A Country/Hick White Guy That Gets It


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
In this video essay, he addresses the topic of what it is to be black in America w/surprisingly deep insights,

Check it out and share your thoughts....

Can we please just eliminate the race relations forum? It's nothing but denigrating and divisive
In this video essay, he addresses the topic of what it is to be black in America w/surprisingly deep insights,

Check it out and share your thoughts....

Want to have fun, grow up black in a all white town. Have fun asking you Mom why there are no colored people around. Well you don't talk like them, you don't think like them, you get a great education tho.
In this video essay, he addresses the topic of what it is to be black in America w/surprisingly deep insights,

Check it out and share your thoughts....

Whack job. He's apparently a youtube hound.
In this video essay, he addresses the topic of what it is to be black in America w/surprisingly deep insights,

Check it out and share your thoughts....

This guy is the most enlightened white guy I have ever seen. I dont agree with everything he says but he was spot on about most things. As a preschooler I was lucky enough to go to a NOI school so I was taught about the history of soul food and in particular the swine. I have never liked chittlins because of this. I was surprised to hear him mention the Bantu people which most African-Americans are from. Bantu Pride!!!
In this video essay, he addresses the topic of what it is to be black in America w/surprisingly deep insights,

Check it out and share your thoughts....

Want to have fun, grow up black in a all white town. Have fun asking you Mom why there are no colored people around. Well you don't talk like them, you don't think like them, you get a great education tho.

My wife grew up in a all white town. She dislikes white people to this day.
Can we please just eliminate the race relations forum? It's nothing but denigrating and divisive

If you cannot discuss it in cyberspace.....then where can you discuss it? I mean, everyone has anonymity here. I cannot tell you how many other forums I have been banned from posting because I bring up the racial reality that people want to sweep under the run. Nearly always its a forum that white people dominate and who flag post because it makes them feel uncomfortable. I was posting on a city forum that is one of the most segregated cities and metro areas in the country.....yet....race was implicitly off topic, which is BS. They banned me as a result, despite the fact that most of the things I talked about was not race on that forum.

No one is without bias. I am biased in the fact that I don't want to entertain the theory that blacks are innately inferior and that is why we lag behind others socioeconomically. I don't want to see black people as inferior. I have no way of KNOWING one way or the other. That is above my pay grade. However, I deeply BELIEVE that it is not true and I WANT it not to be true and hence I am sure I am guilty of confirmation bias by only entertaining, looking for and accepting arguments and theories to support my belief.

On the other hand, there are whites who believe that blacks are inferior, who also have no way of KNOWING whether its true or not. They are not going to accept any theory or argument that asserts that blacks are not inherently unequal. Then there is another group of whites who do not want to see whites as having been EVIL. Hence, slavery and black oppression in the country hurts the collective historical image of whites in this country. Black inequality would be a reminder of unless deflected by the argument that the inequality is born from black innate inferiority as opposed to what white society did to blacks over the centuries.

Here is the thing. None of us KNOW!!!! We just trust SOURCES and choose to believe a source if it confirms our biases. Hence, when we speak we are simply speaking our BELIEFS, regardless of statistics or what have you. Statistics are just observations and not explanations. I want to believe that black are inherently equal. Others want to believe that blacks are inferior. They are mutually exclusive beliefs. There is NO compromise.
Can we please just eliminate the race relations forum? It's nothing but denigrating and divisive

If you cannot discuss it in cyberspace.....then where can you discuss it? I mean, everyone has anonymity here. I cannot tell you how many other forums I have been banned from posting because I bring up the racial reality that people want to sweep under the run. Nearly always its a forum that white people dominate and who flag post because it makes them feel uncomfortable. I was posting on a city forum that is one of the most segregated cities and metro areas in the country.....yet....race was implicitly off topic, which is BS. They banned me as a result, despite the fact that most of the things I talked about was not race on that forum.

