A Complete Breakdown of White People’s Fears


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Some good facts , not hysteria

There is a contingent of alt-right trolls who patrol the internet, radio shows and public conversations to quickly dismiss any real-world discussion about police brutality, state violence or how society devalues the bodies of black people. Their argument is always the same: Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violence; therefore, black people make up a disproportionate portion of the victims of police violence.

These practitioners of “racialism” (the belief that black people are genetically inferior and predisposed to violence) conveniently ignore evidence that dismantles their theories (like the fact that blacks and whites in the same income brackets commit crime at the same rates, or why unarmed, nonviolent black people are killed at five times the rate of whites). Instead, they chalk up every report and complaint as media bias and liberal sensationalism. According to them, black people have overblown the entire police-brutality issue with fake outrage and unwarranted fear.

A Complete Breakdown of White People’s Fears
Some good facts , not hysteria

There is a contingent of alt-right trolls who patrol the internet, radio shows and public conversations to quickly dismiss any real-world discussion about police brutality, state violence or how society devalues the bodies of black people. Their argument is always the same: Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violence; therefore, black people make up a disproportionate portion of the victims of police violence.

These practitioners of “racialism” (the belief that black people are genetically inferior and predisposed to violence) conveniently ignore evidence that dismantles their theories (like the fact that blacks and whites in the same income brackets commit crime at the same rates, or why unarmed, nonviolent black people are killed at five times the rate of whites). Instead, they chalk up every report and complaint as media bias and liberal sensationalism. According to them, black people have overblown the entire police-brutality issue with fake outrage and unwarranted fear.

A Complete Breakdown of White People’s Fears
great article but they forgot fear of the Jews, Jewish media, Jewish bankers etc
Shhhh...don't tell stinky guano and other lefty fools that white people have no fears, especially of colored people and other minorities. It's all in their heads, which makes sense because there's not much else occupying the space.
Shhhh...don't tell stinky guano and other lefty fools that white people have no fears, especially of colored people and other minorities. It's all in their heads, which makes sense because there's not much else occupying the space.

Indeed. If not for law enforcement, they would soon murder one another off the planet. If not for government assistance, they would probably revert to cannibalism.
I only ask white people to recognize that the rest of us have our own groups as well, and are individuals with our own lives.

We are not just a non-white blob whose only purpose is to stick it to white people. But, that can be fun as well.
Some good facts , not hysteria

There is a contingent of alt-right trolls who patrol the internet, radio shows and public conversations to quickly dismiss any real-world discussion about police brutality, state violence or how society devalues the bodies of black people. Their argument is always the same: Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violence; therefore, black people make up a disproportionate portion of the victims of police violence.

These practitioners of “racialism” (the belief that black people are genetically inferior and predisposed to violence) conveniently ignore evidence that dismantles their theories (like the fact that blacks and whites in the same income brackets commit crime at the same rates, or why unarmed, nonviolent black people are killed at five times the rate of whites). Instead, they chalk up every report and complaint as media bias and liberal sensationalism. According to them, black people have overblown the entire police-brutality issue with fake outrage and unwarranted fear.

A Complete Breakdown of White People’s Fears

Until the left comes to grip with the fact that minorities do commit a very disproportionate amount of crime, especially murder, nothing will change. Liberals hate facts and numbers. They get confused by them. They run 100% on emotion.

Yes, racism exists. Yes, bad cops exist. But guess what? Black cops shoot black suspects just as frequently as white officers do, so it ain't racism.

This has nothing to do with believing blacks are inferior. We are a product of our environment (FAMILY) which is another thing liberals refuse to acknowledge. They just want to blame whites and put no responsibility on the blacks.
Viktor Orban put it best. "We have the right to chose whom we want and don't want to live with". Being refused this basic right ; is the worst fear of the Aryan. We have the right to be White and live White.
Cowardly racist fools of any sort have the 'right' to get the fuck out my country and to stay the fuck out.
Some good facts , not hysteria

There is a contingent of alt-right trolls who patrol the internet, radio shows and public conversations to quickly dismiss any real-world discussion about police brutality, state violence or how society devalues the bodies of black people. Their argument is always the same: Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violence; therefore, black people make up a disproportionate portion of the victims of police violence.

