A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
Very true, and white privilege is the number one cause for that criminal activity.
More like an inbred hatred of whites, no fathers, little education, and political slavery forced by democrats.
"By Democrats?" Explain your claim by documented facts.

Oh, and just to keep you reminded, hatred of whites, no fathers, little education, has a root cause. It's called white privilege.
You don't accept explanations for anything.
The moral of that story is, if you can't back up a claim, don't make one at all. You did make up one, and you can't back it up. No surprises there.
Didn’t you say you saw a gun shot before he got the the car? Lol
No, I never said that. I said I heard a gun shot as the jogger was rounding the corner of the truck. I also said, that as he got to the front of the truck, he was probably confused as to where the shot came from. I suspect he saw the one guy standing in the back of the truck out of the corner of his eye, along with the other one getting out with a shotgun. And when he went past the guy in the back, towards the front of the vehicle, that was when the first shot rang out. It makes sense that the jogger was confused, which explains why he tried to take the gun from the guy in the front. The joggers forward momentum took him there.
Why lie? Why not just say all three are idiots? Your siding with negative black culture.. why?
Because the evidence proves there were only two idiots and one victim. And the victim had to decide what to do in that split second. And what does "black culture have to do with this? Answer, nothing. You are the one lying to yourself over an obvious case of murder. Leave black culture out of it. There you go again with your own troublesome racism.
Yea he could have kept running instead he tried to grab the gun.. why do you treat black people like there fucking animals? You’re saying the only thing this guy could’ve did was try to steal the guys gun and get him self murdered you racist son of a bitch
You need a lesson in critical thinking. You seem to be totally lost in that department. Everything you just asked about has already been completely explained in detail, and you insist on changing the script. You need help in remembering everything that was said, and yet, you act as if you never read what I posted. I can't help you understand what I've already typed. That's on you. I won't waste any more time on rhetoric nonsense coming from your posts. Someone needs to teach you critical thinking and grammar skills. I can't. See you later.
Your only thought was this guy should get shot, your projecting your racism all over this board. You give this guy no option to think except to react with violence you racist SOB
You need a lesson in critical thinking. You seem to be totally lost in that department. Everything you just asked about has already been completely explained in detail, and you insist on changing the script. You need help in remembering everything that was said, and yet, you act as if you never read what I posted. I can't help you understand what I've already typed. That's on you. I won't waste any more time on rhetoric nonsense coming from your posts. Someone needs to teach you critical thinking and grammar skills. I can't. See you later.

See ya, peckerwood....you're about as black as a snowman.....The tip-off? There are maybe half a dozen blacks in this country that can spell the word "rhetoric" and you ain't one of them. :badgrin:
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Who said I was black?
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
Very true, and white privilege is the number one cause for that criminal activity.
More like an inbred hatred of whites, no fathers, little education, and political slavery forced by democrats.
"By Democrats?" Explain your claim by documented facts.

Oh, and just to keep you reminded, hatred of whites, no fathers, little education, has a root cause. It's called white privilege.
You don't accept explanations for anything.
The moral of that story is, if you can't back up a claim, don't make one at all. You did make up one, and you can't back it up. No surprises there.
Didn’t you say you saw a gun shot before he got the the car? Lol
No, I never said that. I said I heard a gun shot as the jogger was rounding the corner of the truck. I also said, that as he got to the front of the truck, he was probably confused as to where the shot came from. I suspect he saw the one guy standing in the back of the truck out of the corner of his eye, along with the other one getting out with a shotgun. And when he went past the guy in the back, towards the front of the vehicle, that was when the first shot rang out. It makes sense that the jogger was confused, which explains why he tried to take the gun from the guy in the front. The joggers forward momentum took him there.
Why lie? Why not just say all three are idiots? Your siding with negative black culture.. why?
Because the evidence proves there were only two idiots and one victim. And the victim had to decide what to do in that split second. And what does "black culture have to do with this? Answer, nothing. You are the one lying to yourself over an obvious case of murder. Leave black culture out of it. There you go again with your own troublesome racism.
Yea he could have kept running instead he tried to grab the gun.. why do you treat black people like there fucking animals? You’re saying the only thing this guy could’ve did was try to steal the guys gun and get him self murdered you racist son of a bitch
You need a lesson in critical thinking. You seem to be totally lost in that department. Everything you just asked about has already been completely explained in detail, and you insist on changing the script. You need help in remembering everything that was said, and yet, you act as if you never read what I posted. I can't help you understand what I've already typed. That's on you. I won't waste any more time on rhetoric nonsense coming from your posts. Someone needs to teach you critical thinking and grammar skills. I can't. See you later.
Your only thought was this guy should get shot, your projecting your racism all over this board. You give this guy no option to think except to react with violence you racist SOB
Seek help. Thinking is a big problem for you.
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You didn't provide any news, therefore it's fake. I looked it up. There is no news of what you are claiming. Are you lying?

