A Ban on Bump Stocks would have prevented to massacre in Vegas

A Ban on Bump Stocks would have prevented to Massacre in Vegas

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This was not something this guy did on the spur of the moment this was well planned and thought out not being able to get a bump stock wouldn't have stopped him.
Nope. It's a major argument for repealing the second amendment. We are killing each other for an abstraction. We don't need firearms to be true blue Americans. I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech. I will NEVER EVER own a gun. And it's pity some of you equate firearms with freedom or being an American.

You don't know human history.....or current history......

So, from another thread, if a woman is about to be raped, and murdered......you prefer that she be raped and murdered than that she use a gun to save her own life. Right? That is your position.

And the Mexican citizens being murdered by the drug cartels with the help of Mexican police and soldiers....you prefer that they are murdered in the 10s of thousands than that they have self defense rifles, like the AR-15, the AK-47 or the mini-14 to stop the mass killings...right? That is your position.

And when the democrat ku klux klan was hanging black men from trees.....that was a better outcome than that they use guns to keep themselves alive. Right?

And when the democrats were looting and burning stores and violently beating innocent people in the Rodney King riots, the Ferguson riots, the Baltimore riots.....losing their businesses and being beaten half to death is better than using the self defense rifles to keep the looting, burning and beatings....right?

You should understand the depth of the topic before you post.
Good point, but it's already been eleven years since it was posted.
Yeah, but how many years has it been since a massacre with an "automatic" weapon?

Does it have to be a massacre?

This was 20 Years ago.

All that automatic fire...and they didn't kill anyone...and the most serious injury was to a cop's foot..right?

Leg shot I think. . . but still.

Could have been so much worse.
I don't think a band on bump stocks would have prevented the massacre. That being said, a band on bump stocks would be symbolic at best. If such a band can lower the temperature of the debate i don't have a problem with it. I can get rubber bands at Walmart.
I don't think a band on bump stocks would have prevented the massacre. That being said, a band on bump stocks would be symbolic at best. If such a band can lower the temperature of the debate i don't have a problem with it. I can get rubber bands at Walmart.

I think your autocorrect is in overdrive even worse than mine is.
Nope. It's a major argument for repealing the second amendment. We are killing each other for an abstraction. We don't need firearms to be true blue Americans. I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech. I will NEVER EVER own a gun. And it's pity some of you equate firearms with freedom or being an American.

This woman would disagree with you...she lived real terror.....

Ida B. Wells - Wikipedia

Wells-Barnett recommended that black people use arms to defend against lynching:

The lesson this teaches and which every Afro-American should ponder well, is that a Winchester rifle should have a place of honour in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give.

When the white man who is always the aggressor knows he runs as great a risk of biting the dust every time his Afro-American victim does, he will have greater respect for Afro-American life. The more the Afro-American yields and cringes and begs, the more he has to do so, the more he is insulted, outraged and lynched.[23]
I don't think a band on bump stocks would have prevented the massacre. That being said, a band on bump stocks would be symbolic at best. If such a band can lower the temperature of the debate i don't have a problem with it. I can get rubber bands at Walmart.

I think your autocorrect is in overdrive even worse than mine is.
My autocorrect is almost worst than my own bad spelling.
The guy could have made all the bump stocks at home that he wanted them, so no, it wouldn't have made any difference. Liberals however would feel better, and they would believe they would have accomplished something.
He could have simply rented a panel truck and run people over after they left the concert site.....and killed more people...like the guy in Nice, France....89 people compared to his 58.......
Gun are mechanical and not ideological. Guns are tools, they aren't helping me one bit. I will never ever NEED a firearm ever.
Gun are mechanical and not ideological. Guns are tools, they aren't helping me one bit. I will never ever NEED a firearm ever.

Do you know how many victims thought that just before some violent criminal entered their lives?
Gun are mechanical and not ideological. Guns are tools, they aren't helping me one bit. I will never ever NEED a firearm ever.

