A Canadian Cartoonist Was Fired For This Cartoon...

Justified firing or more political correctness?

  • I'm a liberal and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a liberal and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I'm a conservative and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • I'm independent and I think it was justified.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • I'm independent and I think it was political correctness.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
Exactly WHO is Rump going to be speaking to if they are not there?


Exactly WHY is he speaking to them?

Let's quit fucking around the bush here. The juxtaposition of Trump and the two dead migrants implies some sort of connection between the two. The question is: Other than their trying to enter the country illegally and Trump's endeavors to stop or slow illegal crossings, what is the connection?

You won't get an answer.

Damn right he won't. I don't deal with Peewee Herman games.

Your choice, it seemed legit to me.

He's playing this child game of "I'm too stupid". That's a waste of time and an insult to everybody's intelligence.

He can go sit on a tack.

It's not a game of "I'm too stupid". I know exactly what the cartoon is trying to convey: it's trying to convey that Trump is either somehow responsible for their deaths or that their deaths have something to do with his measures on illegal immigration. Problem is, they don't.

The group Border Angels estimates that around 10,000 people have died since 1994 trying to cross the border yet no one ever drew a cartoon of dead migrants with Presidents H.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. or Obama.

The "game" was to see if you would be able to recognize your own bias and the fact that you refuse to answer the question and put me on ignore suggests that you are aware of this on some level.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Mostly because it's horseshit.
Trump had done everything in his power to prevent this but some Hawaiian judge always tries to stop him. Then there's the fact that Democrats have refused to attend briefings on the border and only now admit it wasn't a manufactured crisis, and have chosen to belly-ache rather than address the problem.
The cartoonist deserved to be fired.
Personally I think the cartoonist deserves a kick in the nuts.

Of course you do, because you're a rhetorical fascist who believes any opinion at variance with your own should be "kicked in the nuts". How Klannish of you.

But in this case the cartoonist wasn't "fired" since he wasn't an employee, and never submitted the cartoon to the publisher that was supposed to have "fired" him for a cartoon he never sent them anyway, and you don't know that because you're illiterate.
He drew the damned thing, so what's the difference?
OH and this isn't just an opinion. It's a fabrication. Blaming Trump for the crap that communists on the left are guilty of is nothing but fake foreign propaganda intended to influence our elections and discredit an America president.

What's the difference between "free speech" and "kicking him in the nuts"?

You tell me.

OH and this isn't "fabrication". It's a fucking CARTOON. Cartoons are by definition fantasy. Nobody's claiming what's in this or any other cartoon ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED. OH and it's not about "blaming" anybody for anything --- it's a fucking PERSONALITY TRAIT. Unless you want to "blame" Rump for having that trait, then that's fine but it's an extension of what's in the cartoon.
Cartoons are cool until they insult Allah. Cartoons can cause harm, shit for brains.

That cartoon isn't just a cartoon.
It’s a political statement which I guarantee will be used to attack Trump unfairly. It might even go viral. That doesn't change the fact that it is a misrepresentation of the issue. The only reason anyone is making such a big deal about it is the fact that so much that is published is not only in poor taste but is done with malicious and practiced intent. They can't win with their ideas, so they try to win with the constant fomenting of nastiness and violence.
Thank you, but the chances of him understanding that are pretty slim at this point.
That's classy.

If karma really is a thing maybe you can die in a ditch too.
I belong here, Diseased illegal aliens do not
What does that have to do with you dying in a ditch?
I’m not the one that’s fleeing my bad life choices, and forcing my fucked up life on other people. Like That fool did... Drowning him and his kid in the process.
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Then why are they in the cartoon?
Don't play stupid, people might start to believe you.
What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Then why are they in the cartoon?
Don't play stupid, people might start to believe you.

Who's playing stupid? You can't even explain to me why they're in the cartoon even though it has nothing to do with them.
First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Then why are they in the cartoon?

Exactly WHO is Rump going to be speaking to if they are not there?


Exactly WHY is he speaking to them?

Let's quit fucking around the bush here. The juxtaposition of Trump and the two dead migrants implies some sort of connection between the two. The question is: Other than their trying to enter the country illegally and Trump's endeavors to stop or slow illegal crossings, what is the connection?

