A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Dumbass, all white people don't rock with you. 😄

Which means exactly what in that maggot infested broccoli stalk that substitutes as a brain with you?

The White people your fascist Reich is waging this Pogrom against are the majority.

You Nazi turds have designated the largest demographic as your scapegoat.

You really are that fucking stupid.

BUT you're the same vermin who think Grooming 4 years olds is the hill you should die on - which I fully support BTW, showing the nation that you're groomers is a great idea. I mean, just calling parents "terrorists" in Virginia helped you Nazi scum in the election. Showing yourselves as sexual predators chasing down other peoples kids for your sick pleasure is a BRILLIANT strategy that will win you elections for decades to come. :thup:
Which means exactly what in that maggot infested broccoli stalk that substitutes as a brain with you?
It means you can't count all the whites as being part of your majority and you're not even the majority among whites, you're only the majority among uneducated whites. College educated whites favor the Democratic Party.
The White people your fascist Reich is waging this Pogrom against are the majority.
Our war is with racist whites and as the Civil War and WW 2 showed there are a lot of whites who will happily join us in defeating racist whites.
You Nazi turds have designated the largest demographic as your scapegoat.
The Nazi's and skin heads rock with you, Jewish voters overwhelmingly vote with the Democratic party.
You really are that fucking stupid.

Says the guy who doesn't know he's part of a growing minority.
BUT you're the same vermin who think Grooming 4 years olds is the hill you should die on - which I fully support BTW, showing the nation that you're groomers is a great idea. I mean, just calling parents "terrorists" in Virginia helped you Nazi scum in the election. Showing yourselves as sexual predators chasing down other peoples kids for your sick pleasure is a BRILLIANT strategy that will win you elections for decades to come. :thup:
Racist whites won an election in Virginia?!? You don't say... 😂 The fact that Virginia is even competitive should be deeply embarrassing for racist whites.
It means you can't count all the whites as being part of your majority and you're not even the majority among whites, you're only the majority among uneducated whites. College educated whites favor the Democratic Party.

Got it.

So whites are a minority because some are self-hating.

That is some epic stupidity, son.

Our war is with racist whites and as the Civil War and WW 2 showed there are a lot of whites who will happily join us in defeating racist whites.

Racist whites would be you Nazis who want to put your own kind in death camps then?

The Nazi's and skin heads rock with you, Jewish voters overwhelmingly vote with the Democratic party.

democrats and your BDS hate are legendary Anti-Semites.

Shall we stroll over to the middle east forum and take note of the JOOOOOOOOOOO haters?

Spoiler Alert: 100% Nazi democrats.


Says the guy who doesn't know he's part of a growing minority.


A minority but not a minority, but really a minority because you hate Der Juden and have a final solution for the white people problem...

Anyone ever let you in on the fact that you're a psychopath?

Racist whites won an election in Virginia?!? You don't say... 😂 The fact that Virginia is even competitive should be deeply embarrassing for racist whites.


You're open hatred of whites isn't what racist, it's opposition to your filthy Reich.

What a fucktard.

Got it.

So whites are a minority because some are self-hating.

That is some epic stupidity, son.
What's stupid is thinking the white people you call commies and accuse of stealing elections and running underground pedo rings would ever be on your side. That's why I actually didn't mind Trump and celebrated Jan. 6th. They needed to see that you clowns have as little love and respect for their rights as you do the rights of Black Americans and people in the LGTBQ community.
Racist whites would be you Nazis who want to put your own kind in death camps then?
No one wants to put you in death camps you frightened little coward. 😂
democrats and your BDS hate are legendary Anti-Semites.
And yet over 70% of American Jews are Democratic voters. How strange. 😄
Shall we stroll over to the middle east forum and take note of the JOOOOOOOOOOO haters?
Disagreeing with the actions of the Israeli government isn't being a jew hater and you have as about as good a shot at convincing American Jews that as you do convincing Black Americans that you're not racist.
Spoiler Alert: 100% Nazi democrats.

Who cares how you feel cuck? Why don't you seem to be able to convince Jewish voters of that?

A minority but not a minority, but really a minority because you hate Der Juden and have a final solution for the white people problem...
Yea. We're going to shame and ridicule you mercilessly in public and social media and promote social justice in pop culture until your children are too embarrassed to be associated with you and want nothing to do with your backwards culture and it goes extinct.
Anyone ever let you in on the fact that you're a psychopath?
What's wrong with hating a culture of deplorable mutants that venerates slavers?

Read that sentence. Try to absorb the wonderful bit of propaganda in it. It resonates with your youth because our society has done such a good job instilling strong moral beliefs in right and wrong. Slavery is wrong and immoral so it's not a far leap to wonder if people who venerate slavers are wrong and immoral.

You're open hatred of whites isn't what racist, it's opposition to your filthy Reich.

What a fucktard.

I don't hate whites. I hate racist whites. I love the whites that join with us to help tear down your deplorably racist culture.
It means you can't count all the whites as being part of your majority and you're not even the majority among whites, you're only the majority among uneducated whites. College educated whites favor the Democratic Party.

