A 7-Day Workweek Could Soon Be Legal in Wisconsin

Nope. I'm not the one trying to make a comparison between my life and all others. I'm actually pretty careful, or at least try to be, about that as it solves nothing. That kind of shit in all of its forms can get real mean real quick.

I guess that's where we differ, my decisions and life experience are what made my who I am, did I make some mistakes, you bet, but I'm not ashamed of them, I learned and moved on. After all, we are all the sum total of our own decisions, many refuse to accept that, I embrace it and will never blame my lot in life on anyone else.

I'm not ashamed of mine but in the middle of a discussion it becomes incomparable. 'Sides, I can't go around expecting everyone to keep up with my pace.

There are many folks in this world who refuse to accept the fact that they are where they are because they put themselves there. They refused to pay attention and stay in school, have done nothing to get marketable skills and then cry oh woe is me, I'm being exploited by the man. Give me a freaking break!

I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.

I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.
I guess that's where we differ, my decisions and life experience are what made my who I am, did I make some mistakes, you bet, but I'm not ashamed of them, I learned and moved on. After all, we are all the sum total of our own decisions, many refuse to accept that, I embrace it and will never blame my lot in life on anyone else.

I'm not ashamed of mine but in the middle of a discussion it becomes incomparable. 'Sides, I can't go around expecting everyone to keep up with my pace.

There are many folks in this world who refuse to accept the fact that they are where they are because they put themselves there. They refused to pay attention and stay in school, have done nothing to get marketable skills and then cry oh woe is me, I'm being exploited by the man. Give me a freaking break!

I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.

I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.

Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.
I'm not ashamed of mine but in the middle of a discussion it becomes incomparable. 'Sides, I can't go around expecting everyone to keep up with my pace.

There are many folks in this world who refuse to accept the fact that they are where they are because they put themselves there. They refused to pay attention and stay in school, have done nothing to get marketable skills and then cry oh woe is me, I'm being exploited by the man. Give me a freaking break!

I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.

I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.

Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.

What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............
There are many folks in this world who refuse to accept the fact that they are where they are because they put themselves there. They refused to pay attention and stay in school, have done nothing to get marketable skills and then cry oh woe is me, I'm being exploited by the man. Give me a freaking break!

I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.

I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.

Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.

What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............

Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, machinist, truck driving, nursing and many other skilled trades are begging for people. All of them pay well, usually have good benefits, but you have to be willing to break a sweat, too many think jobs like those are beneath them. Folks with that attitude deserve to go hungry.
I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.

I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.

Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.

What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............

Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, machinist, truck driving, nursing and many other skilled trades are begging for people. All of them pay well, usually have good benefits, but you have to be willing to break a sweat, too many think jobs like those are beneath them. Folks with that attitude deserve to go hungry.

Why do you believe that in any at-will employment State?
Wisconsin’s GOP is trying to nix an existing law that requires employers in the manufacturing and retail sectors to give employees at least 24 hours off during each consecutive seven-day period. Currently, for an employee to skip his or her weekly day off, an employer has to get approval from the state’s Department of Workforce Development. The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce association—a staunch advocate of the bill—suggests that the step is onerous and unnecessary, since the department has approved 733 such requests over the past five years, a number they imply means that the department is rubber-stamping the requests. Supporters also suggest that the plan ultimately helps employees who want to work more hours.
Will Wisconsin Have 7-Day Workweeks - The Atlantic

Yep. The GOP is awesome.


Yeah, bullshit.

More demagoguery from the public employee unions.
I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.

Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.

What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............

Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, machinist, truck driving, nursing and many other skilled trades are begging for people. All of them pay well, usually have good benefits, but you have to be willing to break a sweat, too many think jobs like those are beneath them. Folks with that attitude deserve to go hungry.

Why do you believe that in any at-will employment State?

At-will has nothing to do with it. Being willing to do what's necessary has everything to do with it.
I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.

Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.

What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............

Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, machinist, truck driving, nursing and many other skilled trades are begging for people. All of them pay well, usually have good benefits, but you have to be willing to break a sweat, too many think jobs like those are beneath them. Folks with that attitude deserve to go hungry.

Why do you believe that in any at-will employment State?

At-will has nothing to do with it. Being willing to do what's necessary has everything to do with it.
At-will has every Thing to do with it in any at-will employment State--otherwise, why Only complain about less fortunate illegals to our own laws.
Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.

What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............

Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, machinist, truck driving, nursing and many other skilled trades are begging for people. All of them pay well, usually have good benefits, but you have to be willing to break a sweat, too many think jobs like those are beneath them. Folks with that attitude deserve to go hungry.

Why do you believe that in any at-will employment State?

At-will has nothing to do with it. Being willing to do what's necessary has everything to do with it.
At-will has every Thing to do with it in any at-will employment State--otherwise, why Only complain about less fortunate illegals to our own laws.

