A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Are you? I minored in abnormal psyche.
I can read reports as well as anyone and I don't see very many mainstream suggestions that teach you should shun and drive out trans individuals from society. Do you have a link to any that support that approach?
One nice thing about political and societal pendulums is that eventually they swing back to the right once we've seen enough insanity.
And the one thing nice about rubes who take folksy saying as safe advice is that their idiocy is usually public and transparent. 😄
It's not the children who typically have the issue, that's usually the parents. This younger the generation the less bigoted and racist they tend to be. What's so bad with that?
The devolution of western society, heritage, and culture and a complete loss of our place in nature.

Other than that it's just peachy.
I can read reports as well as anyone and I don't see very many mainstream suggestions that teach you should shun and drive out trans individuals from society. Do you have a link to any that support that approach?

And the one thing nice about rubes who take folksy saying as safe advice is that their idiocy is usually public and transparent. 😄
I offered no advice, I simply stated a fact. The pendulum always swings back.

Enjoy reveling in depravity while you can, it won't be a permanent condition.
The devolution of western society, heritage, and culture and a complete loss of our place in nature.

Other than that it's just peachy.
You're a culture that still venerates rapists and slavers while suggesting harmless gays and trans individuals should be shunned and driven out. I'm delighted to get to watch that happen to you as we tear down your culture and statues and push and herd you to the fringe. Right towards the cliffs of cultural extinction.
57 years is not long at all. My father is older than that. If he were living in this country at that time he would of been a victim of it. Especially since losing the vote didn't make the hate and resentment of segregationists and racists disappear like magic. And it reveals itself when a panel of judges in North Carlonina write in their ruling against Republicans that they "systematically target black voters" in their attempts at voter suppression. It doesn't get much clearer than that.
Bullshit, voter ID isn't targeting anyone who can vote legally in the US, it just keeps the rest out.
I offered no advice, I simply stated a fact. The pendulum always swings back.
Because of the laws governing the conservation of energy. Those aren't really applicable to politics but it's adorable that you think so. 😄
Enjoy reveling in depravity while you can, it won't be a permanent condition.
Sure it won't cuck. You got a time table on when you're going to pump your balls big enough to do something about it? 🤷🏾‍♂️
You're a culture that still venerates rapists and slavers while suggesting harmless gays and trans individuals should be shunned and driven out. I'm delighted to get to watch that happen to you as we tear down your culture and statues and push and herd you to the fringe. Right towards the cliffs of cultural extinction.
Now you're just fabricating bullshit. We venerate neither.

Slavery is as old as man and every culture on the planet has practiced it at one time or another, we recognize it today as an evil because we have been conditioned to do so.

If you think you can fairly judge historical figures by modern standards you're a fool not capable of an actual intelligent or intellectual discussion.

We venerate people for what they accomplished that is positive, not for their personal moral failings.

Only one perfect man was ever born and we hung him on a cross for it.
Bullshit, voter ID isn't targeting anyone who can vote legally in the US, it just keeps the rest out.
It's not bullshit that a panel of judges in North Carlonia found the Republican Party to be "targeting black voters with surgical percision". That's a fact. The actually said that shit.
Because of the laws governing the conservation of energy. Those aren't really applicable to politics but it's adorable that you think so. 😄

Sure it won't cuck. You got a time table on when you're going to pump your balls big enough to do something about it? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Ok, so you don't understand what a political pendulum is. Thanks for clearing that up for us.
It's not bullshit that a panel of judges in North Carlonia found the Republican Party to be "targeting black voters with surgical percision". That's a fact. The actually said that shit.
Ok so comprehension is not your strong point. I'll try to remember that in the future.
Now you're just fabricating bullshit. We venerate neither.
So all the statues, streets and cities named after slavers are not examples of veneration?
Slavery is as old as man and every culture on the planet has practiced it at one time or another, we recognize it today as an evil because we have been conditioned to do so.
Do we celebrate any slavers from other cultures?
If you think you can fairly judge historical figures by modern standards you're a fool not capable of an actual intelligent or intellectual discussion.
Maybe a learned individual like yourself can explain what relationship morality has to time. Are you saying that you believe there was a time when rape was morally okay?
We venerate people for what they accomplished that is positive, not for their personal moral failings.
That just sounds like excuses. If you want to be a culture that celebrates slavers and rapists you go right ahead but I don't see much trouble in convincing people such a culture is deplorable.
Only one perfect man was ever born and we hung him on a cross for it.
If he was perfect you'd think he'd have the good sense to know how not to get caught. 😄
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So all the statues, streets and cities named after slavers are not examples of veneration?

Do we celebrate any slavers from other cultures?

