A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

It is easy to see how someone like Parasite Joe—who only consumes wealth that others worked to produce, while producing none himself—could believe that wealth is finite, and that nobody gains wealth except by depriving others of it.

Guy, I've done more than your sorry Cultist ass ever will. Been working since I was 16, and the one thing I figured out was that working hard makes your boss rich, not you.

Yeah, right.

I recognize your attitude, exactly. I've had coworkers like you. Lazy, neglectful, malfeasant. “Don't work so hard”, they'd tell me, “We're being paid by the hour.” “You're making us look bad.” “You'll work us out of a job.”

My entry into my current job came as a temp, working on a solar power project. Early in that project, we were divided into teams of three, to build solar panel assemblies. My team outperformed the other teams, no thanks at all to the two cretins I was teamed up with. I could build them faster, by myself, if I could get my two teammates to go off and do something else.

A few weeks into the project, there was not a need for so many workers. Out of my team of three, guess which two got cut at that point. And guess which one went on to finish that project, and go on to another, and another, and another, and eventually got hired on directly by this company, and now gets to work on much grander, more interesting, more satisfying projects.

No doubt, those two cretins thought exactly as you do, that their work only made the bosses wealthy.

It's always been my experience that any employers I've worked for know the different between good workers and not-so-good workers. The former advance in the company, and in their careers; while the latter are left with exactly your attitude.
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A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, in no order whatsoever: Um, BLACKS stop slaughtering each other in huge numbers and then stop the black lives mater movement. just saying. BECAUSE..

Whites are "slaughtering" themselves.
Between the opioid epidemic and white male suicide, those numbers far exceed the rate of blacks killing other blacks. There needs to he a movement to stop that....white lives matter just as much as black lives matter.
Ben Carson is a black man who worked hard, and achieved spectacular success in his field. There is no “help” that LIbErals can give, or would give, that would allow a man to achieve what Dr. Carson has achieved, who wasn't remarkable enough to achieve that without any such “help”.

Really? Let's look at that. Mind you, we are talking about a guy who thinks the Pyramids were grain Silos built by the Hebrews like the Bible says...so not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer... but let's look at how liberals helped him.


He didn't get where he was by being “helped” by LIbErals; if anything he got there in spite of such “help”. He got there by being very intelligent, by being of good moral character, by hard study and honest work.

Um, no. if it weren't for liberals, he probably wouldn't have even gotten into Med School, because some white boy with higher scores would have gotten that slot and been a more mediocre physician. You can work hard all day, but the fact is, in this society, without affirmative action, you really can't overcome the vast advantage white folks have.

Also, the guy is kind of stupid, really. He thinks the Pyramids were grain silos...

No, seriously.
well fuck it then !! keep spitting out babies in fatherless homes ,wear your pants down to your ankles ,and keep killing each other ! i for one dont give a shit !
I wouldn't say I find it easy, only that I see the dysfunctional attitudes at the heart of the problem so very clearly.

Far too many black people create their own failure and then blame whitey when they do.

Check your privilege, buddy. The society is rigged against them and they know it. You can't blame them for having poor attitudes.

Ever been pulled over by a cop because he "felt like it'. something that happens to black folks all the time. They even jokingly refer to it as "Driving While Black".
im white and i have been pulled over many times !! i see whites on the side of the road being pulled by cops every day ! they just dont bitch like teenage girls about it ! grow the fuck up !
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.

When whites get over the race thing we will. Concern yourself with the high white on white murder rate. Maybe whites need to drop their racism and whites need to stop believing white racist propaganda they make up about others. Last whites need to stop lying about being black online then starting threads with a question no one black asks whites.

What high white on white murder rate are you talking about, IM2? Oh, let me guess...you think that the reports of black on black murders is "propaganda" and isn't actually happening? LOL

The FBI numbers that show that approximately 85 to 90 percent of whites who are killed are killed by another white. That whites kill about the same number of people as blacks on an annual basis. That a white person is 6 times more likely to be killed by another white than anyone else. I know black on black crime is real. You seem unable to understand the reality of white crime and how it is actually far greater and done in many different ways.

White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth

The majority of homicides that occur are intra-racial, or between members of the same race. However, in the media, there has been heavy focus on just one group committing these crimes.

Black-on-black crime has saturated media coverage in recent years – but who’s talking about the high rate of white-on-white crime?

Ignorance or Denial?
Right in the midst of the highly-publicized black-on-black crime, there is a high rate of white-on-white crime happening in America. Is the media is purposely denying these facts, even though the violence has reached an alarming rate?