No one is without bias. I am biased in the fact that I don't want to entertain the theory that blacks are innately inferior and that is why we lag behind others socioeconomically. I don't want to see black people as inferior. I have no way of KNOWING one way or the other. That is above my pay grade. However, I deeply BELIEVE that it is not true and I WANT it not to be true and hence I am sure I am guilty of confirmation bias by only entertaining, looking for and accepting arguments and theories to support my belief.

On the other hand, there are whites who believe that blacks are inferior, who also have no way of KNOWING whether its true or not. They are not going to accept any theory or argument that asserts that blacks are not inherently unequal. Then there is another group of whites who do not want to see whites as having been EVIL. Hence, slavery and black oppression in the country hurts the collective historical image of whites in this country. Black inequality would be a reminder of unless deflected by the argument that the inequality is born from black innate inferiority as opposed to what white society did to blacks over the centuries.

Here is the thing. None of us KNOW!!!! We just trust SOURCES and choose to believe a source if it confirms our biases. Hence, when we speak we are simply speaking our BELIEFS, regardless of statistics or what have you. Statistics are just observations and not explanations. I want to believe that black are inherently equal. Others want to believe that blacks are inferior. They are mutually exclusive beliefs. There is NO compromise.

It sucks that instead of a real born in America black President, we have to settle for the cheap "Born in Kenya" knockoff.

And you say America is racist?? Based on what????

We've never had an Italian President and you never hear us whining about racism or discrimination
Can we please just eliminate the race relations forum? It's nothing but denigrating and divisive

If you cannot discuss it in cyberspace.....then where can you discuss it? I mean, everyone has anonymity here. I cannot tell you how many other forums I have been banned from posting because I bring up the racial reality that people want to sweep under the run. Nearly always its a forum that white people dominate and who flag post because it makes them feel uncomfortable. I was posting on a city forum that is one of the most segregated cities and metro areas in the country.....yet....race was implicitly off topic, which is BS. They banned me as a result, despite the fact that most of the things I talked about was not race on that forum.

No one is without bias. I am biased in the fact that I don't want to entertain the theory that blacks are innately inferior and that is why we lag behind others socioeconomically. I don't want to see black people as inferior. I have no way of KNOWING one way or the other. That is above my pay grade. However, I deeply BELIEVE that it is not true and I WANT it not to be true and hence I am sure I am guilty of confirmation bias by only entertaining, looking for and accepting arguments and theories to support my belief.

On the other hand, there are whites who believe that blacks are inferior, who also have no way of KNOWING whether its true or not. They are not going to accept any theory or argument that asserts that blacks are not inherently unequal. Then there is another group of whites who do not want to see whites as having been EVIL. Hence, slavery and black oppression in the country hurts the collective historical image of whites in this country. Black inequality would be a reminder of unless deflected by the argument that the inequality is born from black innate inferiority as opposed to what white society did to blacks over the centuries.

Here is the thing. None of us KNOW!!!! We just trust SOURCES and choose to believe a source if it confirms our biases. Hence, when we speak we are simply speaking our BELIEFS, regardless of statistics or what have you. Statistics are just observations and not explanations. I want to believe that black are inherently equal. Others want to believe that blacks are inferior. They are mutually exclusive beliefs. There is NO compromise.

It sucks that instead of a real born in America black President, we have to settle for the cheap "Born in Kenya" knockoff.

And you say America is racist?? Based on what????

We've never had an Italian President and you never hear us whining about racism or discrimination
Italian isnt a race dumbfuck.
In this video essay, he addresses the topic of what it is to be black in America w/surprisingly deep insights,

Check it out and share your thoughts....

Want to have fun, grow up black in a all white town. Have fun asking you Mom why there are no colored people around. Well you don't talk like them, you don't think like them, you get a great education tho.

I grew up in a town that was 90 plus percent white. It was no fun. And the education was no better.
Oh so now you want to get rid of the race forum because you don't get to spend all day denigrating blacks without them saying something back.
Any of you butthurt white USMB self-proclaimed conservatives care to REFUTE anything our dear white brother in the YouTube video stated?

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