A big problems with politics today is the name calling

That you are mental.
I'm going to pretend for a minute you're not a troll and try to explain. Sex outside marriage is documented to produce bad results, and results in broken relationships. This is verified in study after study after study. Intelligent people learn about the other person before marriage without sex involved, knowing the relationship has a much better chance to survive. Stupid people jump in the sack right off the bat, then wonder why things didn't work out. There. I hope that helps.
Forget the name-calling by politicians! The name-calling on this forum is so extreme and obscene that I sometimes put people on ignore for plain disgustingness.

I don't know why they can't talk like normal people. Oh, because they're abnormal.
I resemble that remark! 😎
I'm going to pretend for a minute you're not a troll and try to explain. Sex outside marriage is documented to produce bad results, and results in broken relationships. This is verified in study after study after study. Intelligent people learn about the other person before marriage without sex involved, knowing the relationship has a much better chance to survive. Stupid people jump in the sack right off the bat, then wonder why things didn't work out. There. I hope that helps.
Lmao, mental is to light for you.
One difference. Hillary was right
Whatever your status. Understand this. When the shit hits the fan, people like Hillary will never be there to support you. She will be gone to more pleasurable places. For she does not live as she spouts. It is so easy.
Whatever your status. Understand this. When the shit hits the fan, people like Hillary will never be there to support you. She will be gone to more pleasurable places. For she does not live as she spouts. It is so easy.
Marxists never live as they preach. They live what they preach against. You won't find a leftwing leader that doesn't live in absolute luxury, usually from the money they swindle from their political career. Young conservative lawmakers often sleep in their offices. You won't find leftwingers doing that. Pretty soon we'll read about AOC purchasing a $10 million home in the Hamptons.
From Trump's sob's to Hillary's deplorable statement and other's. To get something done u must reframe from name calling no matter what. If no one is going to be an adult, then u will have a bunch of kids running the government!
When was Trump crying and what does that have to do with name calling?
I know what you mean. I'm new here. I get on threads and offer my opinion about a topic or even a movie. Then I get bombarded by crazies. I mean absolute lunatics who call me every name in the book just because of my views. They get very personal about it. Now I can go toe to toe with anybody, but I prefer not to. Sadly, I find myself getting sucked into skirmishes anyway.
You have almost 200 messages in 4 days.
From Trump's sob's to Hillary's deplorable statement and other's. To get something done u must reframe from name calling no matter what. If no one is going to be an adult, then u will have a bunch of kids running the government!
Traitor Trump loves name calling. It's his whole schtick. Little Marco. Crooked Hillary. Lyin' Ted. Crazy Bernie. Sleepy Joe. Low Energy Jeb. etc., etc., etc.

The rube herd eats it up.
From Trump's sob's to Hillary's deplorable statement and other's. To get something done u must reframe from name calling no matter what. If no one is going to be an adult, then u will have a bunch of kids running the government!

Or you could have a useless career politician with dementia "running the government" already.....

Dumbass :abgg2q.jpg:

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