A brief look into the paranoid, delusional mind of a Jan-Sixer

The novel "A Handmaid's Tale" by Canadian author Margaret Atwood in the early '80s was her fearful reaction of the election of Ronald Reagan and the rise of evangelists in politics.

No one, besides Atwood and a few liberal arts faculty believed the events in the novel could come true.

Interestingly, the last chapter of that book takes place 100 years AFTER the events in the novel and concerns a group of future historians who discussing the newly discovered manuscript of the handmaid Offred and seriously doubt the events in it could have ever happened.

Meanwhile you can get an actual example in Afghanistan right now but western feminists are surprisingly quiet about it.
Babbit was leading an angry mob trying to kill or capture Congress members

With SELFIE STICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those DEADLY SELFIE STICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They succeeded in killing THOUSANDS of congressional reps that day!

oh, the humanity.
How many Congress members would have been killed if the TRUMPMob got through?
If! That is they key word, they were secure, taking down this country would take more than a few hundred people and one day. All the wars we have fought over the centuries and you think a few hundred would take it down in a day. That is a pretty stupid idea.

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