A brief look into the paranoid, delusional mind of a Jan-Sixer

Who was on the other side of that busted window?

That door was the final line in the sand to protect the remaining members of Congress. In spite of being ordered to stand back, she chose to cross it
These folks have to completely avoid the context of what was taking place in the moment. The building is under siege, there is no help, there's a large, loud, violent, aggressive group behind her pushing the doors in and breaking the windows, there is a group of legislators standing feet behind the officer. Et cetera.

They have to avoid ALL of that, and they're more than willing to, because someone has convinced them that they're at war and they're willing to excuse ANYTHING.
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Babbit was leading an angry mob trying to kill or capture Congress members

Yes, and they were going to hang Pence here............

You have to appreciate the irony of them calling OTHERS paranoid and delusional, especially when the subject is the misguided rubes who attacked our nation's Capitol based on the lie of the most obvious con man this country has ever seen.

The orange cult has lifted projection to an art form.
The hhmic speaks!

When the KKK burns a cross on someone’s lawn it is not an attempt to crucify them. It s to send a powerful message of what is to come.

That is the message Republicans were trying to send to Congress

Here I was thinking they actually wanted to kill someone, or maybe I heard that somewhere.
This Harvard law professor wrote a "graphic novel" based on his idea of what would have happened "if the attack on the US Capitol had succeeded." And the results were more hilarious than you could ever imagine. What's even funnier is that many people still believe this could have happened, proving that they do live in a comic book world. THis truly is a graphic novel of masturbatory fantasies crafted for far left-wing extremists who need to get off when porn doesn't work anymore.

"With our coverage of Ray Epps, Scaffold Commander, and the ever-elusive MAGA Pipe Bomber, we at Revolver have done our part to thoroughly discredit the mainstream narrative of January 6.

Most of America, of course, has moved on from January 6, regardless of how it voted in 2020. But then, there are the diehards: The collection of people for whom a few hooligans in the Capitol was the most psychologically traumatizing event of their entire lives.

And now, they have a comic book. Fresh from OneSix Comics, it’s… “1/6: The Graphic Novel”!"

Harvard Law Professor Did a "Graphic Novel" on the Jan 6 "Insurrection" and It's More Hilarious Than You Could Ever Imagine - Revolver News

if the Patriots doing the "attack" had wanted to destroy the government they would have.

It was a four hour demonstration caused by the frustration of Americans because of the Democrat filth stealing the election.

It was not even close to the six months of rioting, burning, murdering, looting and destruction we saw from the Negroes.
if the Patriots doing the "attack" had wanted to destroy the government they would have.

It was a four hour demonstration caused by the frustration of Americans because of the Democrat filth stealing the election.

It was not even close to the six months of rioting, burning, murdering, looting and destruction we saw from the Negroes.

They were there to “Stop the Steal” by any means necessary

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