A citizen with a gun took out the Texas killer as he fled.

It should never be a crime to own any firearm (or phaser). The crime should be the illegal thing that is done with the weapon.
So you think Iran should have nuclear weapons?

All nuclear material in the US is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I can't even buy a nuclear scale or handle nuclear medical devices with a license. The cost of a nuclear weapon would be prohibited for all but a billionaire even if they got a license from the NRC. I don't think they are issuing very many licenses for nuclear weapons. Silly example.

The cost will prevent most Americans from owing anything but small arms so your example is ridiculous.

I should be able to own anything if I don't use it in a crime, shouldn't I? If I don't use it in a crime what business should it be of yours? Don't you believe in Liberty?
Guns like AR-15s are very seldom used in crimes. Like less than 5%. You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.
I guess nobody told the mass murderers that.
Just like you being an uneducated low information Moon Bat don't know that the great majority of gun crimes occur in Democrat controlled inner city shitholes with non assault weapons?

Actually it shows that assault weapons should be banned. As you show, they aren't good for crimes, like robbery and such, and only good for killing mass numbers of human beings. Which is why they should be restricted to military and police use. It only makes sense.

It doesn't make any sense to ban guns from law abiding people because a few crooks and a few nutcases use them for illegal purposes, does it? Especially when we have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. correct?

Why should I have my rights taken away because you are an asshole?
So you think Iran should have nuclear weapons?

All nuclear material in the US is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I can't even buy a nuclear scale or handle nuclear medical devices with a license. The cost of a nuclear weapon would be prohibited for all but a billionaire even if they got a license from the NRC. I don't think they are issuing very many licenses for nuclear weapons. Silly example.

The cost will prevent most Americans from owing anything but small arms so your example is ridiculous.

There are many devistating weapons within reach of even a middle class person. Hand greenades, mortars, nerve gas, and tons of bio weapons. Why draw a line if you think there shouldn't be limits on weapons people can have.
It doesn't make any sense to ban guns from law abiding people because a few crooks and a few nutcases use them for illegal purposes, does it?

Once again, you think Iran should have nuclear weapons? They're law abiding the UN resolutions.
So you think Iran should have nuclear weapons?

All nuclear material in the US is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I can't even buy a nuclear scale or handle nuclear medical devices with a license. The cost of a nuclear weapon would be prohibited for all but a billionaire even if they got a license from the NRC. I don't think they are issuing very many licenses for nuclear weapons. Silly example.

The cost will prevent most Americans from owing anything but small arms so your example is ridiculous.

There are many devistating weapons within reach of even a middle class person. Hand greenades, mortars, nerve gas, and tons of bio weapons. Why draw a line if you think there shouldn't be limits on weapons people can have.

Why not draw the line at using the weapon for an illegal purpose? Why draw it for possession? That is dumb, isn't it? That is unfair to tens of millions of Americans that have never or never will commit a crime with a weapon, isn't it?

I think there should never be a ban on the possession of any weapon. Only if the weapon is used illegally.

If you Libtrds weren't so bat shit crazy maybe could reach some comm0n ground on reasonable gun control. The problem is that you Moon Bats are never reasonable. You are always crazy. I can give you several examples of stupid oppressive crazy gun control laws like the guy that had his guns confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he saw a doctor for mild insomnia..

By the way, I have a Class III machine gun. I have had it for 20 years. Never used it in a crime. Never intend to use it in a crime. Why should I have to get permission from the filthy government to posses it?
Why should I have my rights taken away because you are an asshole?

You don't go through airport security?

Oppressive airport security like we have now is a silly gut reaction to 911.

I am the wrong person to ask about that. My wife was treated very badly not too long ago by those stupid TSA assholes. She is a retired Lutheran School Teacher. Hardly a Muslim terrorist.
The bad guy with a gun is stopped by a good guy with a gun. I'm OK with that.

If the idiot Liberals had imposed some stupid gun control law the bad guy would still have got a gun somewhere but the good guy would not have had a gun to stop him.

If the gun is illegal they can be stopped before killing people.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail

It is illegal to plot to kill someone using anything.

So what firearms do you want to make illegal? Some of them, all of them? The ones you stupid cowardly Moon Bats are afraid of like my 25 AR-15s that have never been used in any crime? Guns that can fire a bullet bigger than a BB? Guns that can fire more than one shot? Guns that look dangerous?

