A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

Arbery may have been already pulling the shotgun when it went off.

Why was the shotgun within reach? Was it pointed at him when it went off?

That it was close enough to be grabbed cements the case for aggravated assault and the subsequent murder against the pair of vigilantes.
Arbery may have been already pulling the shotgun when it went off.

Why was the shotgun within reach? Was it pointed at him when it went off?

That it was close enough to be grabbed cements the case for aggravated assault and the subsequent murder against the pair of vigilantes.

Why was the shotgun within his reach?

- Because the criminal lunged at it.

You are finally starting to get to the crux of the matter, after 60 pages.
All good, but what’s on video is a man trying to stop a criminal with words getting attacked and you want him in jail .. sad

The “stop” occurred during the split second when both man were in front of the truck on the right side of the road. The gunman moved into a position to impede the jogger’s path, with a shotgun and combat started and then both men moved to the left.

Moving into the jogger’s path brandishing a shotgun is not talking.

fat boys ‘words’ could not stop or kilobytes the jogger. It was the shotgun that stopped him and killed him.
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All good, but what’s on video is a man trying to stop a criminal with words getting attacked and you want him in jail .. sad

The “stop” occurred during the split second when both man were in front of the truck on the right side of the road. The gunman moved into a position to impede the jogger’s path, with a shotgun and combat started and then both men moved to the left.

Moving into the jogger’s path brandishing a shotgun is not talking.

fat boys ‘words’ could not stop or kilobytes the jogger. It was the shotgun that stopped him and killed him.
Lol your so racist lol a white man has no defense against a black. Sad thank god lady justice is blind
- Because the criminal lunged at it.

You are finally starting to get to the crux of the matter, after 60 pages.

All I see after 60 pages is your willingness to lie to save your murdering heroes.

You can’t see if the jogger lunged or not?

You were honest about the fake video, why stop being honest now.
- Because the criminal lunged at it.

You are finally starting to get to the crux of the matter, after 60 pages.

All I see after 60 pages is your willingness to lie to save your murdering heroes.

You can’t see if the jogger lunged or not?

You were honest about the fake video, why stop being honest now.

American heroes stopped an Armed Robber.

The ROBBER did lunge, your arguing in circles is becoming boring.
- Because the criminal lunged at it.

You are finally starting to get to the crux of the matter, after 60 pages.

All I see after 60 pages is your willingness to lie to save your murdering heroes.

You can’t see if the jogger lunged or not?

You were honest about the fake video, why stop being honest now.
You need to understand the south, with justice,, here is a peek
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
well I expect them to tell me what they thought Travis was expected to do when the blackman attacked him. I'll wait for one of them. Oh wait, I did, crickets.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
well I expect them to tell me what they thought Travis was expected to do when the blackman attacked him. I'll wait for one of them. Oh wait, I did, crickets.

He should have shot himself right there over white sin.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
neighborhood watch is to report suspicious activity and report it. they did just that. These fks thinks that's illegal. ask them
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
well I expect them to tell me what they thought Travis was expected to do when the blackman attacked him. I'll wait for one of them. Oh wait, I did, crickets.

He should have shot himself right there over white sin.
yep, white sin.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger

It is unknown what he robbed at the time. But he sure wasn't conducting a picnic there.
he undressed there. odd.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger
why did that matter at the time of the trespassing?
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger
I think you should go visit the southside of Chicago.
White privilege has been with us since our founding.
Huh? You’re making a hero out of a black guy that rob the house carried a hammer, and try to rip a gun away from my hero.. Where do you see white privilege there’s two men in jail right now for being heroes
And you are lying. Ha, go away and bring the truth and the proof with you when you come back. If not, thanks for surrendering your own argument to your own lies.
Proof? Cops review new video of man who appears to be Ahmaud Arbery
Do you want pictures of him running with a hammer in his hand do you want pictures of him throwing the hammer do you want pictures of him in khakis and wearing untied combat boots? Do you want pictures of him grabbing the man’s gun and jolting it?

