A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Im not.

Ive never suggested you were despite your continued inference (without proof) that I have.

No, I think people who side with the white wing, the same people and culture who just 57 short years ago said no to blacks having equal rights and who have spent the last 5 decades trying eliminate the protections of the 65' voting rights act are racists.

I just recently welcomed a jewish member into my family at my cousins wedding a month ago. A man I've watched my little cousin date since high-school and throughout college and a man I've been fond of since the first moment I met him when he was all of 15 years old. I don't admit it because it isn't true and as you can see from my posts I'm not exactly shy about admitting who I do and don't have any respect for.

Israel declared her statehood and maintains it with the assistance of American military and financial support.

And those bitches from Boston wouldn't survive down here in Miami.
57 years in the self-segregating black community is potentially four generations. That’s a long time. Who exactly is trying to undermine any voting rights (besides corrupt dem cheaters)?
57 years in the self-segregating black community is potentially four generations. That’s a long time. Who exactly is trying to undermine any voting rights (besides corrupt dem cheaters)?
57 years is not long at all. My father is older than that. If he were living in this country at that time he would of been a victim of it. Especially since losing the vote didn't make the hate and resentment of segregationists and racists disappear like magic. And it reveals itself when a panel of judges in North Carlonina write in their ruling against Republicans that they "systematically target black voters" in their attempts at voter suppression. It doesn't get much clearer than that.
No. In reality. I can point to people getting fired or canceled for being bigoted against gays and trans individuals.
You mean not genuflecting to their weirdness

yes I think that happens where elites are in control

Christian bakers can testify to that
You pretty much just admitted homosexuality occurs in nature. So does gender dysphoria in human beings. Recognizing these truths isn't redefining nature, it's redefining what parts of nature society accepts ok.
Murder, rape and pedophilia occur in nature too

that does not
Universal Healthcare, investment in poor communities, job training and government contracts to green energy and infrastructure, paid family leave, increased minimum wage, federally funding of lower and higher education...
Oh yeah, and pay for it by taxing the rich, huh.

A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Yea​

And that upsets you because…you were wanting to win that spot? Or what?

why do I care about USA Today?
"America can’t be woke enough for the radical leftists unless there’s a constant flow of transgendered supremacy showing biological males are better than females at being women. Leftist rag USA Today reiterated this by announcing one of their “Women” of the Year is actually a dude."

This week, USA TODAY unveiled its “Women of the Year” list, which, predictably, was dominated by woke public figures such as Simone Biles, Melinda French Gates, and Vice President Kamala Harris. But, in true “woke” fashion, one name that made the list was not a biological woman.

Dr. Rachel Levine, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health, made the cut for USA TODAY’s “Women of the Year.” Levine, a four-star admiral, was born a biological male, Richard Levine, and transitioned to live as a female. Previously, Levine was secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

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If we don't pull our collective heads out of our collective asses, there's going to be a repeat of Sodom and Gomorrah right here in the USA.

That thing should be spending life in prison, not collecting awards and honors.
You pretty much just admitted homosexuality occurs in nature. So does gender dysphoria in human beings. Recognizing these truths isn't redefining nature, it's redefining what parts of nature society accepts ok.
And cancer occurs in both human and animal population too.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to eradicate it.
And cancer occurs in both human and animal population too.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to eradicate it.
That should be up to the patient shouldn't it? Maybe they prefer quality of life to a long shot with chemo? Maybe they prefer to believe in the power of positive thinking or healing crystals, whatever, the point is only a complete mutant and deplorable would have a problem with them choosing what's best for them.
That should be up to the patient shouldn't it? Maybe they prefer quality of life to a long shot with chemo? Maybe they prefer to believe in the power of positive thinking or healing crystals, whatever, the point is only a complete mutant and deplorable would have a problem with them choosing what's best for them.
Well no, anyone concerned for the good of the species, our most basic biological drive would disagree.

Cure them if they can be cured, but don't blow sunshine up our asses trying to convince us it's "Normal", or even acceptable, it's not, it's completely counter to the preservation and success of the species.
Well no, anyone concerned for the good of the species, our most basic biological drive would disagree.
Are you suggesting our species is threatened by the small number of people who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria? Come on. 😄 Why must you clowns attempt to rationalize your emotional arguments with such shitty logic?
Cure them if they can be cured, but don't blow sunshine up our asses trying to convince us it's "Normal", or even acceptable, it's not, it's completely counter to the preservation and success of the species.
Cure them if they can be cured? What's your cure for those with gender dysphoria and what if they don't want your cure? Hold them down and force it on them?
Are you suggesting our species is threatened by the small number of people who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria? Come on. 😄 Why must you clowns attempt to rationalize your emotional arguments with such shitty logic?

Cure them if they can be cured? What's your cure for those with gender dysphoria and what if they don't want your cure? Hold them down and force it on them?
Psychiatric and Psychological counselling along with good parenting seemed to have worked pretty well since the dawn of man.

Those that can't or won't be cured should be shunned and driven out of the herd as is the norm in nature.
Psychiatric and Psychological counselling along with good parenting seemed to have worked pretty well since the dawn of man.
Are you a trained psychiatrist?
Those that can't or won't be cured should be shunned and driven out of the herd as is the norm in nature.

Do you think you can convince the majority to go along with that plan? Isn't there a lot more evidence that society is shunning and shaming bigots and racists?
Are you a trained psychiatrist?


Do you think you can convince the majority to go along with that plan? Isn't there a lot more evidence that society is shunning and shaming bigots and racists?
Are you? I minored in abnormal psyche.

One nice thing about political and societal pendulums is that eventually they swing back to the right once we've seen enough insanity.
I think induced confusion among small children are harmful violent acts by the LBGTQSTIVWXZ freaks
It's not the children who typically have the issue, that's usually the parents. This younger the generation the less bigoted and racist they tend to be. What's so bad with that?
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