A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.
The burglar suspect was being followed until the cops got there,, They verbally asked him to stop he refused he grabbed the heroes done jolted it in a struggle probably trying to steal his gun and now he’s dead
They did everything wrong. I've already said what I said, and repeated it multiple times. Nothing of what they did was right.
No law
Says you can’t protect Yourself from my armed burglar
Right, at your house. They were at no one's house. Get a clue.
So charge him with unlawful possession of a gun. Lol I don’t care you sound like a fool
You don't care? We'll, that's what we figured. You are the one trying to defy the laws of logic, so who is the real fool here who doesn't care?

You are the one defending the burglar here.
Burglar? What burglar? What is your evidence?
The video in the topic shows AA burglarize The house. Leaving with a object running he was followed he tossed it then attacked the hero’s
Negative! The video shows no such thing. And you will be proven wrong. Stay tuned.
I’ve post the pics several times .. why are you honoring a black person that is hurting the community?
I've seen no pictures of anything. And if what you say is true, it still changes nothing. These two thugs did everything wrong and they are going to pay.
Ok troll

They did everything right and are going to be rewarded like Zimmerman.
I don’t think they will get a fair trial, many will lie to get on that jury .. sad
The bottom line was this, the shooters were illegally carrying loaded weapons in a vehicle, pursuing a jogger and had no law enforcement authority to do so, shot their gun outside the truck illegally from a public road, while illegally pointing the shotgun at the jogger. Everything they did was exactly opposite of what they should have been doing. They will go to prison.

There is much more than that.

The two guys trying to detain the dude were following what is allowed in Georgia to apprehend a suspect or a criminal.

Very recently I saw a video taken from a police car camera. You can observe that people who might have radio to detect police channel communication, tried to stop a running car escaping from police.

In the video you see people waiting for the running car to pass by and throw things to stop it. even a guy who heard in his radio the car was crossing thru his street block, he came out of his house with a gun in his hand and shot the running car.

The driver was finally captured, and the police who was driving the car gave thanks to all those citizens who tried to stop the running car.

Different States, different laws.
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.
The burglar suspect was being followed until the cops got there,, They verbally asked him to stop he refused he grabbed the heroes done jolted it in a struggle probably trying to steal his gun and now he’s dead
They did everything wrong. I've already said what I said, and repeated it multiple times. Nothing of what they did was right.
No law
Says you can’t protect Yourself from my armed burglar
Right, at your house. They were at no one's house. Get a clue.
So charge him with unlawful possession of a gun. Lol I don’t care you sound like a fool
You don't care? We'll, that's what we figured. You are the one trying to defy the laws of logic, so who is the real fool here who doesn't care?

You are the one defending the burglar here.
Burglar? What burglar? What is your evidence?
The video in the topic shows AA burglarize The house. Leaving with a object running he was followed he tossed it then attacked the hero’s
Negative! The video shows no such thing. And you will be proven wrong. Stay tuned.
I’ve post the pics several times .. why are you honoring a black person that is hurting the community?
I've seen no pictures of anything. And if what you say is true, it still changes nothing. These two thugs did everything wrong and they are going to pay.
Ok troll

They did everything right and are going to be rewarded like Zimmerman.
I don’t think they will get a fair trial, many will lie to get on that jury .. sad

Obviously not... but like president Trump, we will win anyway. Leftists constantly try this shit.
So the dumb bulbs no loaded gun assertion means that when in your car and are accosted that you ask for time to put the bullets in or merely wave the gun at them and shout fiercely” It’s loaded”
As this moves along, the defenders of these rednecks and their excuses, gets crazier with each post. Nothing they say has any relationship with intelligent thought.
Name call the post or poster when no rebutally available
Lib 101
The father is not in law enforcement.
Who said he is?
Then why was he there? Why did he not call 911? Why were they illegally carrying firearms in a vehicle? Why were they illegally shooting on a public road? Why were they illegally pointing a gun at the jogger?
They did call 911

the rest of your questions were silly
If they did, why were they in pursuit with loaded guns in their vehicle? They aren't law enforcement. They were as illegal as anyone. Someone should have called 911 on them for having loaded guns in their vehicle, shooting from the road, and pointing a gun at an unarmed civilian.
This is getting really boring

I have already said the father and son screwed up and suggested the correct way to handle it

bit thats not good enough for libs because I criticize the black guy also for trying to be Bill Bad Ass and take the shotgun away from the son

all three acted stupidly
Can I get some more bullshit from the chief bullshitter about how illegal it is to protect yourself with a loaded gun while being assaulted in your vehicle?
Personal responsibility vacated and replaced by blaming others for your poor choices, decision and actions. White males mostly try to work along with and even help out black males but the black guys gotta strut their stuff, don’t want no direction and anyone providing direction on a proper course of action is of course Racist.
Realism my black bros,not racism.
A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

The two white racists who committed the murder are IN JAIL TODAY !!!!!!!!
The bottom line was this, the shooters were illegally carrying loaded weapons in a vehicle, pursuing a jogger and had no law enforcement authority to do so, shot their gun outside the truck illegally from a public road, while illegally pointing the shotgun at the jogger. Everything they did was exactly opposite of what they should have been doing. They will go to prison.

There is much more than that.

The two guys trying to detain the dude were following what is allowed in Georgia to apprehend a suspect or a criminal.