I have no idea what kind of translation software your using but you ain't make'n any sense.
Yes, comrade, the bourgeoisie is oppressing the proletariat.

So why don't workers who don't like their hours just get a different job?

Isn't that the whole point, Kaz? Screw everybody as hard as you can get rid of channels to rectify a situation and then sit back and discuss choice? I'm almost excited that we can have the feudal society that you crave.

I don't know what you're smoking, but that's some pretty good shit based on how stoned you are. I support capitalism where we all get to make our own choices. You support big government and removal of choice, which is exactly what this is. This is all you, sweet heart. You're just tripping, girlfriend

Yes, Kaz. It just so happens then your brand of capitalism is like walking down the grocery aisle and believing that because all of the different "brands" signal choice when in reality 90% are owned by one company. The illusion of choice.
Moving the goal post already I see, the thread is on the 7 day week. But tell me, exactly what is a living wage in WI?

It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.

Great abstract definition, now give me a number. In other words answer the freaking question, here it is again just in case your dementia doesn't allow you to remember. "exactly what is a living wage in WI?"

It is abstract and that's why there is a process in place so that it can be challenged.

A process to challenge what, you have yet to define what "it" is. Come on is "it" $1.00 or $500.00 an hour? You freaking commies like to throw out the abstract terms like "living wage" and "fair share" but you refuse to tie them to anything in reality. Care to try again?

You dork. It's a legal term that has been used for over 100 years in Wisconsin and works so that it can be adjusted over time. It absolutely should be based on the job. That said, it needs to be high enough to keep people off of public aid.
Oh..Now it is a legal term...How so? There is no set living wage. The concept is subjective.
A living wage should be based on needs.
The Left has decided that a living wage should be based on wants and creature comforts.
There is a living wage calculator.....Living Wage Calculator
For example this calculator believes that a family of 4 living in Los Angeles County CA should be paid over $30 per hour....
For an unskilled worker that is an absurd amount of money.
if you dont like it

get another jobie job

I had a niece to support. Clothes - birthday get aways at a park in Ohio - Money for this and money for that - Money for food to go eat out with friends on in High School - 3 grand ( $3,000 ) for college...and ect...ect..ect.

Now....I have too much time in, and my age may be a factor + I am treated...and intimidated here the same way I was at my last job...so someone is pulling strings from a distance, and has been for YEARS AND YEARS. If I can just hang on a little longer.

Shadow 355
What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............

Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, machinist, truck driving, nursing and many other skilled trades are begging for people. All of them pay well, usually have good benefits, but you have to be willing to break a sweat, too many think jobs like those are beneath them. Folks with that attitude deserve to go hungry.

Why do you believe that in any at-will employment State?

At-will has nothing to do with it. Being willing to do what's necessary has everything to do with it.
At-will has every Thing to do with it in any at-will employment State--otherwise, why Only complain about less fortunate illegals to our own laws.

I have no idea what kind of translation software your using but you ain't make'n any sense.
Don't really care about illegals unless they are poor; i got it Person on the Capital right.
Yes, comrade, the bourgeoisie is oppressing the proletariat.

So why don't workers who don't like their hours just get a different job?

Isn't that the whole point, Kaz? Screw everybody as hard as you can get rid of channels to rectify a situation and then sit back and discuss choice? I'm almost excited that we can have the feudal society that you crave.

I don't know what you're smoking, but that's some pretty good shit based on how stoned you are. I support capitalism where we all get to make our own choices. You support big government and removal of choice, which is exactly what this is. This is all you, sweet heart. You're just tripping, girlfriend

Yes, Kaz. It just so happens then your brand of capitalism is like walking down the grocery aisle and believing that because all of the different "brands" signal choice when in reality 90% are owned by one company. The illusion of choice.
Moving the goal post already I see, the thread is on the 7 day week. But tell me, exactly what is a living wage in WI?

It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.

Great abstract definition, now give me a number. In other words answer the freaking question, here it is again just in case your dementia doesn't allow you to remember. "exactly what is a living wage in WI?"

It is abstract and that's why there is a process in place so that it can be challenged.

A process to challenge what, you have yet to define what "it" is. Come on is "it" $1.00 or $500.00 an hour? You freaking commies like to throw out the abstract terms like "living wage" and "fair share" but you refuse to tie them to anything in reality. Care to try again?

You dork. It's a legal term that has been used for over 100 years in Wisconsin and works so that it can be adjusted over time. It absolutely should be based on the job. That said, it needs to be high enough to keep people off of public aid.

Right, because companies will pay people more than they are worth because you want them to. I wouldn't take telemarketing calls, seriously, you believe politicians, you have zero ability to detect someone lying to you
Isn't that the whole point, Kaz? Screw everybody as hard as you can get rid of channels to rectify a situation and then sit back and discuss choice? I'm almost excited that we can have the feudal society that you crave.

