A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
..yes it does--it clearly shows how nonsensical the blacks are
..EIGHT blacks are murdered everyDAY by other blacks--what do we hear from the blacks???NOTHING
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!!!
etc etc
here you go:

here--the SPLC--a very anti-white organization:
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!!!
etc etc
here you go:

here--the SPLC--a very anti-white organization:
Well of course. Coming late to the party, and you don't even know what the argument is. My argument from the beginning, was what was the biggest threat in this country. It's domestic terrorism from white supremacists. Your stats do not address that.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!!!
etc etc
here you go:

here--the SPLC--a very anti-white organization:
Well of course. Coming late to the party, and you don't even know what the argument is. My argument from the beginning, was what was the biggest threat in this country. It's domestic terrorism from white supremacists. Your stats do not address that.
it's from blacks
they graduate at lower rates and commit crime at higher rates
....so--what's larger: 3000 or 10?
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism It is our number one threat in this country. You cannot handle he truth.
I'm arguing the threat, not the numbers. The numbers are totally irrelevant. The two arguments have no relationship to one another.
LOL what threat 10 cases out of THOUSANDS? a couple people murdered compared to a total of 10000. A refusal to label Muslims in this country that do mass shootings as terrorists while claiming every white guy with a weapon is one? There are FEW cases FEW. It is an effort by gun grabbing feds to fabricate a claim to disarm us. They don't cite numbers they don't cite murders they just say it is a problem. You can not cite any numbers that is why you told me to look it up, they are NOT THERE. I agree more Americans get murdered in this Country in a year then Terrorists over seas kill, That's cause hardly ANY Americans over seas get killed by terrorists. I provided the PICTURES of the people the FBI say committed terrorist attacks in this Country, hardly any of them are white.
Ha, if you have a counter argument to my documented argument, then present one. Otherwise, you have no argument. Domestic terrorism by whites is the single largest threat this country faces. Period! End of story. Factually proven. Now, blow smoke out your ass? Go for it. It means nothing without facts.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism It is our number one threat in this country. You cannot handle he truth.
I'm arguing the threat, not the numbers. The numbers are totally irrelevant. The two arguments have no relationship to one another.
LOL what threat 10 cases out of THOUSANDS? a couple people murdered compared to a total of 10000. A refusal to label Muslims in this country that do mass shootings as terrorists while claiming every white guy with a weapon is one? There are FEW cases FEW. It is an effort by gun grabbing feds to fabricate a claim to disarm us. They don't cite numbers they don't cite murders they just say it is a problem. You can not cite any numbers that is why you told me to look it up, they are NOT THERE. I agree more Americans get murdered in this Country in a year then Terrorists over seas kill, That's cause hardly ANY Americans over seas get killed by terrorists. I provided the PICTURES of the people the FBI say committed terrorist attacks in this Country, hardly any of them are white.
Ha, if you have a counter argument to my documented argument, then present one. Otherwise, you have no argument. Domestic terrorism by whites is the single largest threat this country faces. Period! End of story. Factually proven. Now, blow smoke out your ass? Go for it. It means nothing without facts.
blacks murder 3000 per year
WS murder less than 10 per year
and you say WS are more of a threat???
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!!!
etc etc
here you go:

here--the SPLC--a very anti-white organization:
Well of course. Coming late to the party, and you don't even know what the argument is. My argument from the beginning, was what was the biggest threat in this country. It's domestic terrorism from white supremacists. Your stats do not address that.
it's from blacks
they graduate at lower rates and commit crime at higher rates
....so--what's larger: 3000 or 10?
Again, you aren't addressing the threat. Blacks committing crimes at a higher rate is because of white privilege, not terrorism. And they graduate at lower rates, because Republicans are doing everything they can to gut out the public school system. The conspiracy works in tandem. White privilege+ financially gutted public school systems on purpose, equals more uneducated Blacks and more crimes. But, has zero to do with domestic terrorism.
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!!!
etc etc
here you go:

