A black teen ran out with a $2 beer. Then a Tennessee store clerk followed him and shot him dead

He's disagreeing for the sake of disagreement. Guaranteed he would not shoot someone if he were in the same situation.

I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

It's not about the $2 beer.

It's about non-stop being a victim of crime. That's what we're upset about. We're tired of being abused, and then being told to protect the criminals, and punish the victims.

This is evil, and it is wrong, and we need to stand up and fight this.

What is evil is murdering somebody and having the arrogance to assume you have the right to be judge, jury and executioner.

The value of a human life in your book is $2.
In todays society there isnt much justice for the victims, only for the criminals. You do believe that criminals should be punished and not law abiding citizens, right?

I believe I have already stated that. Sorry, I am not going to kill a 17yr old kid over a damn $2 can of freaking beer.
The 17 year old should have thought things through before stealing a 2 dollar beer... I guess his life was worth 2 bucks. Karma is a bitch.

Kids... don’t be a dumbass
He's disagreeing for the sake of disagreement. Guaranteed he would not shoot someone if he were in the same situation.

I purchased my gun.... and got my conceal and carry...... specifically because I came home to find my house absolutely ransacked and destroyed. Whatever the pond scum that broke into my house didn't steal, they broke. I found stuff damaged, because they deemed it not worth stealing.

At the time, I made barely $20,000 a year. What little I had, they broke, or stole. And that doesn't include the ransacking. The tore drawers out of the dresser, pulled the mattress off the bed.... looking for something... who knows. tossed stuff everywhere.

I can absolutely assure you in no uncertain terms... I mean in dead seriousness, that if you break into my house..... I will move to kill you. Promise you. I will give you one chance to live.... ONE. I say stop and get on the ground. If you don't do it... I will absolutely send your scumy worthless butt to meet Jesus in Judgement, on the express elevator of death. I mean it brother. I absolutely mean it. I bought that gun, and got that conceal carry with purpose and determination.

I *HATE* with a blind fury, all who steal.
So nobody in your family has stolen anything? Nobody you care about that you don't think deserves to die over it, tough guy?

Yeah right....but go ahead and keep showing your ass, John Wayne.

We aren't talking about your fucking house, quit arguing like a leftist and stick to the topic.

The scenario is you are a convenience store owner/clerk, some dipshit kid comes in, snatches up ONE bottle of fucking beer and runs out of the store.....do you believe it is worth it to shoot someone over a bottle of beer, asshole?

If so, thats your alcoholism talking...

My father was a police officer. If I stole something, he beat me with his night stick himself.

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink, since the 1990s.

No, that's justice talking. I am tired of working people like me, being victimized, and you disgusting evil trash, blaming us the victims, for someone else committing a crime. You are a gross evil immoral person.

.... in fact in thinking about it, a close relative did engage in theft, and everyone... EVERYONE in my family and extended family, were happy when he was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and sent to prison for a decade plus.... and ironically it was for thievery of alcohol from a quick mart like the one in this story. If he'd been shot, we would have been just fine with it.

He was raised better than this, and choose a life of crime. It would have served him right.

That's what good moral people, who are not criminal supporters, think about crime. That's why we're better people than you.
How pathetic, you now call me a ''criminal supporter" for not agreeing a bottle of beer is worth killing someone over? Your dad sounds like a real asshole, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I am willing to bet he did more with that "nightstick' than you care to admit.
It is not ''justice", let alone proportional justice to murder someone over a bottle of beer...you will never slink away from that fact. I know some men who grew up doing dumb crap like beer runs that have grown to be responsible men who raise their kids not to make the same mistakes they did. Your sense of justice is retarded with the sick sense of revenge. If you can live with being a complete asshole who thinks he gets to choose who should live or die based on your feels... you're no better than a leftist commie shitbag. You're just the flip side of the same coin.
I hope you're just being a troll, otherwise I feel sorry for you.

You are, what you are.

Yes or no.... do you believe the criminal should not have been shot?
Yes or no.... do you believe the clerk who shot him should have been sent to prison?

