A 7-Day Workweek Could Soon Be Legal in Wisconsin

So you are a little girl?

Sorry didn't realize it, I don't cut down and flame women much on here or any political forums...

Carry on, I love reading a woman's point of view

I'm a grown woman. Don't be afraid.
I love to hunt, I love to fish, I love to ski up in the mountains and ski in the lakes on the same day. I love hopping in my truck and being to myttle beach in hours...

You can take the money and shove it.
The age of the minimum wage worker has no bearing on it's intended purpose as a starting point. If an older worker decides to apply for a job with the knowledge it only pays the minimum, that's not the employers problem, is it?
Minimum wage isn't a "starting point". It wasn't created because it was a "starting point" geared for "younger workers".

It's not a starting point because you say so. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.

So tell me all knowing one, if the minimum isn't the starting wage, what is? After all, there's only one direction to go from there.

It's called the least you can get away with paying someone.

That's assuming someone will work for it, if they will then you have an employment contract, don'cha? Two parties agreeing to an established level of compensation. Now who the heck are you to say they can't do that?

If you are working for 7.25 an hour then it's not like you're holding all the cards. Now is it?
You can always quit to take a better paying job. Right?
Yea but I don't like picking on

It's not right

If this means that you are moving towards conversing then it's fine.
Thats where the unions come in handy.

No, that's where you acquire your own bargaining power, on your own merits. Unions haven't done shit for the American worker in decades.

Swim, there is an entire psychological field known as industry/occupational psychology. They have been used as union busters. Why? Because the reality is that there is more power in numbers. If the US was still a country with social mobility then this would great. It's not.

You can bullshit some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.
Swim, there is an entire psychological field known as industry/occupational psychology. They have been used as union busters.


Are you intentionally pulling things out of your ass, or are you just accidentally this stupid?

In any event, regardless of your insane theories about why unions have been busted, the fact remains that unions themselves haven't done shit for American workers in decades. They don't even bother. Unions are nothing more than any other corporation operating for their own profit by selling you whatever bill of goods they can convince you to buy, while giving you the lowest quality product you are willing to settle for.

Go out and get real bargaining power. You just might reach double digits hourly rates.
Swim, there is an entire psychological field known as industry/occupational psychology. They have been used as union busters.


Are you intentionally pulling things out of your ass, or are you just accidentally this stupid?

In any event, regardless of your insane theories about why unions have been busted, the fact remains that unions themselves haven't done shit for American workers in decades. They don't even bother. Unions are nothing more than any other corporation operating for their own profit by selling you whatever bill of goods they can convince you to buy, while giving you the lowest quality product you are willing to settle for.

Go out and get real bargaining power. You just might reach double digits hourly rates.
The Values of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Who Are We

That's assuming someone will work for it, if they will then you have an employment contract, don'cha? Two parties agreeing to an established level of compensation. Now who the heck are you to say they can't do that?

If you are working for 7.25 an hour then it's not like you're holding all the cards. Now is it?

And? If you agree to do it, it's no one else's business, is it? If a person thinks they're worth more, they just keep looking. I've turned down many job offers because they didn't pay enough, if others want to sell themselves short, that's their problem, but don't do it and cry and moan and ask someone to intervene.

You don't have any bargaining power at that point. We can't make comparisons between your life and the rest of the world.

Why? Because I made good decisions and never relied on commies to bail me out?

Because you can say anything you want on the internet and it cannot be examined.

Are you admitting you've been lying all this time.
If you are working for 7.25 an hour then it's not like you're holding all the cards. Now is it?

And? If you agree to do it, it's no one else's business, is it? If a person thinks they're worth more, they just keep looking. I've turned down many job offers because they didn't pay enough, if others want to sell themselves short, that's their problem, but don't do it and cry and moan and ask someone to intervene.

You don't have any bargaining power at that point. We can't make comparisons between your life and the rest of the world.

Why? Because I made good decisions and never relied on commies to bail me out?

Because you can say anything you want on the internet and it cannot be examined.

Are you admitting you've been lying all this time.

Nope. I'm not the one trying to make a comparison between my life and all others. I'm actually pretty careful, or at least try to be, about that as it solves nothing. That kind of shit in all of its forms can get real mean real quick.
And? If you agree to do it, it's no one else's business, is it? If a person thinks they're worth more, they just keep looking. I've turned down many job offers because they didn't pay enough, if others want to sell themselves short, that's their problem, but don't do it and cry and moan and ask someone to intervene.

