A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
You are omitting facts. You may have a loaded gun on you or in your possession. You may not leave it loaded and unattended. You have already used up your allotment of “states I have lived in before”
Yes, but not in a vehicle on a public road. Again, what omitted facts? It's not that you leave it loaded. You cannot have a loaded gun in your vehicle.
They thought the kid had a weapon .. ohh he did the stolen hammer
Thought? So? Let law enforcement do their jobs. Thought? :auiqs.jpg: Can you imagine? They thought. Now a guy is dead over what they thought. WTF?
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate
Your statements have no relationship with anything intelligent. You are throwing spaghetti up against the wall again, saying absolutely nothing.
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.

Why was there loaded guns. Because he could have been armed and resist the arrest? Exactly what he did... hello???
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
Lie to yourself all you want. The facts of the case are overwhelming. These two are going to be in jail for a long time for being stupid.
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.
The burglar suspect was being followed until the cops got there,, They verbally asked him to stop he refused he grabbed the heroes done jolted it in a struggle probably trying to steal his gun and now he’s dead
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.

Why was there loaded guns. Because he could have been armed and resist the arrest? Exactly what he did... hello???
That was never anything for them to be worried about. That's for law enforcement too worry about. Your questions once again are nonsensical to anyone or anything other than a Loon. And I think the Loon would be scratching his head over your ridiculous questions.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
Lie to yourself all you want. The facts of the case are overwhelming. These two are going to be in jail for a long time for being stupid.
Then you’re using the judicial system in the mainstream media as a terrorist tool, these men are hero’s
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.
The burglar suspect was being followed until the cops got there,, They verbally asked him to stop he refused he grabbed the heroes done jolted it in a struggle probably trying to steal his gun and now he’s dead
They did everything wrong. I've already said what I said, and repeated it multiple times. Nothing of what they did was right.
So the dim bulbs no loaded gun assertion means that when in your car and are accosted that you ask for time to put the bullets in or merely wave the gun at them and shout fiercely” It’s loaded”
Last edited:
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
Lie to yourself all you want. The facts of the case are overwhelming. These two are going to be in jail for a long time for being stupid.
Then you’re using the judicial system in the mainstream media as a terrorist tool, these men are hero’s
That makes zero sense. Talk to the Loon. Maybe he can help you make sense of what you are talking about. That is too crazy for me.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger

The citizen police knew that he was trying to grab their gun when they decided to fire. That sums up all they needed to know.
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.
The burglar suspect was being followed until the cops got there,, They verbally asked him to stop he refused he grabbed the heroes done jolted it in a struggle probably trying to steal his gun and now he’s dead
They did everything wrong. I've already said what I said, and repeated it multiple times. Nothing of what they did was right.
No law
Says you can’t protect Yourself from my armed burglar
So the dumb bulbs no loaded gun assertion means that when in your car and are accosted that you ask for time to put the bullets in or merely wave the gun at them and shout fiercely” It’s loaded”
As this moves along, the defenders of these rednecks and their excuses, gets crazier with each post. Nothing they say has any relationship with intelligent thought.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger

It is unknown what he robbed at the time. But he sure wasn't conducting a picnic there.
25 Twenty five year old black males in Chicago killed each other this weekend and no one uttered a peep
Racism is so obvious and race baiting is so blantantly hypocritical

No one would have said a peep about this case if the DA hadn’t tried to whitewash it. That’s the difference. Chicago authorities aren’t trying to protect murderers.
No whitewash because nothing there. First the flimsy reed of white kills black, then shuffle fake outrage to DA tried to cover up...then shift....then shift...
How is it that there is nothing there? They were not law enforcement, they had loaded guns in their vehicle, they shot from a public road, and they pointed a gun at an unarmed civilian. So, how is there "nothingthis is not how events transpired and it’s not illegal to have a loaded gun. there?"
That’s a fake narrative of the events and it’s not illlegal to carry a loaded gun.
It is in a vehicle on a public road. I lived in Georgia and have friends who were fined for having loaded guns in their vehicles and fired from the road. Happens a lot there.

How is it a fake narrative? What is your proof?
Did they see somebody rob a house running down the street with something in his hand that look like a gun? Wearing untied combat boots and khakis
Irrelevant question! My case that I made stands. Beyond that, these two haven't good the sense of a Loon. Everything they did was wrong. Law enforcement already knows this. Loaded guns in vehicles, shooting from the road at unarmed civilians, and pointing a loaded shotgun. These two are in a world of trouble.
You can personally attacked these two heroes all you want but they did the right thing the Sara house got broken into they saw somebody running with an item could’ve been a gun could’ve been an expensive tool it doesn’t matter they called the cops they try to stop them until the cops got there he got violent he grab the gun and jolted is dead now.. just stop your racism stop perpetrating this Kid as a victim.. in a couple days the story is going to disappear because his criminal record is coming out video of him breaking into a house is coming out.. Just failed attempt to divide us by Reese has failed again
Wrong, the 911 call never mentioned a break in, just a man jogging. In the absence of better information they had no reason to chase or restrain him
It was staggering communication, the Black was running at them. He still called the cops to get the Burglar arrested which is a felony in Georgia
Negative! The black was boxed in with the truck and the guy pointing the shotgun at him while shots rang out as he was coming around the truck on the right. Why was there loaded guns? Why were they shooting from the road? Why was the shotgun pointed at the guy? All these are illegal acts in Georgia. These two rednecks are toast.
The burglar suspect was being followed until the cops got there,, They verbally asked him to stop he refused he grabbed the heroes done jolted it in a struggle probably trying to steal his gun and now he’s dead
They did everything wrong. I've already said what I said, and repeated it multiple times. Nothing of what they did was right.
No law
Says you can’t protect Yourself from my armed burglar
Right, at your house. They were at no one's house. Get a clue.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger
There is video of a man who Aubrey‘s mother says was him, entering a property that was not his leaving five minutes later his property that was not his, witnesses made a noise told people about it the two heroes got in the truck after witnessing the man with the weapon run,, They got on the phone they followed him with the cops the suspect and attacked the two heroes

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