If you said no to the criminal being shot, and yes to the clerk going to prison.... by basic definition of words, you support punishing the victim of crime, and defending the perpetrator of crime.

You are.. .what you are. You are a criminal supporting disgusting slob of a human being, that is an embarrassment to the reset of the human race.
Lmao! I think he should have been arrested, not shot dead. You are an inhumane piece of human offal.
I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

It's not about the $2 beer.

It's about non-stop being a victim of crime. That's what we're upset about. We're tired of being abused, and then being told to protect the criminals, and punish the victims.

This is evil, and it is wrong, and we need to stand up and fight this.

What is evil is murdering somebody and having the arrogance to assume you have the right to be judge, jury and executioner.

The value of a human life in your book is $2.
In todays society there isnt much justice for the victims, only for the criminals. You do believe that criminals should be punished and not law abiding citizens, right?

I believe I have already stated that. Sorry, I am not going to kill a 17yr old kid over a damn $2 can of freaking beer.
The 17 year old should have thought things through before stealing a 2 dollar beer... I guess his life was worth 2 bucks. Karma is a bitch.

Kids... don’t be a dumbass

Too many on this forum are dumbasses.
You have the right to your opinion. I don't care about your opinion. If I own a business, that business is as much a part of my life, as my house is.

I take it you have never run a business before, have you?

Dumbfuck ... if you have a business and you kill someone for petty theft, you could end up being bunk mates with Ghazali. be sure to bring a lifetime supply of condoms with you. :lmao:
He's disagreeing for the sake of disagreement. Guaranteed he would not shoot someone if he were in the same situation.

I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

This is because our culture is different as in not that long ago most white folk would do the same, unfortunately political correctness has taken hold and justice is denied.

The muslim store owner being of a different culture that still in a lot of ways demands justice just did what come naturally to a muslim---they have no sympathy or tolerance for thieves. That is deeply ingrained in their culture....and how funny it is the liberals are the ones that supported bringing folks like this muslim store owner into America.

Now they want to whine like they had no idea what the muslim culture is like. If they want everyone to behave like white folk--why do they support bringing in folks that have a different culture with a radical religious mind set???
Prove he's Muslim.... Prove he comes from a different culture... Prove he owned the store.....

You're spouting a lot of shit you seem to be making up in your own mind.

First of all I have spent a lot of time in the middle east and I know a muslim when I see one.

Ghazali's attorney, Blake Ballin, said his is client is originally from Yemen and is now a U.S. citizen. "He is a high school graduate and has no criminal history. He absolutely denies that he had the intent to harm Dorian in any way," Ballin said.

He just fired a few rounds to scare the thief.

He had no criminal intent.

Not being a good shot he just accidentally hit the thief. It was an act of God.

Last edited:
I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

It's not about the $2 beer.

It's about non-stop being a victim of crime. That's what we're upset about. We're tired of being abused, and then being told to protect the criminals, and punish the victims.

This is evil, and it is wrong, and we need to stand up and fight this.

What is evil is murdering somebody and having the arrogance to assume you have the right to be judge, jury and executioner.

The value of a human life in your book is $2.
In todays society there isnt much justice for the victims, only for the criminals. You do believe that criminals should be punished and not law abiding citizens, right?

I believe I have already stated that. Sorry, I am not going to kill a 17yr old kid over a damn $2 can of freaking beer.
The 17 year old should have thought things through before stealing a 2 dollar beer... I guess his life was worth 2 bucks. Karma is a bitch.

Kids... don’t be a dumbass

Black teens are a huge problem for society.

My Black Crime Problem, and Ours
I really doubt most folks would chase a teenager out of a store and shoot him in the back over a $2 can of beer.

It's not about the $2 beer.

It's about non-stop being a victim of crime. That's what we're upset about. We're tired of being abused, and then being told to protect the criminals, and punish the victims.

This is evil, and it is wrong, and we need to stand up and fight this.

What is evil is murdering somebody and having the arrogance to assume you have the right to be judge, jury and executioner.

