A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

That is not what the law says they can do. From an experienced defense attorney who actually practices in Georgia.

This comes from your link:

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law​

I’ve been looking for the words that best describe what the armed gunmen with a pickup truck did to Arbery during the final minute of his life that was a definable criminal act.

This describes what they did - exactly: “hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns” .

Norman makes the argument that when the close contact was made? hidden from view, when both men were in front of the truck, if Arbery grabs the barrel of the gun it is the moment that the gunman is entitled to shoot and kill him in Self Defense.

That can’t be true because the gunmen are already commiting the crime of “hemming their victim in using a pickup truck and guns” which is a felony according to your source.

Georgia’s Self Defense law does not grant right of self defense when a shooter was the initial aggressor, or in defense of property, or while in the act of committing a felony.

Norman’s heroes have struck out on getting off for self defense.
That is not what the law says they can do. From an experienced defense attorney who actually practices in Georgia.

This comes from your link:

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law​

I’ve been looking for the words that best describe what the armed gunmen with a pickup truck did to Arbery during the final minute of his life that was a definable criminal act.

This describes what they did - exactly: “hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns” .

Norman makes the argument that when the close contact was made? hidden from view, when both men were in front of the truck, if Arbery grabs the barrel of the gun it is the moment that the gunman is entitled to shoot and kill him in Self Defense.

That can’t be true because the gunmen are already commiting the crime of “hemming their victim in using a pickup truck and guns” which is a felony according to your source.

Georgia’s Self Defense law does not grant right of self defense when a shooter was the initial aggressor, or in defense of property, or while in the act of committing a felony.

Norman’s heroes have struck out on getting off for self defense.
lol y’all are crazy
A lot of bad stuff goes down in Georgia, I've noticed. Lots of feral people attacks.

I may be in FL, but it don't happen like that here! We may have our problems, but that ain't one of them!

Nice pictures: just no crime.

Here is a photo of the felony your criminal heroes committed just before they Continued the felony of murder.


this felony is described accurately below as hemming Arbury in with a truck and Guns.

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law.​
He attacked an armed white man

.....after he was attacked by the Armed
White Gunman who circled around (left to right) and in front of the truck and blocked his way during the combat that ensured.

The white gunmen initiated the attack and were committing a felony when they Hemmed the jogger in with guns displayed and a truck in order to stop his movement.

whatever the jogger did once the trap was justified If he were the one that and if we had the save video but the white asshole was shot dead with his own gun.
That is not what the law says they can do. From an experienced defense attorney who actually practices in Georgia.

This comes from your link:

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law​

I’ve been looking for the words that best describe what the armed gunmen with a pickup truck did to Arbery during the final minute of his life that was a definable criminal act.

This describes what they did - exactly: “hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns” .

Norman makes the argument that when the close contact was made? hidden from view, when both men were in front of the truck, if Arbery grabs the barrel of the gun it is the moment that the gunman is entitled to shoot and kill him in Self Defense.

That can’t be true because the gunmen are already commiting the crime of “hemming their victim in using a pickup truck and guns” which is a felony according to your source.

Georgia’s Self Defense law does not grant right of self defense when a shooter was the initial aggressor, or in defense of property, or while in the act of committing a felony.

Norman’s heroes have struck out on getting off for self defense.

It is overly simplistic to say that the text of the law justifies this or that. Courts determine what the law says and most importantly what it means. How it is applied. Take all the cases that have debated the meaning and application of the First Amendment. One of the most famous quotes. You can’t shout fire in a theater. Well actually you can. Only the theater better be on fire when you do.

What the defenders of the McMichaels are trying to do is simplify and at the same time justify. Now what they should be worried about is an experienced defense attorney with a history in Georgia Criminal Law is not saying that the McMichaels were justified. He knows the law and the case precedence that will guide the Judges decisions.

In another thread they mentioned Zimmerman. What they do not understand is Zimmerman would have gone to jail in Georgia. At the minimum, if he had managed to get the DA to believe it was mutual combat, he would have faced a few years.

In your home or on your property Georgia is rabid about defending your right to defend yourself and your family. We had a woman not long ago who shot at people who had invaded her home and no charges were even considered for her. Her home. The intruders were armed. But the scenario was very different. She did not go looking for trouble. She was home and minding her business. Nobody said it was excessive. Nobody claimed she was committing any crime.

Those intruders were also Black and nobody objected. Why? That incident had everything this one did not. A true defending yourself scenario. Home instead of in the street after chasing them down.

Georgia will not punish you for defending yourself. They will drop the hammer on you for going and finding the trouble you were looking for.
Standing there sayinf

Nice pictures: just no crime.