Of course the drive-by-media ain't reporting the truth but there are other sources which are frankly none of your stinking business, boy. Suffice to say, when the real story comes out, and they don't have a black jury, they'll walk.....self-defense from a fleeing yard ape's attack. Don't like my slang? I do it to show how close actual blacks are at any moment from losing their shit and attacking a white man...usually from behind and five on one. You punks are terrified of a white man who laughs in your face and spits on your Air Jordans (that you probably stole). There are millions of us, tens of millions, who've seen enough of your shit. Like I said before....start it.....come on boy, Tupac is watching.
Seems like the racists around here can't get this to register.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

It’s possible that there’s a lack of reporting because the theories that some use to explain crimes between blacks – such as poverty – aren’t applicable to much of the white-on-white crime that’s taking place. This is due to the fact that the white population is wealthier than the black population, according to Pew Research, yet the white-on-white crime rate is extremely high. Or maybe it’s just ignorance.

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

Snake Oil and Crime Truths
Edward Williams of The Root, says, “when it comes to America’s past and present, lies and snake oil are sold in many colors.” Edward’s statement highlights the fact that black-on-black crime has become “accepted” in the journalistic and political arenas. In fact, the media portrayal of black violence leads some white people to worry about getting killed by a black person – when they’re actually significantly more at risk from other white people.

The right wing race pimps have sold this narrative and these fools have bough into it regardless of the FACT that a white person is 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person. They would literally let their racism kill them then change.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
Very true, and white privilege is the number one cause for that criminal activity.
More like an inbred hatred of whites, no fathers, little education, and political slavery forced by democrats.
"By Democrats?" Explain your claim by documented facts.

Oh, and just to keep you reminded, hatred of whites, no fathers, little education, has a root cause. It's called white privilege.
You don't accept explanations for anything.
The moral of that story is, if you can't back up a claim, don't make one at all. You did make up one, and you can't back it up. No surprises there.
Didn’t you say you saw a gun shot before he got the the car? Lol
No, I never said that. I said I heard a gun shot as the jogger was rounding the corner of the truck. I also said, that as he got to the front of the truck, he was probably confused as to where the shot came from. I suspect he saw the one guy standing in the back of the truck out of the corner of his eye, along with the other one getting out with a shotgun. And when he went past the guy in the back, towards the front of the vehicle, that was when the first shot rang out. It makes sense that the jogger was confused, which explains why he tried to take the gun from the guy in the front. The joggers forward momentum took him there.
Why lie? Why not just say all three are idiots? Your siding with negative black culture.. why?
Because the evidence proves there were only two idiots and one victim. And the victim had to decide what to do in that split second. And what does "black culture have to do with this? Answer, nothing. You are the one lying to yourself over an obvious case of murder. Leave black culture out of it. There you go again with your own troublesome racism.
Yea he could have kept running instead he tried to grab the gun.. why do you treat black people like there fucking animals? You’re saying the only thing this guy could’ve did was try to steal the guys gun and get him self murdered you racist son of a bitch
You need a lesson in critical thinking. You seem to be totally lost in that department. Everything you just asked about has already been completely explained in detail, and you insist on changing the script. You need help in remembering everything that was said, and yet, you act as if you never read what I posted. I can't help you understand what I've already typed. That's on you. I won't waste any more time on rhetoric nonsense coming from your posts. Someone needs to teach you critical thinking and grammar skills. I can't. See you later.
Your only thought was this guy should get shot, your projecting your racism all over this board. You give this guy no option to think except to react with violence you racist SOB
Seek help. Thinking is a big problem for you.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this mad before, you are posting some of the most racist shit I’ve ever heard you’re treating African-Americans like the fucking animals.. gross
Last edited:
These annual reports show the same thing every year. White lead in violent crime.


Table 43
They lead in gross number of violent crimes because they are 7X the population of blacks. Percentage wise blacks lead hugely disproportionately
Nice try with the fake numbers but doesn’t work around us thinkers.
You didn't provide any news, therefore it's fake. I looked it up. There is no news of what you are claiming. Are you lying?