You won't get an answer.
You know why?

Because the point is so obvious as to need no explanation. That's the whole point of these political cartoons, they aren't subtle, they don't have delicate nuances, they are the printed equivalent of beating someone over the head with the mythical clue bat.

In short, if you really are not just pretending to not understand you might wanna think about getting tested.
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Then why are they in the cartoon?
Don't play stupid, people might start to believe you.

Who's playing stupid? You can't even explain to me why they're in the cartoon even though it has nothing to do with them.
Careful, I'm starting to believe you...
First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Then why are they in the cartoon?
Don't play stupid, people might start to believe you.

Who's playing stupid? You can't even explain to me why they're in the cartoon even though it has nothing to do with them.
Careful, I'm starting to believe you...

That was easy, wasn't it? Why answer the question and risk facing the non sequitur of Trump and the deaths of these migrants?

For the record, as I told Pogo already, I know exactly what the cartoon was meant to convey. These questions were meant to get you to see your own bias and to see that the cartoon is merely playing on peoples' hatred of Trump. In truth, neither Trump nor his immigration policies have anything to do with their deaths.

People died crossing the border during the Obama administration and Obama played golf just as much, if not more than Trump. But we never saw cartoons like this with Obama, did we?

People are so consumed by their hatred of Trump that they're crosseyed and couldn't see the truth if it was a nine iron whacking them on the head.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Mostly because it's horseshit.
Trump had done everything in his power to prevent this but some Hawaiian judge always tries to stop him. Then there's the fact that Democrats have refused to attend briefings on the border and only now admit it wasn't a manufactured crisis, and have chosen to belly-ache rather than address the problem.
The cartoonist deserved to be fired.
Personally I think the cartoonist deserves a kick in the nuts.

Of course you do, because you're a rhetorical fascist who believes any opinion at variance with your own should be "kicked in the nuts". How Klannish of you.

But in this case the cartoonist wasn't "fired" since he wasn't an employee, and never submitted the cartoon to the publisher that was supposed to have "fired" him for a cartoon he never sent them anyway, and you don't know that because you're illiterate.
He drew the damned thing, so what's the difference?
OH and this isn't just an opinion. It's a fabrication. Blaming Trump for the crap that communists on the left are guilty of is nothing but fake foreign propaganda intended to influence our elections and discredit an America president.

What's the difference between "free speech" and "kicking him in the nuts"?

You tell me.

OH and this isn't "fabrication". It's a fucking CARTOON. Cartoons are by definition fantasy. Nobody's claiming what's in this or any other cartoon ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED. OH and it's not about "blaming" anybody for anything --- it's a fucking PERSONALITY TRAIT. Unless you want to "blame" Rump for having that trait, then that's fine but it's an extension of what's in the cartoon.
Cartoons are cool until they insult Allah. Cartoons can cause harm, shit for brains.

That cartoon isn't just a cartoon.
It’s a political statement which I guarantee will be used to attack Trump unfairly. It might even go viral. That doesn't change the fact that it is a misrepresentation of the issue. The only reason anyone is making such a big deal about it is the fact that so much that is published is not only in poor taste but is done with malicious and practiced intent. They can't win with their ideas, so they try to win with the constant fomenting of nastiness and violence.

It's already viral, and this mythology of his getting "fired" ensured that.

And it CANNOT be a "misrepresentation of the issue", as the "issue" is an OPINION. That being, Rump's sociopathic dearth of empathy. And that's not even arguable.
Mostly because it's horseshit.
Trump had done everything in his power to prevent this but some Hawaiian judge always tries to stop him. Then there's the fact that Democrats have refused to attend briefings on the border and only now admit it wasn't a manufactured crisis, and have chosen to belly-ache rather than address the problem.
The cartoonist deserved to be fired.
Personally I think the cartoonist deserves a kick in the nuts.

Of course you do, because you're a rhetorical fascist who believes any opinion at variance with your own should be "kicked in the nuts". How Klannish of you.