The value of a human life in your book is $2.
In todays society there isnt much justice for the victims, only for the criminals. You do believe that criminals should be punished and not law abiding citizens, right?

I believe I have already stated that. Sorry, I am not going to kill a 17yr old kid over a damn $2 can of freaking beer.
The 17 year old should have thought things through before stealing a 2 dollar beer... I guess his life was worth 2 bucks. Karma is a bitch.

Kids... don’t be a dumbass

black lives do not matter as chicago proves. how many politicians do you see trying to do anything about the wholesale slaughter of black teens going on there?

politicians think black lives only matter when they are killed by a white...which happens very rarely. thus, black lives really do not matter. Most understand that.
I purchased my gun.... and got my conceal and carry...... specifically because I came home to find my house absolutely ransacked and destroyed. Whatever the pond scum that broke into my house didn't steal, they broke. I found stuff damaged, because they deemed it not worth stealing.

At the time, I made barely $20,000 a year. What little I had, they broke, or stole. And that doesn't include the ransacking. The tore drawers out of the dresser, pulled the mattress off the bed.... looking for something... who knows. tossed stuff everywhere.

I can absolutely assure you in no uncertain terms... I mean in dead seriousness, that if you break into my house..... I will move to kill you. Promise you. I will give you one chance to live.... ONE. I say stop and get on the ground. If you don't do it... I will absolutely send your scumy worthless butt to meet Jesus in Judgement, on the express elevator of death. I mean it brother. I absolutely mean it. I bought that gun, and got that conceal carry with purpose and determination.

I *HATE* with a blind fury, all who steal.
So nobody in your family has stolen anything? Nobody you care about that you don't think deserves to die over it, tough guy?

Yeah right....but go ahead and keep showing your ass, John Wayne.

We aren't talking about your fucking house, quit arguing like a leftist and stick to the topic.

The scenario is you are a convenience store owner/clerk, some dipshit kid comes in, snatches up ONE bottle of fucking beer and runs out of the store.....do you believe it is worth it to shoot someone over a bottle of beer, asshole?

If so, thats your alcoholism talking...

My father was a police officer. If I stole something, he beat me with his night stick himself.

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink, since the 1990s.

No, that's justice talking. I am tired of working people like me, being victimized, and you disgusting evil trash, blaming us the victims, for someone else committing a crime. You are a gross evil immoral person.

.... in fact in thinking about it, a close relative did engage in theft, and everyone... EVERYONE in my family and extended family, were happy when he was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and sent to prison for a decade plus.... and ironically it was for thievery of alcohol from a quick mart like the one in this story. If he'd been shot, we would have been just fine with it.

He was raised better than this, and choose a life of crime. It would have served him right.

That's what good moral people, who are not criminal supporters, think about crime. That's why we're better people than you.
How pathetic, you now call me a ''criminal supporter" for not agreeing a bottle of beer is worth killing someone over? Your dad sounds like a real asshole, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I am willing to bet he did more with that "nightstick' than you care to admit.
It is not ''justice", let alone proportional justice to murder someone over a bottle of beer...you will never slink away from that fact. I know some men who grew up doing dumb crap like beer runs that have grown to be responsible men who raise their kids not to make the same mistakes they did. Your sense of justice is retarded with the sick sense of revenge. If you can live with being a complete asshole who thinks he gets to choose who should live or die based on your feels... you're no better than a leftist commie shitbag. You're just the flip side of the same coin.
I hope you're just being a troll, otherwise I feel sorry for you.

You are, what you are.

Yes or no.... do you believe the criminal should not have been shot?
Yes or no.... do you believe the clerk who shot him should have been sent to prison?

If you said no to the criminal being shot, and yes to the clerk going to prison.... by basic definition of words, you support punishing the victim of crime, and defending the perpetrator of crime.