Here is a photo of the felony your criminal heroes committed just before they Continued the felony of murder.

View attachment 336589
this felony is described accurately below as hemming Arbury in with a truck and Guns.

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law.​
standing there saying stop? Lol
That is not what the law says they can do. From an experienced defense attorney who actually practices in Georgia.

This comes from your link:

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law​

I’ve been looking for the words that best describe what the armed gunmen with a pickup truck did to Arbery during the final minute of his life that was a definable criminal act.

This describes what they did - exactly: “hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns” .

Norman makes the argument that when the close contact was made? hidden from view, when both men were in front of the truck, if Arbery grabs the barrel of the gun it is the moment that the gunman is entitled to shoot and kill him in Self Defense.

That can’t be true because the gunmen are already commiting the crime of “hemming their victim in using a pickup truck and guns” which is a felony according to your source.

Georgia’s Self Defense law does not grant right of self defense when a shooter was the initial aggressor, or in defense of property, or while in the act of committing a felony.

Norman’s heroes have struck out on getting off for self defense.

It is overly simplistic to say that the text of the law justifies this or that. Courts determine what the law says and most importantly what it means. How it is applied. Take all the cases that have debated the meaning and application of the First Amendment. One of the most famous quotes. You can’t shout fire in a theater. Well actually you can. Only the theater better be on fire when you do.

What the defenders of the McMichaels are trying to do is simplify and at the same time justify. Now what they should be worried about is an experienced defense attorney with a history in Georgia Criminal Law is not saying that the McMichaels were justified. He knows the law and the case precedence that will guide the Judges decisions.

In another thread they mentioned Zimmerman. What they do not understand is Zimmerman would have gone to jail in Georgia. At the minimum, if he had managed to get the DA to believe it was mutual combat, he would have faced a few years.

In your home or on your property Georgia is rabid about defending your right to defend yourself and your family. We had a woman not long ago who shot at people who had invaded her home and no charges were even considered for her. Her home. The intruders were armed. But the scenario was very different. She did not go looking for trouble. She was home and minding her business. Nobody said it was excessive. Nobody claimed she was committing any crime.

Those intruders were also Black and nobody objected. Why? That incident had everything this one did not. A true defending yourself scenario. Home instead of in the street after chasing them down.

Georgia will not punish you for defending yourself. They will drop the hammer on you for going and finding the trouble you were looking for.

thanks - all your posts are quite informative.
standing there saying stop? Lol

He was not standing. The asshole with a shotgun was moving from a safe distance from a passing jogger to blocking the jogger’s intended oath.

The jogger makes a move to avoid combat with a man standing in the middle of the Left lane holding a shotgun


The jogger goes around the truck on the to right side. The Gunman reacts to the jogger’s move and runs ahead of the front of the truck in order to cut the jogger off and stop him.,

it is impossible that the gunman was just “standing there saying stop? LOL” He had to move his lard ass pretty fast go from intimidating the jogger from behind the truck to a blocking position of intimidation some distance in front of the truck and in the right line. At least the middle of the right lane maybe farther to the right.

when you say the gunman was “standing there saying stop? LOL” you are lying.
standing there saying stop? Lol

He was not standing. The asshole with a shotgun was moving from a safe distance from a passing jogger to blocking the jogger’s intended oath.

The jogger makes a move to avoid combat with a man standing in the middle of the Left lane holding a shotgun

View attachment 336692
The jogger goes around the truck on the to right side. The Gunman reacts to the jogger’s move and runs ahead of the front of the truck in order to cut the jogger off and stop him.,

it is impossible that the gunman was just “standing there saying stop? LOL” He had to move his lard ass pretty fast go from intimidating the jogger from behind the truck to a blocking position of intimidation some distance in front of the truck and in the right line. At least the middle of the right lane maybe farther to the right.

when you say the gunman was “standing there saying stop? LOL” you are lying.
Sorry not what the video shows, looks like the black was running at the hero to attack him
That is not what the law says they can do. From an experienced defense attorney who actually practices in Georgia.

This comes from your link:

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law​

I’ve been looking for the words that best describe what the armed gunmen with a pickup truck did to Arbery during the final minute of his life that was a definable criminal act.

This describes what they did - exactly: “hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns” .

Norman makes the argument that when the close contact was made? hidden from view, when both men were in front of the truck, if Arbery grabs the barrel of the gun it is the moment that the gunman is entitled to shoot and kill him in Self Defense.

That can’t be true because the gunmen are already commiting the crime of “hemming their victim in using a pickup truck and guns” which is a felony according to your source.

Georgia’s Self Defense law does not grant right of self defense when a shooter was the initial aggressor, or in defense of property, or while in the act of committing a felony.

