A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

1) Start reporting gangster thugs to police, and/or start shooting them on sight.
2) Clean up the ghetto.
3) Finish school.
4) Start buying and selling real estate via contract-for-deed.
5) Pull up your got-damned pants.

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Buy the property from the owner with a private finance arrangement, rather than a traditional mortgage....That's how you get around so-called "red lining" and create a good credit score.
1) Stop glorifying "thug culture"!

Okay, so when are white people going to stop glorifying organized crime with movies like "Goodfellas", "The Godfather" etc. Oh, that's right. Only Black people aren't allowed to glorify seemier sides of their culture.

3) When something bad happens...either a natural disaster or a travesty of justice...don't use it as an excuse to loot every store in sight!

Hey remember when Katrina hit, where they showed pictures in the paper where black folks were "Looting", but White people were "Finding Supplies"

Here you go for a reminder.


5) Don't give your vote to people who haven't earned it and don't vote for people simply because they promise you things for free. There is no free lunch.

Yeah, you need to be more like white people, and vote for folks who take away the things your grandparents fought for because a rich person needs it.

Who's taken away the things my grandparents fought for? Let me guess...you're another one of those liberals who thinks there is a finite amount of wealth out there and if one person makes more than someone else has to make less...aren't you, Joey! I don't care what other people make. I care about what "I" make!
Who's taken away the things my grandparents fought for? Let me guess...you're another one of those liberals who thinks there is a finite amount of wealth out there and if one person makes more than someone else has to make less...aren't you, Joey! I don't care what other people make. I care about what "I" make!

There is only a finite amount of wealth, and the One Percent has 43% of it. Did they do 43% of the work, or did they just cheat the people who did?

This isn't complicated.
Who's taken away the things my grandparents fought for? Let me guess...you're another one of those liberals who thinks there is a finite amount of wealth out there and if one person makes more than someone else has to make less...aren't you, Joey! I don't care what other people make. I care about what "I" make!

There is only a finite amount of wealth, and the One Percent has 43% of it. Did they do 43% of the work, or did they just cheat the people who did?

This isn't complicated.

There is a finite amount of wealth? Really, Joey? You see...THIS is why progressives should NEVER run anything! They don't have the faintest idea about economics! There is not a finite amount of wealth!
There is only a finite amount of wealth, and the One Percent has 43% of it.

There is a finite amount of wealth? Really, Joey? You see...THIS is why progressives should NEVER run anything! They don't have the faintest idea about economics! There is not a finite amount of wealth!

It is easy to see how someone like Parasite Joe—who only consumes wealth that others worked to produce, while producing none himself—could believe that wealth is finite, and that nobody gains wealth except by depriving others of it.
Society is not rigged against black people. Quite the reverse is true due to affirmative action as blacks are placed at the head of the queue.

If you really think AA makes up for 400 years of institutionalized racism, you are truly deluded.

I have no privilege, myself. As a white male, I am placed at the end of the queue. In addition, my own family was far from wealthy or influential as I grew up. My father was a logger and I spent my earliest years in a logging camp -- far from the posh setting your disturbed mind imagines.

And still have more advantages in this society because of your skin tone, buddy.

The reason you are a waste of human D.N.A. is not because you are black. It has nothing to do with white people denying you anything. It isn't the product of a system rigged against you or anything at all beyond control.

Uh, Dude, I'm pasty white as you get, and have accomplished more than you ever will.

And I'm living rent free in your head.
Ah, so you are a WHITE guy calling a successful black man an uncle Tom?

It sure must threaten you that he rose above the stereotype that you wish to limit him to.

Yeah, why isn't this man content to be a street hustler, drug dealer or pimp - you know, like a REAL black.
It is easy to see how someone like Parasite Joe—who only consumes wealth that others worked to produce, while producing none himself—could believe that wealth is finite, and that nobody gains wealth except by depriving others of it.

Guy, I've done more than your sorry Cultist ass ever will. Been working since I was 16, and the one thing I figured out was that working hard makes your boss rich, not you.

Yeah, why isn't this man content to be a street hustler, drug dealer or pimp - you know, like a REAL black.

But Carson is a hustler'... He's making a very good living telling white people like you how shiftless the other darkies are.

There is a finite amount of wealth? Really, Joey? You see...THIS is why progressives should NEVER run anything! They don't have the faintest idea about economics! There is not a finite amount of wealth!

Guy, your party has brought us 9 of the last ten recessions... six of them in my lifetime. The thing is, it's a design feature, not a bug. It's why expect one very soon. Can't have the labor market get too tight.. it means you have to pay the wage slaves.
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

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Well, in no order whatsoever: Um, BLACKS stop slaughtering each other in huge numbers and then stop the black lives mater movement. just saying. BECAUSE..
But Carson is a hustler'... .

So, since he is a black man, he couldn't have been such a success because of brains and determination. He only got there because he is a hustler.

You really ARE quite determined to keep black people on the plantation, aren't you?
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.

When whites get over the race thing we will. Concern yourself with the high white on white murder rate. Maybe whites need to drop their racism and whites need to stop believing white racist propaganda they make up about others. Last whites need to stop lying about being black online then starting threads with a question no one black asks whites.
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.

When whites get over the race thing we will. Concern yourself with the high white on white murder rate. Maybe whites need to drop their racism and whites need to stop believing white racist propaganda they make up about others. Last whites need to stop lying about being black online then starting threads with a question no one black asks whites.

What high white on white murder rate are you talking about, IM2? Oh, let me guess...you think that the reports of black on black murders is "propaganda" and isn't actually happening? LOL
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.

When whites get over the race thing we will. Concern yourself with the high white on white murder rate. Maybe whites need to drop their racism and whites need to stop believing white racist propaganda they make up about others. Last whites need to stop lying about being black online then starting threads with a question no one black asks whites.

What high white on white murder rate are you talking about, IM2? Oh, let me guess...you think that the reports of black on black murders is "propaganda" and isn't actually happening? LOL
Nah... She just doesn't understand the concepts of rate, or per capita...

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