A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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57 years is not long at all. My father is older than that. If he were living in this country at that time he would of been a victim of it. Especially since losing the vote didn't make the hate and resentment of segregationists and racists disappear like magic. And it reveals itself when a panel of judges in North Carlonina write in their ruling against Republicans that they "systematically target black voters" in their attempts at voter suppression. It doesn't get much clearer than that.
A lefty judge trying to help dems cheat (again) is not proof of anything legit. 57 years is a long time when most people can’t remember beyond six months.
Racism means I think lower of someone based on skin color, if that were the case I would NEVER donate to those politicians. That is precisely who you are. Bitch, all you do is whine. I have explained to your dumbass that I think lower of you because you're a race baiting prick.
You are again trying to fit the irrationality of racism into a rational framework and when I point out it doesn't make sense you lash out as per usual. 😄
A lefty judge trying to help dems cheat (again) is not proof of anything legit. 57 years is a long time when most people can’t remember beyond six months.
Your pejorative, ad hominem attack on those judges you know absolutely nothing about shows little rational thought goes into these arguments of yours.

If you want to criticize their ruling than attack their findings. It's there in the court documents. The Republican Party of North Carolina specifically requested data on what types of IDs black and white voters were more likely to have and went about disqualifying all the ones that were predominantly held by black voters. The racist intent in that is pretty clear.
You are again trying to fit the irrationality of racism into a rational framework and when I point out it doesn't make sense you lash out as per usual. 😄
Was that English? LOL

You’re back pedaling and rambling. Acknowledge me. Acknowledge that my Disdain of you has zero to do with race, goat f*cker.
Was that English? LOL
It was, every word of it but if you want to pretend you're too stupid to understand my simple statement that's fine by me.
You’re back pedaling and rambling. Acknowledge me. Acknowledge that my Disdain of you has zero to do with race, goat f*cker.
More personal attacks because you can't refute the logic of my argument.

Racism isn't rational we should therefore not expect its adherents to behave rationally. It's really that simple.
It was, every word of it but if you want to pretend you're too stupid to understand my simple statement that's fine by me.

More personal attacks because you can't refute the logic of my argument.

Racism isn't rational we should therefore not expect its adherents to behave rationally. It's really that simple.
What logic? Racism is 100% rational. It’s the belief that someone is beneath you due to their skin color. Ageism is thinking someone is beneath you due to age. Same with wealth. Obesity. Good looks. It is 100% rational. To me you are a race baiting goat f*ucker. I would never be civil to you. Not because of your race. Because you’re an asshole. Now that was English. Acknowledge me.
What logic? Racism is 100% rational. It’s the belief that someone is beneath you due to their skin color.
Go ahead and argue the rationality of racism.
Ageism is thinking someone is beneath you due to age. Same with wealth. Obesity. Good looks. It is 100% rational.
In what regard?
To me you are a race baiting goat f*ucker. I would never be civil to you. Not because of your race. Because you’re an asshole. Now that was English. Acknowledge me.
Do you ever have any arguments that don't rest solely on mean name calling? 😄
Go ahead and argue the rationality of racism.

In what regard?

Do you ever have any arguments that don't rest solely on mean name calling? 😄
Rational meaning that people truly believe their superiority based on certain factors. Irrational would be people like you believing that Jews have horns and a tail. Racism is rational. It’s based on perceived stereotypes taken to the extreme. And I ll insult you as I please, goat f*ucker.
Rational meaning that people truly believe their superiority based on certain factors.
Rational doesn't mean people truly believe a thing. People truly believe irrational things all the time. I asked you to prove the rationality of racism. Can you?
Irrational would be people like you believing that Jews have horns and a tail.
Do I believe that? Do you have evidence of this?
Racism is rational. It’s based on perceived stereotypes taken to the extreme. And I ll insult you as I please, goat f*ucker.
Just because you perceive something doesn't necessarily mean your perception is accurate. Do you really not understand what rationality is? 😄
Rational doesn't mean people truly believe a thing. People truly believe irrational things all the time. I asked you to prove the rationality of racism. Can you?

Do I believe that? Do you have evidence of this?

Just because you perceive something doesn't necessarily mean your perception is accurate. Do you really not understand what rationality is? 😄
What is your operational definition of rational? Calling people racist who disagree politically with you, goat f*cker?
What is your operational definition of rational? Calling people racist who disagree politically with you, goat f*cker?
My definition of rational are things that have logical consistency and are based on reason and objective facts. I may call you a racist but my arguments themselves are always logically consistent and when they aren't I reconsider them and adjust accordingly.
Your pejorative, ad hominem attack on those judges you know absolutely nothing about shows little rational thought goes into these arguments of yours.

If you want to criticize their ruling than attack their findings. It's there in the court documents. The Republican Party of North Carolina specifically requested data on what types of IDs black and white voters were more likely to have and went about disqualifying all the ones that were predominantly held by black voters. The racist intent in that is pretty clear.
U.S. Appeals Court Strikes Down North Carolina's Voter ID Law
The appeals court noted that the North Carolina Legislature "requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices" — then, data in hand, "enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways, all of which disproportionately affected African Americans."

The changes to the voting process "target African Americans with almost surgical precision," the circuit court wrote, and "impose cures for problems that did not exist."
My definition of rational are things that have logical consistency and are based on reason and objective facts. I may call you a racist but my arguments themselves are always logically consistent and when they aren't I reconsider them and adjust accordingly.

What a load of steaming bullshit. You just bitch and call people names.
What a load of steaming bullshit. You just bitch and call people names.
I do that too because pointing and laughing at you clowns amuses me but I also make sure my arguments are backed by logic and facts. Go ahead and pick anyone of them you like and see if you can muster a logically consistent counter argument that maybe includes name calling if you like but rests on a bed of logical facts.
I do that too because pointing and laughing at you clowns amuses me but I also make sure my arguments are backed by logic and facts. Go ahead and pick anyone of them you like and see if you can muster a logically consistent counter argument that maybe includes name calling if you like but rests on a bed of logical facts.

"logic and facts" LOL

All progressives are famous for trying to pass opinion as fact, you are no different.
NAACP and NPR. You have to do better.
You’re just another racist shill.
No. You have to do better than ad hominen attacks. The facts of the case are what they are. Don't cry because you don't like them or what they suggest about Republicans in Borth Carolina.
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