This couple believed the exact same thing as you do....until violent criminals entered their lives......

I first saw this story on the show mentioned in the story...the man didn't know the woman had been raped till after they reached the hospital....

After Brutal Home Invasion, Some Scars Never Heal

“I heard footsteps, and they kind of bum-rushed me from behind,” he said. “And I turned around, and there was a revolver in my face.”

Dittrich said he gave the men his wallet with $25 inside, doing exactly what some self-defense experts suggest when confronted with a burglar: Give them what they want. But, Dittrich said, the men weren’t satisfied with the cash and wanted to get inside the apartment.

Dittrich made the split-second decision to let the burglars into the apartment rather than try to fight off two men, one of whom had a gun, he said. He hoped they would take some stuff and leave. As he opened the door, Dittrich said, he tried to make as much noise as possible, trying desperately to alert his fiance, Duffy, who was in the bedroom asleep.

But one of the men found Duffy and, pointing the gun at her head, sexually assaulted her, she said. Dittrich, in the other room and unaware of what happening in the bedroom, said he kept trying to make as much noise as possible in hopes of waking up his neighbors.

“I thought, 'If I make enough commotion it’s going to make him nervous, it’s going to get his attention, it might get the neighbors to call for help,'” Dittrich said.

Hearing the noise, the man with the gun pulled Duffy off the bed and dragged her back to the living room, where Dittrich and the second attacker were still arguing, according to the couple.

“He just grabbed the back of my shirt, pulled me off of the bed, put the gun back on me, said, ‘Get your purse,’” Duffy said. “Then he told me, ‘Just dump it out.’ My phone fell face down on the couch and I remember thinking, ‘There’s my phone. It’s right there.’"

In that moment, Dittrich said he was faced with a life and death decision: to take matters into his own hands and create a distraction so Duffy could get her phone and call 911.

So I reached up and I grabbed [the gun],” Dittrich said. “I couldn’t wrestle it free, but I knew, with both hands on it, I had control of it, and that was the opportunity that she needed to call. And I just, I really just hoped I could keep control of it for her to make that call.”

But when Dittrich grabbed the gun, the burglars attacked him, he said. As her fiance was beaten in front of her, Duffy was able to call for help.

“That was the absolute hardest part, was that when I dialed 911, they were just beating him so absolutely mercilessly and brutally,” she said. “And the one kept yelling, ‘Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him.’”

In the end, the attackers fled, but not before breaking Dittrich’ nose, both cheekbones, and the bones around one of his eye sockets. Both Dittrich and Duffy were rushed to the emergency room at University Hospital in Newark, where the drama of their horrific ordeal and resulting injuries happened to be captured on ABC’s medical docu-series “NY Med,” which airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET.

Dr. Hugo Razo, the emergency room physician who treated Dittrich, told him that night, “You’re a hero. You’re an American hero.”

The couple are convinced that fighting back saved Duffy from being raped, and saved both of their lives that night. It’s been more than a year since the incident and Duffy and Dittrich moved back to their hometown, Youngstown, Ohio. They had to push off their wedding because of the attack, but Dittrich was back working again as a computer programmer and Duffy got a job managing a retail store.

“We definitely needed time for James to heal,” Duffy said. “We specifically did not want to go back to that apartment.”

They feel safer in Ohio, they said, adding that their experience drastically changed them and their views on a number of issues, including gun control. Before, both didn’t feel the need to own a gun. Now, they are proud gun owners and keep a handgun in the bedroom.

“I didn’t want a gun. I specifically didn’t want one,” Dittrich said. “I was very much opposed to hav[ing] one, and I guess I got the realization that the police really can’t protect you. They can respond, and they can protect you once they get there. But, you’re on your own.”

Dittrich and Duffy said their old apartment building had surveillance equipment but that on the night of the attack, the cameras weren’t functional.
Gun are mechanical and not ideological. Guns are tools, they aren't helping me one bit. I will never ever NEED a firearm ever.