You don't have any bargaining power at that point. We can't make comparisons between your life and the rest of the world.

Why? Because I made good decisions and never relied on commies to bail me out?

Because you can say anything you want on the internet and it cannot be examined.

Are you admitting you've been lying all this time.

Nope. I'm not the one trying to make a comparison between my life and all others. I'm actually pretty careful, or at least try to be, about that as it solves nothing. That kind of shit in all of its forms can get real mean real quick.

I guess that's where we differ, my decisions and life experience are what made my who I am, did I make some mistakes, you bet, but I'm not ashamed of them, I learned and moved on. After all, we are all the sum total of our own decisions, many refuse to accept that, I embrace it and will never blame my lot in life on anyone else.
You don't have any bargaining power at that point. We can't make comparisons between your life and the rest of the world.

Why? Because I made good decisions and never relied on commies to bail me out?

Because you can say anything you want on the internet and it cannot be examined.

Are you admitting you've been lying all this time.

Nope. I'm not the one trying to make a comparison between my life and all others. I'm actually pretty careful, or at least try to be, about that as it solves nothing. That kind of shit in all of its forms can get real mean real quick.

I guess that's where we differ, my decisions and life experience are what made my who I am, did I make some mistakes, you bet, but I'm not ashamed of them, I learned and moved on. After all, we are all the sum total of our own decisions, many refuse to accept that, I embrace it and will never blame my lot in life on anyone else.

I'm not ashamed of mine but in the middle of a discussion it becomes incomparable. 'Sides, I can't go around expecting everyone to keep up with my pace.
Why? Because I made good decisions and never relied on commies to bail me out?

Because you can say anything you want on the internet and it cannot be examined.

Are you admitting you've been lying all this time.

Nope. I'm not the one trying to make a comparison between my life and all others. I'm actually pretty careful, or at least try to be, about that as it solves nothing. That kind of shit in all of its forms can get real mean real quick.

I guess that's where we differ, my decisions and life experience are what made my who I am, did I make some mistakes, you bet, but I'm not ashamed of them, I learned and moved on. After all, we are all the sum total of our own decisions, many refuse to accept that, I embrace it and will never blame my lot in life on anyone else.

I'm not ashamed of mine but in the middle of a discussion it becomes incomparable. 'Sides, I can't go around expecting everyone to keep up with my pace.

There are many folks in this world who refuse to accept the fact that they are where they are because they put themselves there. They refused to pay attention and stay in school, have done nothing to get marketable skills and then cry oh woe is me, I'm being exploited by the man. Give me a freaking break!
Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.


When I first started working where I do now, I had to do security rounds in the dark and dirty basements, negotiate the "Steam Tunnels" which are tunnels about 60 yards long and about 6 feet wide....full of hot steam to run the mills above.

I started work at 6:30 pm and stayed "swamped" till my shift ended at 6:30 am. I even issued work permits that were never used.....but it was a way to make me "run all over" the plant ; OR I would just get sat down for a break and get called to go issue a work ( safety ) permit. I was verbally abused and really "Worked myself to death for years and years.

I believe, it is my honest opinion, that some people tried to get me and some others in my department to quit our jobs, this solidified by the years upon years of mental - psychological and physical harassment I had to endure.

We went from working 4 days on and 4 days off, to "21 shift". Covering my shift, sickeness, report offs in my department, military leave and many other reasons....I worked 6 and 7 days a week for about 5 years. The only time I got off was for vacation. No cookouts with the family, no boat ride on the pontoon boat on the lake and fishing, no camping, no time alone.....and a couple of times I had to have someone relive me early...before 4:00 pm ; so I could go pay my bills and mail out bills that needed to be mailed out.

When some of my co-workers quit, they were not replaced....so more hours of overtime. I never got a moments rest that I recall.

One person I worked with....he was supposedly in a Special Forces Unit previously, but was then...in a helicopter unit......and his nickname was "Delta Force". He got "Military Orders" ( I believe they were fabricated ) to get off on holidays, but would be back to work the next day. Example - if the 4th of July was on a Thursday, he got off Thursday for military duty, but would be back to work the next day. If he did not have to work on a holiday.....he never got "Military Orders".