In DC the filthy government wanted to ban all pistols, even in the home, but the Supremes said no in the Heller case.

Sorry Moon Bat but that is against the Constitution. Have you ever read the Constitution? Trust me, it is in the Bill of Rights that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Go look it up. What infringement are you planning?
How big and powerful can the guns get before you legislate?

Can I own this?

How many bullets can my gun hold? 1000?

I can't wait till my gun will shoot unlimited bullets

It should never be a crime to own any firearm (or phaser). The crime should be the illegal thing that is done with the weapon.
Too late then

If the gun is illegal they can be stopped before killing people.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail

It is illegal to plot to kill someone using anything.

So what firearms do you want to make illegal? Some of them, all of them? The ones you stupid cowardly Moon Bats are afraid of like my 25 AR-15s that have never been used in any crime? Guns that can fire a bullet bigger than a BB? Guns that can fire more than one shot? Guns that look dangerous?

In DC the filthy government wanted to ban all pistols, even in the home, but the Supremes said no in the Heller case.

Sorry Moon Bat but that is against the Constitution. Have you ever read the Constitution? Trust me, it is in the Bill of Rights that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Go look it up. What infringement are you planning?
How big and powerful can the guns get before you legislate?

Can I own this?

How many bullets can my gun hold? 1000?

I can't wait till my gun will shoot unlimited bullets

It should never be a crime to own any firearm (or phaser). The crime should be the illegal thing that is done with the weapon.
Too late then

It is never too late for Liberty. Our Founding Fathers had it right. You stupid Moon Bats have it wrong.
Well yes, this particular case could have easily been prevented had there been a proper computerized nationwide background check system put in place.

But then again, you are allowing over 300 million people to buy as many guns and ammo as they want. Even if you ban those diagnosed with mental illnesses which in itself is a very slippery slope (who gets to make this diagnosis, can it be abused, etc.), you still have about 300 million guns per year (!) that get sold in this country to about 300 million Americans. We are going to keep seeing these massacres, get used to it.
Well yes, this particular case could have easily been prevented had there been a proper computerized nationwide background check system put in place.

But then again, you are allowing over 300 million people to buy as many guns and ammo as they want. Even if you ban those diagnosed with mental illnesses which in itself is a very slippery slope (who gets to make this diagnosis, can it be abused, etc.), you still have about 300 million guns per year (!) that get sold in this country to about 300 million Americans. We are going to keep seeing these massacres, get used to it.
This is what they say to the French media and they add that Trump had said: the French would have been happy to be armed at the bataclan, he is not wrong either.
It was an Commissioner who shot at one of the terrorists on his way home from work.
But after all this mass shooting maybe the NRA will open the door a little to the negotiations?
Even if they agree, those fixes are just band-aids. There will still be people who for whatever reason get angry and use a gun to mow down people. Remember, we still don't know why the guy in Vegas committed that massacre. He showed no signs of mental illness. So what "law" or background check would prevent a guy like that? Answer, none.

We live in a sick world ... people are killed in a church, it's anywhere, and it's everywhere in Europe terrorists easily get weapons especially in Belgium, it's not better
Europe is much safer in this respect, and that is because people don't carry guns. Here in the US you never know if the guy you're flipping off while driving is carrying one in his dash. In Europe, flip away! Yes, they do have terrorists in Europe that get a hold of weapons but compare that to how many get killed in the US simply due to guns. And how many terrorist incidents or massacres have been prevented by "law abiding gun owners"? For that to work, every single American would have to carry a gun, which will probably be a far worse scenario.
United States specialists in France said that it had 33,000 peoples a year in USA who died because of a firearm (suicides included)
Bottom line, there's just way too many guns out there, and in a country of 300 million, it's bound to fall in the wrong person's hands once in a while, and then we have the cleanup after a tragic massacre, and the politicians on each side presenting their bullshit spins. It's a risk you have to accept as a citizen of this country.
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This is what they say to the French media and they add that Trump had said: the French would have been happy to be armed at the bataclan, he is not wrong either.
It was an Commissioner who shot at one of the terrorists on his way home from work.
But after all this mass shooting maybe the NRA will open the door a little to the negotiations?
Even if they agree, those fixes are just band-aids. There will still be people who for whatever reason get angry and use a gun to mow down people. Remember, we still don't know why the guy in Vegas committed that massacre. He showed no signs of mental illness. So what "law" or background check would prevent a guy like that? Answer, none.