Very recently I saw a video taken from a police car camera. You can observe that people who might have radio to detect police channel communication, tried to stop a running car escaping from police.

In the video you see people waiting for the running car to pass by and throw things to stop it. even a guy who heard in his radio the car was crossing thru his street block, he came out of his house with a gun in his hand and shot the running car.

The driver was finally captured, and the police who was driving the car gave thanks to all those citizens who tried to stop the running car.

Different States, different laws.
That puts a little perspective on it. You can't do that here. I mean yeah, you could probably throw some simplex out for a fleeing vehicle, but shoot at it? No.
You can't chase people down the road with guns in FL.
Personal responsibility vacated and replaced by blaming others for your poor choices, decision and actions. White males mostly try to work along with and even help out black males but the black guys gotta strut their stuff, don’t want no direction and anyone providing direction on a proper course of action is of course Racist.
Realism my black bros,not racism.

Black people are 13 percent of the population but commit 50 percent of the crime, the headlines are a liberal fantasy.

But the black people do not propagate the fantasy, that is white liberals who want to weaponize racism for control.
I don’t think they will get a fair trial, many will lie to get on that jury .. sad
If it hadn't been for the video, the two racists pigs may have gotten away with murder.
such is life

The videos where the burglar is repeatedly seen illegally entering a property?

The white folks who you hate with passion will be freed. Meanwhile, your black hero who slaughtered elderly couple with a hunting rifle in a cemetery "the hunt" style is dead.
Oh wow. A white person killed a black person.

Now that's something you don't see every day. It's usually always a black person killing a white person, or a black person killing another black person. This is really big news here. Someone get CNN and MSNBC on the line, people need to know about this.

Just what's this world coming to these days? I am shocked.

Shocked I tell ya.
Funny how about 90 percent of whites who are killed are killed by another white and idiots like this are blind to it.

Y'all stop being 15% of the population and 85 % of the violent criminals and maybe we can look into it, until then. -
They did everything right and are going to be rewarded like Zimmerman.

whats right about two men armed with a .357 magnum, a shotgun, and an F150 ordering a man in running clothes and shoes, who was jogging on a public street, posing no threat to the community, to stop on their demands. He did not want to drop but they they set up to bloch his path

The younger gunman placed himself and the shotgun directly in the jogger’s path telling him to stop. And the first shot was fired and then a fight ensued over control of the smoking weapon and the gunman prevailed sand shot the unarmed jogger Two more times and killed him..

There is nothing right about two cowards with guns starting a needless fight overs their ignorant suspicions, causing a young man to be killed - and for what?
They did everything right and are going to be rewarded like Zimmerman.

whats right about two men armed with a .357 magnum, a shotgun, and an F150 ordering a man in running clothes and shoes, who was jogging on a public street, posing no threat to the community, to stop on their demands. He did not want to drop but they they set up to bloch his path

The younger gunman placed himself and the shotgun directly in the jogger’s path telling him to stop. And the first shot was fired and then a fight ensued over control of the smoking weapon and the gunman prevailed sand shot the unarmed jogger Two more times and killed him..

There is nothing right about two cowards with guns starting a needless fight overs their ignorant suspicions, causing a young man to be killed - and for what?

This is alternative facts, everyone can see the video. Arbery may have been already pulling the shotgun when it went off.

No one cares what you think is right, obviously if you had good taste you wouldn't be a leftist. Everything they did was legal. They are heroes anyway.
How were they racist? How was it murder? Hate much?
I dont care if they are racist. They May or not be. They may have not reacted in the same way if a white jogger ran down their street.

I welcome the Feds looking into it and police station as well.
It was murder as a result of stalemated assault with a deadly weapon. They don’t her to decide there own self defense by they both instigated the combat that resulted in three shots being fired and murder was the results.

The combat started on the right side of the road in the video when the first shot was fired. We cannot see both men when the shot is fired and the struggle for the gun begins but the m armed man took his weapon into the jogger’s path is therefore responsible for any person that weapon kills.

there is no self defense in Georgia for the one that initiated the combat. There would have been self defense for Arbery, had he prevailed and and killed the youngrr off his two attackers - and the older attacker didnt get off some shots.

The racists are in that police station that took the white version of the story as the dead black man could not give his.
How were they racist? How was it murder? Hate much?
I dont care if they are racist. They May or not be. They may have not reacted in the same way if a white jogger ran down their street.

I welcome the Feds looking into it and police station as well.
It was murder as a result of stalemated assault with a deadly weapon. They don’t her to decide there own self defense by they both instigated the combat that resulted in three shots being fired and murder was the results.

The combat started on the right side of the road in the video when the first shot was fired. We cannot see both men when the shot is fired and the struggle for the gun begins but the m armed man took his weapon into the jogger’s path is therefore responsible for any person that weapon kills.

there is no self defense in Georgia for the one that initiated the combat. There would have been self defense for Arbery, had he prevailed and and killed the youngrr off his two attackers - and the older attacker didnt get off some shots.

The racists are in that police station that took the white version of the story as the dead black man could not give his.
Good luck you racist, more evidence will come out as you know but you already have convicted These two hero’s. All good, but what’s on video is a man trying to stop a criminal with words getting attacked and you want him in jail .. sad

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