here--the SPLC--a very anti-white organization:
Well of course. Coming late to the party, and you don't even know what the argument is. My argument from the beginning, was what was the biggest threat in this country. It's domestic terrorism from white supremacists. Your stats do not address that.
it's from blacks
they graduate at lower rates and commit crime at higher rates
....so--what's larger: 3000 or 10?
Again, you aren't addressing the threat. Blacks committing crimes at a higher rate is because of white privilege, not terrorism. And they graduate at lower rates, because Republicans are doing everything they can to gut out the public school system. The conspiracy works in tandem. White privilege+ financially gutted public school systems on purpose, equals more uneducated Blacks and more crimes. But, has zero to do with domestic terrorism.
blacks MURDER 500 whites in a year
In one post you attack African Americans and the next you agree that the killers should be held accountable.

What’s up

  • Thanks
Reactions: BWK
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism It is our number one threat in this country. You cannot handle he truth.
I'm arguing the threat, not the numbers. The numbers are totally irrelevant. The two arguments have no relationship to one another.
LOL what threat 10 cases out of THOUSANDS? a couple people murdered compared to a total of 10000. A refusal to label Muslims in this country that do mass shootings as terrorists while claiming every white guy with a weapon is one? There are FEW cases FEW. It is an effort by gun grabbing feds to fabricate a claim to disarm us. They don't cite numbers they don't cite murders they just say it is a problem. You can not cite any numbers that is why you told me to look it up, they are NOT THERE. I agree more Americans get murdered in this Country in a year then Terrorists over seas kill, That's cause hardly ANY Americans over seas get killed by terrorists. I provided the PICTURES of the people the FBI say committed terrorist attacks in this Country, hardly any of them are white.
Ha, if you have a counter argument to my documented argument, then present one. Otherwise, you have no argument. Domestic terrorism by whites is the single largest threat this country faces. Period! End of story. Factually proven. Now, blow smoke out your ass? Go for it. It means nothing without facts.
blacks murder 3000 per year
WS murder less than 10 per year
and you say WS are more of a threat???
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
Yes! The experts tell us that from HS. And you are no expert. FBI raises neo-Nazi threat level to same as Isis

That story was more vague than a whores morals.

You can't make much of it until you know details, not supposition.
Unfortunately, this is a gift to the liberal race-baiters

unarmed black guy killed on a public street by two whites

based on the limited facts given it is a wrongful death

But it could have been avoided with a lick of common sense by everyone involved
If the black thief put the shit back he tried to steal from that house it could have been avoided
In one post you attack African Americans and the next you agree that the killers should be held accountable.

What’s up

....hahhahahahahaha--I've already addressed that in an earlier post---it's around somewhere is some thread...I'll try to find it and link
1. I'm not attacking--I'm posting facts and the truth
2. 99% of the blacks shot by cops are justifiable
I've got many links/etc
3. I take it on a case by case basis
..Zimmerman should be in jail..he is a total idiot
..these '''whites'' appear to be worse than Zimmerman regarding being undeniably the aggressors
...without going further--what you say proves I'm unbiased/fair/etc
..well, I've posted a lot on this, so you can go through my many posts on it ..
...a big problem the blacks created is they usually [ 90% of the time ] complain and protest for jackass thug criminals that deserve to be shot/are justifiably shot.....so when something like this comes along, it's all fkd up because of the blacks---
...and they don't complain about the 3000 blacks murdered by blacks every year--many of those never prosecuted--because of LACK of evidence !!!!
They don't complain about Black on Black crime, because they live in outdoor prisons, produced by white privilege. They understand the conspiracy.
Blacks kill more whites then whites kill blacks, Blacks kill more people over all then whites kill TOTAL and 30 percent of violent crime is committed by blacks which are 13 percent of the population. Address that rather then your fictional terrorism claim. Be specific now and cite a link to all these murders by Domestic terrorists.
Blacks killing Blacks, or Blacks killing Whites, is all sourced around the same facts and reality. Blacks have been, and still are victims of white privilege in this country. Section 8 housing is killing Blacks, and yes, a few Whites. But mostly Blacks.

