A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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So, nailed on your stupidity of claiming whites are a minority - epic fucking stupidity - you try and blow smoke and erect a straw man that "well, most white people are Wokesters so they aren't really white."
I never said whites were a minority you dipshit, I said you were a minority. In this case I wasn't referring to your race, I was referring to your deplorable and racist culture.
I take it you're white and desperately wish you weren't, since you so bitterly hate white people.
Wrong again dipshit. I'm Black and Asian.
Stupid fuck, if you're going to deride something as a conspiracy theory, do it BEFORE it's proven fact, you fucking retard.

You fucking idiot, maybe you should try reading the articles that you link to, you might of seen this tidbit.

Brown’s Polk Award-winning series for The Herald highlighted how the U.S. judiciary victimized the powerless and protected the powerful through President Trump’s Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, who negotiated a sweetheart plea deal with Epstein in his former capacity as federal prosecutor a decade ago.

The agreement allowed Epstein to serve out a paltry 13-month sentence in a county jail, allowed him to take field trips outside his cell, and shielded his accused accomplices from prosecution.
The guy who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal was Trump's Secretary of Labor.

Because people protesting election fraud takes away the rights of black people, or something..
You haven't proven any election fraud and until you do all you're protesting is losing.
I get it though, just because you Nazi vermin are constantly saying you want to engage in racial genocide of whites, we shouldn't believe you - everyone knows what fucking liars you are - so we should ignore your threats.
We don't need to commit genocide against you you moron, you're culture is dying all on its own. Liberal whites are choosing more and more to have mixed race babies. They are the largest growing demographic while white people are a shrinking one. Not only that but the younger the population the more liberal they are. Basically your culture is full of old ass racist whites and your not making racist whites fast enough to keep pace with everyone else. We don't need to kill you. A culture that wants to isolate itself culturally and demographically will bring about its own stagnation and death.
You fuckers want to drive the Jews into the see. You are avid Antisemites.
No, the people who want to see that happen are white Evangelicals who believe that will signal the next coming of Jesus Christ. I just want Israel to stop abusing Palestinians.
That virtually every Jooooo hating pile of shit on this board is a left cvnt like you has nothing to do with feelings, Nazi.
What is a joooo?
The fascist party is openly racist, with whites as a scapegoat using rhetoric straight out of Mein Kampf to blame all societal ills on the hated race that you Fuhrer Soros trains all drones to hate.
How stupid and confused are you? Do you think it's a convincing argument to call other people nazis in the same breath you make accusations of a Jewish man secretly pulling the strings from behind the curtain? 😄
I never said whites were a minority you dipshit,

Ah lying, so common among you Nazis.

Message 740, as response to pointing out how stupid your anti-white bigotry is, you said:

{You're not the majority dipshit. In fact you're a growing minority.}

I get it, you're as stupid as you are dishonest.

I said you were a minority. In this case I wasn't referring to your race, I was referring to your deplorable and racist culture.

Oh, in response to;

Racism is irrational, particularly when used by your Reich against 63% of the population.

You Nazis seem pretty fucking stupid to constantly spew your hatred at a scapegoat that is the majority."


You're such a clown.

Wrong again dipshit. I'm Black and Asian.

Above all, you're a racist pile of shit.

You fucking idiot, maybe you should try reading the articles that you link to, you might of seen this tidbit.

The guy who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal was Trump's Secretary of Labor.


Ah yes. lying it on "orange man bad."

But of course the massive pedophile ring actually is a democrat thing, even in the couple of years when Trump rubbed elbows with the Clinton friend, it was while Trump was in fact a democrat.

Not all democrats are pedophiles, but all pedophiles are democrats.

You haven't proven any election fraud and until you do all you're protesting is losing.


Ah yes, lying is so clever by you Nazis.

Here Is The Evidence

We don't need to commit genocide against you you moron, you're culture is dying all on its own. Liberal whites are choosing more and more to have mixed race babies. They are the largest growing demographic while white people are a shrinking one. Not only that but the younger the population the more liberal they are. Basically your culture is full of old ass racist whites and your not making racist whites fast enough to keep pace with everyone else. We don't need to kill you. A culture that wants to isolate itself culturally and demographically will bring about its own stagnation and death.


In the 2010 census, black Americans were 13% of the population. In 2020, they - you - dropped to 12%

So how's that illegal immigration working out for you?

No, the people who want to see that happen are white Evangelicals who believe that will signal the next coming of Jesus Christ. I just want Israel to stop abusing Palestinians.

More mindless bigotry.

What is a joooo?

How stupid and confused are you? Do you think it's a convincing argument to call other people nazis in the same breath you make accusations of a Jewish man secretly pulling the strings from behind the curtain? 😄

You are a Nazi.

Why do you bristle are being identified as what you are?

Ah lying, so common among you Nazis.

Message 740, as response to pointing out how stupid your anti-white bigotry is, you said:

{You're not the majority dipshit. In fact you're a growing minority.}

I get it, you're as stupid as you are dishonest.

Oh, in response to;

Racism is irrational, particularly when used by your Reich against 63% of the population.

You Nazis seem pretty fucking stupid to constantly spew your hatred at a scapegoat that is the majority."


You're such a clown.

Above all, you're a racist pile of shit.


Ah yes. lying it on "orange man bad."

But of course the massive pedophile ring actually is a democrat thing, even in the couple of years when Trump rubbed elbows with the Clinton friend, it was while Trump was in fact a democrat.

Not all democrats are pedophiles, but all pedophiles are democrats.


Ah yes, lying is so clever by you Nazis.

Here Is The Evidence


In the 2010 census, black Americans were 13% of the population. In 2020, they - you - dropped to 12%

So how's that illegal immigration working out for you?