You are.. .what you are. You are a criminal supporting disgusting slob of a human being, that is an embarrassment to the reset of the human race.
Lmao! I think he should have been arrested, not shot dead. You are an inhumane piece of human offal.
The store clerk isnt a law enforcement, but a victim of a punk who wanted to take money away from him so he couldn't feed his kids. Why do you want the Muslim's children to starve?
Anwar Ghazali?

Apparently, immigrant western Asian Muslims don't like our Blacks much, either.
You don't like blacks? Why are you so racist?
I am racist. You are racist. Every human on the face of the planet is racist. It's merely a matter of whether we allow that to influence our dealings with our fellow man.
Well you're half right -- you are racist. You also avoided answering my question.
No, I'm entirely correct... you, too, are racist... you just don't have the objectivity nor honesty to admit it.

I, for one, do not let it rule my life, nor my interactions with others, while you, on the other hand, play the Race Card 24x7x52.

As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice.
"As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice."

Umm... you said..

"Apparently, immigrant western Asian Muslims don't like our Blacks much, either."
I did, indeed, and I was referring to the attitude of non-Blacks in general towards them, but, yeah, generally speaking, I'm not a big fan.

Doesn't mean that I wish them ill... and I have one helluva lot of respect for a great many individuals... but as a group, they're a train-wreck.

That doesn't make me one iota more or less 'racist' than you or anyone else.
You don't like blacks? Why are you so racist?
I am racist. You are racist. Every human on the face of the planet is racist. It's merely a matter of whether we allow that to influence our dealings with our fellow man.
Well you're half right -- you are racist. You also avoided answering my question.
No, I'm entirely correct... you, too, are racist... you just don't have the objectivity nor honesty to admit it.

I, for one, do not let it rule my life, nor my interactions with others, while you, on the other hand, play the Race Card 24x7x52.

As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice.
"As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice."

Umm... you said..

"Apparently, immigrant western Asian Muslims don't like our Blacks much, either."
I did, indeed, and I was referring to the attitude of non-Blacks in general towards them, but, yeah, generally speaking, I'm not a big fan.

Doesn't mean that I wish them ill... and I have one helluva lot of respect for a great many individuals... but as a group, they're a train-wreck.

That doesn't make me one iota more or less 'racist' than you or anyone else.
You speak for no one but yourself. And no, I don't look down at blacks like you do.
So nobody in your family has stolen anything? Nobody you care about that you don't think deserves to die over it, tough guy?

Yeah right....but go ahead and keep showing your ass, John Wayne.

We aren't talking about your fucking house, quit arguing like a leftist and stick to the topic.

The scenario is you are a convenience store owner/clerk, some dipshit kid comes in, snatches up ONE bottle of fucking beer and runs out of the store.....do you believe it is worth it to shoot someone over a bottle of beer, asshole?

If so, thats your alcoholism talking...

My father was a police officer. If I stole something, he beat me with his night stick himself.

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink, since the 1990s.

No, that's justice talking. I am tired of working people like me, being victimized, and you disgusting evil trash, blaming us the victims, for someone else committing a crime. You are a gross evil immoral person.

.... in fact in thinking about it, a close relative did engage in theft, and everyone... EVERYONE in my family and extended family, were happy when he was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and sent to prison for a decade plus.... and ironically it was for thievery of alcohol from a quick mart like the one in this story. If he'd been shot, we would have been just fine with it.

He was raised better than this, and choose a life of crime. It would have served him right.

That's what good moral people, who are not criminal supporters, think about crime. That's why we're better people than you.
How pathetic, you now call me a ''criminal supporter" for not agreeing a bottle of beer is worth killing someone over? Your dad sounds like a real asshole, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I am willing to bet he did more with that "nightstick' than you care to admit.
It is not ''justice", let alone proportional justice to murder someone over a bottle of beer...you will never slink away from that fact. I know some men who grew up doing dumb crap like beer runs that have grown to be responsible men who raise their kids not to make the same mistakes they did. Your sense of justice is retarded with the sick sense of revenge. If you can live with being a complete asshole who thinks he gets to choose who should live or die based on your feels... you're no better than a leftist commie shitbag. You're just the flip side of the same coin.
I hope you're just being a troll, otherwise I feel sorry for you.