You see, segregation never actually stopped because of white privilege, and section housing keeps it that way. Blacks know this, and they have no voice at the table. They live in prisons without walls, until they are forced into the other prison walls that is the industrial prison complex to make money. Everything has a purpose. And Blacks are here to serve the corporate prison complex for profit. This is what Blacks mean to white privilege.
I see you have a whole shit pot full of EXCUSES. Well at least you are not DENYING the fact that blacks kill more then whites or that blacks commit more violent crime then whites, you are just as bad though making excuses for it.
I never said Blacks kill more than whites. Black on Black crime or killings comes from not having space and opportunity. What do you think would happen if all those Blacks were suddenly transported to white suburbia, and the whites were all put into public housing with no space? Answer, the same damn thing.
The damn crime report CLEARLY shows blacks kill more, are you STUPID?
I'm talking about domestic terrorism. As Domestic Terrorists Outpace Jihadists, New U.S. Law Is Debated It's totally irrelevant to me how much black on black crime there is, because I understand the source of the problem. You don't. You cannot and will not own up to the reality of the situation. Black crime is directly linked to white privilege. It always has. Blame white privilege for that. Not Blacks. They are the victims of white privilege. You don't understand that? I mean seriously?
Again RETARD POST the number of people killed by your supposed threat.
How is this retarded again?

View attachment 334165
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67%--yet:
white on black murders-229
black on white murders-500
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!!!
etc etc
here you go:

here--the SPLC--a very anti-white organization:
Well of course. Coming late to the party, and you don't even know what the argument is. My argument from the beginning, was what was the biggest threat in this country. It's domestic terrorism from white supremacists. Your stats do not address that.
it's from blacks
they graduate at lower rates and commit crime at higher rates
....so--what's larger: 3000 or 10?
Again, you aren't addressing the threat. Blacks committing crimes at a higher rate is because of white privilege, not terrorism. And they graduate at lower rates, because Republicans are doing everything they can to gut out the public school system. The conspiracy works in tandem. White privilege+ financially gutted public school systems on purpose, equals more uneducated Blacks and more crimes. But, has zero to do with domestic terrorism.
blacks MURDER 500 whites in a year
I don't care. What's that got to do with domestic terrorism? Nothing!

You don't seem to have the intelligent capacity to be able to extract a difference between murder and terrorism. Murder can be the result of many different things. Murder can be drastically corrected if we ever fix the very things I just mentioned. White privilege keeps Blacks in the gutter. So the fact that they murder whoever, is not surprising at all. And your problem is, you aren't informed enough, brave enough, or honest enough to face that reality.
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
..yes it does--it clearly shows how nonsensical the blacks are
..EIGHT blacks are murdered everyDAY by other blacks--what do we hear from the blacks???NOTHING

Hell 8 whites are murdered everyDAY by other whites and what do we hear from the whites? NOTHING. You don't care until it's someone black that murders someone white.
blacks MURDER 500 whites in a year
Murder in America
In America, an estimated 16,214 people were murdered in 2018. This was a 6.2% decrease from the 2017 estimate.
Here are murder rates in 65 major U.S. cities (cities with greater than 100,000 residents) for 2018. These rates are calculated using the FBI's 2018 Crime in the United States data.
Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities

harmonica, you cry about 500 out of 16,214
That seems a bit short sighted to me :)-
That story was more vague than a whores morals.

You can't make much of it until you know details, not supposition.
Unfortunately, this is a gift to the liberal race-baiters

unarmed black guy killed on a public street by two whites

based on the limited facts given it is a wrongful death

But it could have been avoided with a lick of common sense by everyone involved
If the black thief put the shit back he tried to steal from that house it could have been avoided

What did he steal dumbass, since there was nothing found on him. A bag of nails.
This idiot repeats the same garbage all the time. Black on black crime had nothing to do with these two white men killing an unarmed black jogger.
..yes it does--it clearly shows how nonsensical the blacks are
..EIGHT blacks are murdered everyDAY by other blacks--what do we hear from the blacks???NOTHING
But what does that have to do with this case? Nothing! What are you talking about? What was nonsensical that the Black jogger went and did?

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