Whatever the reason, a 2011 FBI Uniform crime report showed that 86% of white American victims were killed by other white people, and also revealed that a white person was six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

Snake Oil and Crime Truths
Edward Williams of The Root, says, “when it comes to America’s past and present, lies and snake oil are sold in many colors.” Edward’s statement highlights the fact that black-on-black crime has become “accepted” in the journalistic and political arenas. In fact, the media portrayal of black violence leads some white people to worry about getting killed by a black person – when they’re actually significantly more at risk from other white people.

The media’s obsessed with black-on-black crime, but hardly, if ever, mentions concerns about white-on-white crime… or appears to notice that there is a problem. There is no outrage aired on the News at 5 from white communities, as we see in black groups when they protest, demand change for their community, and attempt to fix the problem.

According to Kush Azrael of the Call and Post, “when the news speaks about gang-related deaths, it is treated almost exclusively as a black problem.” He went on to point out that The Bureau of Justice Statistics “showed that during the period of 1990 to 2008, 53% of gang homicides were committed by white offenders and 56.5% of gang homicide victims were white.”

You constantly hear through the media about Black and the Latino gang-related killings but the statistics show that the majority of offenders were white. There’s still no public discussion about a white gang problem in America.

According to the Department of Justice between 1980 – 2008 white-on-white homicide was at 84% and black-on-black homicide at 93%.

In 2010 and 2011 FBI reports, white individuals were arrested more times for violent crimes than individuals of any other race – and their victims are overwhelmingly other white people.

The Bureau of Justice statistics data on homicide trends has shown that white-on-white killings are at 88% and the percentage of black-on-black killings is at 91%,
yet the perception is that the high level of homicides that occur is just a “black thing.”

Aside from the homicide trend, the Bureau of Justice statistics arrest trends for 2010 showed that whites were arrested more than blacks for violent crimes, property damage and drug possession/use/abuse and manufacturing than blacks, and again, the victims are typically white as well.

Ben Carson is a black man who worked hard, and achieved spectacular success in his field. There is no “help” that LIbErals can give, or would give, that would allow a man to achieve what Dr. Carson has achieved, who wasn't remarkable enough to achieve that without any such “help”.

Really? Let's look at that. Mind you, we are talking about a guy who thinks the Pyramids were grain Silos built by the Hebrews like the Bible says...so not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer... but let's look at how liberals helped him.


He didn't get where he was by being “helped” by LIbErals; if anything he got there in spite of such “help”. He got there by being very intelligent, by being of good moral character, by hard study and honest work.

Um, no. if it weren't for liberals, he probably wouldn't have even gotten into Med School, because some white boy with higher scores would have gotten that slot and been a more mediocre physician. You can work hard all day, but the fact is, in this society, without affirmative action, you really can't overcome the vast advantage white folks have.

Also, the guy is kind of stupid, really. He thinks the Pyramids were grain silos...

No, seriously.
well fuck it then !! keep spitting out babies in fatherless homes ,wear your pants down to your ankles ,and keep killing each other ! i for one dont give a shit !

Whites had more children out of wedlock in 2017 than blacks had children. A white person is six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.

When whites get over the race thing we will. Concern yourself with the high white on white murder rate. Maybe whites need to drop their racism and whites need to stop believing white racist propaganda they make up about others. Last whites need to stop lying about being black online then starting threads with a question no one black asks whites.

What high white on white murder rate are you talking about, IM2? Oh, let me guess...you think that the reports of black on black murders is "propaganda" and isn't actually happening? LOL
Nah... She just doesn't understand the concepts of rate, or per capita...

I am a man first off you gay motherfucker. And I understand all those things and why you racists have to use them instead of facing the truth.
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.

When whites get over the race thing we will. Concern yourself with the high white on white murder rate. Maybe whites need to drop their racism and whites need to stop believing white racist propaganda they make up about others. Last whites need to stop lying about being black online then starting threads with a question no one black asks whites.

What high white on white murder rate are you talking about, IM2? Oh, let me guess...you think that the reports of black on black murders is "propaganda" and isn't actually happening? LOL
Nah... She just doesn't understand the concepts of rate, or per capita...

I am a man first off you gay motherfucker. And I understand all those things and why you racists have to use them instead of facing the truth.
News flash negro... per capita is how a comparison can be determined according to rates. You fucking hate it because it consistently shows your kind in a negative light. Tough shit. The truth is, what it is. And your kind are what they are. And the math consistently demonstrates this.
This thread was asking about black men earning respect. I gave one example of how that could be accomplished.

No, you singled out one person who made bad life choices and used her to tar an entire race. This is the kind of racism black folks have to deal with every day.

Well, get over the race thing, for starters. The high black on black murder rate? Lay off the orange man bad, blame Da white police propaganda shizile. For starters.

