A Biological Male Is Among USA Today’s “Women” of the Year

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If someone thinks they're a pirate, how about poking their left eye out and amputating their right leg below the knee. No different than castration of a male who thinks he's a woman.
Is your entire perception of pirates taken from a Disney ride? 😂
What's your idea of social improvement?
Universal Healthcare, investment in poor communities, job training and government contracts to green energy and infrastructure, paid family leave, increased minimum wage, federally funding of lower and higher education...
Such as the billions given to the Jewish people in reparations from Germany and the creation of the state of Israel. Did you really need me to teach you about your own people's history? 😄

I mean I'm more than happy to.
My parents came from the old Soviet Union. Zero reparations. Lost most of their relatives to WW2 and the Holocaust. Got anything else, goat f*cker.
Who's suggesting otherwise? Black voters do vote as they see fit and they have seen fit to reject racist southern and mid-western Conservatives at a rate of over 90% going on for over nearly 4 decades now. 😄


I agree but I don't think a lot of your fellow Conservatives are going to love being called stupid because a lot of them love that narrative.

It isn't stupid if they support the same things you support or if you view them as the lesser of two or more evils.

It doesn't not make you a racist either.

I admit I support Ilhan Omar. I don't submit to the opinion that she is an antisemite. But you're free to try and prove that to her constituents or to Jewish voters in general and see if that has any impact on her electability or the Jewish voters support for the Democratic party in general. I'm sure I'll be more than comfortable with the results of that effort. 😁
Gun to your head, goat f*ucker, is she an antisemite and she is filled with truth serum? See you play your little games but we both know she despises Jews and Israel. Like you.
My parents came from the old Soviet Union. Zero reparations. Lost most of their relatives to WW2 and the Holocaust. Got anything else, goat f*cker.
What does your family have to with my claims of Germany paying reparations or the creation of Israel? Are strawmen all your little mind can manage?
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Gun to your head, goat f*ucker, is she an antisemite and she is filled with truth serum?

I already answered you No (to the antisemite question not the weird truth serum thing) and you do realize there is no real gun to my head right? Why don't you just ask it normal instead of making it a question on an episode of Double Dare?
See you play your little games but we both know she despises Jews and Israel. Like you.
No, I don't know that. What I do know is that like me she despises is Israel's right wing support for the continued aptharteid and mistreatment of the Palestinian people.
What does your family have to with my claims any Germany paying reparations or the creation of Israel? Are strawmen all you little mind can manage?
Because I am talking about me. We aren’t a monolith. Let’s stop the dance, goat f*ucker. You are an antisemite. Why? You believe anyone who doesn’t think exactly like you is a racist. It’s that simple. Why? You’re a simpleton.

At least be a fucking man and admit it. Why the fucking dance? We Jews took Israel and shed blood over it. Bitching is for bitches. Like you. Crying racism is weak sauce. What a pussy you are. You would never survive in Boston. Bitch.

I already answered you No (to the antisemite question not the weird truth serum thing) and you do realize there is no real gun to my head right? Why don't you just ask it normal instead of making it a question on an episode of Double Dare?

No, I don't know that. What I do know is that like me she despises is Israel's right wing support for the continued aptharteid and mistreatment of the Palestinian people.
Apartheid and What? You fucking idiot. So you believe Israelis are committing crimes? Dickhead, the safest place for a Muslim woman or a gay Muslim man in the Middle East is Israel. You support terror regimes like Omar. Idiot goat f*cker.

I already answered you No (to the antisemite question not the weird truth serum thing) and you do realize there is no real gun to my head right? Why don't you just ask it normal instead of making it a question on an episode of Double Dare?

No, I don't know that. What I do know is that like me she despises is Israel's right wing support for the continued aptharteid and mistreatment of the Palestinian people.
Ever been in a real fight in your life, goat f*cker? LOL
I don't give a fuck what you think either just as long as your culture is cucked you're at least pretending to act right because you know what's good for you. 😁
Curried--you have lots of issues hun. You don't care as long as you culture (american) is fucked? Supporting the mentally ill delusions is what your way to try to hurt the US? Crazy..
Because I am talking about me.
Im not.
We aren’t a monolith.
Ive never suggested you were despite your continued inference (without proof) that I have.
Let’s stop the dance, goat f*ucker. You are an antisemite. Why? You believe anyone who doesn’t think exactly like you is a racist. It’s that simple. Why? You’re a simpleton.
No, I think people who side with the white wing, the same people and culture who just 57 short years ago said no to blacks having equal rights and who have spent the last 5 decades trying eliminate the protections of the 65' voting rights act are racists.
At least be a fucking man and admit it. Why the fucking dance?
I just recently welcomed a jewish member into my family at my cousins wedding a month ago. A man I've watched my little cousin date since high-school and throughout college and a man I've been fond of since the first moment I met him when he was all of 15 years old. I don't admit it because it isn't true and as you can see from my posts I'm not exactly shy about admitting who I do and don't have any respect for.
We Jews took Israel and shed blood over it.
Israel declared her statehood and maintains it with the assistance of American military and financial support.
Bitching is for bitches. Like you. Crying racism is weak sauce. What a pussy you are. You would never survive in Boston. Bitch.
And those bitches from Boston wouldn't survive down here in Miami.
Apartheid and What? You fucking idiot. So you believe Israelis are committing crimes? Dickhead, the safest place for a Muslim woman or a gay Muslim man in the Middle East is Israel. You support terror regimes like Omar. Idiot goat f*cker.

Is that all you got?
Curried--you have lots of issues hun. You don't care as long as you culture (american) is fucked? Supporting the mentally ill delusions is what your way to try to hurt the US? Crazy..
People believe in things that aren't real all the time. Morality, religion, why does this one bother you so much?
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