A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

It depends on what segment of "America" you are referring to "gaining the respect of".

If gaining the respect of the underbelly of society, that for the most part despises Black Americans is important, this is a perfect place to pander by asking such a question with no qualifiers attached to it.

If gaining the respect of the actual "black community" is more important, then lead by example, and invest time and resources in black owned businesses and funding the education of young black people.

Act as a mentor to young black people, by teaching them the real history of how we arrived in this country and the importance of economic self reliance and ownership of the community that you reside in.

When you collectively own your surroundings and owe no financial debt, no debt of gratitude, and no debt of loyalty to your past oppressors, they have no other choice except to respect you.....in fact, they will likely fear you.

Too bad the "black community" shows little interest in learning or becoming self reliant.

Thanks for proving my point about soliciting this forum for an answer to such a question.

All you have to do is look at performance in black majority school districts. They're all too busy starting fights and talking on their phones to learn anything. Besides, doing homework and shit is for white people or at least that's what the intelligent black kids are bullied into believing.

None of the "intelligent kids" in my own family experience what you are stating.

Besides that, read my answer to your previous post.

You don't have to look hard to find testimony of teachers who had all of their idealistic fantasies shattered when they learn what it's really like in inner city schools. When teaching is secondary to keeping the students from killing one another.

My father was the principal of an inner city school prior to eventually becoming a school superintendent. I have a brother in law who is a school superintendent, I have a first cousin who is a vice principal of an inner city school in Los Angeles. I am on a board that administers an extended day program in the Los Angeles unified school district.

I DO NOT NEED to look anywhere to understand what goes on in inner city schools.

What was the last inner city school that YOU visited?

Talk to someone else.
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Too bad the "black community" shows little interest in learning or becoming self reliant.

Thanks for proving my point about soliciting this forum for an answer to such a question.

All you have to do is look at performance in black majority school districts. They're all too busy starting fights and talking on their phones to learn anything. Besides, doing homework and shit is for white people or at least that's what the intelligent black kids are bullied into believing.

None of the "intelligent kids" in my own family experience what you are stating.

Besides that, read my answer to your previous post.

You don't have to look hard to find testimony of teachers who had all of their idealistic fantasies shattered when they learn what it's really like in inner city schools. When teaching is secondary to keeping the students from killing one another.

My father was the principal of an inner city school prior eventually becoming a school superintendent. I have a brother in law who is a school superintendent, I have a first cousin who is a vice principal of an inner city school in Los Angeles. I am on a board that administers an extended day program in the Los Angeles unified school district.

I DO NOT NEED to look anywhere to understand what goes on in inner city schools.

What was the last inner city school that YOU visited?

Talk to someone else.

Got anything to say about that video I posted, Homie? FYI I went to a majority black inner city school in the late 80s and it was a fucking cesspool.
Thanks for proving my point about soliciting this forum for an answer to such a question.

All you have to do is look at performance in black majority school districts. They're all too busy starting fights and talking on their phones to learn anything. Besides, doing homework and shit is for white people or at least that's what the intelligent black kids are bullied into believing.

None of the "intelligent kids" in my own family experience what you are stating.

Besides that, read my answer to your previous post.

You don't have to look hard to find testimony of teachers who had all of their idealistic fantasies shattered when they learn what it's really like in inner city schools. When teaching is secondary to keeping the students from killing one another.

My father was the principal of an inner city school prior eventually becoming a school superintendent. I have a brother in law who is a school superintendent, I have a first cousin who is a vice principal of an inner city school in Los Angeles. I am on a board that administers an extended day program in the Los Angeles unified school district.

I DO NOT NEED to look anywhere to understand what goes on in inner city schools.

What was the last inner city school that YOU visited?

Talk to someone else.

Got anything to say about that video I posted, Homie? FYI I went to a majority black inner city school in the late 80s and it was a fucking cesspool.

So fucking what? You were sent to a predominantly black school in the 80's, and you think that you know what is going on RIGHT NOW in inner city schools? I am in an inner city school every week, and have been for the past 5 years since I retired.