Here's the thing. When a black person murders a black person, assuming the police can put down the fucking donuts long enough to do their jobs, they are arrested, tried and sentenced. (Only 17% of murders were cleared in Chicago in 2017, so those most have been some good donuts.) This assumes the cops don't frame the wrong person, like they had a bad habit of doing in Chicago.

When a cop murders a black person, the entire legal system jumps to his defense. You can pretty much get caught on video tape shooting a kid on the ground 16 times, the FOP will spend millions dragging out a court case, and a judge will give you a minimum sentence.
So, since he is a black man, he couldn't have been such a success because of brains and determination. He only got there because he is a hustler.

You really ARE quite determined to keep black people on the plantation, aren't you?

Wow, good job with selective editing... you know, leaving out the part where I point out how he hustles you guys by getting up and telling you how shiftless the other negroes are.

Let's review how Ben Carson got his shot to go to Medical School, shall we?


In short, he was 'successful' because a lot of social welfare went on in his life. But he will get out in front of audiences of white people and tell all of you shitheads that the welfare state is bad and making blacks dependent and you should totally resent the penny out of every tax dollar spent on it.

My entry into my current job came as a temp, working on a solar power project.

Oh, you mean the kind of solar power projects that only happen because the government subsidizes them? What a welfare queen you are...

t's always been my experience that any employers I've worked for know the different between good workers and not-so-good workers. The former advance in the company, and in their careers; while the latter are left with exactly your attitude.

Okay, here's been my experience.

I saw a woman who worked for a company for 14 years fired because the boss found out she was gay.

I got let go from a company after six years because I had injured my knee and ran up a lot of medical bills. (This is the one that cured me of Republican Bullshit)

I saw two women get fired because they got pregnant.

I saw a woman fired from a company because the boss wanted to make a job for one of his Drinking Buddies. The guy had no experience in the job and he was kind of worthless. I ended up doing most of his work.

Another company I worked for, they were building a new facility in Milwaukee, but lied to us for a year they were going to keep the one in Chicago... until it was up and running and they fired us all. The company went out of business a year later because they overextended and couldn't service the Chicago Market properly. I was often working 11 hour days and Saturdays at that company because they were too cheap to hire enough employees and went through them like tissues.

Now, funny thing, I have advanced pretty consistently in my career. Mostly because of my own efforts. Went from working in a Warehouse in 1992 to being a senior purchasing agent in 2017 when I started my own consulting business.

I also admit, I enjoy a lot of privilege. Being white, straight and male, and a veteran on top of that, I get a lot of advantages a poor black woman simply wouldn't get.

What I have found is that most bosses have no idea what is going on in their workplaces. Favoritism abounds and usually, the boss is more of a hindrance than a help.
im white and i have been pulled over many times !! i see whites on the side of the road being pulled by cops every day ! they just dont bitch like teenage girls about it ! grow the fuck up !

Really, how many times do you get pulled over. I haven't been pulled over since 2011. (I wasn't wearing my seatbelt).
Who's taken away the things my grandparents fought for? Let me guess...you're another one of those liberals who thinks there is a finite amount of wealth out there and if one person makes more than someone else has to make less...aren't you, Joey! I don't care what other people make. I care about what "I" make!

There is only a finite amount of wealth, and the One Percent has 43% of it. Did they do 43% of the work, or did they just cheat the people who did?

This isn't complicated.

There is a finite amount of wealth? Really, Joey? You see...THIS is why progressives should NEVER run anything! They don't have the faintest idea about economics! There is not a finite amount of wealth!
Oh, yeah! JoeyB Dolezal will prove it to you even if he has to rely on his skill as an obvious liar from time to time.
Ben Carson is a black man who worked hard, and achieved spectacular success in his field. There is no “help” that LIbErals can give, or would give, that would allow a man to achieve what Dr. Carson has achieved, who wasn't remarkable enough to achieve that without any such “help”.

Really? Let's look at that. Mind you, we are talking about a guy who thinks the Pyramids were grain Silos built by the Hebrews like the Bible says...so not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer... but let's look at how liberals helped him.


He didn't get where he was by being “helped” by LIbErals; if anything he got there in spite of such “help”. He got there by being very intelligent, by being of good moral character, by hard study and honest work.

Um, no. if it weren't for liberals, he probably wouldn't have even gotten into Med School, because some white boy with higher scores would have gotten that slot and been a more mediocre physician. You can work hard all day, but the fact is, in this society, without affirmative action, you really can't overcome the vast advantage white folks have.

Also, the guy is kind of stupid, really. He thinks the Pyramids were grain silos...

