A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

I asked for numbers provide a NUMBER. You won't cause it is pathetically LOW. as for Blacks this report shows over 4900 blacks committed murder while only 4100 whites did.
What are Jihadists? Black? White? Mixed? I provided statistics for domestic terrorism, and now, because you are losing, you switch to international terrorism. Lol!
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I asked for numbers provide a NUMBER. You won't cause it is pathetically LOW. as for Blacks this report shows over 4900 blacks committed murder while only 4100 whites did.
800 people is not a large margin. And the 2018 report exists so don't cherry pick a year so you can conflate numbers.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

I asked for numbers provide a NUMBER. You won't cause it is pathetically LOW. as for Blacks this report shows over 4900 blacks committed murder while only 4100 whites did.
What are Jihadists? Black? White? Mixed? I provided statistics for domestic terrorism, and now, because you are losing, you switch to international terrorism. Lol!
NO I did not your claim is that home grown terrorist are a BIG HUGE threat, either post the number of murders by them IN THIS Country or admit you are being lied too. Jihadist isnt even in the post you quoted BUT your link talks about them.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
And no ACTUAL numbers I see, I REPEAT we had 10000 murders a year 4900 committed by blacks 4100 committed by whites. NOW show me HOW MANY were murdered by domestic terrorism.
I asked for numbers provide a NUMBER. You won't cause it is pathetically LOW. as for Blacks this report shows over 4900 blacks committed murder while only 4100 whites did.
800 people is not a large margin. And the 2018 report exists so don't cherry pick a year so you can conflate numbers.
LOL 70 percent of the 330 million people are white 13 percent are black yet that 13 percent committed more murders then the 70 percent.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism It is our number one threat in this country. You cannot handle he truth.
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...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism It is our number one threat in this country. You cannot handle he truth.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
And no ACTUAL numbers I see, I REPEAT we had 10000 murders a year 4900 committed by blacks 4100 committed by whites. NOW show me HOW MANY were murdered by domestic terrorism.

Would you like to discuss all 30 categories of crime and explain why whites lead in 27 of the categories?

Table 43

Then perhaps you can explain why all this has anything to do with an unarmed black jogger getting murdered by 2 white men.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
NO they don't MOST would be a percent of population. They commit less crime per population then blacks do. 70 PERCENT of the US is White and less then 70 percent of all crime is committed by whites while Blacks make up 13 percent of the population and commit 25 to 30 percent of all crime.
Wrong. Crime can only be measured by the numbers that participate in crime and not entire populations. Whites participate in approximately 7 out of every ten crimes. All of the white population are not involved in crime. If you made whites who committed crimes a population they would represent 2.5 percent of the population and blacks who commit crimes would equal less than 1 percent of the population.
Crime can only be measured by other crimes?
That’s the first time you’ve just made me laugh.
In suspension of reality land the standard for the measurement of crimes committed by race sex or age is to be made using other criminals only for the percentages and not compared to general public.
So blacks being 1/7Th the population but comitting ng 65% of the crimes can’t be used because it’s derived from total population and not the just made up all brand new criminals only.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
And no ACTUAL numbers I see, I REPEAT we had 10000 murders a year 4900 committed by blacks 4100 committed by whites. NOW show me HOW MANY were murdered by domestic terrorism.
That's not terrorism. Black on Black crime is expectedly high every year due to white privilege. That is to be expected. White privilege is to blame. You don't seem to possess the wherewithal to debate the real issue here. You are more concerned about an actual number, that essentially has no meaning, other than to reenforce my claim that white privilege is the exact reason why we see the numbers you just posted. Thanks for confirming what I already knew. Now, where were we on domestic terrorism?
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
And no ACTUAL numbers I see, I REPEAT we had 10000 murders a year 4900 committed by blacks 4100 committed by whites. NOW show me HOW MANY were murdered by domestic terrorism.

Would you like to discuss all 30 categories of crime and explain why whites lead in 27 of the categories?

Table 43

Then perhaps you can explain why all this has anything to do with an unarmed black jogger getting murdered by 2 white men.
They do NOT lead by percentage again RETARD there are approximately 231 MILLION whites and about 43 million blacks. Of course MORE whites are arrested and of course they SHOULD lead in crime stats BUT they don't. ONLY raw numbers.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Whites are at least 6 times more likely to be killed by another white. The number of interracial murders every year are miniscule. Whites commit more assaults, batteries, rapes, arson, domestic crimes against family, vandalism, burglary, robberies, auto theft and kill virtually the same amount of people. And we haven't even considered white collar crime where whites steal all a persons money and leaves them broke. They aren't physically dead, but they might as well be. I mean what is the biggest danger, the black guy with the gun? Or the white stockbroker? The white stockbroker can fuck up everybody's life, get rich, serve no jail time and get a government check.

White privilege.
Nope just many many more of us because we got the ambition and skills to stay alive and let others live
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
Tell us, seeing that you do not have the forensic capability to mount a challenge against the reality of domestic terrorism, overwhelmingly against whites, then you tell us why there are more Blacks out there doing the killing? I already know. Let's see what you know?
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
And no ACTUAL numbers I see, I REPEAT we had 10000 murders a year 4900 committed by blacks 4100 committed by whites. NOW show me HOW MANY were murdered by domestic terrorism.

Would you like to discuss all 30 categories of crime and explain why whites lead in 27 of the categories?

Table 43

Then perhaps you can explain why all this has anything to do with an unarmed black jogger getting murdered by 2 white men.
They do NOT lead by percentage again RETARD there are approximately 231 MILLION whites and about 43 million blacks. Of course MORE whites are arrested and of course they SHOULD lead in crime stats BUT they don't. ONLY raw numbers.
Libtards do not know the difference between hard number and percentages and frequently omit them in what could have been a valid comparison or they blend them together improperly.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
And no ACTUAL numbers I see, I REPEAT we had 10000 murders a year 4900 committed by blacks 4100 committed by whites. NOW show me HOW MANY were murdered by domestic terrorism.
That's not terrorism. Black on Black crime is expectedly high every year due to white privilege. That is to be expected. White privilege is to blame. You don't seem to possess the wherewithal to debate the real issue here. You are more concerned about an actual number, that essentially has no meaning, other than to reenforce my claim that white privilege is the exact reason why we see the numbers you just posted. Thanks for confirming what I already knew. Now, where were we on domestic terrorism?
Look you BUFFOON either provide the number of Americans killed by white domestic terrorists or admit you are BEYOND stupid.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
Tell us, seeing that you do not have the forensic capability to mount a challenge against the reality of domestic terrorism, overwhelmingly against whites, then you tell us why there are more Blacks out there doing the killing? I already know. Let's see what you know?
Isn't my job did you look at the picture of domestic terrorists? Doesn't look like a lot of white people made the list.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Whites are at least 6 times more likely to be killed by another white. The number of interracial murders every year are miniscule. Whites commit more assaults, batteries, rapes, arson, domestic crimes against family, vandalism, burglary, robberies, auto theft and kill virtually the same amount of people. And we haven't even considered white collar crime where whites steal all a persons money and leaves them broke. They aren't physically dead, but they might as well be. I mean what is the biggest danger, the black guy with the gun? Or the white stockbroker? The white stockbroker can fuck up everybody's life, get rich, serve no jail time and get a government check.

White privilege.
Nope just many many more of us because we got the ambition and skills to stay alive and let others live
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:"Letting others live?" You think opening up the country is "letting others live?" How's that been working out for you lately? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
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...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
They don’t read the words. They transmit the feeling as fact

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