I was bused to a predominantly white, racist CESSPOOL in the 60's.

Probably while you were still playing with tinker toys.

Full of apathetic teachers and administrators who wanted nothing more than to see black students fail.

Even though I came as an honor roll student from my previous school, those narrow minded, backward bigots tried to steer me into a plethora of "shop classes".

It took my father going there and raising hell to straighten them out.

And I am not your "homie", "Jed".

I do not speak in that vernacular.

Now, contribute something to the thread, and leave me alone.
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All you have to do is look at performance in black majority school districts. They're all too busy starting fights and talking on their phones to learn anything. Besides, doing homework and shit is for white people or at least that's what the intelligent black kids are bullied into believing.

None of the "intelligent kids" in my own family experience what you are stating.

Besides that, read my answer to your previous post.

You don't have to look hard to find testimony of teachers who had all of their idealistic fantasies shattered when they learn what it's really like in inner city schools. When teaching is secondary to keeping the students from killing one another.

My father was the principal of an inner city school prior eventually becoming a school superintendent. I have a brother in law who is a school superintendent, I have a first cousin who is a vice principal of an inner city school in Los Angeles. I am on a board that administers an extended day program in the Los Angeles unified school district.

I DO NOT NEED to look anywhere to understand what goes on in inner city schools.

What was the last inner city school that YOU visited?

Talk to someone else.

Got anything to say about that video I posted, Homie? FYI I went to a majority black inner city school in the late 80s and it was a fucking cesspool.

So fucking what?

I was bused to a predominantly white, racist CESSPOOL in the 60's.

Probably while you were still playing with tinker toys.

Full of apathetic teachers and administrators who wanted nothing more than to see black students fail.

Even though I came as an honor roll student from my previous school, those narrow minded, backward bigots tried to steer me into a plethora of "shop classes".

It took my father going there and raising hell to straighten them out.

And I am not your "homie", "Jed".

I do not speak in that vernacular.

Now, contribute something to the thread, and leave me alone.

Yo dawg, it ain't the 60s anymore. Good luck connecting with black students who's favorite word is "nigga" if you refuse to speak their ghetto vernacular.
None of the "intelligent kids" in my own family experience what you are stating.

Besides that, read my answer to your previous post.

You don't have to look hard to find testimony of teachers who had all of their idealistic fantasies shattered when they learn what it's really like in inner city schools. When teaching is secondary to keeping the students from killing one another.

My father was the principal of an inner city school prior eventually becoming a school superintendent. I have a brother in law who is a school superintendent, I have a first cousin who is a vice principal of an inner city school in Los Angeles. I am on a board that administers an extended day program in the Los Angeles unified school district.

I DO NOT NEED to look anywhere to understand what goes on in inner city schools.

What was the last inner city school that YOU visited?

Talk to someone else.

Got anything to say about that video I posted, Homie? FYI I went to a majority black inner city school in the late 80s and it was a fucking cesspool.

So fucking what?

I was bused to a predominantly white, racist CESSPOOL in the 60's.

Probably while you were still playing with tinker toys.

Full of apathetic teachers and administrators who wanted nothing more than to see black students fail.

Even though I came as an honor roll student from my previous school, those narrow minded, backward bigots tried to steer me into a plethora of "shop classes".

It took my father going there and raising hell to straighten them out.

And I am not your "homie", "Jed".

I do not speak in that vernacular.

Now, contribute something to the thread, and leave me alone.

Yo dawg, it ain't the 60s anymore. Good luck connecting with black students who's favorite word is "nigga" if you refuse to speak their ghetto vernacular.

Well fool, it's not the 80's anymore either.

And for the record "Jed", the way that you get today's young people to listen to you, is by having an understanding of who they are and what they are accustomed to, and setting standards for how you communicate with them and how they address you. And most of all, if you make a promise to be there, show up.

That's just common sense.

