A big problems with politics today is the name calling

I'm going to pretend for a minute you're not a troll and try to explain. Sex outside marriage is documented to produce bad results, and results in broken relationships. This is verified in study after study after study. Intelligent people learn about the other person before marriage without sex involved, knowing the relationship has a much better chance to survive. Stupid people jump in the sack right off the bat, then wonder why things didn't work out. There. I hope that helps.

Maybe people should just have sex without any expectations of ongoing relationships.

Worked for me.
From Trump's sob's to Hillary's deplorable statement and other's. To get something done u must reframe from name calling no matter what. If no one is going to be an adult, then u will have a bunch of kids running the government!

We have installed retards running the show right now.
From Trump's sob's to Hillary's deplorable statement and other's. To get something done u must reframe from name calling no matter what. If no one is going to be an adult, then u will have a bunch of kids running the government!
Huh? Name calling is the least of it. Outright lying, cheating, stealing and ruining people's lives come to mind before the name calling.
Maybe people should just have sex without any expectations of ongoing relationships.

Worked for me.
You're fooling yourself. You're damaging yourself while using others; then you'll be left with a big fat nothing. You need to build something real.
True. Denigration and demagoguery are in vogue these days, I suppose it's done to generate animosity on your side of the aisle against the other side by attacking their supporters. Cuz it sure ain't gonna convince people to join your side. Which BTW might be one reason why a lotta people are leaving both political parties to be Independents. According to Gallup, neither is above 30% of the public, and the Independents are at 42%.
Yep. I'm one of that 42 percent. I finally gave up all hope my party of origin would ever find its way back to sanity.
Before I decide anything about a politician, I check to see what party designation they have after their name. I would not want to be caught dead admitting someone from the other party did something right. They can do no right, that's a scientific fact.

Of course, anyone from my party can do no wrong. If they say the moon is made of cheese, well I just have to defend them to the death. If they are caught throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic, I just bring up how someone from the other party was seen praying to Satan. I will never call on anyone in my party to resign no matter what they do.

The other party is out to destroy America. They are consciously behaving to bring our great nation to its knees. That's also a scientific fact.

If someone links to a news article, I check to see what news organization it is from. If it is a site I have been instructed is the enemy, then I immediately dismiss the link as "fake news" without reading it.

If a news site which is on my side makes a claim, I never hesitate to engage any brain cells to see if it makes sense. I automatically accept it as true because I want to believe it, and I parrot it incessantly no matter how many times someone shows me I have been lied to.

This is what makes me a great, patriotic American.
Whenever someone says "as an American you should live....blah blah blah". I know they are clueless.

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