A call for honesty


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Thank god someone else is saying this out loud. It time to get some adults back in the room. Once the shut downs stop, the numbers of infections will jump up. It is as inevitable as thanos. Virtually everyone will get this. Get this through your brains, and let’s discuss what our options are now.

Former state epidemiologist Annika Linde said she had the impression that the Swedish strategy is for the country to achieve “herd immunity”.

“I believe that the strategy of the Public Health Authority is that we should achieve herd immunity, that as many people as possible should be infected and thereby become immune, without being seriously ill”, Linde told SVT.
Sweden's chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell admitted that the strategy of building up “herd immunity” is “partially correct”.

“Our main purpose now is to slow down the spread of infection as much as possible, and of course in the long term build up some kind of immunity in society that prevents it from spreading so quickly in the future”, Anders Tegnell said.

Lab experiment is underway in Sweden right now.
Nah, I'm waiting for the miracle the blob promised was going to happen. :113:
mmm .. I'm thinkin social distancing and such is more about delay time to come up with medications to minimize the effect or developing a cure for the virus. Granted if the economy goes full depression you youngsters are in for quite an adventure.

Nah, I'm waiting for the miracle the blob promised was going to happen. :113:
You better hope that happens because there will be no money for all of the social programs. That includes a reduction for anything and everything medical. There will be wails and cries when that happens. But President Obama did say ....the pain pill. It may be a humane option to the suffering alternative.
The OP is basically correct, I believe. All we are doing is delaying COVID-19.

However, there is a race to find a vaccine. If a vaccine can be found when the suppression effects are in force, then the mortality rate will be significantly lower.

I do not believe that we can continue these suppression effects for a long period of time. If the economy is going to go into a depression because of our response, many people will die because of the depression. Public health gets worse when the economy contracts for a number of reasons. The number of deaths arising from a depression may outweigh the number of deaths from COVID-19.
The Covid Virus will subside in most of America. NY is suffering because their politicians allowed illegal aliens plus they have a high population density where a virus can spread, in addition, the Democrat politicians in NY refused to take action quickly.
Thank god someone else is saying this out loud. It time to get some adults back in the room. Once the shut downs stop, the numbers of infections will jump up. It is as inevitable as thanos. Virtually everyone will get this. Get this through your brains, and let’s discuss what our options are now.
You want honesty? Every year thousands die of disease. There are viruses out there that are waiting to kill you. Your immune system is your only defense. Your immune system strengthens with exposure. That is why flu shots work. A crashing economy will take far more lives. There is no proof that everyone will get this. Stop spreading fear. Apparently some dufus thinks that's 'funny' GFY
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The OP is basically correct, I believe. All we are doing is delaying COVID-19.

However, there is a race to find a vaccine. If a vaccine can be found when the suppression effects are in force, then the mortality rate will be significantly lower.

I do not believe that we can continue these suppression effects for a long period of time. If the economy is going to go into a depression because of our response, many people will die because of the depression. Public health gets worse when the economy contracts for a number of reasons. The number of deaths arising from a depression may outweigh the number of deaths from COVID-19.
If we’re lucky we’ll see a vaccine in 9 months. By that time this virus will mutate. And we’ll need a new vaccine for that. With how contagious this is, twice as contagious as the flu, we’ll pretty much have herd immunity by the time a vaccine is created.
This doesn't look like a situation that is "under control."

The Covid Virus will subside in most of America. NY is suffering because their politicians allowed illegal aliens plus they have a high population density where a virus can spread, in addition, the Democrat politicians in NY refused to take action quickly.
Thank god someone else is saying this out loud. It time to get some adults back in the room. Once the shut downs stop, the numbers of infections will jump up. It is as inevitable as thanos. Virtually everyone will get this. Get this through your brains, and let’s discuss what our options are now.
You want honesty? Every year thousands die of disease. There are viruses out there that are waiting to kill you. Your immune system is your only defense. Your immune system strengthens with exposure. That is why flu shots work. A crashing economy will take far more lives. There is no proof that everyone will get this. Stop spreading fear. Apparently some dufus thinks that's 'funny' GFY
You don’t know how immunity works. Zero people have immunity to this. Because humans and wild bats don’t interact that often except in Chinese wet markets. Compare that with common flus that we have been passing between our livestock that have common ambient body temps to ours for millennia. This is a brand new sickness. An extremely rare event where a virus in a bat mutated a way to infect humans, and that bat interacted with humans in a significant enough way to infect a human. In the Chinese wet markets, these rare events get a ton of rolls of the dice to happen. We’re lucky this isn’t more deadly than what it could be.

That being said, this isn’t the plague. The vast majority of people will be fine. However, the people who will catch this and have a bad reaction to it is enough to overwhelm our healthcare system. Like what is currently happening in Italy right now. They are denying treatment to anyone over 60.
Why America ran out of protective masks — and what can be done about it

You probably don't know the financial pressures hospitals and states and the Fed is under. No one has spare cash for "contingencies with a shelf life".
The fed does.
This doesn't look like a situation that is "under control."

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No shit Sherlock. It’s one of the most contagious diseases we’ve ever seen. It’s been called an exponential spreader for months now. Your acting surprised it’s behaving as such? We’ve been saying that this is coming.

This is what I’m talking about in the OP. Instead of having adult conversations about how we should handle this, people are on here posting this shit, and acting like the shit we’re seeing isn’t happening all over the globe. And I shouldn’t have to tell you this, China is lying about their numbers. By a factor of 15 up to 40 according to doctors in the UK. So whatever they’re reporting, multiply that by 25, and that’ll be closer to the real number. This doesn’t magically go away after a 3 week lock down. That’s a silly thought. The only way this could’ve been avoided was China acting mere weeks earlier when they should have instead of trying to cover this up and pretend like it was just pneumonia. Or the EU could’ve cut travel off to China when we did. Cases would still bleed through, but it’s infinitely easier to contain the few cases that bleed through vs not protecting yourself at all.

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