Most of the kids that I speak to realize that when they reach the workforce that they may likely encounter some ignorant, minimally educated, useless tool like yourself, who may think that it is ok for them to use that stupid word as well. ...so no. The word "nigga" is not tolerated by me, at any time.

Got it? Now the ignore feature will be put to good use.
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Become famous and successful

I would say the first step is to stop Uncle Tomming any black people who have made something of themselves through brains, hard work, and an independent attitude.

Nobody does that.

We just do that to the pathetic Uncle Toms who think sucking up to white racists is a good idea... because, really it isn't.

I mean, every election cycle, the GOP puts up some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes, Herman Cain or Ben Carson to show, "See, how inclusive we are that this guy will get 1% of our vote telling us how shiftless the other negroes are!"

and these guys laugh all the way to the bank.... so I guess they are successful.
You don't have to look hard to find testimony of teachers who had all of their idealistic fantasies shattered when they learn what it's really like in inner city schools. When teaching is secondary to keeping the students from killing one another.

My father was the principal of an inner city school prior eventually becoming a school superintendent. I have a brother in law who is a school superintendent, I have a first cousin who is a vice principal of an inner city school in Los Angeles. I am on a board that administers an extended day program in the Los Angeles unified school district.

I DO NOT NEED to look anywhere to understand what goes on in inner city schools.

What was the last inner city school that YOU visited?

Talk to someone else.

Got anything to say about that video I posted, Homie? FYI I went to a majority black inner city school in the late 80s and it was a fucking cesspool.

So fucking what?

I was bused to a predominantly white, racist CESSPOOL in the 60's.

Probably while you were still playing with tinker toys.

Full of apathetic teachers and administrators who wanted nothing more than to see black students fail.

Even though I came as an honor roll student from my previous school, those narrow minded, backward bigots tried to steer me into a plethora of "shop classes".

It took my father going there and raising hell to straighten them out.

And I am not your "homie", "Jed".

I do not speak in that vernacular.

Now, contribute something to the thread, and leave me alone.

Yo dawg, it ain't the 60s anymore. Good luck connecting with black students who's favorite word is "nigga" if you refuse to speak their ghetto vernacular.

Well fool, it's not the 80's anymore either.

And for the record "Jed", the way that you get today's young people to listen to you, is by having an understanding of who they are and what they are accustomed to, and setting standards for how you communicate with them and how they address you. And most of all, if you make a promise to be there, show up.

That's just common sense.

Most of the kids that I speak to realize that when they reach the workforce that they may likely encounter some ignorant, minimally educated, useless tool like yourself, who may think that it is ok for them to use that stupid word as well. ...so no. The word "nigga" is not tolerated by me, at any time.

Got it? Now the ignore feature will be put to good use.

Why you trippin, G? I'm just spitting the troof!
I would say the first step is to stop Uncle Tomming any black people who have made something of themselves through brains, hard work, and an independent attitude.

Nobody does that.

So, you say, just before you go on to do exactly that.

We just do that to the pathetic Uncle Toms who think sucking up to white racists is a good idea... because, really it isn't.

I mean, every election cycle, the GOP puts up some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes, Herman Cain or Ben Carson to show, "See, how inclusive we are that this guy will get 1% of our vote telling us how shiftless the other negroes are!"

and these guys laugh all the way to the bank.... so I guess they are successful.
I would say the first step is to stop Uncle Tomming any black people who have made something of themselves through brains, hard work, and an independent attitude.

Nobody does that.

We just do that to the pathetic Uncle Toms who think sucking up to white racists is a good idea... because, really it isn't.

I mean, every election cycle, the GOP puts up some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes, Herman Cain or Ben Carson to show, "See, how inclusive we are that this guy will get 1% of our vote telling us how shiftless the other negroes are!"

and these guys laugh all the way to the bank.... so I guess they are successful.
You say you don't do that and immediately precede to do just that.

You are nothing if not predictable, you worthless thing.
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Frankly, I believe black or American men of African descent should consider following this man's lead.

Black American Men 'Take Control of Emotionally Troubled Women'

I also believe PRO BLACK minded American women should consider advice offered by apparent strong, RESPONSIBLE, caring American women.

