A citizen with a gun took out the Texas killer as he fled.

Why aren’t you demanding it?
Guns are on the black market. Why aren’t you yelling for stiffer penalties for the criminals selling them illegally? Better task forces to get these guys off the streets? Almost 93% of guns used in murders are illegally acquired!
May have very well saved dozens of more lives had he had plans to go on a further shooting spree.
The shooter was a citizen with a gun too. Maybe people with dishonorable discharges shouldn't be able to buy more than a shotgun, 22, muzzle loader or crossbow?

See there could have been a regulation that would have stopped this. No guns for people who are dishonorably discharged.

Actually if the stories about him being dishonorably discharge are true then he wasn't a "citizen with a gun" because in Texas a DD means you can't legally own a firearm. It is the same as a felony conviction.

He was a criminal with an illegal gun. In other words he didn't abide by the existing laws so what makes you Moon Bats think any other law would have stopped him?
You make it easier for him to get a gun not harder
Do it!
We will see were this goes. Facts are beautiful things, I won't look to NPR for late breaking facts or even-old given facts. Sorry kids, we all love lake Woebegon and NPR. Old news, we love them just the same. Like cranking a model "A".
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I always wanted to drive a model A, so many little things, the choke, how to set the magneto, then how to crank the bloody thing. You tuck your thumb under your palm to keep the crank from breaking your hand, stuff like that.
We already have gun regulations dumb fuck.......they only work with law abiding people.....it is kinda fucking obvious this guy was not a law abiding person......
Sure he was. Up until he murdered a bunch of people, proving murder laws only work with law abiding people.

He was law abiding?


up til he got the Dishonorable Discharge.

(Which made it illegal for him to buy a firearm legally)
Boom. Proof that laws don't work. Thank you :clap:

Laws dont' work...

amazingly, they never have,

tell us, O Brilliant One?

How many MORE laws on firearms would we have to enact, before this stops?

another 1,000?



Do we have the military do house to house, to register firearms?

what is your solution?

Make laws that it's illegal to sell to criminals?
already on the books

(criminals dont' care)
They work in other countries, gun laws. The US has by far the highest number of gun deaths than any other developed nation. If America isn't great, this is one reason.

No...those gun laws don't work in other countries...they don't work in Britain....where gun crime is going up...or Australia, or France....

The criminals in those countries are deciding to use guns more often and their gun laws aren't stopping them...pay more attention.....
Speaking of guns acquired illegally-

San Francisco police are investigating the theft of a shotgun, rifle, ammunition, bullet-proof vest and FBI jacket stolen sometime Friday from the car of a San Mateo County Sheriff’s sergeant who was attending an FBI task force meeting that day in San Francisco.

According to San Francisco police, the burglary of the unmarked car was reported just after 10 p.m. Friday on Jones Street. The police released the information about the theft around noon Sunday.

Guns, ammunition stolen from San Mateo County Sheriff's sergeant
And yes this is political as the demands for gun control if implemented could have allowed this killer to get away.

No one is advocating prohibiting citizens from carrying concealed firearms; and any measure seeking to do so would be invalidated, as the courts have held such measures to be un-Constitutional.

At least you’re consistent at being ignorant, wrong, and a liar.

You mean except for California...right? Or the defacto ban in New York.....where they refuse to issue permits.....and where D.C. is slow walking their permits.....you mean except for those...right?
Why do you people pretend that gun laws don't work when they work in other countries?

Actually they don't.......

Gun Facts | Gun Control and Crime in non-US Countries

Do countries with stricter gun laws really have less crime or fewer homicides?

Comparing murder rates and gun ownership across countries - Crime Prevention Research Center
These are not credible sources: they are pro-gun sources. LOL

So you didn't even look at them, didja??? :badgrin:

Cause IF you had.....you would have seen they were from 'Gun Facts'....which probably is a pro-gun site, 'How Stuff Works'...probably NOT a pro-gun site, AND last but not least......'Crime Prevention Research Center'... definitely NOT a pro-gun site.
They work in other countries, gun laws. The US has by far the highest number of gun deaths than any other developed nation. If America isn't great, this is one reason.

'Other' countries don't have a 2nd Amendment that allows citizens the right to bear arms.

'Other' countries don't have 400+ million firearms in the hands of their citizens that would have to be confiscated or turned in to make your dream come true

Nobody talks about the millions of legal gun owners that have owned guns for years and never shot anyone or used in any type of crime.

They only want to change the laws because of the hundreds(?) of people that do :rolleyes:
That's an absurd argument. ALL of our laws exist because there are people who do the wrong thing. Most people are not going to murder someone, but we still have laws against murder. Every single law we have is there because of people who do the wrong thing: like drunk driving, like child abuse, and so on. Most people are not drunk drivers, most people don't abuse children, but we still have laws against those things.

And even with those laws in place........SOME people still do the wrong thing by breaking said laws. But nobody is amending those laws (murder, drunk driving, robbery, etc) to make them any tougher......now are they? They're not sensationalizing them either with constant media coverage for hours & days on end, now are they?
Again totally wrong. We have continuously made the laws against drunk driving more severe. Perhaps you are not old enough to know that. We have regularly increased the penalties for robbery, murder and other violent crimes. We have gone from hardly recognizing it as a reality to seriously monitoring it and creating severe penalties for child abuse. I think maybe you are not a very informed or circumspect person.

and yet people STILL break those laws.

those laws only affect the ones that break them, not a whole population of peoples.
I found this from heavy..com. They got it off his Facebook page

Rumors for now later it will be confirmed if :

View attachment 158863

How accurate is this?
Was he a bernie bro? An antifa supporter looking to start the civil war?
His Facebook likes, atheist pops up a lot:

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter

This is a terrible tragedy. More people need to ccw and open carry, apparently even at church. Back in the day, nobody did things like this because they believed it would be an automatic eternal sentence in hell. Now with the teaching of subjective morality in the public schools, it is happening more often.

News story about man who shot and chased him:

Resident shot at and chased Texas church shooter

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Rumors for now later it will be confirmed if :

View attachment 158863

How accurate is this?

To soon to say , but here's the link to the information

Texas Church Shooter Was Antifa Member Who Vowed To Start Civil War

Springs Church Killer

View attachment 158892
Police have identified Antifa member Devin Patrick Kelley as the Sutherland

Funny. You really should be more careful when choosing your sources.

YourNewsWire (styled as YourNewsWire.com[1]) is a Los Angeles-based clickbait fake news website known for disseminating conspiracy theories and misleading information, contrary to its claimed motto (“News. Truth. Unfiltered”).

YourNewsWire - RationalWiki
One unarmed man grabbed the killers gun, another armed man followed at 95 per hours. Friends and with LE, the heroes.

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