Of course the drive-by-media ain't reporting the truth but there are other sources which are frankly none of your stinking business, boy. Suffice to say, when the real story comes out, and they don't have a black jury, they'll walk.....self-defense from a fleeing yard ape's attack. Don't like my slang? I do it to show how close actual blacks are at any moment from losing their shit and attacking a white man...usually from behind and five on one. You punks are terrified of a white man who laughs in your face and spits on your Air Jordans (that you probably stole). There are millions of us, tens of millions, who've seen enough of your shit. Like I said before....start it.....come on boy, Tupac is watching.
BWK is white. Whites like you are outnumbered. We see the real story and if these guys don't go to prison we won't be surprised. But it's easy for you to talk your shit behind a computer. You're a pussy.
BWK is white. Whites like you are outnumbered. We see the real story and if these guys don't go to prison we won't be surprised. But it's easy for you to talk your shit behind a computer. You're a pussy.

Nah, you're the pussy....you'd run like a scalded poodle if I tapped you on the shoulder. Like I said, I been to war....all you been to are some rap concerts with gold-chained fakes talking about how BAAAAAADDDD they are....sheeit. I bet you got a white mama and come out of some white bread suburb somewhere. I grew up on the west side of Detroit...you wouldn't have lasted ten minutes in my neighborhood. I built myself a .22 zip gun when I was 13...used it once too. heh heh
These annual reports show the same thing every year. White lead in violent crime.


Table 43
They lead in gross of violent crimes because they are 7X the population of blacks. Percentage wise blacks lead hugely diasporoirionally
Nice try with the fake numbers but doesn’t work around us thinkers.
Wrong. Whites lead and proportion has nothing to do with it. There is no reason why whites should lead in crime.

"Matthew Yglesias of the Vox noted that the white-on-white crime is a cultural pathology with complicated roots. He stated that European countries with a very high percentage of white people have a lower white-on-white crime rate than America, and that the poverty theory of creating criminal activity does not add up either. For example, the GDP in America is much higher than France, and the white population is much richer on average, and yet the U.S. has more white murderers. "

Since whites have 7 times the population and you want to make that an issue, let’s start multiplying by 7. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 7 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 14 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community. Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 7 to less than 1 percent. Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 7 to make it 3 percent. Funny how there are whites who can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Let’s keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 9.1trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now. We all have 7 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development, that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 7, there are now 11.9 million blacks in college. This increase in population, college graduates and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime if we do this, it reduces itself by 7 from 26 percent to 3.7 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself.

You, like every other racist white, has an excuse for everything while you preach to me about responsibility. That's why whites like you are a joke.
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BWK is white. Whites like you are outnumbered. We see the real story and if these guys don't go to prison we won't be surprised. But it's easy for you to talk your shit behind a computer. You're a pussy.

Nah, you're the pussy....you'd run like a scalded poodle if I tapped you on the shoulder. Like I said, I been to war....all you been to are some rap concerts with gold-chained fakes talking about how BAAAAAADDDD they are....sheeit. I bet you got a white mama and come out of some white bread suburb somewhere. I grew up on the west side of Detroit...you wouldn't have lasted ten minutes in my neighborhood. I built myself a .22 zip gun when I was 13...used it once too. heh heh
I think that you are not talking to me. If you had to build a gun, you're a punk that can't handle yourself with your hands and feet. You have not been to anything and all I am going to say to you about this matter is if you were to try me, you might win, but your life will change forever.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
NO they don't MOST would be a percent of population. They commit less crime per population then blacks do. 70 PERCENT of the US is White and less then 70 percent of all crime is committed by whites while Blacks make up 13 percent of the population and commit 25 to 30 percent of all crime.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
That is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites.
More blacks attack whites then whites attack blacks. percent wise Of a population of 13 percent they Blacks account for between 25 and 30 percent of all violent crimes and commit 50 percent of all murders where the perp is identified.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
That is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites.
90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites
What does that have to do with this response? hat is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites. We were talking about whites committing the most violent crimes earlier. Do you feel compelled to change the subject based on a non-existing argument you made for the other subject? Lol! Dude, you are too obvious.
Simply NOT true. Whites account for less then 65 percent of all violent crime and are 70 percent of the population, Blacks account for 25 to 30 percent of all violent crime depending on what it is and are 13 percent of the population. Further Blacks commit half of all the murders where the perp is identified and attack whites at a higher percent then whites attack blacks.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
That is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites.
90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites
What does that have to do with this response? hat is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites. We were talking about whites committing the most violent crimes earlier. Do you feel compelled to change the subject based on a non-existing argument you made for the other subject? Lol! Dude, you are too obvious.
This is the most racist thing I’ve ever heard in my life! You don’t consider the thousands of blacks shot and killed to be violent! These weekly mass shootings in democrat run neighborhoods you IGNORE!? because THEY ARE BLACk!

