A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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You talk a lot of shit for a fat boy who f*cks goat.

Thats right cuck, lash out in anger as your arguments and your attempts to reason fall short.
I believe people should be allowed to vote how they see fit.
As do I.
You seem defensive. Do you believe you’re on a Democratic plantation?
No. See how easy it was to answer that?

For the 5th time, do you believe Black Democratic voters are on a plantation? Dodge again cuck 😄 either way, your cowardice or your capitulation, I win. 😁
And if someone does believe that how does that make them racist? Isn’t it the opposite? Idiot.
Because its an argument that suggests over 90% of Black voters are either too dumb to see it or according to the other variation, voting Democratic for the free stuff, which at a rate 90% is effectively suggesting there's something inherent in Black voters to make them predominantly want free stuff more than any other people. Both reveal a belief in inherent negative traits among Black voters.

Thats right cuck, lash out in anger as your arguments and your attempts to reason fall short.

As do I.

No. See how easy it was to answer that?

For the 5th time, do you believe Black Democratic voters are on a plantation? Dodge again cuck 😄 either way, your cowardice or your capitulation, I win. 😁

Because its an argument that suggests over 90% of Black voters are either too dumb to see it or according to the other variation, voting Democratic for the free stuff, which at a rate 90% is effectively suggesting there's something inherent in Black voters to make them predominantly want free stuff more than any other people. Both reveal a belief in inherent negative traits among Black voters.
Again. I believe people should vote how they see fit. This Democratic Plantation lingo is stupid. No, I do not believe that. I do believe that voting for the same persons over and over again is stupid. Regardless of your or their skin color. I support Byron Donalds and Merle Rutledge and have donated to their campaigns. Guess that makes me racist. SMH.

Meanwhile you admit you support an overt antisemite. Stupid goat f*cker.
Such as? My parents came here with nothing and never took a penny. You are one dumb goat f*cking Ilhan Omar supporter. And an antisemite like her.
Such as the billions given to the Jewish people in reparations from Germany and the creation of the state of Israel. Did you really need me to teach you about your own people's history? 😄

I mean I'm more than happy to.
Coming from someone who was shrieking for several posts about the majority when you thought you could support your noxious talking points with it, this is hilarious.
I never claimed majority support proved facts you simpleton. 😄

I claimed your lack of majority support meant there was dick all you could do socially or politically about the celebration and acceptance of Trans individuals in mainstream society and in that I am absolutely right.
It’s similar to boys who say they’re girls and then get first place in a sport on the girl’s team - displacing the girl who actually deserved it. In many cases, a college scholarship is at stake.

In this case, there are so many deserving, accomplishe’d women, and it’s shameful that the “wokes“ gave the award to a man. What a slap in the face to real women, everywhere.

Hey, they've been treating the black community like property they don't particularly value for decades. Now they've decided to treat women the same way. And just like with the black community, they'll abuse us for as long as we allow it.
Such as the billions given to the Jewish people in reparations from Germany and the creation of the state of Israel. Did you really need me to teach you about your own people's history? 😄

I mean I'm more than happy to.
That money was given to direct VICTIMS. My grandparents arrived here penniless, received nothing for the loss of their parents and siblings to Hitler, and still managed to see all their children graduate from college. From poverty to the middle class in one generation.

The reason you’re such an antisemite is jealousy and resentment that a persecuted minority could become so successful despite all the bigotry. Blacks should emulate Jews to arrive at the same level of success.
Again. I believe people should vote how they see fit.
Who's suggesting otherwise? Black voters do vote as they see fit and they have seen fit to reject racist southern and mid-western Conservatives at a rate of over 90% going on for over nearly 4 decades now. 😄
This Democratic Plantation lingo is stupid.

I agree but I don't think a lot of your fellow Conservatives are going to love being called stupid because a lot of them love that narrative.
No, I do not believe that. I do believe that voting for the same persons over and over again is stupid. Regardless of your or their skin color.
It isn't stupid if they support the same things you support or if you view them as the lesser of two or more evils.
I support Byron Donalds and Merle Rutledge and have donated to their campaigns. Guess that makes me racist. SMH.
It doesn't not make you a racist either.
Meanwhile you admit you support an overt antisemite. Stupid goat f*cker.
I admit I support Ilhan Omar. I don't submit to the opinion that she is an antisemite. But you're free to try and prove that to her constituents or to Jewish voters in general and see if that has any impact on her electability or the Jewish voters support for the Democratic party in general. I'm sure I'll be more than comfortable with the results of that effort. 😁
He did. He's President. Publicly supporting the fake narrative that he didn't is likely to get you more public shame and ridicule than a transwoman winning woman of the year does. That's how large the discrepancy is between your fantasy land and reality. 😄
Not my president. Call the FBI, brown nose.
Hey, they've been treating the black community like property they don't particularly value for decades. Now they've decided to treat women the same way. And just like with the black community, they'll abuse us for as long as we allow it.
What's your totally non racist reasoning for why over 90% of black voters continue to accept this treatment? It should be a hoot. 😂
I do what?

I admit that there are indeed people born feeling as if their identity doesn't match their biological sex. To the extent that this divergence from the norm is a serious illness that needs to be cured rather than learned to adapt to (like left handedness or homosexuality) is what I'm debating. If your solution is ridicule or scorn that isn't going to be seen as helpful or serious.
If someone thinks they're a pirate, how about poking their left eye out and amputating their right leg below the knee. No different than castration of a male who thinks he's a woman.
That money was given to direct VICTIMS. My grandparents arrived here penniless, received nothing for the loss of their parents and siblings to Hitler, and still managed to see all their children graduate from college. From poverty to the middle class in one generation.
As did mine but what does your acceptance of Nazi Germanys theft of your families wealth have to do with me and mine? You want to accept nothing who's stopping you? 😄 Hell I'll agree with you. You deserve nothing. That's not what we're going to settle for though.
The reason you’re such an antisemite is jealousy and resentment that a persecuted minority could become so successful despite all the bigotry. Blacks should emulate Jews to arrive at the same level of success.

Why would I be jealous of succesful american Jews or your silly argument? American Jews have never come close to experiencing the racism that Black Americans have received in this country by this country. To compare outcomes in light of that important context is entirely stupid.
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