A Ban on Bump Stocks would have prevented to massacre in Vegas

A Ban on Bump Stocks would have prevented to Massacre in Vegas

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Anything that stabilizes a weapon will also improve its accuracy.
But it takes very little movement to make a scope useless.

When I shoot with my 27 power scope, I have to control my breathing to bring the cross hairs on target.

Dont see how you fire full auto even on a tripod and have a useful scope on it.
Anything that stabilizes a weapon will also improve its accuracy.
But it takes very little movement to make a scope useless.

When I shoot with my 27 power scope, I have to control my breathing to bring the cross hairs on target.

Dont see how you fire full auto even on a tripod and have a useful scope on it.

Most full autos have select switches to select semi or full auto. The scope would not be limited to the use of either one over the other.
Anything that stabilizes a weapon will also improve its accuracy.
But it takes very little movement to make a scope useless.

When I shoot with my 27 power scope, I have to control my breathing to bring the cross hairs on target.

Dont see how you fire full auto even on a tripod and have a useful scope on it.

Most full autos have select switches to select semi or full auto. The scope would not be limited to the use of either one over the other.
The shooter was spraying rounds at the crowd.
He could have caused the same amount of injuries/deaths using semis that didn't jam.
He bought cheap semis that don't have the steel quality of military grade weapons.
Using bump stocks caused them to jam when the gun got too hot.
Probably not. If he had been using rapid fire with a scoped firearm, the accuracy would have been much higher, and fewer missed rounds.
I have never seen anyone use full auto fire with a scope and achieve more accuracy, even on a tripod.

What do you do to achieve this?

I was taught that a Machine Gun is designed to engage area targets. Troops gathered together, areas where enemy machine guns or heavy weapons were located. Riflemen engage single targets, they are supposed to aim and fire at one person, or a bunch of people. But a machine gun usually doesn’t worry too much about the one guy so to speak.

Look at the First World War. Machine Guns fired into massed troops attacking. Riflemen tended to engage the single soldier moving around. The Machine Gun would engage eventually, but everyone has a feeling of efficiency. It is inefficient to engage a single soldier with a machine gun. Better to let the rifles deal with him while you focus on the groups, or the enemy machine guns.

There is an old saying, people deal with their own kind. Tanks engage tanks. Aircraft fight other aircraft. The best weapon to hunt a submarine, is another submarine. Aircraft carriers are really worried about other aircraft carriers. We can go outside this. Teams that hunt tanks with anti-tank weapons or anti aircraft teams. But generally we use similar weapons to hunt the actual target. Anti-battery fire from artillery as one example. First we have to kill the ones like us, then we can go after the others. The ones like us, can kill us the easiest. They know what we can do, and they know what threat they are, and therefore what threat we are.

Bump fire weapons can’t really be used from bipod or tripod mounts. Remember it takes the recoil to drive the weapon back, resetting the trigger, while you push it forward, to re-engage the trigger. That is standing, or perhaps laying down unsupported.

The problem is that bumpfire can be accomplished with nothing. You don’t need a special add on stock. You can use a rubber band, a belt loop, or just holding it loosely with your trigger hand, usually right hand.

We could ban belt loops. Or we could try and make the technnique illegal. That is probably what someone is figuring out in Congress right now. Banning the stock does not ban the technique. It’s a terrible technique, and it is about as inaccurate as pretending you are Stevie Wonder with the rifle. The Stock might make it slightly more accurate, but again, not much, because the rifle isn’t fired from a stable position, but from an unstable position

There are other useless things that have been around for decades. The best, or perhaps I should say most similar system to the Military is something called a Binary Trigger. It is a modified trigger group that allows for each trigger pull to fire two rounds. One on pulling the trigger, one on releasing the trigger. I doubt it would be covered by a ban of “bump fire stocks” so expect to hear how it got through the loophole or something after they pass the bump fire stock ban.

The thing about all of these systems is that they are the “Poor Man’s” answer to the problem of “fully automatic” fire. Like a farmer who can’t get explosives to remove a particularly stubborn stump using gunpowder for the task. It works, not as well as the purpose designed article, but it works.
Do you know what really happened in LV?
It's looks like a False Flag action targeted prohibition of the Second Amendments.
Just a simple True or False Poll.

Feel free to share your thoughts.

Please watch this vide before voting.

False. If the dude had half a brain he would have just ordered the parts necessary to make his gun full auto without the stupid gimmicks.
There is a bit more to it then what’s sold here, but it’s not hard to do. If you can change a wall plug you can make an AR15 in to an M16 in no time.
False. If the dude had half a brain he would have just ordered the parts necessary to make his gun full auto without the stupid gimmicks.

Or just use a rubber band.

Or just dont grip the trigger handle hard and let the 'bump back' from recoil push the trigger back into firing position like this:

My point is that if you know what you are doing you can fire full auto with just about any semi-auto rifle.

Personally, I dont like 'pray and spray' type shooting as the second round and all following rounds are not well aimed or on target necessarily.

Shooting well aimed shots is the optimal use of RIFLE ammo and if you need a wider field of fire, use a sawed off pump shotgun instead in double ought buck. Keeping it slung low hip level makes it readily available or go with some kind of leg rig.\


Nope. It's a major argument for repealing the second amendment. We are killing each other for an abstraction. We don't need firearms to be true blue Americans. I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech. I will NEVER EVER own a gun. And it's pity some of you equate firearms with freedom or being an American.

I don't believe Americans need guns just to be Americans expressing free speech
Having a gun is not "an expression of FREE SPEECH."

The Bill of Rights puts limits on the Godvernment's control over your basic rights.

Your opinion on this doesn't matter. The RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE comes from GOD, not Man.
My opinion doesn't mater? Your opinion on this doesn't either then. Why doesn't it? Explain.

Nobody cares about an opinion if its politically fringe.....I just dont get these exercises in futility I guess!:2up:
All a bump stock does is screw up you're aim.

I've had more than one shooter tell me this.

They certainly don't make anyone a better shooter.
False. If the dude had half a brain he would have just ordered the parts necessary to make his gun full auto without the stupid gimmicks.

Or just use a rubber band.

Or just dont grip the trigger handle hard and let the 'bump back' from recoil push the trigger back into firing position like this:

My point is that if you know what you are doing you can fire full auto with just about any semi-auto rifle.

Personally, I dont like 'pray and spray' type shooting as the second round and all following rounds are not well aimed or on target necessarily.

Shooting well aimed shots is the optimal use of RIFLE ammo and if you need a wider field of fire, use a sawed off pump shotgun instead in double ought buck. Keeping it slung low hip level makes it readily available or go with some kind of leg rig.\



Yup. I can say for me bump type devices are stupid. To me they are like fake weed. But if you think about it, bump stocks and so on have been available for years. Notice Dylan Roof diddnt use one? Aside from the dude in NZ, terriorist don’t use them. It’s basic a device that makes ones rifle into a bullet hose.
Oh, and if you figure out how to work the reset on your trigger you can shoot fast and accurate.
The guy had the means to buy a minigun and 100,000 rounds of ammo for it.
Anyone who believes a ban on bump-stocks would have prevented this shooting probably needs help tying their shoes.

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