But in this case the cartoonist wasn't "fired" since he wasn't an employee, and never submitted the cartoon to the publisher that was supposed to have "fired" him for a cartoon he never sent them anyway, and you don't know that because you're illiterate.
He drew the damned thing, so what's the difference?
OH and this isn't just an opinion. It's a fabrication. Blaming Trump for the crap that communists on the left are guilty of is nothing but fake foreign propaganda intended to influence our elections and discredit an America president.

What's the difference between "free speech" and "kicking him in the nuts"?

You tell me.

OH and this isn't "fabrication". It's a fucking CARTOON. Cartoons are by definition fantasy. Nobody's claiming what's in this or any other cartoon ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED. OH and it's not about "blaming" anybody for anything --- it's a fucking PERSONALITY TRAIT. Unless you want to "blame" Rump for having that trait, then that's fine but it's an extension of what's in the cartoon.
Cartoons are cool until they insult Allah. Cartoons can cause harm, shit for brains.

That cartoon isn't just a cartoon.
It’s a political statement which I guarantee will be used to attack Trump unfairly. It might even go viral. That doesn't change the fact that it is a misrepresentation of the issue. The only reason anyone is making such a big deal about it is the fact that so much that is published is not only in poor taste but is done with malicious and practiced intent. They can't win with their ideas, so they try to win with the constant fomenting of nastiness and violence.

It's already viral, and this mythology of his getting "fired" ensured that.

And it CANNOT be a "misrepresentation of the issue", as the "issue" is an OPINION. That being, Rump's sociopathic dearth of empathy. And that's not even arguable.
Actually it is.
As a matter of fact....Obama and Hillary are dearth of empathy...neither of them actually likes PEOPLE in general....on the other hand Trump is the most empathic president we've had since Ronald Reagan.
You're just too stoopid to realize it.
Of course you do, because you're a rhetorical fascist who believes any opinion at variance with your own should be "kicked in the nuts". How Klannish of you.

But in this case the cartoonist wasn't "fired" since he wasn't an employee, and never submitted the cartoon to the publisher that was supposed to have "fired" him for a cartoon he never sent them anyway, and you don't know that because you're illiterate.
He drew the damned thing, so what's the difference?
OH and this isn't just an opinion. It's a fabrication. Blaming Trump for the crap that communists on the left are guilty of is nothing but fake foreign propaganda intended to influence our elections and discredit an America president.

What's the difference between "free speech" and "kicking him in the nuts"?

You tell me.

OH and this isn't "fabrication". It's a fucking CARTOON. Cartoons are by definition fantasy. Nobody's claiming what's in this or any other cartoon ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED. OH and it's not about "blaming" anybody for anything --- it's a fucking PERSONALITY TRAIT. Unless you want to "blame" Rump for having that trait, then that's fine but it's an extension of what's in the cartoon.
Cartoons are cool until they insult Allah. Cartoons can cause harm, shit for brains.

That cartoon isn't just a cartoon.
It’s a political statement which I guarantee will be used to attack Trump unfairly. It might even go viral. That doesn't change the fact that it is a misrepresentation of the issue. The only reason anyone is making such a big deal about it is the fact that so much that is published is not only in poor taste but is done with malicious and practiced intent. They can't win with their ideas, so they try to win with the constant fomenting of nastiness and violence.

It's already viral, and this mythology of his getting "fired" ensured that.

And it CANNOT be a "misrepresentation of the issue", as the "issue" is an OPINION. That being, Rump's sociopathic dearth of empathy. And that's not even arguable.
Actually it is.
As a matter of fact....Obama and Hillary are dearth of empathy...neither of them actually likes PEOPLE in general....on the other hand Trump is the most empathic president we've had since Ronald Reagan.
You're just too stoopid to realize it.

Ain't it great how words can be lined up to make complete nonsense?

It's like if I posted "banana caterpillar steamrollers make great underwater dance partners".

Of course, back here in the real world those not drunk on cultism can admit that lack of empathy is a hallmark of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so it's not like we're touching on some bigly revelation here. But that's what the cartoon's about, and as such, subjective judgment which --- again, the point you're running away from here --- CANNOT be a "misrepresentation of the issue". By definition.

