A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Everyone has opportunities not just “blacks”. Why do you believe blacks need special programs? Pretty racist. As a Jew I do not want any special treatment. Stupid goat f*ucker.
You mean other than the billions and billlions of aid and a country that was created for you and your people?
Misogyny has been canceled. Equality means women can no longer, and the left can no longer, use those terms, as there is no difference between men and women.

I do have a question though, for the left. In regards to Dr Levine, he claims to be a woman, and the left says "if she says she's a woman, then she's a woman", and you will go as far as to demonize anyone who tries to disagree. So, if you believe he is a woman, then, if you were/are single, would you date her? Would you have sexual relations with her?

Let's see if you stand by your convictions. If you claim he is a woman, and you demand that everyone treat and refer to him as a woman, and you think he is a woman, then I'd be curious to hear your answer. Would you date and have sex with "her"?
I never claimed he was a woman.
Really? Hispanics are proving you wrong.
You do know Biden won a majority of Hispanic voters as well? And that the younger and younger the voter the more and more his support grows. Not even winning a majority of the aging population that's more likely to support you is nothing to brag about you morons. 😂
You do know Biden won a majority of Hispanic voters as well? And that the younger and younger the voter the more and more his support grows. Not even winning a majority of the aging population that's more likely to support you is nothing to brag about you morons. 😂
Biden did not win. The rest is a moot point.
That wasnt my question. I didnt ask whether or not blacks were a monolith, I asked whether or not blacks who vote for the Democratic party were living on the Democratic party plantation as racists from your side often claim. That being said while not a monolith it is the most solid repudiation of a party and culture anywhere you can find democracy in action. Where else can you find a political party getting rejected by a voting population at over 90% consistently for the past 4 decades? 😄

You didn't answer the question I asked, so yes, you did dodge and you did a piss poor job of disguising it. 😄

I'm not. You just asked it and sure, I believe some Democrats are racist. Now what cuck? 😄
You talk a lot of shit for a fat boy who f*cks goat. I believe people should be allowed to vote how they see fit. You seem defensive. Do you believe you’re on a Democratic plantation? And if someone does believe that how does that make them racist? Isn’t it the opposite? Idiot.
You mean other than the billions and billlions of aid and a country that was created for you and your people?
Such as? My parents came here with nothing and never took a penny. You are one dumb goat f*cking Ilhan Omar supporter. And an antisemite like her.
Biden did not win. The rest is a moot point.
He did. He's President. Publicly supporting the fake narrative that he didn't is likely to get you more public shame and ridicule than a transwoman winning woman of the year does. That's how large the discrepancy is between your fantasy land and reality. 😄
He did. He's President. Publicly supporting the fake narrative that he didn't is likely to get you more public shame and ridicule than a transwoman winning woman of the year does. That's how large the discrepancy is between your fantasy land and reality. 😄
Why are you so adamantly defending a fake narrative, goat f*cker?
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