A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
First off blacks don't complain about black criminals who get shot by police in the commission of a crime. And whites like harmonica are too bust talking about black on black crime to recognize the 3000 whites murdered by other whites every year --many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
The sift out the convenient parts of arguments from every topic to fit their desired narrative. That's their MO.
Address the FACTS and provide a link to your claim that domestic terrorism is a number one threat, provide an FBI source for how many murders have been committed by white terrorists. IN the USA. IM2 linked to proof of MY claims and your ignoring them because they don't fit with your bullshit.
LOL claiming all 36000 people killed each year by firearms is domestic terror? You are high. The author of that story is high and a liar. The FBI did not make the claim he did. As for shootings the FACTS are that MORE blacks kill people then whites do. Yet you want us to believe whites are the threat. I am not talking percents here but RAW numbers. MORE blacks killed people then whites and it happens EVERY YEAR. Most deaths by firearms are SUICIDES hardly white terrorism. Of the murders more blacks kill then whites do. More blacks die to black on black violence then whites do for ANY reason. But you want us to believe a few white supremacists are killing more, it is a LIE. EASILY debunked by IM2's own report. Already LINKED in this thread.

I asked for a number.... How many are murdered by terrorism in this Country. You did not answer that question. Further in past years more people were killed by Islamist mass shooters then anyone else. BUT the FBI does not call them terrorists. Let a white go shoot something up and it is a terror incident. Let a Major shoot his own men and it is work place shooting. let a Pakistani and his wife murder co workers and others and it is a work place shooting.

Get back to me when you have some actual facts.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
Whites commit more violent crime. Whites have killed way more than anyone else.
Your OWN report says they don't dumb ass.
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
What excuse? Those are facts, not excuses. White privilege has had a plan from the beginning, and it has worked. Bunching Blacks up into overcrowded apartment complexes, and no chance to get ahead. That is reality. It's another form of segregation. That's why there is more Black on Black crime. It's a conspiracy planned out by white privilege, at no fault of the Black community. Well to do Whites are totally to blame for this. Anytime you put large populations of people in small areas, you are going to have crime, less opportunity, health issues, etc. White suburbia is another world. Those people have space. People need space to coexist. Animals are no different.
Ya I understand, your butt hurt cause your narrative fell through so make up excuses. I have a question for ya since this is a political board..... who runs the cities with those housing projects? What party?
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
First off blacks don't complain about black criminals who get shot by police in the commission of a crime. And whites like harmonica are too bust talking about black on black crime to recognize the 3000 whites murdered by other whites every year --many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
The sift out the convenient parts of arguments from every topic to fit their desired narrative. That's their MO.
Address the FACTS and provide a link to your claim that domestic terrorism is a number one threat, provide an FBI source for how many murders have been committed by white terrorists. IN the USA. IM2 linked to proof of MY claims and your ignoring them because they don't fit with your bullshit.
LOL claiming all 36000 people killed each year by firearms is domestic terror? You are high. The author of that story is high and a liar. The FBI did not make the claim he did. As for shootings the FACTS are that MORE blacks kill people then whites do. Yet you want us to believe whites are the threat. I am not talking percents here but RAW numbers. MORE blacks killed people then whites and it happens EVERY YEAR. Most deaths by firearms are SUICIDES hardly white terrorism. Of the murders more blacks kill then whites do. More blacks die to black on black violence then whites do for ANY reason. But you want us to believe a few white supremacists are killing more, it is a LIE. EASILY debunked by IM2's own report. Already LINKED in this thread.

I asked for a number.... How many are murdered by terrorism in this Country. You did not answer that question. Further in past years more people were killed by Islamist mass shooters then anyone else. BUT the FBI does not call them terrorists. Let a white go shoot something up and it is a terror incident. Let a Major shoot his own men and it is work place shooting. let a Pakistani and his wife murder co workers and others and it is a work place shooting.

