A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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That ain't nothing, just wait till they come out with a sex-bot (à la Stepford wives) that can cook and do chores. ;)


I'm waiting. Patiently waiting. Hell, if I could get one that just makes coffee, I'd be in.
Are you trying to use PEER pressure insults against me? Hillarious----another sign of mental illness---needing PEER claims to support your wrong assumptions about life. Now that is just funny. The gay alphabet community is wrong about well most everything btw...
Peer pressure and propaganda are useful tools dipshit. How do you think social and political change happen?
The human body isn't perfect, it presents all sorts of "issues" to everyone who has one. Not only do you offer no real solutions to those issues you belittle the people who have to live with them. That's why society in general largely sees people like you as asshats. It's as if you were heckling a man with prosthetic legs for being an imposter and then looking around and wondering why people were giving you dirty looks.

And I take pride that today mainstream society mocks and ridicules people like you.

Like I said, the standards are set by the majority. That woman is celebrated in the press while you clowns are called deplorables. I'm okay with that social dynamic. 😁
The press isn't the majority--they are a collection of activist freaks who most couldn't handle a normal job---and have repeatedly shown that they have an agenda and no morals. Honey if you need the media or a crowd to decide your morals for you---you have issues. I have a moral backbone and a brain to tell me right from wrong.
All you Nazis honored this guy for years:

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Same Ole shtick from you. Whenever you can't make a rational argument you start fighting strawmen. I've never supported that guy, though I may have supported some policy he was promoting in the hopes of washing his image. Cucked and pleading white racists can be useful idiots time to time. 😁
That's important to you, huh. You need to be among the masses so you feel approval.

Here's a little education free of charge. There are two ways to bring about social and political change. Violence and propaganda. Me pointing at mainstream agreement with my world views is me pointing to the scored and laughing at you for losing the propaganda war.

It wasn't too long ago when it was common to have gays and trans individuals in the closet. Today they are celebrated in the media and the people who hide in closets are the bigots who are afraid to offend them least they get canceled and shamed and ridiculed in public. Such is the power of propaganda. 😁
Do you think Chris Rock is a racist?
I don't think you're Chris Rock.
Same Ole shtick from you. Whenever you can't make a rational argument you start fighting strawmen. I've never supported that guy, though I may have supported some policy he was promoting in the hopes of washing his image. Cucked and pleading white racists can be useful idiots time to time. 😁

You belong to the same party as him. You're virtually identical. Same with this guy:

The press isn't the majority--they are a collection of activist freaks who most couldn't handle a normal job---and have repeatedly shown that they have an agenda and no morals. Honey if you need the media or a crowd to decide your morals for you---you have issues. I have a moral backbone and a brain to tell me right from wrong.
That we are the majority is proven with every popular vote count since 2004. The mainstream playing to our sensibilities is just further proof of your growing insignificance and social worth.
"America can’t be woke enough for the radical leftists unless there’s a constant flow of transgendered supremacy showing biological males are better than females at being women. Leftist rag USA Today reiterated this by announcing one of their “Women” of the Year is actually a dude."

This week, USA TODAY unveiled its “Women of the Year” list, which, predictably, was dominated by woke public figures such as Simone Biles, Melinda French Gates, and Vice President Kamala Harris. But, in true “woke” fashion, one name that made the list was not a biological woman.

Dr. Rachel Levine, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health, made the cut for USA TODAY’s “Women of the Year.” Levine, a four-star admiral, was born a biological male, Richard Levine, and transitioned to live as a female. Previously, Levine was secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

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Learn to pronounce
(especially in journalism) the use of exciting or shocking stories or language at the expense of accuracy, in order to provoke public interest or excitement.
"media sensationalism"

Here's a little education free of charge. There are two ways to bring about social and political change. Violence and propaganda. Me pointing at mainstream agreement with my world views is me pointing to the scored and laughing at you for losing the propaganda war.

It wasn't too long ago when it was common to have gays and trans individuals in the closet. Today they are celebrated in the media and the people who hide in closets are the bigots who are afraid to offend them least they get canceled and shamed and ridiculed in public. Such is the power of propaganda. 😁

I don't think you're Chris Rock.
I agree with you, they are celebrated in the media and entertainment. That doesn't translate to being celebrated by the majority of society. And even if it did, it wouldn't matter to the rest of us who see homosexuality as perversion and sin. No different than alcoholism, obesity, stealing, lying, etc, etc. Accepting homosexuality as normal or something to be celebrated isn't progress. It's biblical prophecy coming true.
I agree with you, they are celebrated in the media and entertainment. That doesn't translate to being celebrated by the majority of society. And even if it did, it wouldn't matter to the rest of us who see homosexuality as perversion and sin. No different than alcoholism, obesity, stealing, lying, etc, etc. Accepting homosexuality as normal or something to be celebrated isn't progress. It's biblical prophecy coming true.
Who gives a shit about the feelings of a fringe minority who's ideas and values have no bearing on mainstream society? 😆
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