A Ban on Bump Stocks would have prevented to massacre in Vegas

A Ban on Bump Stocks would have prevented to Massacre in Vegas

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Gun are mechanical and not ideological. Guns are tools, they aren't helping me one bit. I will never ever NEED a firearm ever.

Do you know how many victims thought that just before some violent criminal entered their lives?
Do you? Please feel free to quote your sources.

The problem is that a lot of my sources.....are now in the ground...since they were murdered....hard to ask the dead if they would rather be alive, if they could have had a gun at the time of the murder.....
That guy was a millionaire. If he wanted to kill a bunch of people, he had the resources and there's nothing anyone or any law could have done about it.
I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech
Having a gun is not "an expression of FREE SPEECH."

The Bill of Rights puts limits on the Godvernment's control over your basic rights.

Your opinion on this doesn't matter. The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE comes from GOD, not Man.
My opinion doesn't mater? Your opinion on this doesn't either then. Why doesn't it? Explain.
Because you don't have any idea what you are talking about.
I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech
Having a gun is not "an expression of FREE SPEECH."

The Bill of Rights puts limits on the Godvernment's control over your basic rights.

Your opinion on this doesn't matter. The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE comes from GOD, not Man.
My opinion doesn't mater? Your opinion on this doesn't either then. Why doesn't it? Explain.
Because you don't have any idea what you are talking about.
but she does have a right to vote

a little scary
Guns don't kill people .
People kill people .

Just ask the Roman, they didn't own any guns and they killed millions ...
I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech
Having a gun is not "an expression of FREE SPEECH."

The Bill of Rights puts limits on the Godvernment's control over your basic rights.

Your opinion on this doesn't matter. The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE comes from GOD, not Man.
My opinion doesn't mater? Your opinion on this doesn't either then. Why doesn't it? Explain.
Because you don't have any idea what you are talking about.


how can you expect them to know any better

when they are spoon fed garbage like this

Thank you autocorrect for fucking up yet another thread title and poll for me. Fuck you very much!
I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech
Having a gun is not "an expression of FREE SPEECH."

The Bill of Rights puts limits on the Godvernment's control over your basic rights.

Your opinion on this doesn't matter. The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE comes from GOD, not Man.
My opinion doesn't mater? Your opinion on this doesn't either then. Why doesn't it? Explain.
Because you don't have any idea what you are talking about.


how can you expect them to know any better

when they are spoon fed garbage like this

So much fucking wrong in that shit, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech
Having a gun is not "an expression of FREE SPEECH."

The Bill of Rights puts limits on the Godvernment's control over your basic rights.

Your opinion on this doesn't matter. The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE comes from GOD, not Man.
My opinion doesn't mater? Your opinion on this doesn't either then. Why doesn't it? Explain.
Because you don't have any idea what you are talking about.


how can you expect them to know any better

when they are spoon fed garbage like this

So much fucking wrong in that shit, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

at first glance one would think

they are simply ignorant of firearms to make such a glaring mistake

but then one must realize

naw it was purposefully done that way

to push for another AWB or outright ban on ARs

CNN has professional firearms experts that would

know that the stock in the simulation is not a bumpfire stock

but rather a standard stock that is widely used on the AR

then it had other scary attachments added the suppressor

launcher -scope

pure leftist propaganda
Thank you autocorrect for fucking up yet another thread title and poll for me. Fuck you very much!

If the Left gets their way, this guy will be arrested for aiding potential terrorists
Let us hope so. The law should read that any device that allows you to increase the rate of fire on a semi-auto is illegal, with a mandatory five year stay in the Federal Pen. And that includes a rubber band if they catch you using it to increase the rate of fire.
Nope. It's a major argument for repealing the second amendment. We are killing each other for an abstraction. We don't need firearms to be true blue Americans. I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech. I will NEVER EVER own a gun. And it's pity some of you equate firearms with freedom or being an American.
Good for you now respect other people's choices the way I respect yours.

I for one own guns, I enjoy shooting that is my choice and my right and is quite frankly none of your business.

But because I respect people's personal choices when it comes to their own personal protection I will never draw my weapon in defense of a person who has not given me express permission to do so. What that means is the only person for whom I will draw my weapon, other than myself, is my wife.

So if I see any people who have chosen, as you did, to be unarmed and to rely on government law enforcement for their personal safety I will not draw a weapon to help them because I respect their choice to be unarmed and to depend solely on the government for protection.

If I witness a person who has chosen as you did I will not intervene on your behalf with my weapon. I will instead call the cops and an ambulance for you and hope they get to you before you get killed.
Probably not. If he had been using rapid fire with a scoped firearm, the accuracy would have been much higher, and fewer missed rounds.

My understanding is he fired for about ten minutes. Ten minutes of fire even at semi automatic rates, assuming reasonably competent magazine changes, would have been at least ninety rounds in a minute. Ten minutes translates to nine hundred rounds. Nine hundred aimed rounds would be much worse than the spray and pray technique he was using.

The problem with automatic fire, especially bump stocks, is that the rifle is not stable, it is jumping and it means the bullet isn’t going anywhere near where you are pointing, forget aiming.

When the crowd finally started breaking up and scattering, the aimed shots would have been a good choice to engage the targets, but he continued with the bump stock approach from the videos I’ve seen. So most of the bullets flew wild.

Oh, the M-16A2 I was issued in the Army did not have automatic fire, it had three shot burst. The reason was after the first two or three rounds, you’re not pointed anywhere near the target anyway.
Probably not. If he had been using rapid fire with a scoped firearm, the accuracy would have been much higher, and fewer missed rounds.
I have never seen anyone use full auto fire with a scope and achieve more accuracy, even on a tripod.

What do you do to achieve this?

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