A Challenge For Progressives and Conservatives: Take This Test on Obamacare

You answered 10 out of 10 questions correctly, better than 99.6% of Americans.
Health Reform Quiz - Kaiser Health Reform

And I STILL want it repealed.

Only difference is, you can't say I'm acting out of ignorance.

I actually agree. This means you and I have a fundamental disagreement. I respect your right to your opinion, but I believe it sucks.

See how easy discourse can be when you deal in intellectual honesty?
You answered 10 out of 10 questions correctly, better than 99.6% of Americans.
Health Reform Quiz - Kaiser Health Reform

And I STILL want it repealed.

Only difference is, you can't say I'm acting out of ignorance.

I actually agree. This means you and I have a fundamental disagreement. I respect your right to your opinion, but I believe it sucks.

See how easy discourse can be when you deal in intellectual honesty?

I got
You answered 10 out of 10 questions correctly, better than 99.6% of Americans.

And I don't want to see ACA repealed. I WOULD like to see it do what it advertises though. We've got some good things in there, but it doesn't go far enough or even address the REAL issues.
...and post your scores. Honor system here.

Health Reform Quiz - Kaiser Health Reform

You answered 10 out of 10 questions correctly, better than 99.6% of Americans.

The test is wrong.

The law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, allows states not only to opt out of the expanded coverage of Medicare, it also allows states to increase the eligibility requirements so that fewer people are covered. They are also permitted to reduce the benefits that their state plans cover. This will result in a reduction in federal medicaid co pays, but it is still permitted. It wasn't before.
...and post your scores. Honor system here.

Health Reform Quiz - Kaiser Health Reform

You answered 10 out of 10 questions correctly, better than 99.6% of Americans.

The test is wrong.

The law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, allows states not only to opt out of the expanded coverage of Medicare, it also allows states to increase the eligibility requirements so that fewer people are covered. They are also permitted to reduce the benefits that their state plans cover. This will result in a reduction in federal medicaid co pays, but it is still permitted. It wasn't before.

I don't think it's the test that's wrong, Chuckles.

You got a link to back up your Bo-sheeet?
...and post your scores. Honor system here.

Health Reform Quiz - Kaiser Health Reform

The test is wrong.

The law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, allows states not only to opt out of the expanded coverage of Medicare, it also allows states to increase the eligibility requirements so that fewer people are covered. They are also permitted to reduce the benefits that their state plans cover. This will result in a reduction in federal medicaid co pays, but it is still permitted. It wasn't before.

I don't think it's the test that's wrong, Chuckles.

You got a link to back up your Bo-sheeet?

You still haven't read the 198 decision? Did you miss the part where 7 of the judges ruled that the government could not force states to expand Medicaid?

Bloomberg Law - Document - Natl. Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, No. Nos. 11-393, 11-398 and, 11-400, 2012 BL 160004 (U.S. June 28, 2012), Court Opinion
...and post your scores. Honor system here.

Health Reform Quiz - Kaiser Health Reform

The test is wrong.

The law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, allows states not only to opt out of the expanded coverage of Medicare, it also allows states to increase the eligibility requirements so that fewer people are covered. They are also permitted to reduce the benefits that their state plans cover. This will result in a reduction in federal medicaid co pays, but it is still permitted. It wasn't before.

I don't think it's the test that's wrong, Chuckles.

You got a link to back up your Bo-sheeet?

No, actually he's right. The law acknowledged states rights to regulate their own affairs. However, ACA as challenged, had a proviso included which essentially said to the states "If you don't follow federal guidelines, we'll cut your Medicaid funding completely". This was overturned as violating the state's rights (which it clearly attempted to do).

This part of the ACA has been left hanging so far.
I answered the way Kaiser wants, I still missed one. The analysis is wrong.

You answered 9 out of 10 questions correctly, better than 97% of Americans.
The fact that some of our nutters got the answers to that quiz correct is merely evidence of their duplicitous nature.
Now a days life become stressful and people are suffering form mental stress and work load.so they have need a proper health care.African American health community can help us to take away this problem.
I answered the way Kaiser wants, I still missed one. The analysis is wrong.

You answered 9 out of 10 questions correctly, better than 97% of Americans.

This speaks VOLUMES of what is wrong with Conservatives. That test was written based on the actual language in the actual bill. Instead of saying, "I answered like Kaiser wanted me to" you should've said "I answered the questions correctly."

This proves that your side's fight over Obamacare is less about the bill and more about the man behind it. How do I know this? Because the bill was written by a Conservative Republican as governor. And it is HUGELY popular and successful.

Maybe you guys will win the White House this November. Maybe you'll repeal Obamacare, maybe you'll all get your heart's desires filled and a true Plutocracy will kick off this Gilded Age. But you all should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for you've behaved the last four years. Starting with Mitch The Turtle McConnell flat-out saying the only thing the GOP cared about was tanking Obama's term. If Democrats had said that during the Bush 2 era Republicans and Fux News would have been demanding their heads on a platter.

You're the exact reason why I wanted you guys to take this test. Most of the scaremongering you're doing is debunked in that test, and you know it. You all have no fucking clue how Obamacare will play out, but just like Social Security, you'll harp on it forever and ever, because that's your hill to die on.

Ignorant fucking fools.

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