Many-many years I worked nothing but 6 and 7 day workweeks.....and it does take a toll on the psyche and body. There was...for me....medical repercussions. And in my opinion, the company I worked for at the time.....did nothing to help alleviate the problem, and I was told it was cheaper to pay overtime than to hire personnel to fill the vacant spots.

Shadow 355
Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.


When I first started working where I do now, I had to do security rounds in the dark and dirty basements, negotiate the "Steam Tunnels" which are tunnels about 60 yards long and about 6 feet wide....full of hot steam to run the mills above.

I started work at 6:30 pm and stayed "swamped" till my shift ended at 6:30 am. I even issued work permits that were never used.....but it was a way to make me "run all over" the plant ; OR I would just get sat down for a break and get called to go issue a work ( safety ) permit. I was verbally abused and really "Worked myself to death for years and years.

I believe, it is my honest opinion, that some people tried to get me and some others in my department to quit our jobs, this solidified by the years upon years of mental - psychological and physical harassment I had to endure.

We went from working 4 days on and 4 days off, to "21 shift". Covering my shift, sickeness, report offs in my department, military leave and many other reasons....I worked 6 and 7 days a week for about 5 years. The only time I got off was for vacation. No cookouts with the family, no boat ride on the pontoon boat on the lake and fishing, no camping, no time alone.....and a couple of times I had to have someone relive me early...before 4:00 pm ; so I could go pay my bills and mail out bills that needed to be mailed out.

When some of my co-workers quit, they were not replaced....so more hours of overtime. I never got a moments rest that I recall.

One person I worked with....he was supposedly in a Special Forces Unit previously, but was then...in a helicopter unit......and his nickname was "Delta Force". He got "Military Orders" ( I believe they were fabricated ) to get off on holidays, but would be back to work the next day. Example - if the 4th of July was on a Thursday, he got off Thursday for military duty, but would be back to work the next day. If he did not have to work on a holiday.....he never got "Military Orders".

Many-many years I worked nothing but 6 and 7 day workweeks.....and it does take a toll on the psyche and body. There was...for me....medical repercussions. And in my opinion, the company I worked for at the time.....did nothing to help alleviate the problem, and I was told it was cheaper to pay overtime than to hire personnel to fill the vacant spots.

Shadow 355

I would have found other work. No ifs and or buts. I won't work where I don't like the job, not worth time, effort, money, or happiness.
Because you can say anything you want on the internet and it cannot be examined.

Are you admitting you've been lying all this time.

Nope. I'm not the one trying to make a comparison between my life and all others. I'm actually pretty careful, or at least try to be, about that as it solves nothing. That kind of shit in all of its forms can get real mean real quick.

I guess that's where we differ, my decisions and life experience are what made my who I am, did I make some mistakes, you bet, but I'm not ashamed of them, I learned and moved on. After all, we are all the sum total of our own decisions, many refuse to accept that, I embrace it and will never blame my lot in life on anyone else.

I'm not ashamed of mine but in the middle of a discussion it becomes incomparable. 'Sides, I can't go around expecting everyone to keep up with my pace.

There are many folks in this world who refuse to accept the fact that they are where they are because they put themselves there. They refused to pay attention and stay in school, have done nothing to get marketable skills and then cry oh woe is me, I'm being exploited by the man. Give me a freaking break!

I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.
Are you admitting you've been lying all this time.

Nope. I'm not the one trying to make a comparison between my life and all others. I'm actually pretty careful, or at least try to be, about that as it solves nothing. That kind of shit in all of its forms can get real mean real quick.

I guess that's where we differ, my decisions and life experience are what made my who I am, did I make some mistakes, you bet, but I'm not ashamed of them, I learned and moved on. After all, we are all the sum total of our own decisions, many refuse to accept that, I embrace it and will never blame my lot in life on anyone else.

I'm not ashamed of mine but in the middle of a discussion it becomes incomparable. 'Sides, I can't go around expecting everyone to keep up with my pace.

There are many folks in this world who refuse to accept the fact that they are where they are because they put themselves there. They refused to pay attention and stay in school, have done nothing to get marketable skills and then cry oh woe is me, I'm being exploited by the man. Give me a freaking break!

I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.

I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

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