Border Wall

What do the combines do with the crops? Box them up and drive them to storage facilities by themselves? Those are some fancy combines.

Nope. Illegals box, carry sort, load and the lucky ones get to drive the big semis with no CDL because yah know, farmer lobby's paid to have laws that let illegals with no CDL drive semis within 50 miles of the farm.

What about the fields behind crop circles that grow apples, cherries? You ever seen a combine in an asparagus field? I haven't.

Let me know when you stop moving the goal posts. Also I seriously doubt you've ever seen an asparagus field.

defend the border. That seems like one you never heard of. From foreign enemies. again, something you haven't heard of while fentanyl is prosperous from the open borders creepy allows open, fking traitor.
Agreed. That is why I want to address the problem effectively and efficiently, not buy "build wall" derp derp.
Let me know when you stop moving the goal posts. Also I seriously doubt you've ever seen an asparagus field.

Just pretty much every day during may and June. Oddest things actually. They grow right up out of the ground and look just like they do at the store. After the crates are laid out the illegals get to picking. It looks like back breaking work for sure. From a drive distance it looks like they cut it low to the ground and then throw it satchels hanging from their shoulders before transferring to the crates.

What's weird is after they are harvested...actually right now even, the leftover asparagus that were cut turn into little bushes.
We are seeing #'s of illegals like never before, and it's directly related to Bidung announcing to the world that should he become president, there should immediately be a surge to the border:

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

They aren't doing it for the same reason Repubs didn't. Money.

I am angry at them. Have been for a long time.

I didn't just accept it. I complain about Dems too.

Are you making up a bio about me? It's not true.
Globalists On the Payroll

Any Republican opinionist who doesn't call the invaders "immigration criminals" instead of "illegal immigrants" is a cheap-labor traitor.
Just like years ago when the Arizona governor wanted to secure their border, the Obama administration took them to court to stop it.
This is who Dimocrats are, they have ZERO respect for citizenship.

The best part about that is it actually worked. Schools were reporting only half their students showing up. Construction companies the same. When they made their own immigration laws, the illegals got the hell out of there. The problem is that since DumBama, the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Any white person that supports the Democrat party is a complete dunce.
But he has if they are actually illegal instead applying for amnesty.

I want to know why incest Trump didn't go after employers or work on the visa program. Instead he touted a wall that Mexico was going to pay for, that Dems offered 25 billion on and he refused to take, while at the same time crafting sections of wall that a 10 year old girl could get through with 50 dollar home depot card.

Trump did more in one term to stop illegals than the last three Presidents before him combined. The Border Patrol never got political until Trump ran for office. They knew Trump would assist them in whatever they needed. In fact, the BP never endorsed anybody except Donald Trump.
What do the combines do with the crops? Box them up and drive them to storage facilities by themselves? Those are some fancy combines.

Nope. Illegals box, carry sort, load and the lucky ones get to drive the big semis with no CDL because yah know, farmer lobby's paid to have laws that let illegals with no CDL drive semis within 50 miles of the farm.

What about the fields behind crop circles that grow apples, cherries? You ever seen a combine in an asparagus field? I haven't.

Do you have a link for that? I'm a retired tractor-trailer operator, and that's the first I ever heard of that one given CDL's are federal and not local.
Ok. You said it. I don't live in a border state and so have no idea blah blah blah. No point in my posting anymore.

Is it possible to add that posting requirement to the thread title? It is a waste of time to debate someone who adds restrictions to opinions they will consider as worthy of the topic.

Have a great day!
I think the problem is more about the content of some of your posts, rather than the fact your are making some.

I know that sounds bad, but it is my honest opinion.

You seem to be arguing:
  • No need for border enforcement ("what oath is broken?)
  • Other presidents did so to (we all know Trump was so much for border enforcement you probably called him racist)
  • The wall doesn't work (when the OP confirms Biden says it does)
  • Borders are closed. (Provably false)
  • Illegal immigration is a good thing. (implied throughout)

Respectfully, it's all nonsense to me. But it is admirable, IMO, to post here against strong opposition. That's something few others who support open borders or Biden are doing here.

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