I don't know what you're smoking, but that's some pretty good shit based on how stoned you are. I support capitalism where we all get to make our own choices. You support big government and removal of choice, which is exactly what this is. This is all you, sweet heart. You're just tripping, girlfriend

Yes, Kaz. It just so happens then your brand of capitalism is like walking down the grocery aisle and believing that because all of the different "brands" signal choice when in reality 90% are owned by one company. The illusion of choice.
It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.

Great abstract definition, now give me a number. In other words answer the freaking question, here it is again just in case your dementia doesn't allow you to remember. "exactly what is a living wage in WI?"

It is abstract and that's why there is a process in place so that it can be challenged.

A process to challenge what, you have yet to define what "it" is. Come on is "it" $1.00 or $500.00 an hour? You freaking commies like to throw out the abstract terms like "living wage" and "fair share" but you refuse to tie them to anything in reality. Care to try again?

You dork. It's a legal term that has been used for over 100 years in Wisconsin and works so that it can be adjusted over time. It absolutely should be based on the job. That said, it needs to be high enough to keep people off of public aid.
Oh..Now it is a legal term...How so? There is no set living wage. The concept is subjective.
A living wage should be based on needs.
The Left has decided that a living wage should be based on wants and creature comforts.
There is a living wage calculator.....Living Wage Calculator
For example this calculator believes that a family of 4 living in Los Angeles County CA should be paid over $30 per hour....
For an unskilled worker that is an absurd amount of money.

Living wage is a legal term in the state of Wisconsin. I already provided that information. Living wage is the amount of money that pays to keep people from having people on state aid. There is no excuse for having to subsidize workers for Walmart. Seriously.
I absolutely agree with that. There are plenty of folks that refuse to take responsibility for their actions or their lives. Then there are those that did everything that they were supposed to. It's unjust to characterize people one or the other without evidence.

I have yet to see those who have done what their supposed to be unable to find employment for any extended period. Then you have those flipping burgers, who can't get an order right or speak in a halfway intelligent manner demanding $15.00 an hour just because they show up and blaming their circumstance on their employer.

I'm thinking you should pay more attention to the outsourcing of your jobs.

Right, more excuses for personal failure, because people can only learn one trade in a lifetime.

What trade would you like them to learn? Let's see, legal is outsourced, banking is outsourced, manufacturing is outsourced............

Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, machinist, truck driving, nursing and many other skilled trades are begging for people. All of them pay well, usually have good benefits, but you have to be willing to break a sweat, too many think jobs like those are beneath them. Folks with that attitude deserve to go hungry.

Some will but many won't.
Isn't that the whole point, Kaz? Screw everybody as hard as you can get rid of channels to rectify a situation and then sit back and discuss choice? I'm almost excited that we can have the feudal society that you crave.

I don't know what you're smoking, but that's some pretty good shit based on how stoned you are. I support capitalism where we all get to make our own choices. You support big government and removal of choice, which is exactly what this is. This is all you, sweet heart. You're just tripping, girlfriend

Yes, Kaz. It just so happens then your brand of capitalism is like walking down the grocery aisle and believing that because all of the different "brands" signal choice when in reality 90% are owned by one company. The illusion of choice.
It's Wisconsin- which has in the last five years become synonymous with screwing the workers. It's ongoing. In fact, the article that I linked to also covers on demand work.Clearly you ignored that and/or the fact that it effects retail.

"Living wage" means compensation for labor paid, whether by time, piecework, or otherwise, sufficient to enable the employee receiving the compensation to maintain himself or herself under conditions consistent with his or her welfare."

Walker and Republicans have decided to strike that language to minimum wage which would end two lawsuits AND get rid of the process to contest it. You know, to take it to an outside force to analyze it.

But, do go on about your glory days.

Great abstract definition, now give me a number. In other words answer the freaking question, here it is again just in case your dementia doesn't allow you to remember. "exactly what is a living wage in WI?"

It is abstract and that's why there is a process in place so that it can be challenged.

A process to challenge what, you have yet to define what "it" is. Come on is "it" $1.00 or $500.00 an hour? You freaking commies like to throw out the abstract terms like "living wage" and "fair share" but you refuse to tie them to anything in reality. Care to try again?

You dork. It's a legal term that has been used for over 100 years in Wisconsin and works so that it can be adjusted over time. It absolutely should be based on the job. That said, it needs to be high enough to keep people off of public aid.

Right, because companies will pay people more than they are worth because you want them to. I wouldn't take telemarketing calls, seriously, you believe politicians, you have zero ability to detect someone lying to you

Companies will pay the least that they can get away with.

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