Maybe a learned individual like yourself can explain what relationship morality has to time. Are you saying that you believe there was a time when rape was morally okay?

That just sounds like excuses. If you want to be a culture that celebrates slavers and rapists you go right ahead but I don't see much trouble in convincing such a culture is deplorable.

If was perfect you'd think he'd have the good sense to know how not to get caught. 😄
I'm sorry you find the truth so distressing.

Morality changes over time and from culture to culture.

Slavery was not considered immoral in the colonial era nor for as far back as civilization has existed.

That we have swung so far away from the norms of the last 40,000 years or so of human culture with respect to slavery is proof that morality is not a constant, other than constantly evolving and changing.

If you try and judge the figures of history by todays modern moral standards you'll never even have an inkling as to our history and how we got from there to here.
I think when you only have two viable choices in a political system designed to protect itself that it can certainly appear that way.
It's a matter of fact, not appearance.

Carter gave us Reagan.

Obama gave us Trump.

Trump gave us Biden.

Each of those shows very broad swings in the political pendulum.
I'm sorry you find the truth so distressing.
Actually I find it useful. The Founders and Confederates were slavers. Slavers are deplorable pieces of shit. Ergo, the Founders and the Confederates were deplorable pieces of shit. It's very easy logic and very hard to dispute.
Morality changes over time and from culture to culture.
Are you suggesting morality is subjective? If so I agree with you. Unfortunately for your dumb ass morality isn't subjective to time, it's subjective to people. Time is a mathematical representation of the displacement of matter through space, it doesn't have any morals. People have morals and different people have different morals. If you morals lead you to believe their was a point in time where rape and slavery were okay then go ahead and tell us when that was? How far back in time do we need to travel before you think rape and slavery are A okay?
Slavery was not considered immoral in the colonial era nor for as far back as civilization has existed.
Why the fuck would I care about a slavers moral view on slavery any more than I'd care about a murderers moral view on murder? Are slavers who you take your moral ques from? You can't think for yourself boy?
That we have swung so far away from the norms of the last 40,000 years or so of human culture with respect to slavery is proof that morality is not a constant, other than constantly evolving and changing.
Morality doesnt evolve. There were people back then who were morally opposed to slavery (the slaves obviously and abolitionists) just as there are people today who still engage in and support slavery. Time has absolutely no effect on your moral character. You could stick me in the 1800s and I'd know slavery and rape were wrong. What's your excuse? Oh right, slavers told you it was okay and you bought into their bullshit propaganda because you're a deplorable moron.
If you try and judge the figures of history by todays modern moral standards you'll never even have an inkling as to our history and how we got from there to here.
That's stupid. History isn't just a recitation of facts. It's a story and a narrative and how you choose to tell it, what truths you choose to acknowledge (the sentiments of slavers vs abolitionists) informs us on your moral character.
It's a matter of fact, not appearance.

Carter gave us Reagan.

Obama gave us Trump.

Trump gave us Biden.

Each of those shows very broad swings in the political pendulum.
Not from your perspective. There isn't as much difference between those 5 for my liking.
So all the statues, streets and cities named after slavers are not examples of veneration?

Do we celebrate any slavers from other cultures?

Maybe a learned individual like yourself can explain what relationship morality has to time. Are you saying that you believe there was a time when rape was morally okay?

That just sounds like excuses. If you want to be a culture that celebrates slavers and rapists you go right ahead but I don't see much trouble in convincing people such a culture is deplorable.

If he was perfect you'd think he'd have the good sense to know how not to get caught. 😄
We realize that slavery was an institution and an economic engine that was hard to thwart. The Founders realized this and purposely created a Constitution where all people were considered equal. A small contingent of powerful Democrat Southern States upheld slavery. The Northern Republicans challenged it and we had a civil war over slavery. Most countries did accommodate slavery and some even have slavery today like China. Slavery was ubiquitous in the 1700s, the Founders knew it was not compatible with their Constitution where everyone was considered equal. Unfortunately there was a radical party (Democrat Party) that upheld slavery and denigrated those against it and caused a schism in America which resulted in a Civil War in which blood and treasure was expended and brothers fought brothers. This is the legacy of the Democrat party which is racism and they still believe in racism today because they label people by skin color.
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We had a civil war over slavery. Most countries did not an some even have slavery today like China. Slavery was ubiquitous in the 1700s, the Founders knew it was not compatible with their Constitution where everyone was considered equal. Unfortunately there was a radical party (Democrat Party) that upheld slavery and denigrated those against it and caused a schism in America which resulted in a Civil War in which blood and treasure was expended and brothers fought brothers. This is the legacy of the Democrat party which is racism and they still believe in racism today because they label people by skin color.
The only thing that has changed is who they now target with their racism.
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