No, seriously.
well fuck it then !! keep spitting out babies in fatherless homes ,wear your pants down to your ankles ,and keep killing each other ! i for one dont give a shit !

Whites had more children out of wedlock in 2017 than blacks had children. A white person is six more times likely to be killed by another white person than by a black person.

Ah, nobody is claiming that people don't tend to kill those that they live amongst, IM2! That's an obvious fact. It's also an obvious fact that the real problem facing inner city blacks isn't being shot by the Police...it's being shot by another black person...yet organizations like "Black Lives Matter" organize protests against the Police while they ignore the rampant violence in black neighborhoods in Chicago!
So, since he is a black man, he couldn't have been such a success because of brains and determination. He only got there because he is a hustler.

You really ARE quite determined to keep black people on the plantation, aren't you?

Wow, good job with selective editing... you know, leaving out the part where I point out how he hustles you guys by getting up and telling you how shiftless the other negroes are.

Let's review how Ben Carson got his shot to go to Medical School, shall we?


In short, he was 'successful' because a lot of social welfare went on in his life. But he will get out in front of audiences of white people and tell all of you shitheads that the welfare state is bad and making blacks dependent and you should totally resent the penny out of every tax dollar spent on it.


Only one thing wrong with that post, Joey! It's total bullshit! Ben Carson attended Yale University on a full scholarship after posting the highest SAT scores of any student in the Detroit public school system for the previous twenty years. Barack Obama was the Affirmative Action guy...not Ben Carson!
Society is not rigged against black people. Quite the reverse is true due to affirmative action as blacks are placed at the head of the queue.

If you really think AA makes up for 400 years of institutionalized racism, you are truly deluded.

I have no privilege, myself. As a white male, I am placed at the end of the queue. In addition, my own family was far from wealthy or influential as I grew up. My father was a logger and I spent my earliest years in a logging camp -- far from the posh setting your disturbed mind imagines.

And still have more advantages in this society because of your skin tone, buddy.

The reason you are a waste of human D.N.A. is not because you are black. It has nothing to do with white people denying you anything. It isn't the product of a system rigged against you or anything at all beyond control.

Uh, Dude, I'm pasty white as you get, and have accomplished more than you ever will.

And I'm living rent free in your head.
Ah, so you are a WHITE guy calling a successful black man an uncle Tom?

It sure must threaten you that he rose above the stereotype that you wish to limit him to.

Yeah, why isn't this man content to be a street hustler, drug dealer or pimp - you know, like a REAL black.
Homonymous With "Tell a Vision"

Notice that Liberal-run TV portrayed a hard-working achiever and family man like George Jefferson as a nasty bigot.
A Black man asks: What 5 Things Can We Do to Gain More of America's Respect?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

James Meredith, who integrated the University of Mississippi because of the cowardice of the blowhard Far Right segregationists, has some views consistent with my discovery that certain superior people evolve out of and away from a race or species. Slower than we are told but still inevitably, the rest of the group goes extinct, as did homo erectus and homo habilis.

The Jews, who invented the wheel, evolved out of the Sumerian race, which no longer exists. The segregationists were also anti-semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-labor unions, and pro-Chickenhawk.
Oh, yeah! JoeyB Dolezal will prove it to you even if he has to rely on his skill as an obvious liar from time to time.

still following me around looking for attention, Dominican Rent Boy?

Only one thing wrong with that post, Joey! It's total bullshit! Ben Carson attended Yale University on a full scholarship after posting the highest SAT scores of any student in the Detroit public school system for the previous twenty years. Barack Obama was the Affirmative Action guy...not Ben Carson!

This is according to Carson, who also claims he was offered a full scholarship to West Point.

again, he got in because Yale had affirmative action.... not because he was that bright.
Oh, yeah! JoeyB Dolezal will prove it to you even if he has to rely on his skill as an obvious liar from time to time.

still following me around looking for attention, Dominican Rent Boy?

Only one thing wrong with that post, Joey! It's total bullshit! Ben Carson attended Yale University on a full scholarship after posting the highest SAT scores of any student in the Detroit public school system for the previous twenty years. Barack Obama was the Affirmative Action guy...not Ben Carson!

This is according to Carson, who also claims he was offered a full scholarship to West Point.

again, he got in because Yale had affirmative action.... not because he was that bright.
Let me get this straight...someone gets the highest SAT scores of any student in the Detroit public school system in twenty years...but you don't think he was that bright? Let me explain to you how this works, Joey! Kid's as smart as Ben Carson was...who absolutely CRUSH their SAT's...don't need affirmative action to get into colleges! They have prestigious colleges competing to get them to come to their school!

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