You are, what you are.

Yes or no.... do you believe the criminal should not have been shot?
Yes or no.... do you believe the clerk who shot him should have been sent to prison?

If you said no to the criminal being shot, and yes to the clerk going to prison.... by basic definition of words, you support punishing the victim of crime, and defending the perpetrator of crime.

You are.. .what you are. You are a criminal supporting disgusting slob of a human being, that is an embarrassment to the reset of the human race.
Lmao! I think he should have been arrested, not shot dead. You are an inhumane piece of human offal.
The store clerk isnt a law enforcement, but a victim of a punk who wanted to take money away from him so he couldn't feed his kids. Why do you want the Muslim's children to starve?

I thought the argument was that they shouldn't be here?
So nobody in your family has stolen anything? Nobody you care about that you don't think deserves to die over it, tough guy?

Yeah right....but go ahead and keep showing your ass, John Wayne.

We aren't talking about your fucking house, quit arguing like a leftist and stick to the topic.

The scenario is you are a convenience store owner/clerk, some dipshit kid comes in, snatches up ONE bottle of fucking beer and runs out of the store.....do you believe it is worth it to shoot someone over a bottle of beer, asshole?

If so, thats your alcoholism talking...

My father was a police officer. If I stole something, he beat me with his night stick himself.

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink, since the 1990s.

No, that's justice talking. I am tired of working people like me, being victimized, and you disgusting evil trash, blaming us the victims, for someone else committing a crime. You are a gross evil immoral person.

.... in fact in thinking about it, a close relative did engage in theft, and everyone... EVERYONE in my family and extended family, were happy when he was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and sent to prison for a decade plus.... and ironically it was for thievery of alcohol from a quick mart like the one in this story. If he'd been shot, we would have been just fine with it.

He was raised better than this, and choose a life of crime. It would have served him right.

That's what good moral people, who are not criminal supporters, think about crime. That's why we're better people than you.
How pathetic, you now call me a ''criminal supporter" for not agreeing a bottle of beer is worth killing someone over? Your dad sounds like a real asshole, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I am willing to bet he did more with that "nightstick' than you care to admit.
It is not ''justice", let alone proportional justice to murder someone over a bottle of beer...you will never slink away from that fact. I know some men who grew up doing dumb crap like beer runs that have grown to be responsible men who raise their kids not to make the same mistakes they did. Your sense of justice is retarded with the sick sense of revenge. If you can live with being a complete asshole who thinks he gets to choose who should live or die based on your feels... you're no better than a leftist commie shitbag. You're just the flip side of the same coin.
I hope you're just being a troll, otherwise I feel sorry for you.

You are, what you are.

Yes or no.... do you believe the criminal should not have been shot?
Yes or no.... do you believe the clerk who shot him should have been sent to prison?

If you said no to the criminal being shot, and yes to the clerk going to prison.... by basic definition of words, you support punishing the victim of crime, and defending the perpetrator of crime.

You are.. .what you are. You are a criminal supporting disgusting slob of a human being, that is an embarrassment to the reset of the human race.
Lmao! I think he should have been arrested, not shot dead. You are an inhumane piece of human offal.
The store clerk isnt a law enforcement, but a victim of a punk who wanted to take money away from him so he couldn't feed his kids. Why do you want the Muslim's children to starve?
I have no idea what point you are trying to make saying stupid shit like this....but keep on truckin' I guess.
I am racist. You are racist. Every human on the face of the planet is racist. It's merely a matter of whether we allow that to influence our dealings with our fellow man.
Well you're half right -- you are racist. You also avoided answering my question.
No, I'm entirely correct... you, too, are racist... you just don't have the objectivity nor honesty to admit it.

I, for one, do not let it rule my life, nor my interactions with others, while you, on the other hand, play the Race Card 24x7x52.

As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice.
"As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice."

Umm... you said..