Do you know how many victims thought that just before some violent criminal entered their lives?
Do you? Please feel free to quote your sources.

These two.....
After Brutal Home Invasion, Some Scars Never Heal

“I heard footsteps, and they kind of bum-rushed me from behind,” he said. “And I turned around, and there was a revolver in my face.”

Dittrich said he gave the men his wallet with $25 inside, doing exactly what some self-defense experts suggest when confronted with a burglar: Give them what they want. But, Dittrich said, the men weren’t satisfied with the cash and wanted to get inside the apartment.

Dittrich made the split-second decision to let the burglars into the apartment rather than try to fight off two men, one of whom had a gun, he said. He hoped they would take some stuff and leave. As he opened the door, Dittrich said, he tried to make as much noise as possible, trying desperately to alert his fiance, Duffy, who was in the bedroom asleep.

But one of the men found Duffy and, pointing the gun at her head, sexually assaulted her, she said. Dittrich, in the other room and unaware of what happening in the bedroom, said he kept trying to make as much noise as possible in hopes of waking up his neighbors.

“I thought, 'If I make enough commotion it’s going to make him nervous, it’s going to get his attention, it might get the neighbors to call for help,'” Dittrich said.

Hearing the noise, the man with the gun pulled Duffy off the bed and dragged her back to the living room, where Dittrich and the second attacker were still arguing, according to the couple.

“He just grabbed the back of my shirt, pulled me off of the bed, put the gun back on me, said, ‘Get your purse,’” Duffy said. “Then he told me, ‘Just dump it out.’ My phone fell face down on the couch and I remember thinking, ‘There’s my phone. It’s right there.’"

In that moment, Dittrich said he was faced with a life and death decision: to take matters into his own hands and create a distraction so Duffy could get her phone and call 911.

So I reached up and I grabbed [the gun],” Dittrich said. “I couldn’t wrestle it free, but I knew, with both hands on it, I had control of it, and that was the opportunity that she needed to call. And I just, I really just hoped I could keep control of it for her to make that call.”

But when Dittrich grabbed the gun, the burglars attacked him, he said. As her fiance was beaten in front of her, Duffy was able to call for help.

“That was the absolute hardest part, was that when I dialed 911, they were just beating him so absolutely mercilessly and brutally,” she said. “And the one kept yelling, ‘Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him.’”

In the end, the attackers fled, but not before breaking Dittrich’ nose, both cheekbones, and the bones around one of his eye sockets. Both Dittrich and Duffy were rushed to the emergency room at University Hospital in Newark, where the drama of their horrific ordeal and resulting injuries happened to be captured on ABC’s medical docu-series “NY Med,” which airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET.

Dr. Hugo Razo, the emergency room physician who treated Dittrich, told him that night, “You’re a hero. You’re an American hero.”

The couple are convinced that fighting back saved Duffy from being raped, and saved both of their lives that night. It’s been more than a year since the incident and Duffy and Dittrich moved back to their hometown, Youngstown, Ohio. They had to push off their wedding because of the attack, but Dittrich was back working again as a computer programmer and Duffy got a job managing a retail store.

“We definitely needed time for James to heal,” Duffy said. “We specifically did not want to go back to that apartment.”

They feel safer in Ohio, they said, adding that their experience drastically changed them and their views on a number of issues, including gun control. Before, both didn’t feel the need to own a gun. Now, they are proud gun owners and keep a handgun in the bedroom.

“I didn’t want a gun. I specifically didn’t want one,” Dittrich said. “I was very much opposed to hav[ing] one, and I guess I got the realization that the police really can’t protect you. They can respond, and they can protect you once they get there. But, you’re on your own.”

Dittrich and Duffy said their old apartment building had surveillance equipment but that on the night of the attack, the cameras weren’t functional.
Gun are mechanical and not ideological. Guns are tools, they aren't helping me one bit. I will never ever NEED a firearm ever.