Get back to me when you have some actual facts.
Whites have killed more people in this country than all other races combined. Grow up and face that fact.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
What excuse? Those are facts, not excuses. White privilege has had a plan from the beginning, and it has worked. Bunching Blacks up into overcrowded apartment complexes, and no chance to get ahead. That is reality. It's another form of segregation. That's why there is more Black on Black crime. It's a conspiracy planned out by white privilege, at no fault of the Black community. Well to do Whites are totally to blame for this. Anytime you put large populations of people in small areas, you are going to have crime, less opportunity, health issues, etc. White suburbia is another world. Those people have space. People need space to coexist. Animals are no different.
Ya I understand, your butt hurt cause your narrative fell through so make up excuses. I have a question for ya since this is a political board..... who runs the cities with those housing projects? What party?
Both parties do.
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
Never said it did I responded to your asinine claim that whites are more of the threat then blacks with your own damn report.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
First off blacks don't complain about black criminals who get shot by police in the commission of a crime. And whites like harmonica are too bust talking about black on black crime to recognize the 3000 whites murdered by other whites every year --many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
The sift out the convenient parts of arguments from every topic to fit their desired narrative. That's their MO.
Address the FACTS and provide a link to your claim that domestic terrorism is a number one threat, provide an FBI source for how many murders have been committed by white terrorists. IN the USA. IM2 linked to proof of MY claims and your ignoring them because they don't fit with your bullshit.
LOL claiming all 36000 people killed each year by firearms is domestic terror? You are high. The author of that story is high and a liar. The FBI did not make the claim he did. As for shootings the FACTS are that MORE blacks kill people then whites do. Yet you want us to believe whites are the threat. I am not talking percents here but RAW numbers. MORE blacks killed people then whites and it happens EVERY YEAR. Most deaths by firearms are SUICIDES hardly white terrorism. Of the murders more blacks kill then whites do. More blacks die to black on black violence then whites do for ANY reason. But you want us to believe a few white supremacists are killing more, it is a LIE. EASILY debunked by IM2's own report. Already LINKED in this thread.

I asked for a number.... How many are murdered by terrorism in this Country. You did not answer that question. Further in past years more people were killed by Islamist mass shooters then anyone else. BUT the FBI does not call them terrorists. Let a white go shoot something up and it is a terror incident. Let a Major shoot his own men and it is work place shooting. let a Pakistani and his wife murder co workers and others and it is a work place shooting.

Get back to me when you have some actual facts.
Whites have killed more people in this country than all other races combined. Grow up and face that fact.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
Never said it did I responded to your asinine claim that whites are more of the threat then blacks with your own damn report.
They are. Whites are more of a threat of domestic terrorism by an overwhelming majority.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
What excuse? Those are facts, not excuses. White privilege has had a plan from the beginning, and it has worked. Bunching Blacks up into overcrowded apartment complexes, and no chance to get ahead. That is reality. It's another form of segregation. That's why there is more Black on Black crime. It's a conspiracy planned out by white privilege, at no fault of the Black community. Well to do Whites are totally to blame for this. Anytime you put large populations of people in small areas, you are going to have crime, less opportunity, health issues, etc. White suburbia is another world. Those people have space. People need space to coexist. Animals are no different.
Ya I understand, your butt hurt cause your narrative fell through so make up excuses. I have a question for ya since this is a political board..... who runs the cities with those housing projects? What party?
Both parties do.
Both parties run New York, Chicago, Detroit Minneapolis, New Orleans, Los Angeles. San Francisco,Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, Boston and so on and so on?
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
Never said it did I responded to your asinine claim that whites are more of the threat then blacks with your own damn report.
They are. Whites are more of a threat of domestic terrorism by an overwhelming majority.
I asked you for a number, you won't cite one cause you know it is so small as to be meaningless. LOL.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
Never said it did I responded to your asinine claim that whites are more of the threat then blacks with your own damn report.
Those reports show that whites commit the most crime and until that report says that blacks are 13 percent of the population therefore the 28 percent of black crime participants are proportionally higher than the 68 percent of whites, your claim has no merit and it amounts to a white racist excuse to justify white criminality.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
Whites have killed more people than all other races combined. Now would you care to explain why whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories of crime on an annual basis?
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
Never said it did I responded to your asinine claim that whites are more of the threat then blacks with your own damn report.
They are. Whites are more of a threat of domestic terrorism by an overwhelming majority.
I asked you for a number, you won't cite one cause you know it is so small as to be meaningless. LOL.
The number of blacks killing whites is smaller than the number of whites who have been killed by white in acts of domestic terror.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.

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