"Apparently, immigrant western Asian Muslims don't like our Blacks much, either."
I did, indeed, and I was referring to the attitude of non-Blacks in general towards them, but, yeah, generally speaking, I'm not a big fan.

Doesn't mean that I wish them ill... and I have one helluva lot of respect for a great many individuals... but as a group, they're a train-wreck.

That doesn't make me one iota more or less 'racist' than you or anyone else.
You speak for no one but yourself. And no, I don't look down at blacks like you do.

As well as you only speak for yourself.

There are many ways to look down on someone and whether or not you look down on blacks in the same manner that someone else does is irrelevant.

Irregardless, you are implying you also look down on blacks but in a different manner. So tell this board how or in what manner you do look down on blacks.
My father was a police officer. If I stole something, he beat me with his night stick himself.

I don't drink. Haven't had an alcoholic drink, since the 1990s.

No, that's justice talking. I am tired of working people like me, being victimized, and you disgusting evil trash, blaming us the victims, for someone else committing a crime. You are a gross evil immoral person.

.... in fact in thinking about it, a close relative did engage in theft, and everyone... EVERYONE in my family and extended family, were happy when he was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and sent to prison for a decade plus.... and ironically it was for thievery of alcohol from a quick mart like the one in this story. If he'd been shot, we would have been just fine with it.

He was raised better than this, and choose a life of crime. It would have served him right.

That's what good moral people, who are not criminal supporters, think about crime. That's why we're better people than you.
How pathetic, you now call me a ''criminal supporter" for not agreeing a bottle of beer is worth killing someone over? Your dad sounds like a real asshole, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I am willing to bet he did more with that "nightstick' than you care to admit.
It is not ''justice", let alone proportional justice to murder someone over a bottle of beer...you will never slink away from that fact. I know some men who grew up doing dumb crap like beer runs that have grown to be responsible men who raise their kids not to make the same mistakes they did. Your sense of justice is retarded with the sick sense of revenge. If you can live with being a complete asshole who thinks he gets to choose who should live or die based on your feels... you're no better than a leftist commie shitbag. You're just the flip side of the same coin.
I hope you're just being a troll, otherwise I feel sorry for you.

You are, what you are.

Yes or no.... do you believe the criminal should not have been shot?
Yes or no.... do you believe the clerk who shot him should have been sent to prison?

If you said no to the criminal being shot, and yes to the clerk going to prison.... by basic definition of words, you support punishing the victim of crime, and defending the perpetrator of crime.

You are.. .what you are. You are a criminal supporting disgusting slob of a human being, that is an embarrassment to the reset of the human race.
Lmao! I think he should have been arrested, not shot dead. You are an inhumane piece of human offal.

How do you arrest someone who is running away. Should you shout stop--I want to arrest you?
The store clerk isnt a law enforcement, but a victim of a punk who wanted to take money away from him so he couldn't feed his kids. Why do you want the Muslim's children to starve?
I have no idea what point you are trying to make saying stupid shit like this....but keep on truckin' I guess.

Obviously you do not understand the impact of crime to society in general or in particular the impact it has on those victimized. You appear more concerned about the welfare of the criminal than that of the victim which is common amongst liberals.
How pathetic, you now call me a ''criminal supporter" for not agreeing a bottle of beer is worth killing someone over? Your dad sounds like a real asshole, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I am willing to bet he did more with that "nightstick' than you care to admit.
It is not ''justice", let alone proportional justice to murder someone over a bottle of beer...you will never slink away from that fact. I know some men who grew up doing dumb crap like beer runs that have grown to be responsible men who raise their kids not to make the same mistakes they did. Your sense of justice is retarded with the sick sense of revenge. If you can live with being a complete asshole who thinks he gets to choose who should live or die based on your feels... you're no better than a leftist commie shitbag. You're just the flip side of the same coin.
I hope you're just being a troll, otherwise I feel sorry for you.

You are, what you are.

Yes or no.... do you believe the criminal should not have been shot?
Yes or no.... do you believe the clerk who shot him should have been sent to prison?

