A citizen with a gun took out the Texas killer as he fled.

Good Guy with a Gun: Stephen Willeford Named as Man Who Stopped Texas Shooter - Breitbart

Way to go guy!


The “good guy with a gun” who reportedly shot and wounded the alleged gunman at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday has been named in media reports as Stephen Willeford, 55, a local plumber.
The Daily Mail reports that a local resident claims Willeford managed to shoot the alleged gunman, Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, between the plates of the body armor that he was wearing. Willeford is described as a plumber and motorcycle enthusiast with no military experience but with excellent aim.

According to an eyewitness interviewed by KENS 5, Willeford stopped the gunman by firing at him with his own rifle from outside the church, then by pursuing him afterwards:

Our neighbor, he’s a very good guy, a very big Christian, he’s the nicest man on the planet, he’ll do anything for anyone around here. We’ve known him for years. He’s childhood friends with my dad. He … came with his [gun], and he took cover behind a car, and he shot the guy, I’m not sure if it was inside the church or the guy was coming out, but if it wasn’t for him, the guy wouldn’t have stopped. And then that’s when the guy got in his vehicle and drove off. And our friend shot through the window at him, trying to get him again, and then he apparently crashed down the road.

He added: “If it wasn’t for our friend … there might have been more lives lost.”

Local law enforcement officials reported that the gunman dropped his weapon after being shot at by the “local citizen,” i.e. Willeford, whose name has not been officially confirmed.
Thank to him, It is a good guy's if it was not from his intervention how many other victims would they have had?
The hero must have been one of these guys. Are we living in the Wild West?


How long will it be that the far left demand he give up and go to jail for what he has done!
I think this whole gun issue is a big fucking mess, and a public menace. But other than banning automatics and military style weapons, and more intensive background checks including barring those who have been diagnosed with mental illness, there is nothing that can be done. The genie is out of the bag on this over 200 years ago. To fix it properly, it would mean most guns would have to be banned, and that will happen when hell freezes over.
I find that anyone sporting a neck tattoo 'round here generally is incapable of owning a gun legally. :rolleyes:

Jus' Sayin'. :dunno:
The hero must have been one of these guys. Are we living in the Wild West?


Yes, war on the lefties

View attachment 158961
That meme should be sent to the North Korean leader.
meme ?
Ok, i don't always understand so i prefer asking.:)
That's why if the good guy would not have been armed the crazy shooter would continue to kill. the French medias are shocked that Texans can carry weapons freely.
The hero must have been one of these guys. Are we living in the Wild West?


Yes, war on the lefties

View attachment 158961
That meme should be sent to the North Korean leader.
meme ?
Ok, i don't always understand so i prefer asking.:)
That's why if the good guy would not have been armed the crazy shooter would continue to kill. the French medias are shocked that Texans can carry weapons freely.

I believe people in Texas can open carry.
I find that anyone sporting a neck tattoo 'round here generally is incapable of owning a gun legally. :rolleyes:

Jus' Sayin'. :dunno:
It's the guy on the Harley. The tattooed guy is the one who had the truck they chased him down in after the guy on the Harley shot him. The media is purposely using that image of the tattooed guy to make people think it was him.
I find that anyone sporting a neck tattoo 'round here generally is incapable of owning a gun legally. :rolleyes:

Jus' Sayin'. :dunno:
It's the guy on the Harley. The tattooed guy is the one who had the truck they chased him down in after the guy on the Harley shot him. The media is purposely using that image of the tattooed guy to make people think it was him.

They got me! :eek:
Ever heard of the black market?
And yes this is political as the demands for gun control if implemented could have allowed this killer to get away.

If you had decent gun laws he wouldn't have had a gun in the first place.
Hard to say since no one knows how he got his weapon. Jumping to conclusions solves nothing.

Says the guy jumping to conclusions...
If he got them easily online I would think we should look at that. If he stole them then I guess there's no law that could prevent that.

