A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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Do you attend many 'cock fests?'
Are you saying he's Chicken curious as well as goat curious?

No, just equal justice under the law.

That used to be "a thing" in America.

Now that we have a SCOTUS that supports the Constitution, it may be coming back.
Before Affirmative Action we had segregation, what time period would you be referring to, Moron?
Really? Did you, scoobie doo and the gang crack the case? Then why the fuck did you post it here instead of turn it over to the FBI? 😄

Why didn't Jews give evidence of death camps to the SS instead of trying to expose them to the allies?


The Gestapo (FBI) already has the evidence. They are some of the perpetrators.
Ok man, we’re going to need a TL;DR version of that if you expect anyone to read it, I mean, Jesus

WAIT, that's TOO MUCH EVIDENCE, I'm not going to read it...

Fucking democrats...
You Nazis demand segregation now.

Of course segregation was ALWAYS you democrat vermin - still is.
Why are you lumping me in with other people? I don't support segregated housing for black students. If they want to get an education where black students are the majority they can go to an HBCU. Try responding to my arguments and not whatever bullshit strawman you think you can actually beat up on. I'll ask again, when was this magical time before Affirmative Action where America wasn't a racist apartheid State?
Why didn't Jews give evidence of death camps to the SS instead of trying to expose them to the allies?


The Gestapo (FBI) already has the evidence. They are some of the perpetrators.
The idea that every electoral office and judge, even Republican ones, where against Donald Trump is one of the most hilariously, Snowflake like delusions from you bed wetters who can't handle reality. 😂

WAIT, that's TOO MUCH EVIDENCE, I'm not going to read it...

Fucking democrats...
More like there's too much nonsense to sift through.

The first piece is evidence was an email written by an anonymous source. If that source was too pussy to make those accusations in court during testimony sworn to under oath, who's fault is that?

The second piece of evidence was about people who were caught and charged.

The third piece expressed incredulity that all 900 votes from over seas military from a particular county went for Biden. Turns out that story is false. It was 950 service men who all voted for Biden. These votes came from Fulton County which includes Atlanta and is representative of a very black and democratic population. Is it our fault you pussies and snowflakes can't handle, emotionally, the fact that 950 service men in a heavily black and democratic district all voted for Biden?
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Why are you lumping me in with other people?


You march in lockstep with the Reich, then cry "I'm not like them."

I don't support segregated housing for black students. If they want to get an education where black students are the majority they can go to an HBCU.

Still segregation.

Try responding to my arguments and not whatever bullshit strawman you think you can actually beat up on. I'll ask again, when was this magical time before Affirmative Action where America wasn't a racist apartheid State?

Your fallacious argument is that without institutional racism in the form of affirmative action we would have segregation. I directly addressed your falsehood pointing that we already have segregation, promoted and demanded by those who are the beneficiaries of the institutional racism you demand.

Further, that segregation is and always has been 100% a democrat goal. The democrat dream is that men be judged purely by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.
The idea that every electoral office and judge, even Republican ones, where against Donald Trump is one of the most hilariously, Snowflake like delusions from you bed wetters who can't handle reality. 😂
Merric Garland and his goons were out arresting political prisoners by the hundreds. Any questioning of the election was deemed "sedition" by the Gestapo,

Judges feared not just their careers, but their freedom and their lives should they allow a case that angered the Reich to be heard.

60 cases, not even ONE heard?

That's not a system of justice, that's lynching

You march in lockstep with the Reich, then cry "I'm not like them."
Except I bet you can't find any quote where I did any such thing.
Still segregation.
HBCUs aren't segregated you moron, white people and people of any ethnicity are able to go there.
Your fallacious argument is that without institutional racism in the form of affirmative action we would have segregation. I directly addressed your falsehood pointing that we already have segregation, promoted and demanded by those who are the beneficiaries of the institutional racism you demand.
No that isn't my argument you dipshit. It's your argument that this country was great before affirmative action but affirmative action was implemented the same time as the Civil Rights Act which eliminated segregation, ergo the time you are referring to as great was a time of legal segregation.

It shouldn't be this difficult for you to follow along your own argument you fucking moron. 😂
Further, that segregation is and always has been 100% a democrat goal. The democrat dream is that men be judged purely by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.
You moron, a democratic president ended segregation and Democratic majority in congress voted alongside him to do the same. Learn your fucking history you embarrassing twat. The only way to make that statement accurate is to say white southerners have always been for segregation, after all it was the white Southern members of both the Democratic and Republican parties who voted against the Civil Rights Act.
Merric Garland and his goons were out arresting political prisoners by the hundreds. Any questioning of the election was deemed "sedition" by the Gestapo,

Judges feared not just their careers, but their freedom and their lives should they allow a case that angered the Reich to be heard.

60 cases, not even ONE heard?

That's not a system of justice, that's lynching
So all your allies are pussies? 😄 You'd rather pretend that then admit you lost? You guys are so hilariously sad.
I wish. I wish that were true. The last woman just washed out of the international chess championship. Disappointing, really disappointing.

So, being good at chess makes one smarter?

If someone is a nuclear engineer but sucks at chess are the dumber than anyone that can beat them at chess?

You people have very odd views of things.
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