If you said no to the criminal being shot, and yes to the clerk going to prison.... by basic definition of words, you support punishing the victim of crime, and defending the perpetrator of crime.

You are.. .what you are. You are a criminal supporting disgusting slob of a human being, that is an embarrassment to the reset of the human race.
Lmao! I think he should have been arrested, not shot dead. You are an inhumane piece of human offal.

How do you arrest someone who is running away. Should you shout stop--I want to arrest you?
The store clerk isnt a law enforcement, but a victim of a punk who wanted to take money away from him so he couldn't feed his kids. Why do you want the Muslim's children to starve?
I have no idea what point you are trying to make saying stupid shit like this....but keep on truckin' I guess.

Obviously you do not understand the impact of crime to society in general or in particular the impact it has on those victimized. You appear more concerned about the welfare of the criminal than that of the victim which is common amongst liberals.
No, I seem to care about proportional justice...which is common amongst conservatives and human beings in general.
If I own that business..... you are robbing my home. I don't care that you want to call it "a public business" or not.
Dumbfuck, a public business is not a private residence. I don't care how stupidconservative you are. :eusa_doh:

You have the right to your opinion. I don't care about your opinion. If I own a business, that business is as much a part of my life, as my house is.

I take it you have never run a business before, have you?

Dumbfuck ... if you have a business and you kill someone for petty theft, you could end up being bunk mates with Ghazali. be sure to bring a lifetime supply of condoms with you. :lmao:

And that's the sad part is, that you actually want more dead people. Your belief system leads to more crime, which naturally results in more violence. Either violence with police, trying to stop these people, or violence between the criminals and victims.

Your system is the immoral and evil system. You are have blood on your hands. It's because of you that criminals keep doing this stuff.

I at least want to setup a system where crime is stopped.. and when it is stopped, there will not be anymore deaths. Again, Singapore uses my system, and they report TWO.... TWO homicides in a city of 5.6 million.

Which system is better.... yours? Or mine? Look at the body count. That's the answer.

We're just flat out better people than you on the left.

I actually saw a video years ago talking with a lady from Singapore, and she said they have far more real freedom there, than we supposedly have here. Was talking with a left-wing idiot woman New York, who was saying stuff about their evil mean justice system. The Singapore girl said (paraphrasing)
"Really? I can walk absolutely anywhere in Singapore, at any time of the day, or night, with or without anyone accompanying me, and I don't even fear someone will pick up a dollar I accidentally drop on the ground. Now tell me about your freedom in New York"

.... and the lady just sat there speechless.... She just stuttered and stammered, and then tried to talk about freedom of speech.

That's you. Your system lets people be prisoners in their own home. Mine is real justice. Yours is just flat out evil. Period.
"Your system is the immoral and evil system."

Dumbfuck, it's not my system. It's the American system. It's been illegal to murder someone whose only crime is petty theft.

I also note, you didn't answer the question.... what you are promoting is Sharia law. Do you want Sharia law to be the law of the land in the U.S.?

It is your system. The "American System" used to hang people who were even caught with horse thieves. The American system used to be a country where people didn't even have locks on their doors, and no one said "Well it's his fault for leaving his doors open!".

The way the system is TODAY, is not how the system was before criminal defending, scum sucking, Left-wing punishers of the victims, and haters of those who are good.... have taken over and ruined the system.


When criminals laugh and joke, after murdering a police officer..... you know that would not happen in the 1800s, because they would be hanged.

Why do they laugh and joke? Because they have their best buddies, the left-wing of the entire country, that supports their murdering butts.

That's you buddy. Not me. I'd have them dead. You'd defend them, and I know this because you do defend criminals.

You are what you are.
Well you're half right -- you are racist. You also avoided answering my question.
No, I'm entirely correct... you, too, are racist... you just don't have the objectivity nor honesty to admit it.

I, for one, do not let it rule my life, nor my interactions with others, while you, on the other hand, play the Race Card 24x7x52.