Risking hostile public condemnation, threats of violence and illogical HATEFUL name-calling, these apparent caring, RESPONSIBLE American citizens share with our world their thoughts, concerns and opinions about a significant population of American citizens they believe is doing great emotional harm to our Nation's most precious assets, as well as impugning the image of black or American citizens of African descent.

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Erika, Published on Mar 7, 2014

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*
So, you say, just before you go on to do exactly that.

I'm sorry your learning disability caused you to miss the point.

You do get that no one has a problem with a black guy who works hard and is successful in his field.

We have a problem with a sad-ass Uncle Tom like Ben Carson, who is only where he is at today because liberals gave him a chance.
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Thanks for proving my point about soliciting this forum for an answer to such a question.

All you have to do is look at performance in black majority school districts. They're all too busy starting fights and talking on their phones to learn anything. Besides, doing homework and shit is for white people or at least that's what the intelligent black kids are bullied into believing.

None of the "intelligent kids" in my own family experience what you are stating.

Besides that, read my answer to your previous post.

You don't have to look hard to find testimony of teachers who had all of their idealistic fantasies shattered when they learn what it's really like in inner city schools. When teaching is secondary to keeping the students from killing one another.

My father was the principal of an inner city school prior eventually becoming a school superintendent. I have a brother in law who is a school superintendent, I have a first cousin who is a vice principal of an inner city school in Los Angeles. I am on a board that administers an extended day program in the Los Angeles unified school district.

I DO NOT NEED to look anywhere to understand what goes on in inner city schools.

What was the last inner city school that YOU visited?

Talk to someone else.

Got anything to say about that video I posted, Homie? FYI I went to a majority black inner city school in the late 80s and it was a fucking cesspool.
If You Think of Them As Your Own Kind, They Will Own You and Won't Be Kind About It

Your race reached its limits of development over 10,000 years ago. It is hopelessly doomed; don't identify with it in the least. Evolve out of it. All new human species or advanced tribes rejected the group they were born in. People with like minds and attitudes got together and totally rejected the past and the vast majority of the self-extinguishing race they came from.
Stop having 11 children you have no intention of supporting.
Marry baby mama. Provide a calm, orderly home for your children, and live in the same home with them.
Homework at the kitchen table, sport practice, church involvement, no time to make any gang acquaintances. Do whatever it takes to teach your children to excel at all things.
Get a job and keep it and teach the value of working to your children.
No drugs, not drug dealing, no drugs, no drugs, no drugs, no cops at the door. Provide a peaceful, loving environment for your family. Insist on nothing less.
Black or white, in one generation, respect will be earned, and your family will thank you.
There ya go. :)
It’s this simple. If you have a kid you have to do the same thing my father did. He worked 8 hours came home and spent time with us till he had to go to bed. On weekends we did things together. Oh yea and my mom was there too.

I can only speak from my own experiences. Two good parents worked for me and I see what’s wrong with 1 parent homes.

There is no excuse for any American why they can’t get out of poverty. If you are 18 and have two legs and a brain you can do anything you want. Have a kid before you’ve gotten out of poverty you may never get out.

Some people do have kids before they are ready financially and still succeed but it’s a lot tougher and most likely they have parents willing to help.
I would say the first step is to stop Uncle Tomming any black people who have made something of themselves through brains, hard work, and an independent attitude.
It’s easy to preach to common people when you are smart enough to be a brain surgeon.

I just heard Chrysler is going to build a plant in Detroit. That’s what the black community needs some economic community.
What we need is for you delusional white bastards to shut the fuck up thinking you can tell us what to do when you are the ones responsible for the dysfunction in America.
What we need is for you delusional white bastards to shut the fuck up thinking you can tell us what to do when you are the ones responsible for the dysfunction in America.
I was waiting for it. Lol

On the last day of black history month too. They couldn’t give you 28 days. Damn these white devils
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

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Stop voting for the party of slavery.

Kinda hard to respect a political chump.

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