Norman’s heroes have struck out on getting off for self defense.

Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

Even following someone who is jogging on a fucking driveway is not illegal. What, we are just supposed to stop our cars whenever a black man jogs down the street?

Arbery would have to have the legitimate belief that they were there to cause lethal harm to charge at the shotgun. The problem is, nothing in the case points to that, the chase lasted quite long, there is no motivation for such thing.

He didn't stop because he knew what he had done. And in his mind it was bad enough to warrant the assault in an attempt to escape.
That is not what the law says they can do. From an experienced defense attorney who actually practices in Georgia.

This comes from your link:

“The McMichaels will have a hard time establishing that a crime was committed within their presence or immediate knowledge. But even if they get past those serious hurtles, they’re still stuck justifying hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns when those acts are each serious felonies under Georgia law​

I’ve been looking for the words that best describe what the armed gunmen with a pickup truck did to Arbery during the final minute of his life that was a definable criminal act.

This describes what they did - exactly: “hemming an unarmed man in with a truck and guns” .

Norman makes the argument that when the close contact was made? hidden from view, when both men were in front of the truck, if Arbery grabs the barrel of the gun it is the moment that the gunman is entitled to shoot and kill him in Self Defense.

That can’t be true because the gunmen are already commiting the crime of “hemming their victim in using a pickup truck and guns” which is a felony according to your source.

Georgia’s Self Defense law does not grant right of self defense when a shooter was the initial aggressor, or in defense of property, or while in the act of committing a felony.

Norman’s heroes have struck out on getting off for self defense.

Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

Even following someone who is jogging on a fucking driveway is not illegal. What, we are just supposed to stop our cars whenever a black man jogs down the street?

Arbery would have to have the legitimate belief that they were there to cause lethal harm to charge at the shotgun. The problem is, nothing in the case points to that, the chase lasted quite long, there is no motivation for such thing.

He didn't stop because he knew what he had done. And in his mind it was bad enough to warrant the assault in an attempt to escape.

Then Why do the Lawyers, Cops, and Judges say it is?
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

Well when you chase them and threaten them with a gun.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

No, I see it more as a fear to his life which was point on.
No one in fear of their lives tries to grab a shot gun from a man who just drew a bead on you. Only someone who believes they have intimidated the gunman. Now why would he think that NOTHING would happen?

.....and you know that how? Have you ever had a gun pointed at you? Have you ever had someone chase you with a gun? The answer is Hell No, so how in the hell do you know how someone would react.
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

This has to be the idiot post of the year.
guys, lets just go on what we know, since thats all we have.

Arbery was seen on a home security camera, standing in a new home construction, a shell, if you will.
The home owner has already been on record saying Arbery didn't commit any crime, he didn't steal or damage anything
Entering a construction site isn't illegal, and what Arbery did isn't even considered trespassing (at least in Georgia law) because nobody asked/told him to leave.
The McMichaels had no idea of this video because they didn't know the homeowner and the homeowner didn't release the video until about 2 months after Arbery was killed.

From reports I have been reading, Arbery was shot in the wrist before he made an attempt to wrestle the gun from McMichael's hands, which makes perfect sense to do if you realize you were just shot.

The McMichaels were under NO authority to make a citizens arrest because the elements needed for a citizens arrest, did not apply.
They did not SEE a FELONY being committed (they didn't even see a misdemeanor being committed)
They did not make a REASONABLE attempt to detain Arbery without using unnecessary force

Will more video information be released? I dont know, we dont even know if more video information EXISTS. But for now, based on what we have been shown, those three men are responsible for murdering Arbery.
Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

In Georgia, from what I’ve found myself and from reading all that SavannahMann hss posted on this and the other threads, the detainers must have witnessed a felony in progress or have *first hand knowledge of a felony in progress and when bringing lethal force to the citizens arrest they must be absolutely certain that if lethal force were to be used it must be reasonable and fit the crime. Detainers risk going to prison if guess wrong.

in this case there was no felony to be witnessed immediate to then shooting.
Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

In Georgia, from what I’ve found myself and from reading all that SavannahMann hss posted on this and the other threads, the detainers must have witnessed a felony in progress or have *first hand knowledge of a felony in progress and when bringing lethal force to the citizens arrest they must be absolutely certain that if lethal force were to be used it must be reasonable and fit the crime. Detainers risk going to prison if guess wrong.

in this case there was no felony to be witnessed immediate to then shooting.

I have posted the law MULTIPLE times now. How damn difficult is it to read? There is no such requirement, you only need to SUSPECT a felony if someone is fleeing. In the police report they said they suspected a burglary - a felony.

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