More mindless bigotry.

You are a Nazi.

Why do you bristle are being identified as what you are?

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The reason yours is a dying culture is because you clowns are in a nose dive of ignorance and stupid. You call us pedophiles and yet it was Trumps Labor Secretary who let Epstein off. You call us and Soros (a jew) Nazis. None of it makes any sense. It's just loud noises that only invoke laughter from the majority.
The reason yours is a dying culture

If we die as a culture, will you return to living in grass huts and living to the ripe old age of 30?

is because you clowns are in a nose dive of ignorance and stupid. You call us pedophiles and yet it was Trumps Labor Secretary who let Epstein off. You call us and Soros (a jew) Nazis. None of it makes any sense. It's just loud noises that only invoke laughter from the majority.

You are a racist, hence you think "Jew" is race. It isn't, it's a religion. Soros is no more a Jew than Biden is. Soros was one of Hitler's Nazis, and is now Fuhrer of you filthy vermin.

I do love it that pedophilia is where you Nazis have drawn your line - you'll fight to the bitter end to keep grooming 4 year olds.

There seems to be some balance to the universe. The one saving grace to evil such as you is that evil tends to be stupid. You Nazis are certainly evil, but you're also astoundingly stupid. You learned nothing in Virginia. In your lust, you have again decided to go to war against parents because you want to groom their children to be the sexual playthings of perverts..

I didn't identify your Reich as the party of pedophiles, YOU DID, you scream it loud and proud, "Grooming NOW AND FOREVER, Seig Heil." Uber Alles Democrats

It's the hill you Nazis should die on, and may your fucking Reich be obliterated as the stain it is on humanity.
I'm sure some on the left do want you to just be better people but I kind of enjoy watching you and your children devolve into more and more deplorable mutants. It's highly entertaining. Also I'm a progressive. I think we should cuck capitalists and use their money to invest in minorities, the underprivileged and third world countries that have been historically exploited by the West.
You mean the "underprivileged" minorities who get first crack, ahead of whites, for jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc, from Affirmative Action, and now Biden's American Rescue Plan ?

Whites have been getting the shaft on all these for 57 years now, so please spare us the crap about "underprivileged". Only good thing is, the courts have been shooting Biden's ARP down, for its anti-white racism, every time it shows up there.

As for the 3rd world countries, as a Latino man myself, fluent in Spanish, I have lived in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico for totalling 6 years, and I will be going there again in November. My girlfriend lives in Mexico City, and I've been through neighborhoods there with poverty that Americans black or white, couldn't even dream (nightmares) about.

But these are from neglect of the Mexican government (rich in gold, silver oil, etc), not from any other country. Most Mexicans know this very well, and they don't sing Hay Unos Ojos for "their" government. In fact, it is the US that is "exploited" by Mexico
with over $30/Billion/yr in remittances (21st century imperialism) taken out of the US economy, and away from US businesses, and transferred to Mexico. La pura verdad.


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You want to talk about being a cock fest of racist whites look to your own Party. It's super white. Congress has never been more diverse and the Republican Party is overwhelming white. 83% of minority representation in Congress is from the Democratic party. You can try and bullshit people all you want but it's going to be difficult to hide just how white your party is. We can all see it with our own eyes. 😄
Do you attend many 'cock fests?'
You mean the "underprivileged" minorities who get first crack, ahead of whites, for jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc, from Affirmative Action, and now Biden's American Rescue Plan ?

Whites have been getting the shaft on all these for 57 years now, so please spare us the crap about "underprivileged". Only good thing is, the courts have been shooting Biden's ARP down, for its anti-white racism, every time it shows up there.

As for the 3rd world countries, as a Latino man myself, fluent in Spanish, I have lived in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico for totalling 6 years, and I will be going there again in November. My girlfriend lives in Mexico City, and I've been through neighborhoods there with poverty that Americans black or white, couldn't even dream (nightmares) about.

But these are from neglect of the Mexican government (rich in gold, silver oil, etc), not from any other country. Most Mexicans know this very well, and they don't sing Hay Unos Ojos for "their" government. In fact, it is the US that is "exploited" by Mexico
with over $30/Billion/yr in remittances (21st century imperialism) taken out of the US economy, and away from US businesses, and transferred to Mexico. La pura verdad.

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Awww, do cuck whites like you need a support group? 😄
"America can’t be woke enough for the radical leftists unless there’s a constant flow of transgendered supremacy showing biological males are better than females at being women. Leftist rag USA Today reiterated this by announcing one of their “Women” of the Year is actually a dude."

This week, USA TODAY unveiled its “Women of the Year” list, which, predictably, was dominated by woke public figures such as Simone Biles, Melinda French Gates, and Vice President Kamala Harris. But, in true “woke” fashion, one name that made the list was not a biological woman.

Dr. Rachel Levine, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health, made the cut for USA TODAY’s “Women of the Year.” Levine, a four-star admiral, was born a biological male, Richard Levine, and transitioned to live as a female. Previously, Levine was secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

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Another man has just been nominated for "NCAA Woman of the Year."

Pretty soon men will winning all honors intended for women
I told you I am Latino. Can you read ? And yeah, whites really DO need a support group. How about emulating what blacks do ? How about a NAAWP and a Congressional WHITE Caucus ? Maybe White Lives Matter ?
Sure, if you want to be pointed and laughed at.
I posted PAGES of PROOF of 2020 election fraud, enough that it would take a week to read (including the links & sub-links). It's been sitting in this forum for more than a year now.
Really? Did you, scoobie doo and the gang crack the case? Then why the fuck did you post it here instead of turn it over to the FBI? 😄
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