We live in a sick world ... people are killed in a church, it's anywhere, and it's everywhere in Europe terrorists easily get weapons especially in Belgium, it's not better
Europe is much safer in this respect, and that is because people don't carry guns. Here in the US you never know if the guy you're flipping off while driving is carrying one in his dash. In Europe, flip away! Yes, they do have terrorists in Europe that get a hold of weapons but compare that to how many get killed in the US simply due to guns. And how many terrorist incidents or massacres have been prevented by "law abiding gun owners"? For that to work, every single American would have to carry a gun, which will probably be a far worse scenario.
United States specialists in France said that it had 33,000 peoples a year in USA who died because of a firearm (suicides included)
Bottom line, there's just way too many guns out there, and in a country of 300 million, it's bound to fall in the wrong person's hands once in a while, and then we have the cleanup after a tragic massacre, and the politicians on each side presenting their bullshit spins. It's a risk you have to accept as a citizen of this country.
I am not American, but I think that for Americans defending your second amendment (the right to protect oneself and to defend oneself), you do not need an automatic weapon, it's that kind of weapon that is the cause of massacres in your country.
Even if they agree, those fixes are just band-aids. There will still be people who for whatever reason get angry and use a gun to mow down people. Remember, we still don't know why the guy in Vegas committed that massacre. He showed no signs of mental illness. So what "law" or background check would prevent a guy like that? Answer, none.

We live in a sick world ... people are killed in a church, it's anywhere, and it's everywhere in Europe terrorists easily get weapons especially in Belgium, it's not better
Europe is much safer in this respect, and that is because people don't carry guns. Here in the US you never know if the guy you're flipping off while driving is carrying one in his dash. In Europe, flip away! Yes, they do have terrorists in Europe that get a hold of weapons but compare that to how many get killed in the US simply due to guns. And how many terrorist incidents or massacres have been prevented by "law abiding gun owners"? For that to work, every single American would have to carry a gun, which will probably be a far worse scenario.
United States specialists in France said that it had 33,000 peoples a year in USA who died because of a firearm (suicides included)
Bottom line, there's just way too many guns out there, and in a country of 300 million, it's bound to fall in the wrong person's hands once in a while, and then we have the cleanup after a tragic massacre, and the politicians on each side presenting their bullshit spins. It's a risk you have to accept as a citizen of this country.
I am not American, but I think that for Americans defending your second amendment (the right to protect oneself and to defend oneself), you do not need an automatic weapon, it's that kind of weapon that is the cause of massacres in your country.
AR-15 is not automatic, it's a semi. You do know the difference, right? Either way, I do agree that it should be something civilians could own.

However, at this point, with so many guns out there, I do understand why even a person who is anti-gun would want to acquire one, as an equalizer.
We live in a sick world ... people are killed in a church, it's anywhere, and it's everywhere in Europe terrorists easily get weapons especially in Belgium, it's not better
Europe is much safer in this respect, and that is because people don't carry guns. Here in the US you never know if the guy you're flipping off while driving is carrying one in his dash. In Europe, flip away! Yes, they do have terrorists in Europe that get a hold of weapons but compare that to how many get killed in the US simply due to guns. And how many terrorist incidents or massacres have been prevented by "law abiding gun owners"? For that to work, every single American would have to carry a gun, which will probably be a far worse scenario.
United States specialists in France said that it had 33,000 peoples a year in USA who died because of a firearm (suicides included)
Bottom line, there's just way too many guns out there, and in a country of 300 million, it's bound to fall in the wrong person's hands once in a while, and then we have the cleanup after a tragic massacre, and the politicians on each side presenting their bullshit spins. It's a risk you have to accept as a citizen of this country.
I am not American, but I think that for Americans defending your second amendment (the right to protect oneself and to defend oneself), you do not need an automatic weapon, it's that kind of weapon that is the cause of massacres in your country.
AR-15 is not automatic, it's a semi. You do know the difference, right? Either way, I do agree that it should be something civilians could own.

However, at this point, with so many guns out there, I do understand why even a person who is anti-gun would want to acquire one, as an equalizer.
No, I did not know the weapon he had used, he does not have much information on TV like for Paddock. the american culture and weapons is special, I do not live there but hey, some people should have the right to carry a weapon at any time like the police and here the police can not carry their weapons all the time, it's the opposite of you. it's A or Z

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