A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Yeah, "Ahmaud Arbery" sounds like such a Black Christian American name. He was spottin' steel.

Spot it in the daytime and steal it at night. Guess where I heard that? From a black man that knows about 200 more old-time gospel songs than your ass does (If still alive).

Try again, racebait. Why did he not turn on the afterburners and get the hell outta Dodge?
So, guilty until proven innocent....unless you’re white
Why is this a race thing?
You tell me, racetard
The black attacked the whites, i’m not sure how anybody sees anything wrong with this. We have the right to first amendment and we have a right to self-defense with a gun
That didn't happen.
So they pulled up and shot him?

"According to a police report, the man, Gregory McMichael, 64, called out to his son, Travis McMichael, 34. They grabbed their weapons, a .357 magnum revolver and a shotgun, jumped into a truck and began following Mr. Arbery. "

A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Looks like you can't job while being white either. 32 year old white woman grabbed, punched, and dragged into some trees by a black man. Yes, racism still exists for sure.

Oh wow. A white person killed a black person.

Now that's something you don't see every day. It's usually always a black person killing a white person, or a black person killing another black person. This is really big news here. Someone get CNN and MSNBC on the line, people need to know about this.

Just what's this world coming to these days? I am shocked.

Shocked I tell ya.
Funny how about 90 percent of whites who are killed are killed by another white and idiots like this are blind to it.

So what percentage of blacks are actually killed by white people? It must be very low, judging by all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from of the leftard media. Of course when whitey gets capped by darkie, or darkie's capped by another darkie, we hear nothing but crickets from the disingenuous bastards in the media.
To an honest, non racist person, it seems we need more info before pointing fingers.
Lol who am I kidding. Let the racists be racists. Good day dumbfucks

That's not you.

"According to a police report, the man, Gregory McMichael, 64, called out to his son, Travis McMichael, 34. They grabbed their weapons, a .357 magnum revolver and a shotgun, jumped into a truck and began following Mr. Arbery. "
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Yeah, "Ahmaud Arbery" sounds like such a Black Christian American name. He was spottin' steel.

Spot it in the daytime and steal it at night. Guess where I heard that? From a black man that knows about 200 more old-time gospel songs than your ass does (If still alive).

Try again, racebait. Why did he not turn on the afterburners and get the hell outta Dodge?
So, guilty until proven innocent....unless you’re white
Why is this a race thing?
You tell me, racetard
The black attacked the whites, i’m not sure how anybody sees anything wrong with this. We have the right to first amendment and we have a right to self-defense with a gun
That didn't happen.
So they pulled up and shot him?

"According to a police report, the man, Gregory McMichael, 64, called out to his son, Travis McMichael, 34. They grabbed their weapons, a .357 magnum revolver and a shotgun, jumped into a truck and began following Mr. Arbery. "

A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Looks like you can't job while being white either. 32 year old white woman grabbed, punched, and dragged into some trees by a black man. Yes, racism still exists for sure.

That white woman was not killed and white men do this to white women far more often.
Oh wow. A white person killed a black person.

Now that's something you don't see every day. It's usually always a black person killing a white person, or a black person killing another black person. This is really big news here. Someone get CNN and MSNBC on the line, people need to know about this.

Just what's this world coming to these days? I am shocked.

Shocked I tell ya.
Funny how about 90 percent of whites who are killed are killed by another white and idiots like this are blind to it.

So what percentage of blacks are actually killed by white people? It must be very low, judging by all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from of the leftard media. Of course when whitey gets capped by darkie, or darkie's capped by another darkie, we hear nothing but crickets from the disingenuous bastards in the media.
Hey now, do NOT ask that question on this thread. It may upset the delicate psyches of those racist, black liberal lunatics that have posted on here.......................Shh.........................
Oh wow. A white person killed a black person.

Now that's something you don't see every day. It's usually always a black person killing a white person, or a black person killing another black person. This is really big news here. Someone get CNN and MSNBC on the line, people need to know about this.

Just what's this world coming to these days? I am shocked.

Shocked I tell ya.
Funny how about 90 percent of whites who are killed are killed by another white and idiots like this are blind to it.

