A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Yes-------lying to everyone and to themselves. Its not gender dysphoria --------its a mental issue.

Gender dysphoria is a mental issue you moron. Their brains are wired in a way where in their minds their sexual organs don't align correctly with how they see themselves. How do you propose to treat that? Why do you discount all the mental health professionals that say for some, surgery to rearrange their sex organs in a way that matches the way they see themselves can improve their quality of life? You clowns are basically upset with strangers for choosing a treatment for a condition they are afflicted with in a manner that you don't approve of. You assclowns are eternal busy bodies who used to be able to use force to get your way and now have to settle for yelling into the fringes of the internet because no one else gives a shit.
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So Biden tanking the Russian economy was a secret scheme cooked up by Russia? 😄
You may be goat curious, but you pay no attention to life around you.

Xi's man Quid Pro tanked the US economy, not the Russian economy.

Russia has their own fuckwad moron who did that.

Though I can forgive your confusion somewhat, it is hard to tell Putin and Biden apart.

Please run that dumb fat fuck again. I dare you. :lmao:

I prefer DeSantis, but it does look like Trump will be president again.

Will you launch another biological attack so that you can massively defraud another election? Think America will let you get away with it again?
You may be goat curious, but you pay no attention to life around you.

Xi's man Quid Pro tanked the US economy, not the Russian economy.

Russia has their own fuckwad moron who did that.

Though I can forgive your confusion somewhat, it is hard to tell Putin and Biden apart.

I prefer DeSantis, but it does look like Trump will be president again.

Will you launch another biological attack so that you can massively defraud another election? Think America will let you get away with it again?

I can't wait to see what the conspiracy theories look like when your lot is a permanent political minority.
What does that mean that it has lost its meaning? To who? It still seems to mean something to businesses and companies because accusation of racism and protests to fire racist employees even when those employees are caught being racist in their personal lives during their off hours they are still fired. The accusation of racism to me, seems a more powerful tool today than its ever been especially with the prevalence of cell phone cameras who have helped document these incidents so they are harder to deny and spin. Hell if the accusation of racism were an athlete I'd say it was only now just approaching its prime. 😄
Nope. They are just placating woke assholes and that is dwindling. Racism means I think lower of you because of your skin color. I think lower of you because you are a terrible human being, goat f*cker. I told you that I donated to black politicians and you said that doesn't mean I am not racist. Why the hell would I donate to people that I believe are lower than me? That doesn't make any sense. You are an idiot.

What bias about the Republican Party do you think I have that isn't based in fact?
1) That there are more bigots on the Republican side than the Democrat side. BIG lie.

2) That Democrats help blacks more through direct giveaways than Republicans do through superior policies that reduce unemployment, provide funding for career training, and help wages.

3) That keeping oil drilling off of federal lands is more important than achieving energy independence.

4) That giving illegal aliens a warm welcome, and flying them wherever they want at taxpayer expense - which Republicans oppose - is not creating competition with unskilled blacks (unskilled whites as well) and suppressing wages.

5) That policies must be designed SPECIFICALLY to help blacks, and blacks alone, rather than institute policies that help everyone - and failing to realize there more “black favoritism” programs simply build resentment toward blacks and divide the nation further.
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Gender dysphoria is a mental issue you moron. Their brains are wired in a way where in their minds their sexual organs don't align correctly with how they see themselves. How do you propose to treat that? Why do you discount all the mental health professionals that say for some, surgery to rearrange their sex organs in a way that matches the way they see themselves can improve their quality of life? You clowns are basically upset with strangers for choosing a treatment for a condition they are afflicted with in a manner that you don't approve of. You assclowns are eternal busy bodies who used to be able to use force to get your way and now have to settle for yelling into the fringes of the internet because no one else gives a shit.
PUll your head out of your ass---their body is not the BAD thing. Their body has no issues. It's their Brain---they have mental issues. Nothing can be done to the body to fix them--its their brain that is wrong. I suggest hormone treatments. Guy who sees himself as a girl needs testerone----not estrogen.
Nope. They are just placating woke assholes and that is dwindling. Racism means I think lower of you because of your skin color. I think lower of you because you are a terrible human being, goat f*cker. I told you that I donated to black politicians and you said that doesn't mean I am not racist. Why the hell would I donate to people that I believe are lower than me? That doesn't make any sense. You are an idiot.

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I’ve VOTED for black politicians, and yet Democrats will still screech “racist” at me for pointing out the obvious.

