A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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I provided data and analysis. You’re a racist shill. The decision you referred to is subject to further appeal and is rooted in democrat partisan racism.
Your data seems to only consist of your hurt feelings and your dislike of Democrats. Also the appeals were denied by the John Roberts Supreme Court.
Your data seems to only consist of your hurt feelings and your dislike of Democrats.
I have nothing against democrats in spite of their ignorance and bias. All of my friends and neighbors are democrats. It’s democrat policies like the racism you thrive on that are the issue.
You’re a neo-segregationist bigot. Par for the black democrat course.
I have nothing against democrats in spite of their ignorance and bias. All of my friends and neighbors are democrats. It’s democrat policies like the racism you thrive on that are the issue.
You’re a neo-segregationist bigot. Par for the black democrat course.
The only one of us who's provided evidence of a political party's racist policies is me when I linked you to a court ruling that found Republicans "targeted black voters with surgical percision".

That's me presenting undeniable facts, you giant ignorant cucks. 😄

And that was me enjoying your inability to respond with anything but the spaced out drool of the mentally handicapped. 😄
My definition of rational are things that have logical consistency and are based on reason and objective facts. I may call you a racist but my arguments themselves are always logically consistent and when they aren't I reconsider them and adjust accordingly.
Nope. You have zero argument or proof. Next.
OMG. The liberals have turned this into Bizarro World.

That said, I am a car driver who identifies as a racehorse and am going to enter myself in the Kentucky Derby.

The Babylon Bee is the best satire site out there, because their satire rides the line of what progressives will eventually try to actually do.
Prove what?

You are in a thread defending a dude being called woman of the year. that alone shows you are a doublethinking Orwellian nimrod.
Your specious claim is also not a rational argument. There is so much here that is logically inconsistent that it's almost certain you suffer from a number of mental deficiencies. (That's not a rational argument, that's just me making fun of you). 😁

(Here's the rational argument, meaning most these statements will be statements of fact)
I'm in a thread defending a transwoman being honored as woman of the year. Transwomen are biological men who feel that their male sex organs don't align with who they are psychologically. I don't have any more problem respecting their wishes and their choice to live as women in the same way I don't have any problem respecting religious people who claim to be living with a soul. If they aren't harming anyone then what's the problem? Which brings us to the notion of a private entity honoring a transwoman as "Orwellian". The government didn't force them to do this, they chose to. That's pretty much the opposite of "Orwellian".
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The Babylon Bee is the best satire site out there, because their satire rides the line of what progressives will eventually try to actually do.
Oops….didn’t catch that was the Babylon Bee. But libs have gone so crazy that I thought it was true.
Why would they be placating us and firing employees if accusations of racism mean nothing? Get fired from your job doesn't seem like nothing. 😄

That you think a handful are an exception to some rule doesn't prove you're not a racist. Racism isn't a rational ideology it would be a mistake to think it's practiced in a rational way.
Racism is actually RATIONAL. It's irrational not to be racist from natures point of view.

People are drawn to the familiar as a protective mechanism so by nature prefer their own over others. The Unfamiliar is always more dangerous.

As far racism goes instead of prejudice---there are difference between the races whether the woke crowd likes it or not. To deny that there is are differences is IRRATIONAL and flies directly in the face of facts.
Racism is actually RATIONAL. It's irrational not to be racist from natures point of view.

People are drawn to the familiar as a protective mechanism so by nature prefer their own over others. The Unfamiliar is always more dangerous.
What you are describing isn't logic or rational thought, it's natural instinct, all animals are capable of that. Natural instinct tells us to be afraid of the unknown but logic and reason allow us to discern the unfamiliar, to understand and in so doing use that knowledge to help change and improve human lives. It's what allowed us to go from scavengers to farmers and from farmers to rocket scientists.
As far racism goes instead of prejudice---there are difference between the races whether the woke crowd likes it or not.
Describe them.
To deny that there is are differences is IRRATIONAL and flies directly in the face of facts.
Race is a social construct. What there are between humans are genetic differences born out of environmental pressures, hereditary lineage, and good old random chance and these genetic differences don't separate into a handful of neat racial lines. There is more genetic variation between black people from different parts of Africa than there are between Africans and Europeans and the decision to separate race based on the subjective notion of skin tone is entirely arbitrary. You could of just as easily separated race by eye color for all the scientific sense it makes.
The only one of us who's provided evidence of a political party's racist policies is me when I linked you to a court ruling that found Republicans "targeted black voters with surgical percision".

That's me presenting undeniable facts, you giant ignorant cucks. 😄

And that was me enjoying your inability to respond with anything but the spaced out drool of the mentally handicapped. 😄
The assessment about blacks being targeted is democrat propaganda.
You obviously are racist against blacks as you think they’re are inherently inferior and incapable of producing ID to vote while everyone else can. Interesting that blacks on welfare have no problem producing ID to deposit their welfare checks.
You’re another dishonest democrat.

I can't wait to see what the conspiracy theories look like when your lot is a permanent political minority.

Yeah, because your Reich is so very popular.

Go ahead and argue the rationality of racism.

Racism is irrational, particularly when used by your Reich against 63% of the population.

You Nazis seem pretty fucking stupid to constantly spew your hatred at a scapegoat that is the majority.

In what regard?

Do you ever have any arguments that don't rest solely on mean name calling? 😄

I liberally use ad hom, I'm a liberal after all; but none of my arguments rest on name calling.

Your pogrom against Der Juden, the whites is utterly stupid, making those of your Reich total retards.

Now I correctly called you a retard.

But the basis of my argument is that your racism against the majority dooms you to failure in your evil plot.

See how that works, goat curious?
Racism is irrational, particularly when used by your Reich against 63% of the population.

You Nazis seem pretty fucking stupid to constantly spew your hatred at a scapegoat that is the majority.

I liberally use ad hom, I'm a liberal after all; but none of my arguments rest on name calling.

Your pogrom against Der Juden, the whites is utterly stupid, making those of your Reich total retards.

Now I correctly called you a retard.

But the basis of my argument is that your racism against the majority dooms you to failure in your evil plot.

See how that works, goat curious?

You're not the majority dipshit. In fact you're a growing minority.
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