As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice.
"As to answering your question (why do I not like Black people), it makes an assumption that is not true, therefore, I feel no obligation to feed your prejudice."

Umm... you said..

"Apparently, immigrant western Asian Muslims don't like our Blacks much, either."
I did, indeed, and I was referring to the attitude of non-Blacks in general towards them, but, yeah, generally speaking, I'm not a big fan.

Doesn't mean that I wish them ill... and I have one helluva lot of respect for a great many individuals... but as a group, they're a train-wreck.

That doesn't make me one iota more or less 'racist' than you or anyone else.
You speak for no one but yourself. And no, I don't look down at blacks like you do.

As well as you only speak for yourself.

There are many ways to look down on someone and whether or not you look down on blacks in the same manner that someone else does is irrelevant.

Irregardless, you are implying you also look down on blacks but in a different manner. So tell this board how or in what manner you do look down on blacks.
Your derangement worsens. I do not look down on blacks.
Dumbfuck, a public business is not a private residence. I don't care how stupidconservative you are. :eusa_doh:

You have the right to your opinion. I don't care about your opinion. If I own a business, that business is as much a part of my life, as my house is.

I take it you have never run a business before, have you?

Dumbfuck ... if you have a business and you kill someone for petty theft, you could end up being bunk mates with Ghazali. be sure to bring a lifetime supply of condoms with you. :lmao:

And that's the sad part is, that you actually want more dead people. Your belief system leads to more crime, which naturally results in more violence. Either violence with police, trying to stop these people, or violence between the criminals and victims.

Your system is the immoral and evil system. You are have blood on your hands. It's because of you that criminals keep doing this stuff.

I at least want to setup a system where crime is stopped.. and when it is stopped, there will not be anymore deaths. Again, Singapore uses my system, and they report TWO.... TWO homicides in a city of 5.6 million.

Which system is better.... yours? Or mine? Look at the body count. That's the answer.

We're just flat out better people than you on the left.

I actually saw a video years ago talking with a lady from Singapore, and she said they have far more real freedom there, than we supposedly have here. Was talking with a left-wing idiot woman New York, who was saying stuff about their evil mean justice system. The Singapore girl said (paraphrasing)
"Really? I can walk absolutely anywhere in Singapore, at any time of the day, or night, with or without anyone accompanying me, and I don't even fear someone will pick up a dollar I accidentally drop on the ground. Now tell me about your freedom in New York"

.... and the lady just sat there speechless.... She just stuttered and stammered, and then tried to talk about freedom of speech.

That's you. Your system lets people be prisoners in their own home. Mine is real justice. Yours is just flat out evil. Period.
"Your system is the immoral and evil system."

Dumbfuck, it's not my system. It's the American system. It's been illegal to murder someone whose only crime is petty theft.

I also note, you didn't answer the question.... what you are promoting is Sharia law. Do you want Sharia law to be the law of the land in the U.S.?

It is your system. The "American System" used to hang people who were even caught with horse thieves. The American system used to be a country where people didn't even have locks on their doors, and no one said "Well it's his fault for leaving his doors open!".

The way the system is TODAY, is not how the system was before criminal defending, scum sucking, Left-wing punishers of the victims, and haters of those who are good.... have taken over and ruined the system.


When criminals laugh and joke, after murdering a police officer..... you know that would not happen in the 1800s, because they would be hanged.

Why do they laugh and joke? Because they have their best buddies, the left-wing of the entire country, that supports their murdering butts.

That's you buddy. Not me. I'd have them dead. You'd defend them, and I know this because you do defend criminals.

You are what you are.
Theft has not been a capital crime in the U.S.. You don't know what you're talking about.
As usual, DUMS cant connect the dots. Moral outrage doesn't do dick to save lives. The reality is, you rob a store, there is always a chance you get your hat knocked off like the Ferguson idiot. Even if the kid wasn't shot after running out of the store and instead was shot in the store, progressives would be railing at the store owner. But tough shit on those types........most Americans get it which is why Trump got elected. They don't want the savages running towns and cities. Doy

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