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?

Canada and Great Britain have destroyed honest and free speech.. And they CONTINUE to impose 1984 draconians laws to stifle people...

It's bad enough in America that we have to rename the owners of sports franchises,, but THOSE 2 countries have leaped tthe canyon on stifling speech....

It's a dumb cartoon, and not connected to reality, but if a STAFF decides to stake the company's rep on wildly stretched cartoon memes -- I support them...

And before anyone argues with that last paragraph,, The 2 days of televising the Insane Clown Posse debates with ALL OF Central and South America watching these clowns ADVERTISE open borders and free everything to illegals -- and EVEN making crossing the border outside of custom checkpoints LEGAL ---


They basically PLAYED to that Telemundo audience....

Could have saved a lotta rant energy by reading post 31 first. :rolleyes:

You mean the one where you asserted the guy couldn't be fired because he was not an employee??? I just chuckled and remembered my pledge not to go on snipe hunts with you when you're so sure of something that isn't right..

Contractors can ALSO be terminated.. I've terminated several.. As implied in the name of the position they serve the company UNDER CONTRACT.. And just like an employee contract -- they CAN be terminated...

Now go snipe and argue about that FACT with me while I do other things.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

And make sure you reject or redefine what a contractor is... LOL..... Ciao....

Don't need to --- I've been working as a contractor for AT LEAST 35 years. And I've never been "fired". I've been not hired for this or that but that's not the same thing, IS IT.

In this instance AS AGAIN I ALREADY LAID OUT but you "forgot" to mention, the freelancer (cartoonist) hadn't even submitted this cartoon to the publisher in question. Therefore it is NOT IN PLAY as a basis for being "not hired", which in this case means the cartoon not being bought.

You don't buy something that hasn't been offered for sale -- I thought this was pretty simple stuff. Apparently not simple enough.

Wellsir, seeing that the original premise in the OP had no source, I looked it up myself, and found the evidence disproving that notion, which I then deposited in post 31, and it's been there ever since as exposure that the whole premise is mythology.

Whence then comes this notion that "this cartoonist was fired" for a cartoon he never even gave them? Apparently somebody on so-called "social media" (I've always called it antisocial media for what should be obvious reasons). In other words somebody literally MADE IT UP. Maybe they thought it sounded good. They took a cartoon the guy put on "social" media (knowing it wasn't good enough for publication) and then they took a flying leap without a bridge. And that makes the whole premise fake. Bogus. Unreal. A fabrication. Dance around with "freelance" terms all you like, you CANNOT make an event that never happened into an event that did. PERIOD.

I READ all that... And you didn't PROVE a thing..

From post 31

>> He later clarified that he had technically been under contract to work for Brunswick News Inc., and wasn't an employee who could be fired.

That means the Brunswick News could TERMINATE HIS CONTRACT... EVEN IF --- he did not do the cartoon for therm.....

What you NEED is clarification from the Brunswick news on this and not HIS spin on things. Terminating a CONTRACT employee is firing them.. EVEN if it's for causes not directly RELATED to the contract....

Do you think he should have been fired, or just more political correctness run amok?
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Trump did not kill those people.. The Dems who are advertising Free admission (no crime to crash the border) and Free stuff to ALL OF LATIN AMERICA ---- are guilty of ENCOURAGING the refugee stream and the deaths, rapes, abductions, and abuse by the cartels..

The President of El Salvador today ALSO admitted the failure of his government contributed to their deaths.. THAT'S political bravery and honesty....
It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Then why are they in the cartoon?

Exactly WHO is Rump going to be speaking to if they are not there?


Exactly WHY is he speaking to them?

Let's quit fucking around the bush here. The juxtaposition of Trump and the two dead migrants implies some sort of connection between the two. The question is: Other than their trying to enter the country illegally and Trump's endeavors to stop or slow illegal crossings, what is the connection?

You won't get an answer.
You know why?

Because the point is so obvious as to need no explanation. That's the whole point of these political cartoons, they aren't subtle, they don't have delicate nuances, they are the printed equivalent of beating someone over the head with the mythical clue bat.

