A Comic Cure to Dystopian Dianetics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a consumerism-oriented comic book stylized galactic sarcasm-adventure (perfect IMO for TrumpUSA) inspired by the fortune-psychiatry films Brewster's Millions and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai!

Wouldn't it be funny if 'Trumponomics' generates anti-American films (the way Reaganomics did)?



Sable visited humanity from Venus, carrying two rapid-fire laser guns and met the American vigilante H. H always carried a bow-and-arrow and a little helmetted buddy named Little Man. H was very brave but also very easily-seduced by beautiful women, especially those who could cook very well. Well, Sable was beautiful and also a great cook, so she got into H's head and seduced him about trips to Burger King and surfing on Facebook. Soon, H became as dulled about consumerism culture on Earth as Sable wanted him to be. It was really pathetic.


H had other problems, however. Sable's rival Cool Devil was watching Sable's activities with H from Venus and decided to travel to Earth to challenge her. Cool Devil went to Earth with his usual troupe of his three gorgeous red-scarlet sirens (each was named Red Riding Hood). Cool Devil and his three siren-witches decided to steal H away from Sable and found H eating cheeseburgers at Burger King on a Sunday afternoon. Cool Devil reasoned to himself that if he could take H away from Sable, he could slight her pride regarding her anarchistic will to destroy capitalism-idealism in America.


When Sable discovered Cool Devil's plan, she decided to kill H. Americans were very demoralized, realizing their favorite vigilante was now dead. H was found behind a Burger King with three holes in his chest, and the FBI were baffled, since the holes were so perfect (they reasoned he was somehow killed with some kind of 'bizarre laser-device'). Cool Devil wanted to flee the 'scene' and returned to Venus and waited for Sable there, and when Sable got there, Cool Devil talked to her about her 'anti-consumerism mission.'

COOL DEVIL: You went to great lengths to destroy H!
SABLE: I hate Burger King, Earth, Facebook, and especially H...
COOL DEVIL: Now that you're back on Venus, shall we resume our competition?
SABLE: I see you're still being ogled by your three wenches.
COOL DEVIL: Well, I apologize they're not 'Google-warriors.'
SABLE: Don't get nasty. Undermining consumerism on Earth is the key to ruining TrumpUSA.
COOL DEVIL: What's so 'special' about TrumpUSA?
SABLE: Are you kidding? Wall Street/America practically controls the Human Genome Project.
COOL DEVIL: Humans may be cheeseburger-badgers, but they understand capital.
SABLE: I disagree. The key to the Americans spirit is MasterCard.
COOL DEVIL: You're saying 'credit-banking' and 'federalism traffic' has made humans 'weasels'?
SABLE: I'm saying President Trump might be impeached once they discover he's just a casino-junkie!
COOL DEVIL: Don't be a cynic. Even my sirens have more optimism regarding the 'smarts' of money...
SABLE: Maybe Trump was elected because Americans like capitalism, but Wall Street will crash (hard).
COOL DEVIL: You didn't have to kill H, darling...
SABLE: When you despise consumerism, you have to break some 'kindness-eggs,' friend...

SIRENS: "American Express...don't leave home without it!"


Interesting. It's been a very long time since I've read graphic serial novellas. I, thus, cannot say I've considered their content in the context the OP has. I can say that as a kid, I loved the Avengers. Somewhere in my parents' home may in a box sit all my old comic books.

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