A Bombshell from Christopher Steel

None of this has any credibility. Mueller and the FBI are so tainted nothing they will produce will have and credibility and none of their 'witnesses' testimony has any credibility before a jury. Mueller has tainted and discredited his 'investigation', and is now just an obviously desperate media attention whore, trying to drag out his last days in the public eye before being tossed into obscurity for the rest of his life as a loser and fraud.

Only morons still think this stupid 'Russia' crap still has any wings.
This was from a YEAR ago. Wanna know why nothing has been said about it since?

Because it's bullshit
Yeahbut if it says "BOMBSHELL" in the title, it means it's all true and will end this Mueller thing for good!

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
None of this has any credibility. Mueller and the FBI are so tainted nothing they will produce will have and credibility and none of their 'witnesses' testimony has any credibility before a jury. Mueller has tainted and discredited his 'investigation', and is now just an obviously desperate media attention whore, trying to drag out his last days in the public eye before being tossed into obscurity for the rest of his life as a loser and fraud.

Only morons still think this stupid 'Russia' crap still has any wings.
They will shift it to something else and the left will equate all of it.

They think Manaforte proves collusion.

They will listen to what the democrat globalists pets in the media tell them to believe.

They think hillary is innocent of everything and they still think comey said she did nothing wrong. Even though comey said she did. He also said if anyone else did what she did, they would be in jail.

They blamed comey, then their media gods told them to like comey, so they like comey now.

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Christopher Steele Comes Clean on Record: I Was Secretly Hired to Help Hillary ‘Challenge Validity’ of Outcome of 2016 Election.

In a bombshell revelation, he testified that he was hired specifically to help the DNC and Hillary Clinton find information to challenge the results of the 2016 election.
Of course not only was Steele working for and being paid by the the Democrats/Hillary through Fusion GPS and the Democrats’ law firm, Perkins Coie, but he was also feeding the information to the FBI to help spy on the Trump campaign and feed an investigation against them. A piece of information which was not revealed to the FISA court when James Comey and other members of the FBI asked for warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

From Washington Times:
Conservatives launched Steele on his investigation into the Red Don.

"In October 2015, before the official start of the 2016 Republican primary campaign, The Washington Free Beacon, an American conservative political journalism website primarily funded by Republican donor Paul Singer, hired the American research firm Fusion GPS to conduct general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates.[1]

"The Free Beacon and Singer were 'part of the conservative never-Trump movement'.[30]

"For months, Fusion GPS gathered information about Trump, focusing on his business and entertainment activities. When Trump became the presumptive nominee on May 3, 2016,[31] The Free Beacon stopped funding research on him.[2][32][33]"

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

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