In short, if you really are not just pretending to not understand you might wanna think about getting tested.

You aren’t following along.
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Trump did not kill those people.. The Dems who are advertising Free admission (no crime to crash the border) and Free stuff to ALL OF LATIN AMERICA ---- are guilty of ENCOURAGING the refugee stream and the deaths, rapes, abductions, and abuse by the cartels..

The President of El Salvador today ALSO admitted the failure of his government contributed to their deaths.. THAT'S political bravery and honesty....

You aren't following along either. :banghead:

NOWHERE did anyone suggest the meaning of the cartoon is "Rump killed these people". COME ON, man.
What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Trump did not kill those people.. The Dems who are advertising Free admission (no crime to crash the border) and Free stuff to ALL OF LATIN AMERICA ---- are guilty of ENCOURAGING the refugee stream and the deaths, rapes, abductions, and abuse by the cartels..

The President of El Salvador today ALSO admitted the failure of his government contributed to their deaths.. THAT'S political bravery and honesty....

You aren't following along either. :banghead:

NOWHERE did anyone suggest the meaning of the cartoon is "Rump killed these people". COME ON, man.

Of course that's the implication of the cartoon.. That he does not care about the safety of those folks.. The Insane Clown Posse of Open Border Dems who would not vote for an aid package and pass RUMORS about conditions at the border while they ADVERTISE free admission, no criminality to crashing in, and all the free stuff a poor economic refugee could want ---- are more connected to those deaths than Trump...

THEY used the death of that father/daughter as a political weapon at the debate in the news cycle.. And that cartoon is just MORE advantageous blame shifting....
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Trump did not kill those people.. The Dems who are advertising Free admission (no crime to crash the border) and Free stuff to ALL OF LATIN AMERICA ---- are guilty of ENCOURAGING the refugee stream and the deaths, rapes, abductions, and abuse by the cartels..

The President of El Salvador today ALSO admitted the failure of his government contributed to their deaths.. THAT'S political bravery and honesty....

You aren't following along either. :banghead:

NOWHERE did anyone suggest the meaning of the cartoon is "Rump killed these people". COME ON, man.

Of course that's the implication of the cartoon.. That he does not care about the safety of those folks.. The Insane Clown Posse of Open Border Dems who would not vote for an aid package and pass RUMORS about conditions at the border while they ADVERTISE free admission, no criminality to crashing in, and all the free stuff a poor economic refugee could want ---- are more connected to those deaths than Trump...

THEY used the death of that father/daughter as a political weapon at the debate in the news cycle.. And that cartoon is just MORE advantageous blame shifting....

I understand the cartoon is about Trump not caring but I'll bet not one Trump hater here bothered to find out what he had to say on the matter of the deaths of the two migrants.
Definitely should not have been fired. Telling the truth should never be a firing offense.

What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Trump did not kill those people.. The Dems who are advertising Free admission (no crime to crash the border) and Free stuff to ALL OF LATIN AMERICA ---- are guilty of ENCOURAGING the refugee stream and the deaths, rapes, abductions, and abuse by the cartels..

The President of El Salvador today ALSO admitted the failure of his government contributed to their deaths.. THAT'S political bravery and honesty....
Damn, I'm gone for one day and the straw men are everywhere all of the sudden.
What truth do you see here other than that these people died trying to cross the border illegally and that Trump plays golf?
That he sees them as obstacles, not people.

First of all, what does that have to do with the two people that died? Secondly, what makes you say that?

It has nothing to do with the two people that died, because it's not about them. It's about Rump.

Trump did not kill those people.. The Dems who are advertising Free admission (no crime to crash the border) and Free stuff to ALL OF LATIN AMERICA ---- are guilty of ENCOURAGING the refugee stream and the deaths, rapes, abductions, and abuse by the cartels..

The President of El Salvador today ALSO admitted the failure of his government contributed to their deaths.. THAT'S political bravery and honesty....

You aren't following along either. :banghead:

NOWHERE did anyone suggest the meaning of the cartoon is "Rump killed these people". COME ON, man.
It's gotta be deliberate.

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