A big problem Liz Warren has besides policy that is not very polite to bring up


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
She’s not attractive. I hate to say it, but it’s true, and many voters, whether consciously or subconsciously take that into consideration. I personally don’t care what she looks like, I just think her policies are bad for the country, but others that might gravitate toward her policies might be turned off by her physical appearance.
Hafta tie a bone around lieawathas neck to even get the dog to think about playing with her.
She’s not attractive. I hate to say it, but it’s true, and many voters, whether consciously or subconsciously take that into consideration. I personally don’t care what she looks like, I just think her policies are bad for the country, but others that might gravitate toward her policies might be turned off by her physical appearance.
There's that to go with the fact that she's just as phony and only but barely more likeable than Hillary....And that's definitely not any benefit.
She looks alright for a 70 year old woman.

... a 70 year old woman that goes out of her way to look like a FRUMP.

Lizzy needs to hire a good image consultant because she has the fashion sense of an autistic hippopotamus.
Warren is much easier to look at than HRC.
No more easy to listen to....Her condescending schoolmarm tone is grating AF.
I am definitely no EW fan, but I'll take her over HRC any day.

Different versions of very grating deliveries.....Both share the loathsomely pious attitude that they are our betters.

I watched Hildabeest's nomination acceptance speech at the DNC, with the sound turned off...She looked like she was bitching out the whole arena, rather than gratefully accepting the penultimate achievement of her sorry-assed career.
Margaret Thatcher wasn't too pretty either. What counts is whether you have a functioning Brain. Thatcher did, Pocahontas does not--plus she is a pathological liar..

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