Or, actually, maybe a safe law. Got to keep your guns locked up. Or only one can be left out if you have multiple guns. Otherwise you got to lock your shit up because if they get stolen people fucking die.
You are either a liar or someone who talks out of their ass without having any facts. Turns out he purchased the gun legally. Just checked a box saying "no I'm not a felon I swear to jebus"

His conviction should have barred him from legally purchasing firearms, according to military law experts who spoke with HuffPost. Under the Lautenberg amendment, individuals who are convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor are prohibited from owning or buying guns.

It is unclear how Kelley was able to legally buy a firearm given his domestic violence record.

While the military’s penal system doesn’t use the term “misdemeanor” or “felony,” convictions involving domestic violence typically trigger the gun ban, explained Rachel VanLandingham, a professor at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles.

“This case is tragic because it sure seems like this is the poster child for whom the Lautenberg amendment was supposed to be written,” she said.

According to a law enforcement official who spoke to CNN, Kelley bought a Ruger AR-556 rifle from a gun store in San Antonio in 2016. It is unclear if he passed a background check. He reportedly checked a box to indicate he did not have disqualifying criminal history.

Texas Church Shooting Followed 'Domestic Situation' With Gunman | HuffPost
The lunatic killed over 20 totally innocent people worshiping in a church, many of them little kids, before the hero jumped into action. We have to ask, are we okay with this happening over and over. Even if we aren't, there isn't much we can do about it anyhow. The only way to solve this issue truly is to collect all guns from people, and that won't happen. So we just have pass more laws, but it will never address this issue properly.
It was illegal for him to own guns after his dishonorable discharge.
May have very well saved dozens of more lives had he had plans to go on a further shooting spree.
The shooter was a citizen with a gun too. Maybe people with dishonorable discharges shouldn't be able to buy more than a shotgun, 22, muzzle loader or crossbow?

See there could have been a regulation that would have stopped this. No guns for people who are dishonorably discharged.

According to a law enforcement official who spoke to CNN, Kelley bought a Ruger AR-556 rifle from a gun store in San Antonio in 2016. It is unclear if he passed a background check. He reportedly checked a box to indicate he did not have disqualifying criminal history.

You can have all the laws you want if you're just going to let a crazy man walk into your gun store and check a box that swears they are a good person and walk out with a gun.

This is what happened. So these deaths could have been prevented. Or maybe it would have been a lot harder for him to get his hands on a gun so maybe he would have just killed his inlaws and not all those other people. Or maybe he would have just killed 5 people with his car instead of 26.
The lunatic killed over 20 totally innocent people worshiping in a church, many of them little kids, before the hero jumped into action. We have to ask, are we okay with this happening over and over. Even if we aren't, there isn't much we can do about it anyhow. The only way to solve this issue truly is to collect all guns from people, and that won't happen. So we just have pass more laws, but it will never address this issue properly.
We have "specialists" of the United States on French channels who say it is very easy for a Texan to get a weapon but it is more difficult for an automatic weapon.
he just had to lie by filling out the request, he was in the army too so he could have gotten the weapons before being fired from the army too?
The lunatic killed over 20 totally innocent people worshiping in a church, many of them little kids, before the hero jumped into action. We have to ask, are we okay with this happening over and over. Even if we aren't, there isn't much we can do about it anyhow. The only way to solve this issue truly is to collect all guns from people, and that won't happen. So we just have pass more laws, but it will never address this issue properly.
We have "specialists" of the United States on French channels who say it is very easy for a Texan to get a weapon but it is more difficult for an automatic weapon.
he just had to lie by filling out the request, he was in the army too so he could have gotten the weapons before being fired from the army too?
Well yes, this particular case could have easily been prevented had there been a proper computerized nationwide background check system put in place.

But then again, you are allowing over 300 million people to buy as many guns and ammo as they want. Even if you ban those diagnosed with mental illnesses which in itself is a very slippery slope (who gets to make this diagnosis, can it be abused, etc.), you still have about 300 million guns per year (!) that get sold in this country to about 300 million Americans. We are going to keep seeing these massacres, get used to it.

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