These practitioners of “racialism” (the belief that black people are genetically inferior and predisposed to violence) conveniently ignore evidence that dismantles their theories (like the fact that blacks and whites in the same income brackets commit crime at the same rates, or why unarmed, nonviolent black people are killed at five times the rate of whites). Instead, they chalk up every report and complaint as media bias and liberal sensationalism. According to them, black people have overblown the entire police-brutality issue with fake outrage and unwarranted fear.

A Complete Breakdown of White People’s Fears
You have a very broad understanding of the term "facts". These articles that offer to tell us what "group x" thinks are a joke.

And the "facts" presented in this article are dubious to say the least.

Poor blacks and poor whites commit crime at the same rates. - You'll notice this excludes murder. I wonder why.

Unarmed blacks are killed at 5x the rate of whites. - That maybe true In relation to overall population, when taken in relation to interactions with police it looks a bit different.

black teens are 21 x more likely to be shot by police. - This propublica study has been ravaged by peer reviews. The study used 1% of police jurisdictions in the US almost exclusively in large urban areas.

Rape? - https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cvus0502.pdf page 30
In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.

Illegals - Research on these numbers is difficult to tease out as govt seems to try very hard to hide them. I wonder why.

Voter ID should be a no brainer. You need an ID to buy a pack of cigarettes but not to vote?

Vilification of white males. That's strictly from the brain dead leftists so it isn't really an issue. Although I'm sure they'd like it to be.
Some good facts , not hysteria

There is a contingent of alt-right trolls who patrol the internet, radio shows and public conversations to quickly dismiss any real-world discussion about police brutality, state violence or how society devalues the bodies of black people. Their argument is always the same: Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violence; therefore, black people make up a disproportionate portion of the victims of police violence.

These practitioners of “racialism” (the belief that black people are genetically inferior and predisposed to violence) conveniently ignore evidence that dismantles their theories (like the fact that blacks and whites in the same income brackets commit crime at the same rates, or why unarmed, nonviolent black people are killed at five times the rate of whites). Instead, they chalk up every report and complaint as media bias and liberal sensationalism. According to them, black people have overblown the entire police-brutality issue with fake outrage and unwarranted fear.

A Complete Breakdown of White People’s Fears

Some good facts , not hysteria

There is a contingent of alt-right trolls who patrol the internet, radio shows and public conversations to quickly dismiss any real-world discussion about police brutality, state violence or how society devalues the bodies of black people. Their argument is always the same: Black people commit a disproportionate amount of violence; therefore, black people make up a disproportionate portion of the victims of police violence.

These practitioners of “racialism” (the belief that black people are genetically inferior and predisposed to violence) conveniently ignore evidence that dismantles their theories (like the fact that blacks and whites in the same income brackets commit crime at the same rates, or why unarmed, nonviolent black people are killed at five times the rate of whites). Instead, they chalk up every report and complaint as media bias and liberal sensationalism. According to them, black people have overblown the entire police-brutality issue with fake outrage and unwarranted fear.

A Complete Breakdown of White People’s Fears

Arabs and hispanics are counted as "white" for the purpose of counting purpitators. Thus the data you presented is skewed. But whatever the reason for the fact that blacks commit crimes like murder at six times the white rate, the fact is they still commit murder at six times the white rate (methodology is per capita in proportion to their total population). So it is indeed very understandable that blacks are shot by cops at 2.7 times the white rate although when you commit murders at six times the white rate and get shot by cops at 2.7 times the white rate it does not demonstrate police brutality but an amazing amount of restraint! However, let's assume that the data is skewed due to institutional and academic racism. Let's say that blacks truly commit murder at half their current rate. Instead of six times the white rate let's say it's three times the white rate. Well, cops still show an amazing amount of restraint in that scenario as well. In nearly all crime demographics where violent crime is involved, blacks commit violent crime at multiples of the white rate (same methodology). The facts are not racist but simple facts. Blacks are simply more prone to commit violence which may seem to be a controversial statement but no one would invoke controversy when we admit that meant commit more violence than women. The most racist thing you can do is to disingenuously explain away or ignore the facts and turn away from discovering the reasons behind those facts. Blaming the current status of blacks on intergenerational ptsd via the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow affords blacks an outlet to ignore the behaviors that lead to violent crime and transfer the excuses for black failure to a historical phonominon that doesn't seem to apply to other historically oppressed minority's who have a much better track record of success. It also does not explain away why black single motherhood has increased in multiples as we have grown less discriminatory as a country.

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