So what percentage of blacks are actually killed by white people? It must be very low, judging by all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from of the leftard media. Of course when whitey gets capped by darkie, or darkie's capped by another darkie, we hear nothing but crickets from the disingenuous bastards in the media.

This is so true. Blacks are being slaughtered by other blacks and no one gives a shit. Black kills a white and no one cares. The OP pretends like he cares about this guy just so he can play the race card. Pathetic.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Looks like you can't job while being white either. 32 year old white woman grabbed, punched, and dragged into some trees by a black man. Yes, racism still exists for sure.

That white woman was not killed and white men do this to white women far more often.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
Beat me to it. Somehow they forget how often "they" target white folks for their crimes and they always circle the wagons and will never condemn their criminals
If you read the whole article, it is possible, he could have been the person doing break ins. However, those people were not police. We cannot grab our guns and go chasing someone off of our property, solely on a suspicion of something. You just cant do that. If you have suspicions, follow someone and then call the police. THIS protects the innocent. These people needed to be arrested. I dont see racism everywhere but this does look like a case of it. Call it like you see it.
Oh wow. A white person killed a black person.

Now that's something you don't see every day. It's usually always a black person killing a white person, or a black person killing another black person. This is really big news here. Someone get CNN and MSNBC on the line, people need to know about this.

Just what's this world coming to these days? I am shocked.

Shocked I tell ya.
Funny how about 90 percent of whites who are killed are killed by another white and idiots like this are blind to it.

So what percentage of blacks are actually killed by white people? It must be very low, judging by all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from of the leftard media. Of course when whitey gets capped by darkie, or darkie's capped by another darkie, we hear nothing but crickets from the disingenuous bastards in the media.
The same low percentage of whites killed by blacks. Whites are killing each other, start paying attention to that because you are at least 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person than you are by someone black. And that's where we hear the crickets.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Looks like you can't job while being white either. 32 year old white woman grabbed, punched, and dragged into some trees by a black man. Yes, racism still exists for sure.

That white woman was not killed and white men do this to white women far more often.

Completely irrelevant. She wasn't killed because other people heard her screaming. You can't jog while white without fearing for your life because of some racist POS.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
Beat me to it. Somehow they forget how often "they" target white folks for their crimes and they always circle the wagons and will never condemn their criminals
That's a lie. But again we are here in a thread full of whites talking racist bullshit while whites kill each other more than anyone else kills them.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Yeah, "Ahmaud Arbery" sounds like such a Black Christian American name. He was spottin' steel.

Spot it in the daytime and steal it at night. Guess where I heard that? From a black man that knows about 200 more old-time gospel songs than your ass does (If still alive).

Try again, racebait. Why did he not turn on the afterburners and get the hell outta Dodge?
So, guilty until proven innocent....unless you’re white
Why is this a race thing?
You tell me, racetard
The black attacked the whites, i’m not sure how anybody sees anything wrong with this. We have the right to first amendment and we have a right to self-defense with a gun
Your first amendment right doesn’t excuse you from doing stupid shit that lead to somebody’s death. I sure as hell would fight for my life if two yahoos drove up on me pointing guns.
You would fight two guys pointing guns are you?
If I felt threatened and feared for my life? Absolutely.

Here’s the thing — don’t run up on somebody with a gun unless you have a very good reason. You don’t know how somebody is going to react.
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A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Looks like you can't job while being white either. 32 year old white woman grabbed, punched, and dragged into some trees by a black man. Yes, racism still exists for sure.

That white woman was not killed and white men do this to white women far more often.

Completely irrelevant. She wasn't killed because other people heard her screaming. You can't jog while white without fearing for your life because of some racist POS.

It's relevant because whites are killing each other more whites are being killed by non whites. White women are raped and assaulted way more by white men than by blacks. Your racist narrative is a lie and it's just that simple.
If you read the whole article, it is possible, he could have been the person doing break ins. However, those people were not police. We cannot grab our guns and go chasing someone off of our property, solely on a suspicion of something. You just cant do that. If you have suspicions, follow someone and then call the police. THIS protects the innocent. These people needed to be arrested. I dont see racism everywhere but this does look like a case of it. Call it like you see it.
What racism? You can’t treat a black like you would a white??

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