A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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That sort of racism is why your super white party is a growing minority in a society of growing diversity.
I'm accommodating (click click) your social and cultural disability. (Whistle whistle CLICK) Take a deep breath. Let it out "WAYYYYCCISS, CLICK CLICK. Wayciss waycisss wayciss".
That right?

Nope, Mexicans in the second or third generation are invested in America - hence becoming Republicans.

The Nazis (democrats) are sucking ass.
Predictions from Breitbart? 😄

How about you post some actual election results.
I'm accommodating (click click) your social and cultural disability. (Whistle whistle CLICK) Take a deep breath. Let it out "WAYYYYCCISS, CLICK CLICK. Wayciss waycisss wayciss".
It works doesn't it? What percentage of black voters vote with Republicans aagain? 😄
The majority makes the rules, might makes right. I'm sorry if I don't hold your hand and talk about the virtues of your imagined morality.

Minority rights, protection of the innocent, civil liberties.

All those things you fucking Nazis hate.

That just argues for not being on the wrong side of the mob, not an argument proving the inferiority of mobs.


Trolling troll is trolling.

Your need for a safe space from me amuses me more than anything little cuck. 😄

Why? What are you clowns going to do about it?

Shit in your paint chips, as you sit down to eat...
Ya know, I wasn’t vying for this year’s “woman of the year award” but if I was, I’d feel disgusted that a man pigged in and got it lol.

It’s funny. These people that claim they represent the minority (us poor women that need representation) have no problem with the dreaded “mean white male” coming in and taking away from us, possibly black women. All he has to do is “but I’m a she…”
It’s similar to boys who say they’re girls and then get first place in a sport on the girl’s team - displacing the girl who actually deserved it. In many cases, a college scholarship is at stake.

In this case, there are so many deserving, accomplishe’d women, and it’s shameful that the “wokes“ gave the award to a man. What a slap in the face to real women, everywhere.
Nope. I'm an atheist. It's clear you can only manage conversations if you can argue both sides of them but your inability to deal with my actual words and arguments doesn't bode well for you in the real world where you can't just make up your opponents beliefs.
You accused me of being a racist but cannot find one racist post from me. So why would I take you seriously, goat herder?
That’s my favorite scene in that movie, but I don’t understand what it has to do with a biological male being named Woman of the Year by a liberal news source.
I just posted it because I remember my favorite dates with a woman.

It wasn't about sex, it was about love

Lisa I think you can relate?
It works doesn't it? What percentage of blacks voters vote with Republicans aagain? 😄
Considering that blacks are one gram away from an overdose, (click click) not that many vote (whistle click). They cheat and get caught (click) then cheat some more until they are taken out in a drive by. (Whistle whistle).
Who can't take it? I love when you clowns openly turn off voters who aren't bigoted white racists.

You sure seem to be crying in your vodka and paint flakes, goat curious.

As opposed to the gaslight media?


You are quite the troll, goat curious.

Lol, Nazi has a sadz?


More polling predictions and no actual election results. The same claims were made about a blexit and Trump didn't even break 10% with black voters.
It’s similar to boys who say they’re girls and then get first place in a sport on the girl’s team - displacing the girl who actually deserved it. In many cases, a college scholarship is at stake.

In this case, there are so many deserving, accomplishe’d women, and it’s shameful that the “wokes“ gave the award to a man. What a slap in the face to real women, everywhere.
I totally agree. The hypocrisy of the left is stunning.
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