A brief look into the paranoid, delusional mind of a Jan-Sixer

The whole 'insurrection' narrative was floated hours after all of this, with no substantiation, and those that wanted to believe that's what it was, believed it, with a heaping helping of propaganda from the left.

"Humans are hackable" as per the WEF, and can now be made to believe whatever a group wants. We saw it with covid and the fear porn models, whereby people let their lives and societies be torn to shreds based on shit data, and which the WEF is now planning on expanding on now that they know without a doubt that people are so utterly stupid, we saw it with Russia gate and the 'dossier' which was a something the DNC and Hillary's campaign paid a fine for to the FEC, but no serious repercussions were ever seen, and we saw it with this. People believe utter absurdities because they want to, or they're scared and they're being led by the nose 24/7/365 and are too lazy to determine, on a broad level, if the shit they're being fed is, in fact, true.

People have lost the ability to think for themselves. It's utterly pathetic.
if the Patriots doing the "attack" had wanted to destroy the government they would have.

It was a four hour demonstration caused by the frustration of Americans because of the Democrat filth stealing the election.

It was not even close to the six months of rioting, burning, murdering, looting and destruction we saw from the Negroes.
It wasn't the negroes. (Well maybe the looting was lol)

It was mostly retarded little white leftist fucktards.

Biden voters.

Both inside the FBI and out.

Both inside the DNC and out.

When the KKK burns a cross on someone’s lawn it is not an attempt to crucify them. It s to send a powerful message of what is to come.

That is the message Republicans were trying to send to Congress

Sure took you a long time to think that one up, genius!

Over two years.



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