No new news here. Based on the 911 call we knew weeks ago that Ahmaud was walking through the construction site. This is irrelevant to the case since the McMichaels did not own the property and the McMichaels did not personally witness Ahmaud at the site. Hence, citizens arrest does not apply here. Also, Ahmaud did not take anything, nor did he damage anything. At most he's guilty of trespassing. The neighbor already called 911 and said this so there was no need for an armed, vigilante style posse.
So why was he running with a hammer, untied boots, and kakis shorts? Why did he throw the hammer before the attempted arrest from two heroes?
No one is a hero with illegally loaded guns in a vehicle shooting from a public road illegally, pointing a gun at an unharmed civilian illegally, they are not law enforcement, and didn't call 911. Nothing heroic about any of that.
Actually in the state of Georgia you’re allowed to have a weapon for protection they witness the suspect running with a hammer. Actually the bill of rights as I have a right to bear arms. The reason why the gun went off was not because of the white people it was because Aubrey jolted it .. they were on the phone with the cops at the time.
Wrong! I lived in Georgia for forty years. Carrying a loaded weapon in a vehicle is illegal. Lok it up. Having a weapon for protection does not include a loaded weapon in a vehicle. I know people who were personally fined for the crime. If they saw a person running with a hammer, call 911. These two made so many mistakes it isn't even funny. Shooting from a public road is illegal. you have to be at least 50 feet. Pointing a gun at a person is illegal on a public road, while you are trying to take the law in your own hands. These two thugs are in jail for a very good reason. They're murderers.
So charge them for protecting them selves, lol you racist troll, give the black community a chance let’s stop honoring people that rob and try to commit murder
Protecting themselves would be easy. Do not pursue what you are not sure about with loaded weapons in a vehicle, then catch up to who you are pursuing by firing off a round on a public road, while pointing a loaded shotgun at that person. It's real easy. Protect yourself by letting law enforcement do their jobs. These two are idiots and murderers. Period! Nothing to defend for them. And I do mean nothing.
The pursuing somebody who rob the house that’s carrying A hammer that looks like a gun they’re on the phone with the cops they grab their guns to protect themselves nothing wrong with protection buddy. You are beyond racist you are legit sticking up for this kid that rob the house to try to take a gun to shoot somebody.. sick
Your argument might make sense to the Common Loon, giving the Loon a little more credit in the thought process. Nothing these two murderers did was right. They did everything humanely possible to do what they were never supposed to do. And nothing you say will ever change that.

They committed a heroic citizen arrest, defended their community. Good guys, it was sad that the black man had to try grabbing their guns, realizing he was in trouble.

If you want to see two people doing everything wrong, see my thread about two black men trying to steal shoes and shooting and killing a white woman in the process. Or the one where a black person decided to go hunting white people with a hunting rifle in a cemetery.
They were arrested for murder, because everything they did was wrong. And there was no citizens arrest, because the guy is dead. You are beyond full of it,

Who cares if they were arrested, they will be acquitted as the evidence becomes overwhelming. The same as in every liberal hoax case. But keep defending the burglar, you know I truly do wish they didn't kill him so he could take a stab at your house.
The video shows exactly that the overwhelming evidence belongs to the deceased. Even without the video, these two murderers had no business being there. It's a disaster for them, and there is a dead man as a result. There is no way these two go free.
You’re talking like a terrorist.. do you want these men in jail for political reasons.. Stop your hate

Yes, that's exactly what he wants. Or for the crime of hurting his precious feelings. Fuck him... We need way more heroic individuals like the two folks here who defended their community against a robber.
What did he rob, and what is the evidence that he robbed it and what did the murderers know when they fired on the jogger
I think you should go visit the southside of Chicago.

Chicago is the home of Armed Robberies, grab for someone's gun and the ending is as expected, but with no leftists whines.
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
No charges?! :mad:
Seems like it was self defense, they white guys wanted to ask him a question, and the black Violently attacked the two guys

"Seems like it was self defense, they white guys wanted to ask him a question, and the black Violently attacked the two guys "

conservative human scum lie about everything.

only a deranged piece of shit (that's you) would think 2 white bubbas with shot guns have a RIGHT to detain a black person who hadn't committed any crime.....
A black man jogging in an affluent suburban Georgia neighborhood was shot dead by neighbors on February 23, who thought he was a robber, setting off online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling, The New York Times reported.

Ahmaud Arbery was jogging around Brunswick, Georgia, before he was killed in nearby Satilla Shores. Arbery ran by Gregory McMichael who called to his son Travis McMichael before grabbing their .357 magnum revolver and shotgun and followed Arbery in a truck, according to The Times.

"Stop, stop," they shouted at Mr. Arbery, according to The Times, "we want to talk to you."

Gregory McMichael told police he thought Arbery was the suspect in a string of break-ins. Arbery died after being shot twice in after "a struggle over the shotgun," according to The Times.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the elder McMichael, who is a former police officer, was the only source quoted in the police report and that led critics to suspect that "his influence played a role in authorities' decision not to bring charges."

"There's a lot of suspicion of law enforcement down here," Akeem Baker, a friend of Arbery told AJC.

Neither the father nor son have been charged with Arbery's killing.

So now you can't jog while black.

How is it that you can just grab your gun and chase someone down the block, kill them and then return home for dinner.

Oh that's right there is no more racism in the South anymore.
No charges?! :mad:
Seems like it was self defense, they white guys wanted to ask him a question, and the black Violently attacked the two guys

"Seems like it was self defense, they white guys wanted to ask him a question, and the black Violently attacked the two guys "

conservative human scum lie about everything.

only a deranged piece of shit (that's you) would think 2 white bubbas with shot guns have a RIGHT to detain a black person who hadn't committed any crime.....

It says it in the great law of Georgia. Suspicion is enough to arrest a criminal. Their suspicion was correct.

You defend Armed Robbery.

True conservatives defend the American heroes.

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This seems like even more of an open and shut case now. The only crime in the neighborhood was a shotgun being stolen out of an unlocked truck from one of the two killers. Also, the father has a different attorney from his son so he can better throw his trashy murdering son under the bus. The father was an accessory so both are killers and deserve the maximum prison sentences the law can mete out. They young black man may have been getting a drink of water at the construction site.

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