This couple believed the exact same thing as you do....until violent criminals entered their lives......

I first saw this story on the show mentioned in the story...the man didn't know the woman had been raped till after they reached the hospital....

After Brutal Home Invasion, Some Scars Never Heal

“I heard footsteps, and they kind of bum-rushed me from behind,” he said. “And I turned around, and there was a revolver in my face.”

Dittrich said he gave the men his wallet with $25 inside, doing exactly what some self-defense experts suggest when confronted with a burglar: Give them what they want. But, Dittrich said, the men weren’t satisfied with the cash and wanted to get inside the apartment.

Dittrich made the split-second decision to let the burglars into the apartment rather than try to fight off two men, one of whom had a gun, he said. He hoped they would take some stuff and leave. As he opened the door, Dittrich said, he tried to make as much noise as possible, trying desperately to alert his fiance, Duffy, who was in the bedroom asleep.

But one of the men found Duffy and, pointing the gun at her head, sexually assaulted her, she said. Dittrich, in the other room and unaware of what happening in the bedroom, said he kept trying to make as much noise as possible in hopes of waking up his neighbors.

“I thought, 'If I make enough commotion it’s going to make him nervous, it’s going to get his attention, it might get the neighbors to call for help,'” Dittrich said.

Hearing the noise, the man with the gun pulled Duffy off the bed and dragged her back to the living room, where Dittrich and the second attacker were still arguing, according to the couple.

“He just grabbed the back of my shirt, pulled me off of the bed, put the gun back on me, said, ‘Get your purse,’” Duffy said. “Then he told me, ‘Just dump it out.’ My phone fell face down on the couch and I remember thinking, ‘There’s my phone. It’s right there.’"

In that moment, Dittrich said he was faced with a life and death decision: to take matters into his own hands and create a distraction so Duffy could get her phone and call 911.

So I reached up and I grabbed [the gun],” Dittrich said. “I couldn’t wrestle it free, but I knew, with both hands on it, I had control of it, and that was the opportunity that she needed to call. And I just, I really just hoped I could keep control of it for her to make that call.”

But when Dittrich grabbed the gun, the burglars attacked him, he said. As her fiance was beaten in front of her, Duffy was able to call for help.

“That was the absolute hardest part, was that when I dialed 911, they were just beating him so absolutely mercilessly and brutally,” she said. “And the one kept yelling, ‘Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him.’”

In the end, the attackers fled, but not before breaking Dittrich’ nose, both cheekbones, and the bones around one of his eye sockets. Both Dittrich and Duffy were rushed to the emergency room at University Hospital in Newark, where the drama of their horrific ordeal and resulting injuries happened to be captured on ABC’s medical docu-series “NY Med,” which airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET.

Dr. Hugo Razo, the emergency room physician who treated Dittrich, told him that night, “You’re a hero. You’re an American hero.”

The couple are convinced that fighting back saved Duffy from being raped, and saved both of their lives that night. It’s been more than a year since the incident and Duffy and Dittrich moved back to their hometown, Youngstown, Ohio. They had to push off their wedding because of the attack, but Dittrich was back working again as a computer programmer and Duffy got a job managing a retail store.

“We definitely needed time for James to heal,” Duffy said. “We specifically did not want to go back to that apartment.”

They feel safer in Ohio, they said, adding that their experience drastically changed them and their views on a number of issues, including gun control. Before, both didn’t feel the need to own a gun. Now, they are proud gun owners and keep a handgun in the bedroom.

“I didn’t want a gun. I specifically didn’t want one,” Dittrich said. “I was very much opposed to hav[ing] one, and I guess I got the realization that the police really can’t protect you. They can respond, and they can protect you once they get there. But, you’re on your own.”

Dittrich and Duffy said their old apartment building had surveillance equipment but that on the night of the attack, the cameras weren’t functional.
This isn't about guns never was.
Gun are mechanical and not ideological. Guns are tools, they aren't helping me one bit. I will never ever NEED a firearm ever.