For example, Harris is an idiot. She is so incompetent and slow to think on her feet that she can’t even FAKE an answer to questions. Yet if I criticize her stupid responses, I am accused of being a racist. The label is so overused by Dems that it has ceased to carry any meaning.
It's not the children who typically have the issue, that's usually the parents. This younger the generation the less bigoted and racist they tend to be. What's so bad with that?
You are preaching insanity

you young kids dont mind javong sex changes?

thats complete nonsense
Nope. They are just placating woke assholes and that is dwindling.
Why would they be placating us and firing employees if accusations of racism mean nothing? Get fired from your job doesn't seem like nothing. 😄
Racism means I think lower of you because of your skin color. I think lower of you because you are a terrible human being, goat f*cker. I told you that I donated to black politicians and you said that doesn't mean I am not racist. Why the hell would I donate to people that I believe are lower than me? That doesn't make any sense. You are an idiot.
That you think a handful are an exception to some rule doesn't prove you're not a racist. Racism isn't a rational ideology it would be a mistake to think it's practiced in a rational way.
I’ve VOTED for black politicians, and yet Democrats will still screech “racist” at me for pointing out the obvious.

For example, Harris is an idiot. She is so incompetent and slow to think on her feet that she can’t even FAKE an answer to questions. Yet if I criticize her stupid responses, I am accused of being a racist. The label is so overused by Dems that it has ceased to carry any meaning.
Curried Goats believes whites are inherently racists, especially Jews.
Why would they be placating us and firing employees if accusations of racism mean nothing? Get fired from your job doesn't seem like nothing. 😄

That you think a handful are an exception to some rule doesn't prove you're not a racist. Racism isn't a rational ideology it would be a mistake to think it's practiced in a rational way.
Racism means I think lower of someone based on skin color, if that were the case I would NEVER donate to those politicians. That is precisely who you are. Bitch, all you do is whine. I have explained to your dumbass that I think lower of you because you're a race baiting prick.

57 years is not long at all. My father is older than that. If he were living in this country at that time he would of been a victim of it. Especially since losing the vote didn't make the hate and resentment of segregationists and racists disappear like magic. And it reveals itself when a panel of judges in North Carlonina write in their ruling against Republicans that they "systematically target black voters" in their attempts at voter suppression. It doesn't get much clearer than that.
A panel of democrat judges.
1) That there are more bigots on the Republican side than the Democrat side. BIG lie.
The Southern white population has fought against equality for Black Americans every step of the way and they are now solidly Republican voters.
2) That Democrats help blacks more through direct giveaways than Republicans do through superior policies that reduce unemployment, provide funding for career training, and help wages.
Where's the proof of that? Let's take black voters out of the equation for a second (it's silly to compare the achievements of black Americans to white Americans and get any meaningful results since they hardly occupy the same sociopolitical space) and compare white Republican voters to white Democratic ones. Democrats have higher educational achievement, higher incomes and less poverty.
3) That keeping oil drilling off of federal lands is more important than achieving energy independence.
How would drilling on federal lands help us achieve energy dependence? We don't have a nationalized energy industry, we have a private one. If we lease the land to private businesses they can sell that oil to whoever they want.
4) That giving illegal aliens a warm welcome, and flying them wherever they want at taxpayer expense - which Republicans oppose - is not creating competition with unskilled blacks (unskilled whites as well) and suppressing wages.
These workers are typically doing jobs no Americans want to do for wages no American would do them for. I don't think we should allow American companies to continue to exploit them and we should absolutely raise the minimum wage but I'm not afraid of competition. Competition is good. It helps us distinguish what works from what doesn't and what works best from what works inefficiently, the problem is allowing the failures to well, fail. Failing provides a valuable lesson in learning what actually works and those people who do fail shouldn't be allowed to starve or go homeless or struggle to provide their kids with a decent education. They should be invested in so they have the opportunity to learn, try again and maybe fail again or even better, succeed.
5) That policies must be designed SPECIFICALLY to help blacks, and blacks alone, rather than institute policies that help everyone - and failing to realize there more “black favoritism” programs simply build resentment toward blacks and divide the nation further.
Shouldn't your policies to help black communities include the input from the people of those communities? Why do Republican voters and politicians rarely give their views any consideration?
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PUll your head out of your ass---their body is not the BAD thing. Their body has no issues. It's their Brain---they have mental issues. Nothing can be done to the body to fix them--its their brain that is wrong. I suggest hormone treatments. Guy who sees himself as a girl needs testerone----not estrogen.
Moron, if the problem is in their head how is pumping testosterone into their body supposed to help?
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