Our war is with racist whites and as the Civil War and WW 2 showed there are a lot of whites who will happily join us in defeating racist whites.

The Nazi's and skin heads rock with you, Jewish voters overwhelmingly vote with the Democratic party.


Says the guy who doesn't know he's part of a growing minority.

Racist whites won an election in Virginia?!? You don't say... 😂 The fact that Virginia is even competitive should be deeply embarrassing for racist whites.
You mean college indoctrinated whites vote democrat. Those are the true white supremacists as they live with nothing but other white democrats and believe blacks are inherently inferior, always in need of assistance and sympathy. Like you do.
You mean college indoctrinated whites vote democrat. Those are the true white supremacists as they live with nothing but other white democrats and believe blacks are inherently inferior, always in need of assistance and sympathy. Like you do.

You want to talk about being a cock fest of racist whites look to your own Party. It's super white. Congress has never been more diverse and the Republican Party is overwhelming white. 83% of minority representation in Congress is from the Democratic party. You can try and bullshit people all you want but it's going to be difficult to hide just how white your party is. We can all see it with our own eyes. 😄

You want to talk about being a cock fest of racist whites look to your own Party. It's super white. Congress has never been more diverse and the Republican Party is overwhelming white. 83% of minority representation in Congress is from the Democratic party. You can try and bullshit people all you want but it's going to be difficult to hide just how white your party is. We can all see it with our own eyes. 😄
I’m not a republican. I’m an anti-democrat independent. I’m anti-democrat partly because democrat is the party of segregation and bigotry. Repubs don’t pander to whites but democrats pander to non-whites. The consequential segregation results in an attrition of non-whites leaning republican.
Do the simple math.
Your anti-white racism clearly exposes this in your case.
I’m not a republican. I’m an anti-democrat independent. I’m anti-democrat partly because democrat is the party of segregation and bigotry.
That's stupid and verifiably false. The Democratic Party is the most diverse, that's the opposite of segregated you moron.
Repubs don’t pander to whites but democrats pander to non-whites.

Pandering to racist whites is what the Republican party is all about.
The consequential segregation results in an attrition of non-whites leaning republican.
Do the simple math.
Your anti-white racism clearly exposes this in your case.
You do the math you moron. The Republican party largely consists of white evangelicals and very little else while the Democratic Party is a coalition of a bunch of different minority groups all working together to defeat your racist and bigoted asses. Like I said, we can see it with our own eyes you clown.
That's stupid and verifiably false. The Democratic Party is the most diverse, that's the opposite of segregated you moron.


Pandering to racist whites is what the Republican party is all about.

You do the math you moron. The Republican party largely consists of white evangelicals and very little else while the Democratic Party is a coalition of a bunch of different minority groups all working together to defeat your racist and bigoted asses. Like I said, we can see it with our own eyes you clown.
Demonstrate one white-centric group any party panders to. Democrats pander to every conceivable group; BLM, NAACP, CBC, latino/highspanic/Chicano, etc.
Diversity is a democrat euphemism for segregation.
The only blacks or highspanics you see where white democrats live are the mailman, landscapers and maids.
The only white democrats you see in black neighborhoods are driving through — quickly.
You're a phony and a hypocrite.
Demonstrate one white-centric group any party panders to. Democrats pander to every conceivable group; BLM, NAACP, CBC, latino/highspanic/Chicano, etc.
Diversity is a democrat euphemism for segregation.
The only blacks or highspanics you see where white democrats live are the mailman, landscapers and maids.
The only white democrats you see in black neighborhoods are driving through — quickly.
You're a phony and a hypocrite.
That's obviously your perspective. That's how you see black democrats. I have quite a few family members who are doctors and business owners of varying sorts who live in Weston and Southwest Ranches here in South Florida, some pretty exclusive and wealthy neighborhoods and we've always felt welcome. You obviously just can't picture successful black people having nice things.
What's stupid is thinking the white people you call commies and accuse of stealing elections and running underground pedo rings would ever be on your side.

So, nailed on your stupidity of claiming whites are a minority - epic fucking stupidity - you try and blow smoke and erect a straw man that "well, most white people are Wokesters so they aren't really white."

I take it you're white and desperately wish you weren't, since you so bitterly hate white people.

Oh, and stupid fuck - may I call you stupid fuck? I think I will.

Stupid fuck, if you're going to deride something as a conspiracy theory, do it BEFORE it's proven fact, you fucking retard.

That's why I actually didn't mind Trump and celebrated Jan. 6th. They needed to see that you clowns have as little love and respect for their rights as you do the rights of Black Americans and people in the LGTBQ community.

Because people protesting election fraud takes away the rights of black people, or something..


No one wants to put you in death camps you frightened little coward. 😂

Izzatrite Adolf?

I get it though, just because you Nazi vermin are constantly saying you want to engage in racial genocide of whites, we shouldn't believe you - everyone knows what fucking liars you are - so we should ignore your threats.

And yet over 70% of American Jews are Democratic voters. How strange. 😄

Dropping fast, Adolf.

