A citizen with a gun took out the Texas killer as he fled.


If the gun is illegal they can be stopped before killing people.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail

It is illegal to plot to kill someone using anything.

So what firearms do you want to make illegal? Some of them, all of them? The ones you stupid cowardly Moon Bats are afraid of like my 25 AR-15s that have never been used in any crime? Guns that can fire a bullet bigger than a BB? Guns that can fire more than one shot? Guns that look dangerous?

In DC the filthy government wanted to ban all pistols, even in the home, but the Supremes said no in the Heller case.

Sorry Moon Bat but that is against the Constitution. Have you ever read the Constitution? Trust me, it is in the Bill of Rights that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Go look it up. What infringement are you planning?
How big and powerful can the guns get before you legislate?

Can I own this?

How many bullets can my gun hold? 1000?

I can't wait till my gun will shoot unlimited bullets

Yeah, it is sad that gun runners exist, and I having seen much talk about it.The last admin empowered it.
Why aren’t you advocating to go after the black market, etc. Think of how many legal guns there are in the US, yet only 8% of firearm deaths are caused by them vs 92% illegal arms.
The lunatic killed over 20 totally innocent people worshiping in a church, many of them little kids, before the hero jumped into action. We have to ask, are we okay with this happening over and over. Even if we aren't, there isn't much we can do about it anyhow. The only way to solve this issue truly is to collect all guns from people, and that won't happen. So we just have pass more laws, but it will never address this issue properly.
We have "specialists" of the United States on French channels who say it is very easy for a Texan to get a weapon but it is more difficult for an automatic weapon.
he just had to lie by filling out the request, he was in the army too so he could have gotten the weapons before being fired from the army too?
Well yes, this particular case could have easily been prevented had there been a proper computerized nationwide background check system put in place.

But then again, you are allowing over 300 million people to buy as many guns and ammo as they want. Even if you ban those diagnosed with mental illnesses which in itself is a very slippery slope (who gets to make this diagnosis, can it be abused, etc.), you still have about 300 million guns per year (!) that get sold in this country to about 300 million Americans. We are going to keep seeing these massacres, get used to it.


Yes guns like AR-15's. The type that kill lots of people really, really fast. Like the one use in Orlando that killed 50 and injured many more even with an armed off-duty cop working security. Guns like the one that just really killed 26 in TX including half children. I think it would be a much different story had he had a revolver.

Guns like AR-15s are very seldom used in crimes. Like less than 5%. You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. Just because you are a cowardly Moon Bat that are afraid of those black guns don't mean they should be banned by an oppressive government.

Most gun crimes are committed with cheap or stolen handguns.

More people are killed in a year from drowning in back yard swimming pools than are killed by assault weapons.

What else you got Moon Bat?

If the gun is illegal they can be stopped before killing people.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail

It is illegal to plot to kill someone using anything.

So what firearms do you want to make illegal? Some of them, all of them? The ones you stupid cowardly Moon Bats are afraid of like my 25 AR-15s that have never been used in any crime? Guns that can fire a bullet bigger than a BB? Guns that can fire more than one shot? Guns that look dangerous?

In DC the filthy government wanted to ban all pistols, even in the home, but the Supremes said no in the Heller case.

Sorry Moon Bat but that is against the Constitution. Have you ever read the Constitution? Trust me, it is in the Bill of Rights that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Go look it up. What infringement are you planning?
How big and powerful can the guns get before you legislate?

Can I own this?

How many bullets can my gun hold? 1000?

I can't wait till my gun will shoot unlimited bullets

It should never be a crime to own any firearm (or phaser). The crime should be the illegal thing that is done with the weapon.

Yes guns like AR-15's. The type that kill lots of people really, really fast. Like the one use in Orlando that killed 50 and injured many more even with an armed off-duty cop working security. Guns like the one that just really killed 26 in TX including half children. I think it would be a much different story had he had a revolver.

Guns like AR-15s are very seldom used in crimes. Like less than 5%. You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. Just because you are a cowardly Moon Bat that are afraid of those black guns don't mean they should be banned by an oppressive government.

Most gun crimes are committed with cheap or stolen handguns.

More people are killed in a year from drowning in back yard swimming pools than are killed by assault weapons.

What else you got Moon Bat?

most mass killings are committed by people using AR-15's and guns of that nature.
'He Needed to Be Stopped,' Says Man Who Pursued Texas Gunman

Langendorff was driving his pickup truck in Sutherland Springs on Sunday when he saw a local man, Stephen Willeford, trading rifle fire with a black-clad stranger who had just emerged from the First Baptist Church.

"He jumped in my truck and said 'He just shot up the church, we got to get him' and I said 'OK, let's go,'" Langendorff said of his rapid words with Willeford.

Willeford's cousin Ken Leonard told CNN that Willeford shot Kelley three times, once in his side where there was a gap in his vest, prompting Kelley to drop his gun and force his way into an SUV, pushing a man inside it to the passenger side. Willeford then shot Kelley twice in the neck, his cousin said.

"Stephen is the best shot that I know," Leonard told CNN. "He without armor and barefooted ran into the fire and put his own life at risk, took return fire and fired accurately three times. That's an amazing accomplishment, especially for a man who has, who was never in the military."


Quite a story by the cousin. If true, there would not have been a road chase, the scumbag would be dead.

most mass killings are committed by people using AR-15's and guns of that nature.

"Mass shootings"are always high profile but the real danger and the great number of killings in the US are from the cheap handguns used mostly by inner city Blacks and Hispanics.

According to the FBI stats that have been posted many times when this silly shit comes up so called "assault weapons" are very seldom used. For the millions of AR-15s and AKs etc in the US the rate of use in a crime is very low.

Most gun crimes are perpetuated by druggies or gang thugs that can't afford the hundreds or thousands of dollars for an AR. They prefer the easily concealed cheap hand guns.

You go to the murder capitol of the US, Democrat controlled Chicago, where thousands are shot each year, and you would be hard put to find one crime by an "assault" weapon.
More people are usually shot each week in Chicago than were shot in Texas yesterday. They are not shot with assault weapons but cheap stolen illegal handguns for the most part. This is week after week after week.

None of the Libtards in this country really gives a shit about killing. If they did they would put a stop to it in the Democrat controlled big cities shitholes.

They just don't want White Conservatives to have weapons.
Guns like AR-15s are very seldom used in crimes. Like less than 5%. You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.
I guess nobody told the mass murderers that.

Just like you being an uneducated low information Moon Bat don't know that the great majority of gun crimes occur in Democrat controlled inner city shitholes with non assault weapons?
Guns like AR-15s are very seldom used in crimes. Like less than 5%. You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.
I guess nobody told the mass murderers that.
Just like you being an uneducated low information Moon Bat don't know that the great majority of gun crimes occur in Democrat controlled inner city shitholes with non assault weapons?

Actually it shows that assault weapons should be banned. As you show, they aren't good for crimes, like robbery and such, and only good for killing mass numbers of human beings. Which is why they should be restricted to military and police use. It only makes sense.

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