thee most racist post I have read in a long time! WOW

Do you even consider these blacks getting slaughtered in these weekly mass shootings human???
Your responses take on such nonsensical out in left, right, center, middle left, middle right field, that we can't keep up. My argument is about domestic terrorism. Not Black on Black violence. Do you not know the difference? Dude, you have got to get out of that closet you are living in. You aren't understanding anything here.
LOL terrorism is so small a percent of violent attacks in this Country as to be insignificant. Meanwhile 30 percent of ALL violence is done by 13 percent of the population while half of all murders are by blacks.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
NO they don't MOST would be a percent of population. They commit less crime per population then blacks do. 70 PERCENT of the US is White and less then 70 percent of all crime is committed by whites while Blacks make up 13 percent of the population and commit 25 to 30 percent of all crime.
Wrong. Crime can only be measured by the numbers that participate in crime and not entire populations. Whites participate in approximately 7 out of every ten crimes. All of the white population are not involved in crime. If you made whites who committed crimes a population they would represent 2.5 percent of the population and blacks who commit crimes would equal less than 1 percent of the population.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
That is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites.
90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites
What does that have to do with this response? hat is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites. We were talking about whites committing the most violent crimes earlier. Do you feel compelled to change the subject based on a non-existing argument you made for the other subject? Lol! Dude, you are too obvious.
Simply NOT true. Whites account for less then 65 percent of all violent crime and are 70 percent of the population, Blacks account for 25 to 30 percent of all violent crime depending on what it is and are 13 percent of the population. Further Blacks commit half of all the murders where the perp is identified and attack whites at a higher percent then whites attack blacks.
Inaccurate and disingenuous use of math. Again all whites don't commit crimes nor do all blacks. The most accurate assessment of this matter is to use the real number of those who participate in criminal activity.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
That might have
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.

Guess you can’t jog if you’re a white female either?
thank you,since the op did not provide a link of the man who shot him we have no idea if he was racist or not from his op,could have just been an evil person who just kills cause they are evil same as that person that killed that white lady is someone who is evil. Could be in both cases it was someone they knew who made them mad and they are so evil the way they get even is they think killing is okay they are so evil and demented.those two people are so evil they probably tracked them down and watched every move they made for days waiting for the proper time to kill them.

Why do you guys love to play the tit for tat game. Why can't you just see THIS case for what it is, why is always well a black man killed this white person. 10 time out of 10 that black killer is locked under the jail where they should be and that is all the family is asking for these 2 murderers. Justice is suppose to be blind, but history in America shows it damn sure is not.
Because black men are 6% of our country but make up 55% of all violent crimes.. does it take a fucking genius to understand black men are fucking violent?

That lie has been debunked how many times and history in America shows who the most violent folks are.
No it has not. Crime statistics are posted for all to see by the FBI every year half of all murders are committed by blacks. HALF.
Link that for us, please.
There is never any reason to "link" anything for you.
Particularly since it doesn't exist.
LOL FBI stats don't exist, are you brain damaged?
The stats exist. They show white commit the most violent crimes.
That is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites.
90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites
What does that have to do with this response? hat is very true. Domestic terrorism is almost non-existent by Blacks in this country, with the exception of a few cases. It's almost all whites. We were talking about whites committing the most violent crimes earlier. Do you feel compelled to change the subject based on a non-existing argument you made for the other subject? Lol! Dude, you are too obvious.
This is the most racist thing I’ve ever heard in my life! You don’t consider the thousands of blacks shot and killed to be violent! These weekly mass shootings in democrat run neighborhoods you IGNORE!? because THEY ARE BLACk!

thee most racist post I have read in a long time! WOW

Do you even consider these blacks getting slaughtered in these weekly mass shootings human???
Your responses take on such nonsensical out in left, right, center, middle left, middle right field, that we can't keep up. My argument is about domestic terrorism. Not Black on Black violence. Do you not know the difference? Dude, you have got to get out of that closet you are living in. You aren't understanding anything here.
LOL terrorism is so small a percent of violent attacks in this Country as to be insignificant. Meanwhile 30 percent of ALL violence is done by 13 percent of the population while half of all murders are by blacks.
60 percent of all violent crime is done by 2.5 percent of the population.

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