Disagreeing with the actions of the Israeli government isn't being a jew hater and you have as about as good a shot at convincing American Jews that as you do convincing Black Americans that you're not racist.


You fuckers want to drive the Jews into the see. You are avid Antisemites.


Who cares how you feel cuck? Why don't you seem to be able to convince Jewish voters of that?

That virtually every Jooooo hating pile of shit on this board is a left cvnt like you has nothing to do with feelings, Nazi.

This is why that in 2000, 93% of Jews voted democrat. 20 years later, it's down to 67%.

The democrat party is openly Antisemitic, anti-Israel, and pro-Muslim Supremacist.

Yea. We're going to shame and ridicule you mercilessly in public and social media and promote social justice in pop culture until your children are too embarrassed to be associated with you and want nothing to do with your backwards culture and it goes extinct.

Well good luck with that Adolf.

What's wrong with hating a culture of deplorable mutants that venerates slavers?
You are a racist pile of shit - but then what Nazi democrat isn't. You hate people based on their skin color - as is the way of your filthy, fascist Reich.

Read that sentence. Try to absorb the wonderful bit of propaganda in it. It resonates with your youth because our society has done such a good job instilling strong moral beliefs in right and wrong. Slavery is wrong and immoral so it's not a far leap to wonder if people who venerate slavers are wrong and immoral.

I don't hate whites. I hate racist whites. I love the whites that join with us to help tear down your deplorably racist culture.

You hate whites, especially yourself.
You mean college indoctrinated whites vote democrat. Those are the true white supremacists as they live with nothing but other white democrats and believe blacks are inherently inferior, always in need of assistance and sympathy. Like you do.

I have an Sc.D.

I don't vote for the democrat Nazis - EVER.

You want to talk about being a cock fest of racist whites look to your own Party. It's super white. Congress has never been more diverse and the Republican Party is overwhelming white. 83% of minority representation in Congress is from the Democratic party. You can try and bullshit people all you want but it's going to be difficult to hide just how white your party is. We can all see it with our own eyes. 😄
Huh. You say that like it's a BAD thing. . . . . :08621:

We think it's a good thing.
So, nailed on your stupidity of claiming whites are a minority - epic fucking stupidity - you try and blow smoke and erect a straw man that "well, most white people are Wokesters so they aren't really white."

I take it you're white and desperately wish you weren't, since you so bitterly hate white people.

Oh, and stupid fuck - may I call you stupid fuck? I think I will.

Stupid fuck, if you're going to deride something as a conspiracy theory, do it BEFORE it's proven fact, you fucking retard.

Because people protesting election fraud takes away the rights of black people, or something..


Izzatrite Adolf?

I get it though, just because you Nazi vermin are constantly saying you want to engage in racial genocide of whites, we shouldn't believe you - everyone knows what fucking liars you are - so we should ignore your threats.

Dropping fast, Adolf.


You fuckers want to drive the Jews into the see. You are avid Antisemites.

That virtually every Jooooo hating pile of shit on this board is a left cvnt like you has nothing to do with feelings, Nazi.

This is why that in 2000, 93% of Jews voted democrat. 20 years later, it's down to 67%.

The democrat party is openly Antisemitic, anti-Israel, and pro-Muslim Supremacist.

Well good luck with that Adolf.

You are a racist pile of shit - but then what Nazi democrat isn't. You hate people based on their skin color - as is the way of your filthy, fascist Reich.

You hate whites, especially yourself.
Yes, Jews are waking up to the antisemitism on the left, and now 1 out of 3 Jews vote Republican. I once went to a meeting of Republican Jews - must have been around 300 in the room - and admitted to the guy next to me that I HAD previously been a Democrat. He smiled, waved his arm over the crowd, and replied “We all were.”

The antisemitic venom that spews from leftists who simultaneously accuse conservatives of racism is a degree of hypocrisy so pronounced it could make me nauseous.
That's stupid and verifiably false. The Democratic Party is the most diverse, that's the opposite of segregated you moron.


Lie some more Nazi.

The fascist party is openly racist, with whites as a scapegoat using rhetoric straight out of Mein Kampf to blame all societal ills on the hated race that you Fuhrer Soros trains all drones to hate.

Pandering to racist whites is what the Republican party is all about.

According to you Nazis, whites are born racist. It's genetic, whites are inferior to the superior colored people (POC) and can't help being racists because they are an inferior race.

You do the math you moron. The Republican party largely consists of white evangelicals and very little else while the Democratic Party is a coalition of a bunch of different minority groups all working together to defeat your racist and bigoted asses. Like I said, we can see it with our own eyes you clown.

The Nazi party is comprised of very evil leaders with ignorant drones hoping for a handout following.
That's obviously your perspective. That's how you see black democrats. I have quite a few family members who are doctors and business owners of varying sorts who live in Weston and Southwest Ranches here in South Florida, some pretty exclusive and wealthy neighborhoods and we've always felt welcome. You obviously just can't picture successful black people having nice things.
I live in Prince George’s County, MD.
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