This couple believed the exact same thing as you do....until violent criminals entered their lives......

I first saw this story on the show mentioned in the story...the man didn't know the woman had been raped till after they reached the hospital....

After Brutal Home Invasion, Some Scars Never Heal

“I heard footsteps, and they kind of bum-rushed me from behind,” he said. “And I turned around, and there was a revolver in my face.”

Dittrich said he gave the men his wallet with $25 inside, doing exactly what some self-defense experts suggest when confronted with a burglar: Give them what they want. But, Dittrich said, the men weren’t satisfied with the cash and wanted to get inside the apartment.

Dittrich made the split-second decision to let the burglars into the apartment rather than try to fight off two men, one of whom had a gun, he said. He hoped they would take some stuff and leave. As he opened the door, Dittrich said, he tried to make as much noise as possible, trying desperately to alert his fiance, Duffy, who was in the bedroom asleep.

But one of the men found Duffy and, pointing the gun at her head, sexually assaulted her, she said. Dittrich, in the other room and unaware of what happening in the bedroom, said he kept trying to make as much noise as possible in hopes of waking up his neighbors.

“I thought, 'If I make enough commotion it’s going to make him nervous, it’s going to get his attention, it might get the neighbors to call for help,'” Dittrich said.

Hearing the noise, the man with the gun pulled Duffy off the bed and dragged her back to the living room, where Dittrich and the second attacker were still arguing, according to the couple.

“He just grabbed the back of my shirt, pulled me off of the bed, put the gun back on me, said, ‘Get your purse,’” Duffy said. “Then he told me, ‘Just dump it out.’ My phone fell face down on the couch and I remember thinking, ‘There’s my phone. It’s right there.’"

In that moment, Dittrich said he was faced with a life and death decision: to take matters into his own hands and create a distraction so Duffy could get her phone and call 911.

So I reached up and I grabbed [the gun],” Dittrich said. “I couldn’t wrestle it free, but I knew, with both hands on it, I had control of it, and that was the opportunity that she needed to call. And I just, I really just hoped I could keep control of it for her to make that call.”

But when Dittrich grabbed the gun, the burglars attacked him, he said. As her fiance was beaten in front of her, Duffy was able to call for help.

“That was the absolute hardest part, was that when I dialed 911, they were just beating him so absolutely mercilessly and brutally,” she said. “And the one kept yelling, ‘Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him.’”

In the end, the attackers fled, but not before breaking Dittrich’ nose, both cheekbones, and the bones around one of his eye sockets. Both Dittrich and Duffy were rushed to the emergency room at University Hospital in Newark, where the drama of their horrific ordeal and resulting injuries happened to be captured on ABC’s medical docu-series “NY Med,” which airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET.

Dr. Hugo Razo, the emergency room physician who treated Dittrich, told him that night, “You’re a hero. You’re an American hero.”

The couple are convinced that fighting back saved Duffy from being raped, and saved both of their lives that night. It’s been more than a year since the incident and Duffy and Dittrich moved back to their hometown, Youngstown, Ohio. They had to push off their wedding because of the attack, but Dittrich was back working again as a computer programmer and Duffy got a job managing a retail store.

“We definitely needed time for James to heal,” Duffy said. “We specifically did not want to go back to that apartment.”

They feel safer in Ohio, they said, adding that their experience drastically changed them and their views on a number of issues, including gun control. Before, both didn’t feel the need to own a gun. Now, they are proud gun owners and keep a handgun in the bedroom.

“I didn’t want a gun. I specifically didn’t want one,” Dittrich said. “I was very much opposed to hav[ing] one, and I guess I got the realization that the police really can’t protect you. They can respond, and they can protect you once they get there. But, you’re on your own.”

Dittrich and Duffy said their old apartment building had surveillance equipment but that on the night of the attack, the cameras weren’t functional.
This isn't about guns never was.

It is about our Right, as human beings, to protect ourselves from other, violent human beings.

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